Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 330 The Good Life of the Hotel Owner

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu has also heard of the so-called Haitian Grand Banquet.

In fact, it is the promotion meeting organized by some yacht companies in Linhai City, which has gradually turned into an annual carnival.

Of course, ordinary people do not have the opportunity to participate in such activities. Only those who are rich, such as entrepreneurs with names and surnames, rich second generations, and big stars of Rijin Doujin, can receive invitations.

But although Li Tianyu is an entrepreneur, he still lacks a lot of fame, so so far, he has not received such an invitation letter.

But how could it be possible to join in the fun with Ai Heping, the second generation of the richest imperial capital.

Ai Heping was stunned: "Twenty stations? Boss, you can have so many girls at once? But pay attention to your body."

Li Tianyu: "Roll the calf! And it must be a supercar with more than 5 million yuan, can it be done?"

Ai Heping: "This is not a big problem. No one of my buddies buys five million dollars. Can the bargains be called away? I will call my buddies and ask them to drive over!"

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, you tell them, it's not in vain, I will pay them the money for renting the car."

Ai Heping "cut": "Boss, don't worry, whoever dares to ask you for money, I will be anxious with them, you are waiting."

After speaking, Ai Heping hung up the phone.

Li Tianyu was startled, what is this mess?

After a while, Ai Heping called again, this time asking where to run Chao away.

Li Tianyu said: "Tianyu Palace Hotel in Dibei Water Town."

Ai Heping: "Okay!"

After speaking, Ai Heping hung up the phone again.

Within five seconds, the kid called back.

Ai Heping: "Boss, have you opened a hotel?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, it's going to open soon, I'm about to send you an invitation!"

Ai Heping seems very embarrassed: "This..."

Of course Li Tianyu knew what he was thinking about, why not a flowery place in Linhai City?

Li Tianyu smiled: "Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't come back, I can ask your dad to come over for the ceremony."

Ai Heping: "How can this work? Looking back, I'll take a flight. My buddy has a private jet. It's convenient, but I will fly back after participating."

Li Tianyu: "Look at it, supercars will be in place as soon as possible."

Ai Heping agreed and hung up.

Although Ai Heping said that many aspects are not very reliable, but at least it is quite good that the word must be done.

Since he promised to get a supercar, it should be fine.

Even if you can't get 20 supercars, it's easy to get a dozen.

At this time, Yu Xuheng came over, still holding a card in his hand.

It is estimated that that is the room card for the room arranged for Li Tianyu.

Yu Xuheng: "Mr. Li, this is a room arranged for you. I will take you there."

Li Tianyu: "Old Yu, you are really free, won't you find someone to send it to me?"

Yu Xuheng smiled: "Of course I have to do it myself."

Flattery is always loud and not smelly, so it is very comfortable to listen to.

Li Tianyu took the room card in his hand and said, "Okay, you can go to work, I'm not a three-year-old kid, just go by myself."

Yu Xuheng agreed and left in a hurry.

Li Tianyu glanced at the room card, the room number was 515.

The overall structure of the hotel is in the shape of a ring, with low front and high rear. There are three floors on the side of the big taste, and there are five floors behind.

After being crazy outside for a long time, and running here and there, Tianyu was really tired, so he went to find his room.

I took the elevator up to the fifth floor, looked around, and finally found the room.

Li Tianyu's eyes lit up when he opened the room with his room card.

This is obviously a high-grade suite, probably in the layout of two bedrooms and one living room.

In the living room, there is a small bar and wine cabinet.

The overall decoration is modern style, but it also incorporates some classical elements of the Central Plains in the details, echoing the theme of the scenic spot of Dibei Water Town.

The bedroom area is also very large, about 30 to 40 square meters, and there is a very large toilet.

The other is not a bedroom, but more like a conference room, with a long conference table and even projectors and other equipment.

Well, it looks very business.

But Li Tianyu doesn't want to work here, at least not now.

Of course, this room is also suitable for playing mahjong, playing poker, and engaging in board games.

In fact, the most impressive part of this suite is not in the room.

Large floor-to-ceiling windows are installed in the living room and bedroom.

