Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 361 Don't believe me, I am the big boss

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!If they knew that Li Tianyu came to Tyrande to save people, most of these people would not believe it.

If you really believe it, you can't be scared to death?

Li Renjun is relatively simple-tempered, and he was very happy to meet his juniors abroad, so he enthusiastically introduced Li Tianyu to the Lu Guangguang family.

"This is a kid from my elder brother's family. He's quite promising. Now... now I'm an executive in a big company."

In fact, Li Renjun didn't know what Li Tianyu was doing. He just heard that he made a lot of money, so he introduced it casually.

And that said, his face is more shiny.

After all, Li Tianyu is also a member of his family. He has a good life in his family, and in front of outsiders, that is, he has a good life in his family.

However, Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying didn't seem to care much about Li Tianyu's popularity, they just agreed to a few words casually, and didn't even bother to shake their hands.

And Li Tianyu did feel a strong sense of superiority from the faces of this family.

But Li Tianyu was not interested in entangled with them, just thinking about finding a reason to leave.

After all, the fat man Ai Heping is still in dire straits.

Before Li Tianyu could speak, Lu Guangguang turned his head and said to Li Renjun: "Where did you just talk about it? Oh, yes, Lao Li, it's not that I said you. You should be careful when you go out in the future, especially when you are in a foreign country. You must check out the foreign policy on tourists, otherwise it is easy to get into trouble."

It turned out that Lu Guangguang was "educating" Li Renjun while walking.'

Although Lu Guangguang’s reasoning is indeed the same, it is somewhat direct and impolite to say so.

But Li Renjun didn't think too much, and he nodded and said: "Yes, you said too much. We will really check it out and find out more in the future."

Han Chunmei was not very happy when she heard it, but she didn't show it, but argued: "In fact, we have all checked on the Internet. We have everything mentioned above, and we don't even know who to trust."

Lu Guangguang raised his eyebrows: "If you really don't understand, you can ask me."

Wu Ying: "Yes, otherwise, let your daughter Yajing ask our daughters. Our daughters can understand. After all, they go out a lot and have more knowledge."

Lu Guangguang: "Yes, reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles."

With a word of you and a word of mine, the two of them lifted their sons and daughters to a very unusual height, as if Lu Xiaohong was like a genius girl.

In fact, Lu Xiaohong's performance in high school is far worse than Li Yajing.

Li Yajing has always been in the top ten in the class, and Lu Xiaohong is also a middle or even lower middle ranking.

When it comes to her daughter, Han Chunmei feels even more uncomfortable: "Our daughters also know a lot. As the head teacher said, our daughters are very hopeful to be admitted to key universities."

Wu Ying: "Let me tell you, what's the use of going to a good university? Most of the time, it's useless. In society, it still depends on personal knowledge and emotional intelligence. Although my family Xiaohong's academic performance is a little bit worse , But she just didn’t put her mind on studying."

Li Tianyu thought to himself, it doesn’t seem to be an advantage if he didn’t put his mind on learning.

Wu Ying added: “The times are different now. If you learn well, you won’t necessarily be able to mix well in the future. The talents that big companies need are not well-learned people, but people with high EQ.”

Lu Guangguang: "Yes, how about it. How much knowledge is needed? We travel every year. On the one hand, we want to increase our children’s knowledge. She has the ability to communicate with all kinds of people."

Lu Xiaohong pursed her mouth and smiled, her parents' praise made her feel very comfortable.

What is learning?What's the point of going to a good university?

Isn't it necessary to work for people and be exhausted?

Lu Xiaohong doesn't need to be so troublesome.

His father, Lu Guangguang, started a business and started a company. Although he can't be said to be wealthy, he is absolutely fine with food and clothing.

In the future, even if Lu Xiaohong fails to enter a good university, it doesn't matter if he can't find a job. In the worst case, he will work in his father's company, which is easy and makes a lot of money.

In the future, he can inherit the family property, hook up the rich and handsome, and embark on the pinnacle of life.

Lu Xiaohong didn't say anything, her little eyes really had a sense of superiority, and looking at Li Yajing was like looking at others.

