Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 362 You Have a Private Jet! ?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu hasn't seen Yang An for a while.

Why did this tough guy think of calling him today?

Could it be that Ai Baoquan knew that Ai Heping had something wrong?

Li Tianyu didn't think too much, walked aside and directly pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, Captain Yang, why are you calling me leisurely today?"

Yang An: "Mr. Li, have you been to Tyrande?"

Li Tianyu was startled, Yang An really knew about it.

Now that he knows it, Li Tianyu doesn't have to hide it for Ai Heping: "I'm here, I just arrived, and I am preparing to transfer to Pattaya."

Yang An: "I'll pick you up in a while."

Li Tianyu was stunned again, his head was confused: "Come to pick me up? Where to pick me up?"

Yang An: "Mr. Li, I'm also in Bangkok."

Li Tianyu: "Why are you in Bangkok?"

Yang An: "I've always been in Bangkok, and I came here with Ai Shaoye."

Li Tianyu seemed to understand a little bit, but there was still a drop of fog, and he said, "That's OK, when will you be there? I will catch a plane in a while."

Yang An: "I have a private jet here."

Damn it!

Say it soon!

Ai Heping, no, it is Ai Baoquan’s private jet here!

Li Tianyu immediately said his position.

Yang An: "Mr. Li, wait for me, and I'll go over immediately."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone and walked back.

At this time, Lu Guangguang was still talking to Li Renjun.

Lu Guanguang: "So, these young people are too lofty. They said they started their own companies before they started their business. Unlike us, they were very low-key..."

Li Renjun insisted: "Yes, your business is big, they can't compare with you."

Lu Guanguang: "If you take the time to talk about your nephew, starting a company and doing business is not easy in the current economic environment. Basically, few can make money. Especially if you do overseas trade, the risk is greater. It's not easy to lose even the family's assets. It shouldn't be easy for his parents to make some money, right?"

Li Renjun waved his hand quickly: "That won't be enough. My nephew is still very good now. He used to be an executive in a big company and made a lot of salary for a year."

Wu Ying: "What's your salary when you are young? Five hundred thousand? One million?"

Li Renjun: "This..."

How does Li Renjun know how much Li Tianyu makes?

Han Chunmei immediately said: "Anyway, it's quite a lot. You can easily come up with two or three hundred thousand yuan. It is estimated that there must be a million yuan annual salary.

Li Tianyu is a member of his own family anyway, this face can't be lost, he must talk about it.

Wu Ying pursed her lips and said, "No matter how much you earn, you won't do it now? What a pity."

Lu Guangguang: "The millions of soft sister coins are not enough to start a company and do business now. It's not the time to empty the White Wolf before. Even if there is such a good opportunity, it can't be grasped without much ability. "

Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying are both you and me, and they have secretly damaged Li Tianyu all over the place.

It's no wonder Lu Xiaohong has such a strong sense of superiority.

What kind of parents can teach what kind of children.

Don't look at the arrogant and superior appearance of the two Lu Guangguang in front of Li Renjun and Han Chunmei. When they really meet some people who are better than them, their expressions immediately change.

What kind of person do you become?

The four newcomers are humble, respectful, polite and gentle.

Therefore, it is the distinctive feature of Lu Guangguang's family that it depends on the dishes.

To be honest, Li Renjun was also a little angry. This surnamed Lu is really holding a chicken feather as an arrow. The younger generation of our Li family can only criticize the Li family. You are an outsider who knows wool.

Li Renjun is not that strong, his eloquence is not that good, and he doesn't know how to say if he wants to refute.

Li Renjun: "This is not necessarily true. My nephew is very capable. Now the company should be very large."

Han Chunmei is more temperamental: "I tell you, don't underestimate young people. Now some young people are very powerful. Many have become multi-millionaires in their thirties. Let's just say Xiaoyu. Those who are capable, let alone other things, at least have no problem running the company, and maybe the scale of the company will soon be able to catch up with yours."

Wu Ying curled her lips: "Although Lao Lu's company is not a big company, it is not small. The annual turnover is hundreds of millions. I am afraid that some of the young guys have rushed."