The sun shines through and is quite bright.

The scenery outside the window is called a Niubi. The hotel where the Tianyu Palace is located is relatively high, on a high slope, and it is now on the fifth floor.

Most of the scenery of Dibei Water Town can be seen.

It was still early, and if it was night, the night view of Dibei Water Town would be beautiful.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

Li Tianyu: "Who?"

There was a very gentle voice outside the door.

"Sir, customer service."

Li Tianyu opened the door, and there was a beautiful woman standing outside, dressed in overalls, and carrying a small carrying case.

Obviously, this is the staff in the hotel.

Although it is tooling, it is very slim, and the tailoring design is stylish and decent.

The key point is that this beauty is indeed beautiful, with fair skin, great appearance and better figure.

Beauty: "Hello, sir. My name is Lilith. I can provide you with Thai style massage and various SPA services. Do you need services now?"

Lilith, this name is quite foreign.

But people are indeed foreign.

Li Tianyu let in and opened the door: "Please come in, let's not tell you, I really need it now. Just now I was in the scenic spot for a long time, and my body was sore."

Lilith smiled and nodded: "Yes, sir, I will serve you well in a while."

With that said, Lilith entered the room and looked around at the surrounding environment, feeling very surprised.

She has only started to work in the past two days and has not yet received guests.

At the same time, she didn't know that this person was the owner of the hotel, so she was quite curious about his identity.

And the hotel is not open yet, why can this person stay?

But curiosity goes to curiosity. As a service staff, you don't need to know the name of the guest, just provide service.

Lilith took out a list from the box, which contained the service items that could be selected.

Basically, they are all kinds of dark motorcycle and SPA services.

Li Tianyu chose the most expensive and longest-running Thai-style secret service type, which is commonly known as Thai-style horse-killing.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry now, he needs to relax.

Having money is nothing more than enjoying life.

Li Tianyu: "Now you can start."

Lilith agreed, and then closed the curtains.

Li Tianyu put on a large robe and lay down on the bed, Lilith's hand pressed up.Dan Pain Novel Network

I have to say that Lilith's technique is indeed very professional, and the strength and range are quite appropriate.

To be honest, the fragrance on her body is also very good.

In short, Li Tianyu did feel what it means to be ecstatic.

After spending two hours in this way, the service is over.

Li Tianyu generously gave several big red tickets.

Lilith was of course very happy and thanked her.

Lilith: "If you have any needs in the future, you can call me at any time."

Li Tianyu nodded: "No problem, you must turn over your brand when you look back."

Lilith responded with a smile, and left with a small box.

If I feel comfortable enough, I feel a little hungry.

Li Tianyu opened the refrigerator in the living room and was amused.

It's full, all eat and drink.

Beer beverages, mineral water, sausage and yogurt chicken cake, really have it all.

But it's all snacks, it's still cold, I don't want to eat it.

Yu Xuheng, the boy, can put a bucket of braised beef noodles, and clean up the useless.

Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Li Tianyu opened it and saw, Yo, a waiter pushed the dining car.

Yu Xuheng, Niubi, give you a thumbs up!

I really want what the boss thinks and what the boss wants!

Li Tianyu let the waiter in.

Li Tianyu handed the waiter two big units: "The dining car stays, you go out first."

The waiter retired happily.

Li Tianyu looked at the things on the dining car.

On the first floor, there are meat, seafood, steak, extremely fresh king crab legs, New Zealand black gold abalone, Kobe beef grade A5 that has been fried and cut into pieces, plus a bottle of a French winery that Li Tianyu can’t even name Of red wine.

This red wine is not low-grade, and it is not the kind of cheap general merchandise in the supermarket.

Li Tianyu moved his index finger, but still pretended to say to himself: "Older than this kid, do you want me to get fatty liver, or have a stroke? I won't get any fruits or vegetables."

Squatting down to look at the second floor, there are actually vegetable salads, various fruit platter, and some very exquisite snacks, and even a pot of steaming English black tea, the kind with milk.

Well, being old is being old, as expected to be an old fox who has been immersed in the guest room department of a four-star hotel for many years.