Li Yajing's face became ugly, and she couldn't think of making people look down on no matter what she did.

As for Li Tianyu, looking at the situation, he still feels that it is better to slip early, so he can't get involved with them.

Li Tianyu is really not interested in things like this kid's house.

"Excuse me, second uncle, second uncle, I have something to do, let's go now, you guys have fun in Tyrande, let's contact us later."

Li Renjun nodded: "Okay, if you have something, go ahead and do it."

At this time, Lu Guangguang noticed Li Tianyu: "By the way, where are you going?"

Li Tianyu: "I'm going to Pattaya."

Lu Guangguang: "Coincidentally, we are going to Pattaya for the first stop, so let's go together."

Wu Ying: "Yes, anyway, I always go to a place to transfer, so let's go together. Let me tell you that Xiaohong in our family is still good at English. Thai people understand English a lot, and there is no problem communicating with them normally."

What can Li Tianyu say?Since they are so "enthusiastic", they can only go together.

So, everyone went through the customs formalities, and then went to the Telland Inner Airline Building for transfer.

It's also a coincidence that Li Tianyu's flight is actually the same as the flight booked by the second uncle and Lu Guangguang's family.

Now Li Tianyu has no reason to fly solo.

A group of people came to the terminal and sat there again and chatted.

Lu Guangguang smiled and said to Li Tianyu: "Young man, what company do you work for? Why did you come to Tyrande for a business trip?"

Li Tianyu didn't plan to answer well, but casually replied, "Ah, I came to Tyrande to investigate."

Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying looked at each other: "Inspect? What inspection did you examine?"

Li Tianyu: "I started a company and came to Tyrande to see if there are investment opportunities."

When everyone heard it, they were startled at first, then smiled at each other.

start a company?

It's really easy to start a company now, but it's hard to say how long it can support.

Such a young man has no background and can't see any special abilities. It is useless to start a company. It just sounds good.

This Li Tianyu and Li Renjun are uncles and nephews, presumably this young man’s family will not be very good, and it is impossible to open a medium and large company.

A few people's bag company is terrific.

To put it bluntly, even if it is a street vendor, you can start a company and call him the boss.

Lu Guangguang also started a company, but he started from scratch, and now he is on a small scale.

What he doesn't look down on most is that young people at the moment are about to start a company, and generally support falls within the third year.

To put it bluntly, I am really happy about my work and I like to live a free life. Starting a company is just playing a ticket.

Moreover, young people now start companies and basically use their family money to operate.020 reading

Starting from scratch?

How can they eat this kind of bitterness?

When Li Tianyu said these words, he was quite calm and light-hearted as a leader.

But because of preconceptions, in the eyes of Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying, this young man is just bluffing and pretending to be the boss.

Lu Guangguang turned his head and said to Li Renjun: "Your nephew is terrible. He actually started his own company, hey? Didn't you just say that he works in a big company?"

Li Renjun laughed, how could he figure out the situation?

Some time ago, I did listen to my elder brother Li Guohua, that is, Li Tianyu’s father said that he was an executive in a large company with an annual salary of millions.

Now Li Tianyu says that he is a boss to start a company, that's almost bragging.

But my nephew, it's time to maintain it or to maintain it.

Li Renjun: "Xiaoyu is still quite capable. No matter what he does, he will definitely make a lot of money."

Wu Ying: "Yes, yes, yes. In the eyes of the elders, the juniors must be capable. By the way, what does your company do? Why are you contacting Tyrande? It's a transnational business, right? ?"

Li Tianyu faintly replied: "The companies under my name are rather complicated, including bars, hotels, and electronic OEMs and LCD panels. It is not strange to come to Tyrande for inspection."

As soon as this remark came out, others were even more shocked.

This bullshit is too big, right?

Forget the bar, even the hotel, even the foundry, and even the LCD panel!?

Not to mention others, even Li Renjun felt a little outrageous.

How can someone who is young, has no strong social relations, and has no relationship with the rich second generation, can have such a big industry?

