You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu felt a little flustered, the fat man was about to become a fat man.

Li Tianyu: "Where can I find you?"

The other party responded coldly: "You come to Pattaya first, and we will find you. You'd better hurry, otherwise we can't help but chop something on the fat man."

Damn it!

This is for real!?

Li Tianyu wanted to ask something more, but a blind tone came from the phone.

The other party has hung up.

To be honest, Li Tianyu slightly suspected that Ai Heping was playing pranks with him.

But after careful consideration, no matter how much this kid loves to play, I am afraid he can't think of such a prank.

After all, it is a matter of life and death, what if it is true?

Another point, Ai Heping did not ask his father Ai Baoquan for help, but approached Li Tianyu, explaining that the problem is not simple.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu really couldn't sit still.

In case Ai Heping lacks arms and legs, how can he confess to Ai Baoquan.

Li Tianyu looked at Kong Qin: "This... Director Kong, when shall we record the show?"

Kong Qin thought for a while and replied, "If it's fast, four or five hours, and if it's slow, there are seven or eight hours."

Li Tianyu was startled, feeling a little embarrassed, this time is a bit too long.

Kong Qin also saw that Li Tianyu's problem was quite serious, so he pondered it and said, "Mr. Li, if it is really a matter of life and death, you can also not participate in the recording."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Is this okay?"

Kong Qin: "To be honest, Mr. X's performance has been quite outstanding. If this continues, the result of tearing up the famous brand will be very suspenseful. If Mr. X quits now, it can also enhance the topicality and make Mr. X more mysterious. Happy but not doing it?"

The chief director Kong Qin is worthy of being a literate person, and he speaks very well, making people feel comfortable.

In short, it's just one sentence, you can leave if you need it, you don't need to play here.

Li Tianyu was right after thinking about it.

His role of Mr. X has been quite perfect. Participating in the famous-brand competition is nothing more than an icing on the cake. Maybe there will be a counter-effect among the audience, thinking that this is a script.

So Li Tianyu withdrew at this time, it seems that there is no loss.

However, the final publicity of the hotel could not be carried out as planned.

Han Lei: "Boss, but what about the final hotel promotion?"

Li Tianyu is also more embarrassed, but in fact he feels that it is enough to arrange the tearing of the famous brand competition in Tianyu Palace, and finally revealing the identity of the boss is nothing more than the finishing touch.

The key point is that even if Mr. X takes off his mask and reveals the identity of Li Tianyu as the boss, the audience will not believe that Li Tianyu is the same person as the previous fight, boxing, and racing.

I would definitely feel that the previous one was played as a stand-in.

At this moment, Kong Qin said: "It doesn't matter. At the end of the program, our program team will make an introduction clip for Tianyu Mansion. I believe the effect will not be much worse than planned."

Li Tianyu made the decision immediately: "Then I will trouble you, Director Kong. I must fly to Tyrande as soon as possible to see what is going on with my friend. In this case, Director Kong can talk to Mr. Han and Shen. Sum and Yu Zong communicate with them."

Anyway, Li Tianyu didn't have a full-time or half-time job in Tianyu Palace, he was not like him.

In this way, Li Tianyu hurriedly returned to his suite, changed his clothes, and received a few text messages on his mobile phone.

Roughly the flight to Tyrande has been booked.

Han Lei's efficiency is really fast.

Li Tianyu called Shen Yanhe and Yu Xuheng separately, and talked about his sudden rush to Tyrande, and asked them to take care of the people in the "Runner" program group.

Although both of them felt very surprised, and very regretful.

But hearing Li Tianyu's urgent and indisputable tone, there was no objection.

The flight to Tyrande is at 2:30 in the afternoon, and it takes five and a half hours to Bangkok.

But of course Han Lei booked first class for Li Tianyu, so logically speaking, the journey shouldn't be too tiring.

But the Imperial Capital does not have direct flights to Pattaya, so Li Tianyu can only fly to Bangkok first, and now transfer to Pattaya.

To be honest, this is quite tiring.

Li Tianyu drove to the airport and wondered for a long time whether to call Ai Baoquan.

He was not sure whether Ai Heping had notified Ai Baoquan.

Mostly there was no notice, otherwise Ai Baoquan would definitely contact Li Tianyu.