At this time, the internal telephone in the hotel rang.

Li Tianyu picked up the receiver, and a very sweet voice came from it.

"Hello, Mr. Li, are you satisfied with the meal delivered to you? You can tell me if you need it."

Li Tianyu: "Satisfied, very satisfied. By the way, I will share a message with your leader Yu Xuhengyu."

The girl over the phone became more formal: "Mr. Li, please speak."

Li Tianyu: "The service did a good job, I'll add a chicken leg to him later."

The girl over there was obviously taken aback, and then she reacted: "Okay, I will bring the original words to Mr. Yu."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone and began to enjoy the delicacies on the dining car.

While eating, this suite is suitable as a long-term base for the hotel.

After eating and drinking, Li Tianyu took a bath, then slumped on the table to watch TV.

I fell asleep without knowing it.

The next day, Li Tianyu woke up and after washing, he wandered to the lobby.

Li Tianyu sat down in the rest area, listening to the gurgling stream, waiting for a while to go to the restaurant for breakfast.

The sun shines from the glass curtain wall to the lobby, which is exceptionally brilliant.

At this time, Yang Hu and Kong Qin came over together.

From the faces of the two of them, thick dark circles can be clearly seen.

It is estimated that these two people did not sleep all night last night and had a meeting overnight.

Behind Yang Hu and Kong Qin was another woman, Wang Wen, the program director who had met Li Tianyu twice.

Yang Hu: "Mr. Li, you are so early too."

Li Tianyu stood up and asked the three of them to sit down: "Yes, I slept early yesterday. You didn't sleep all night, did you?"

Kong Qin sighed: "Isn't this discussing alternatives."

Li Tianyu was stunned: "I'm still discussing alternatives? Isn't it a bit late? Didn't you start recording the show in two days?"

Wang Wen: "The main reason is that the supercars are not available. Now I can only borrow two from my friends, and I owe them a lot of favor."

The chief producer and chief director were present, and Wang Wen was of course respectful in his attitude.

Yang Hu: "Mr. Li, how's it going on your side? How many supercars can you get? Now we can lower our requirements, and we don't have to spend more than 5 million."

Looking at Kong Qin again, the mood seems very low.

It is estimated that this link is very important.

As a master planner, if you can't realize your own ideas, you will indeed feel a great loss.

Li Tianyu thought for a while and said, "I have already contacted a friend, and he promised to help."

He can't say anything to death.

If Ai Heping didn't do this well, wouldn't he become a big talker?

Yang Hu and Kong Qin were somewhat disappointed when they heard Li Tianyu's answer.

Li Tianyu: "But you don't need to worry so much. I still have a supercar in my garage, and I will drive over to help out."

As the boss of a luxury hotel, it is normal to own a supercar, and no one will be surprised.

Wang Wen: "Mr. Li, plus your one, there are only three."

Li Tianyu: "So don't worry, wait for news from my friend."

Wang Wen shook his head, his expression seemed to say "not much hope".

No wonder they are so unsure.

It is very difficult even in the imperial capital to collect twenty supercars.

Speaking of it, only supercar rental companies or supercar clubs are possible.

If Li Tianyu's friend is just an ordinary rich man, I'm afraid he can't do it. He can get two or three stations at most.

Just then, the music rang.

It's Li Tianyu's cell phone ringtone.

He took out his phone, glanced at the caller ID, and smiled.

It is really rare that Hu Haoxuan's little boy called.

Said to be a little kid, Hu Haoxuan has also grown up at the age of nineteen.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

In addition to Hu Haoxuan's voice, there was also the roar of the engine.1

Hu Haoxuan: "Boss, we are almost at Dibei Water Town, how can we get in?"

Li Tianyu: "You come in through the freight channel, and I will let the security guard open the door."

Hu Haoxuan: "Okay, we will be there soon, but boss, we didn't have breakfast yet!"

Li Tianyu: "Whatever you want to eat later, can you treat you badly?"

Li Tianyu hung up the phone and said to Yang Hu and Kong Qin: "Let's go out, the car is here."

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