Lu Xiaohong's eyes rolled: "My dad said, if you make more money in the future, you can buy private jets, private yachts, and so on. It will be very convenient to travel outside and travel on business in the future."

With that said, Lu Xiaohong also glanced at Li Yajing, as if saying, "You will never get on a private jet, a private yacht."

Lu Guanguang smiled: "Then you have to help Dad so that you can earn enough money to buy a private jet."

Lu Xiaohong: "Of course, I will study hard and work hard!"

Li Yajing rolled her eyes, the two father and daughter thought very far away.

Who knows if you will be able to buy a private jet in the future? I haven't bought it yet. What is there to show off?

Just here, Li Tianyu walked back.

His ears are still very good. When he walked here not far away, he almost heard their conversation.

However, Li Tianyu can now be calm and calm.

He sat in the original seat again and started to look at the phone.

As for what Yang An is about to come, Li Tianyu did not intend to say, it seems that it has little to do with them.

But since they are all going to Pattaya, you might as well bring them.

Li Tianyu was thinking about Fang's inconvenience, and a voice rang behind him.

"Mr. Li."

Li Tianyu turned his head to see that it was Yang An who had come.

Behind him, there was a girl followed.

The girl's name is Wang Xiaoxiao.

She looked quite young, in her early twenties, she was pretty, with a beautiful face and a graceful figure.

The others didn't react for a while.

Who is this person called "President Li"?

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu stood up: "Captain Yang, it's been a long time, sit down."

Yang An: "No, President Li, aren't we in a hurry?"

Li Tianyu nodded, stood up, and introduced some of his relatives to Yang An.

Li Renjun, Han Chunmei and Li Yajing were all confused.

Is it possible that "President Li" refers to Li Tianyu?

This, this is too outrageous, right?

This has all become the "general". Is the company really big?

At the same time, Lu Guangguang, Wu Ying, and Lu Xiaohong all had the same expression, with their mouths wide open, their eyes wide open, and they were staring at the scene without blinking.

That is called a synchronization.

I originally thought that this young man came alone, but who would have thought that he had brought subordinates, and there were still two.

Lu Guangguang looked at Yang An, tall and tall, as long as he could see the tendon flesh in exposed places, it was obviously a skill.

Where's that woman?It's too beautiful, more beautiful than most flight attendants, and in good shape.

Generally speaking, to see whether a company is a top seller or not, just look at its employees.

With such employees, is it possible that this young man's company is really big?

It shouldn't be. Most of the time I found these two people to save face.

When discussing business, pomp is still very important, so that when discussing business with people, it will be more convincing.

Lu Guangguang felt a little relieved thinking about this.The latest novel

At this moment, Yang An asked, "Mr. Li, are they going to Pattaya together?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "My relatives are going to Pattaya for sightseeing, is it convenient to bring it?"

Yang An: "Of course it's convenient."

Li Renjun has always been in a state of ignorance and couldn't help asking: "Xiaoyu, who are these two?"

This seems to be a bit complicated to explain. Li Tianyu simply said: "The two of them are employees in the company."

Yang An: "Everyone prepare, I will take you to the private jet terminal."

When the others heard it, they suddenly had a dreamlike feeling.

Private jet terminal?

What is this going to do?

Isn't it going to take a private jet?

How is this possible.

This kid even rides in a private jet!?

Fantastic Nights!

Even the most unrestricted and unscrupulous novelist could not write this way!

Han Chunmei: "Xiao, Xiaoyu, where are we going? Didn't we get on the plane here?"

Li Tianyu gave an "Oh" and quickly explained: "That's it. The company's private jet is parked here. I didn't know before, but Captain Yang told me.

Wu Ying's eyes widened: "Where is the company's private jet, you don't even know?"

Yang An: "President Li doesn't care about these chores."

Yang An's words are also a god assist, Li Tianyu really wants to give him a like.

"Mr. Li" is such a big deal!

At this time, Li Yajing had already seen it.

My cousin Li Tianyu is a real cow pie, definitely not a fake cow pie.

Now even private jets have been "changed".

This is majestic.

Li Yajing: "Private jet? Brother, can we also take a private jet?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, private jets will be much more comfortable."