During this period, Li Renjun had little contact with relatives. If he knew that Li Shaojun’s son Li Junhai had just gone to Li Tianyu’s hotel, he would have to believe him.

Lu Guangguang: "So, you are the big boss."

Li Tianyu was startled, and asked, "How can you be considered a big boss?"

Lu Guangguang smiled without saying a word.

Wu Ying said to Han Chunmei: "Then what college is your girl going to take? With such a great cousin, why don't you just go to work in his company?"

Han Chunmei: "This...Xiaoyu, is what you said true?"

Unlike Li Renjun, although Han Chunmei is more selfish, she still has a bright eye.

Li Tianyu's current state is different from before, and he looks like a rich man.

Now Li Tianyu is talking about starting a company, and the business is still very popular.

Han Chunmei believed at least half of it.

Li Yajing is different from her parents. She is relatively naive. What Li Tianyu says is what it is.

She said excitedly: "Brother, you are so powerful, then I will really rely on you then!"

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "You should think of a way to enter a good university first. After graduation, I can provide you with job opportunities, but the salary is the same as that of ordinary employees. What you can do depends on your own ability. Up."

Li Tianyu said it seriously, but the taste changed in Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying's ears.

Lu Guangguang: "Yeah, this cousin is really responsible."

Wu Ying: "That's right, a good young man, but don't say too much, in case your conditions don't meet Yajing's requirements."

Wu Ying's meaning is obvious, that is, Li Tianyu's business is too small, even if it is a decent company, it is also a small company.

Now which college student can see a small company after graduation?

Those who submit resumes are all invested in big companies with good looks.

If you want someone to work for you, they must also be willing to go!

Lu Xiaohong curled his lips: "Anyway, I won't go to work in a small company, at least it must be a company like my dad's."

When Lu Guangguang heard this, he was a little shocked: "What is at least? Is the company your father and I run a small company?"

Lu Xiaohong: "Oh, dad, don't be stinky, don't learn from some people."

"Some people" certainly refers to Li Tianyu.

The family felt that Li Tianyu was bragging, and that he had blown the cows to the sky, and they would be exposed without knowing it.

Li Yajing was eager to ask her cousin more about his company, but the Lv Xiaohong family in the first one was sour in the conversation between you and me, and they felt hopeless.

Although Lu Xiaohong's words are not good, they do make sense.

As the so-called loyalty is against the ears, I have to listen.

How old is my cousin Li Tianyu, a few years older than her Li Yajing, and it hasn't been a few years since she just graduated. How could she run a decent company with a certain scale?

Li Yajing’s parents, Li Renjun and Han Chunmei, are also in business, but they can only be called small workshops.

Although they have also registered a company and have a business license, they are not embarrassed to claim to start a company.

And this cousin used to be more ostentatious in character, and even more ostentatious in his words, and always said something insignificant.

At least Li Yajing's impression of her cousin is not very good.

Although seeing him now, it feels like a different person, but maybe it was pretended to be a performance.

Thinking of this, Li Yajing felt like she had fallen from heaven into hell, and her heart was cold.

As for Li Renjun, he was even more noncommittal about Li Tianyu's words.

Although it is always heard that Li Tianyu has developed his skills and earns tens of thousands of dollars a year, there is a saying that is good, that is, "like a fish drinking water, knowing it is cold or warm".

Many people like to boast about the abilities and income of their children. Regardless of whether the children have that ability or not, the real situation should be far worse.

In a situation like Li Tianyu, he might indeed make some money, but suddenly becoming a big boss is too fast.

You should know that at the beginning of the year, Li Tianyu often clamored that he was tired from work and didn't want to do it anymore.

How can that impetuous personality be a good boss?

Li Renjun gave a light cough: "Xiaoyu, let's talk about this later, the kid hasn't even gone to college, so don't worry."

Li Tianyu is noncommittal. You are not anxious when you are parents. What else does my cousin have to say?

Of course he also knew what he was saying, and if they didn't believe it, they wouldn't say anything.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the caller ID and was a little surprised.

It turned out to be Ai Baoquan's bodyguard captain Yang An.

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