In the end, Li Tianyu decided not to notify Ai Baoquan, and went there to see the situation.

Now his eyes were smeared, and he didn't know what was going on. It felt like he was going further and further on the road to death.

Since Tyrande was an hour slower than in the country, when I arrived in Bangkok, it was less than 7 o'clock in the evening.

Li Tianyu slept on a luxurious lounger in the first-class cabin, and got off the plane with a blow.

He took a small suitcase and didn't need to pay a salute.

However, Li Tianyu came here in a hurry, so he had no time to apply for a visa, so he had to apply for a visa on arrival.

Fortunately, Tyrande has a visa-on-arrival policy, otherwise Ai Heping's life would be lost.

At least it has to end up with missing arms and legs.

Li Tianyu had also been to Tyrande before, and he had just joined the team building activities organized by the company not long ago.

At that time, Li Tianyu was able to hang silk. He came to Tyrande Bangkok and went back after having an eye addiction.

It is a pity that coming to Tyrande again at this time is not a trip, but to save people.

There were a lot of people in the visa-on-arrival window, and Li Tianyu was a little helpless, but he had no choice but to just line up like this.

It took half an hour to get the visa on arrival.

Li Tianyu was pulling the suitcase and going to line up again.

At this moment, he suddenly saw two familiar faces.

Huh?Why are they here?

These two people are not others, they are Li Tianyu's second aunt Han Chunmei, and the daughters of the second uncle and second aunt, that is, Li Tianyu's cousin-Li Yajing.

The second uncle's family has two children, one boy and one girl. The brother's name is Li Jianglin, and this Li Yajing is the younger sister.

This family has four gaps and two gaps, how come to Tyrande?

And as far as Li Tianyu knows, the economic situation of the second uncle's family is not good, and it is indeed strange to go to a foreign country.

Although Qin Lande is a Southeast Asian country, he can't spend a lot of money on traveling, but there must be at least a few thousand yuan per person for air tickets plus hotels.

When I was treating my grandfather some time ago, my second aunt, Han Chunmei, was still crying poor. Can they be willing to pay 10,000 to 20,000 to travel to Tyrande?

Li Tianyu wondered whether or not to greet these relatives.

To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing to meet them abroad, especially when Li Tianyu still had something to do with him, so he really didn't want to take care of them.

Just when Li Tianyu hesitated, Li Yajing saw him at a glance.Reading Building


Li Yajing's suspicious sound also alarmed her mother Han Chunmei.

Han Chunmei followed Li Yajing's gaze and showed a surprised and inexplicable expression.

Now Li Tianyu couldn't pretend to be invisible, so he had to walk over to greet his second aunt and cousin.

"Hello second uncle, it's a coincidence to meet you in Bangkok!"

"Yah, Yajing, are you on holiday?"

Li Tianyu went up to have a greeting with Han Chunmei and Li Yajing.

Don't even think that Li Tianyu just thought it was embarrassing to meet with relatives accidentally in a foreign country. When it's time to speak, he can definitely let go.

Han Chunmei's attitude was rather affectionate, and she greeted her with a smile.

Han Chunmei: "Xiaoyu, what else did I say, I thought we confessed to the wrong person, why are you here?"

Li Tianyu: "I and I are here on a business trip, right, why aren't Second Uncle and Jiang Lin together?"

Han Chunmei: "Your second uncle is here too, and he has gone to exchange Tyrande's money with someone."

Li Yajing: "Oh, mom, I have told you so many times, it's called Thai baht!"

Han Chunmei: "Yes, Thai pig."

Han Chunmei is not well-educated, so he is not very capable of accepting new things. Li Yajing seems quite dissatisfied.

This is no wonder.

Little girls still have a lot of face and care more about these.

Li Tianyu and the second uncle's house are actually not very close.

But since he became the host of the bragging tax system, his personality and temperament seem to have been affected a lot, so he doesn't seem to care much about the bad things between his relatives before.

Under Li Tianyu's inquiry, combined with Han Chunmei and Li Yajing's words, he finally figured out how the two uncles and their family came to Tyrande Bangkok.

It turned out that this trip was not only the second uncle's family of three, but also another family.

The family also has a daughter named Lu Xiaohong, a classmate of Li Yajing.