Li Yajing's eyes lit up and she seemed to jump up soon.

Young people, all their moods and thoughts are on their faces.

The state of Li Yajing and Lu Xiaohong has completely changed.

Li Yajing was like a little swallow with joy.

Lu Xiaohong was completely dumbfounded now.

She didn't understand at all, why Li Yajing's cousin suddenly got a private jet?

Didn’t you just conclude that he started a small company?

How could the owner of a small company be so rich that he even bought a private jet?

At this time, Yang An looked at Lu Guangguang's family and asked, "Mr. Li, do these people also want to be together?"

Li Tianyu turned his head and asked, "Mr. Lu, do you want to take a private jet to Pattaya?"

Lu Guangguang: "This, this..."

Before Lu Guangguang could say anything, Wu Ying waved her hands first and said, "No, no, we and I have no tickets. It is in business class and business class. If we don’t board the plane, it’s wasted. Just go there. ."

Of course Li Tianyu won't force it: "Well, second uncle, second uncle, let's go."

Li Renjun hesitated and looked at Lu Guangguang's family: " this appropriate?"

Han Chunmei pulled Li Renjun hard: "Oh, what's wrong? Let's contact Lao Lu when we arrive in Pattaya, shouldn't we just contact Lao Lu? Everyone has said that it is business class, so don't worry about them!"

With that, Han Chunmei turned her head and said to her daughter Li Yajing: "Daughter, don't you think?"

Li Yajing had already stood up excitedly: "Go away, let's go to the private jet terminal, Xiao Hong, I will call you when I turn back to Pattaya!"

Lu Xiaohong was already silly there and forgot to answer.

Li Yajing doesn't care what her mood is.

Lu Xiaohong has been presumptuous for a long time just now, and this time he finally got it back.

But to be honest, who would have thought that cousin was so good?

If you don't make a move, you don't make a move, and once you make a move, the Lu family is shocked.

How majestic!

Wang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly: "President Li, and Mr. Li's relatives, I will show you the way."

Han Chunmei: "Girl, you are..."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the flight attendant, and my name is Wang Xiaoxiao."

No wonder Wang Xiaoxiao was wearing a uniform dress.

But this uniform is not as obvious as the average flight attendant, with a relatively strong casual taste.

It is estimated that this is also a specially customized style.

Li Tianyu looked at Wang Xiaoxiao's whole body and said with a smile: "Beautiful flight attendant, I will trouble you."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Mr. Li, it's not troublesome."

Wang Xiaoxiao is not only the chief flight attendant of Ai's private jet, but also a staff member of the overseas governing office of Aihua Real Estate.

In fact, she had heard of Li Tianyu a long time ago.

Mainly from the conversation between Ai Baoquan and Ai Heping, the father and son.

However, Wang Xiaoxiao didn't know why Li Tianyu was so important.

She originally thought that Li Tianyu must be a middle-aged person of 40 or 50 years old, but she didn't expect to be so young, and he was handsome and temperamental.

Therefore, Wang Xiaoxiao couldn't help being more curious about Li Tianyu.

As a result, Wang Xiaoxiao smiled, and everyone followed her, walking towards the private jet terminal.

At the same time, Lu Guangguang's family stared wide-eyed and watched Li Tianyu and others leave in silence.

The atmosphere became quite depressing.

Lu Guangguang and Wu Ying were laughing at Li Tianyu's various problems just now.

Now he was slapped three times, and his eyes flashed gold, completely stunned.

It was too embarrassing to think about what they said just now.

Lu Xiaohong is also very bitter.

She originally wanted to take advantage of this trip to let Li Yajing know her strength.

now what?

Let Li Yajing's cousin more than one.

Lu Xiaohong now feels that her whole family are all poor.

They take a private jet.

My whole family has to take a regular flight!

What a shame!

Lu Xiaohong couldn't help saying, "Dad, Mom, I also want to take a private jet!"

Wu Ying was a little frustrated: "What to sit on!? Let's take the flight!"

After speaking, Wu Ying was also a little discouraged.

It is estimated that this trip abroad, the mood is not good.

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