This trip was also facilitated by these two girls.

Originally, the second uncle Li Renjun and the second aunt Han Chunmei were strongly opposed to visiting Tyrande.

It's not that they don't want to come. To put it bluntly, it is because of two words-"lack of money".

But Li Yajing wanted to come so much, even to the point of death.

Li Renjun and Han Chunmei were shaken.

They actually want to visit abroad, but because they are afraid of spending money, they just think about it.

Now that my daughter thinks so, she will be fulfilled, and she will be crazy. Traveling abroad is also a long experience, so that most of her life will not be in vain.

As for money matters, in fact, they have been doing business for the past two years, and they have made a surplus. Although they are not rich, they will not be bankrupt if they come to Tyrande.

As soon as her parents agreed, Li Yajing was extremely happy.

Why does she want to come so?

On the one hand, I really want to travel abroad.

On the other hand, it is also out of comparison.

Like many little girls, although Li Yajing and Lu Xiaohong are friends who are still close together, the "competitive relationship" has always existed.

There is a saying that the so-called girlfriend relationship is that if you have a bad life, then I will comfort you, if you have a good life, then I will be jealous of you.

Lu Xiaohong's family conditions are much better than those of Li Yajing.

At least Lu Xiaohong travels abroad at least once a year.

Of course Li Yajing was too envious, but she did not reach the level of jealousy.

However, Lu Xiaohong has often talked about this matter recently, showing off his superiority overtly and secretly, deliberately stepping on Li Yajing's feet in front of other students in order to raise his status.

No, Lu Xiaohong said some time ago that she had been to Tyrande two or three times, and she was indeed very suitable for traveling. If she did not go there, it seemed to be a waste of life.

It is also a pity that Li Yajing has grown up so much that she will soon be going to university, and that she has never been out of the country.

The subtext of "too sorry" is equivalent to "too LOW".

Li Yajing really couldn't help it, so she said awe-inspiringly: "Isn't it just going to Tyrande, my parents have said it, and I will go later!"

This can be regarded as cut first and then played.

Lu Xiaohong guessed that Li Yajing couldn't hold her face, so she made up a nonsense, and said: "That's OK, it happens that our family is also planning to travel, so let's chant together."

Li Yajing panicked as soon as she heard it, and immediately went home to ask her parents to help realize the bragging plan.

Unexpectedly, she finally succeeded.

Then why did Li Renjun go to withdraw the money?

Mainly after several hours, after flying to the airport in Bangkok, the two uncles and the whole family discovered that the Thai baht exchanged in the country was not enough.

Moreover, Lu Xiaohong's parents said in a word, that Tyrande customs officers often check cash at the airport. If they don't bring enough, they may be deported.

Li Renjun and Han Chunmei were shocked when they heard this. They cost the air ticket and booked the hotel again. If they were repatriated, they would not be finished.

This is a foreign country, and Li Renjun does not speak foreign languages, so he had to ask Lu Xiaohong's father to take him to withdraw the money, so as not to encounter more troubles.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "In fact, it's not that serious. If it is spot-checked, it will be too late to get it now, and even if there is no Thai baht, the soft sister currency will work."

Han Chunmei said "Oh": "That's okay, it almost broke us just now."

Li Yajing looked at this cousin and felt that he had indeed changed a lot.

In Li Yajing's memory, his cousin Li Tianyu was a very bluffing person, rather unstable.

But today, it looks a bit like those legendary business people, successful people.

No wonder my parents told Li Yajing that his cousin Li Tianyu seems to be well-developed now, and he makes a lot of money in a month. He can treat grandpa with hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins.

Of course Li Yajing didn't believe it very much.

No matter how high the salary is, it is impossible to misuse the money.

Hundreds of thousands a month?It is impossible at all, if it is tens of thousands, it is still possible.

At this moment, Li Renjun finally got the money back.

Another man walked beside him.

At the age of 40 or 50, this man wears quite casual clothes.

He is Lu Xiaohong's father, named Lu Guangguang.

Not far away, Lu Xiaohong and her mother Wu Ying also walked back from the bathroom.

Li Renjun saw Li Tianyu, of course he was quite surprised, and asked questions for a while.

Li Tianyu also casually made up a reason for a business trip and fooled the past.

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