You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Bassoon nodded.

Li Tianyu didn't hesitate to open the piece of red flannel.

Sure enough, there was something broken on the tray.

To be precise, it was a piece of broken porcelain.

Yes, it is the porcelain of the ancient Central Plains.

Li Tianyu raised his head and glanced at Ba Song. There was no expression on the other side's face, anyway, his face had been black.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao were surprised and broke.

Who would have thought that the heirloom of the Ba Song family was actually a piece of Central Plains porcelain.

This is a bit outrageous.

Isn't it the old boy Basong trying to ruin others for the sake of Aihua Real Estate's property in Southeast Asia?

However, Li Tianyu is not surprised.

Even if he didn't shake hands with Ba Song just now, he knew that this was a normal thing just by seeing this porcelain.

The surface of this porcelain is blue and white, with blue patterns and white background, which is quite simple and simple.

This characteristic shows that he is a piece of blue and white porcelain.

And judging from its size, it's quite big.

And Li Tianyu immediately concluded that this was a large pot of Yuan blue and white.

Although there is a "Yuan" character, it is not a thing from the Yuan Dynasty, but from the Ming Dynasty.

After a while, Ba Song finally spoke: "Mr. Li, do you know what this is?"

Ba Song also asked casually.

Although these three people are from the Central Plains, and this so-called "heirloom" is a piece of Central Plains porcelain, he doesn't think these people can know the ins and outs of this thing.

At best, I know that this is a blue and white porcelain.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao are indeed confused and confused. Although they know that this is Zhongyuan porcelain, they are limited to this.

At this time, Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Mr. Ba Song, your heirloom is amazing, a big pot of Yuan Qinghua."

Ba Song was startled, showing an unexpected expression: "You know?"

Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Li Tianyu and then at Ba Song. Could it be true that Li Tianyu was right?

Aya, who was sitting opposite, also showed a surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, this person really knows the goods.

Only Yang An was not surprised.

Back then, Li Tianyu used the antique appraisal technique to get Ai Heping out of the detention center.

It is natural to see the origin of this porcelain.

Just listen to Li Tianyu slowly saying: "Although this is called a Yuan blue and white pot, it was produced in the Ming Dynasty. Look at this pattern..."

Li Tianyu sighed a few times: "The pattern on this large blue and white jar is called'Guiguzi Downhill Picture'. It is indeed a top porcelain treasure. I remember when it came before... Oh, yes, it was made in 2005. I took such a piece at the Christie auction in London."

Having said that, Li Tianyu raised his head and glanced at Ba Song: "You should know? Such a piece of porcelain was sold for 14 million pounds that year."

Wang Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "14 million!? Isn't Heruanminbi just..."

Li Tianyu nodded: "In soft RMB, that would be nearly 300 million, Mr. Ba Song, no wonder you like this thing so much."

At this time, Aya said: "We fancy it, not all because of its high price, mainly because this thing was in our house a long time ago."

Li Tianyu nodded, expressing understanding.

Although what Aya said is true, it is indeed quite exaggerated to say that this is a family heirloom.

In fact, Basong said it is a "heirloom" and has the intention of deliberately increasing its value. The idea is not simple.

Bassoon: "Since you can see the value of this thing, there should be nothing to say. I will mention some conditions. If your Aihua Real Estate can meet it, Mr. Ai can naturally go back with you."

Li Tianyu already knew what Ba Song wanted to ask for, but he didn't say anything. After all, he had to take care of Ba Song's mood.

The three of them are here to negotiate, so can't let the parties talk?

Wang Xiaoxiao asked in very standard English: "Mr. Ba Song, what are your requirements?"

Ba Song sneered: "Your Aihua Real Estate is quite beautiful in the Central Plains, but in Southeast Asia, you are still a little brother."

Although this sentence is awkward, it is basically nothing wrong.

Bassoon continued: "But I have to admit that Aihua Real Estate has some good things in Southeast Asia. I will tell you clearly. I hope Aihua Land will transfer all the properties in Southeast Asia to me."

"Of course, I will not take it for nothing, I will pay a certain amount of money in exchange."

When Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao listened, they both showed stunned expressions.

This is simply the lion's big mouth!

Although it is true as Bassong said, Aihua Real Estate's share in the Southeast Asian real estate industry is not much, but it is not much worse. It still has some high-quality land in many Southeast Asian countries.

Moreover, some commercial plazas and residential areas have already been developed seven or eighty-eight, just waiting to open for business.

Those are all billions, tens of billions of projects.

Not to mention the issue of Ai Baoquan’s disagreement, even other shareholders cannot agree.

Bassoon didn't care about the people in front of him, and added: "The specifics can be discussed, but now, I need you to sign this thing."

With that, Bassoon took out a document from the drawer of the coffee table.

Li Tianyu glanced a little, it was something similar to a "letter of commitment".

Ba Song pushed the document to Li Tianyu's side.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao couldn't help becoming nervous.

Even if Li Tianyu has no decision-making power, if he signs, it means that Aihua Real Estate accepts Basong's conditions.

If he regrets it, Ai Heping will be really fatal.

These Tyrande's great men have very little power to check and balance them, and they can hardly stop them from chaos.

This time it is really difficult.

Aya, who sat opposite, looked on the sideline with cold eyes.

She wanted to see how this handsome Zhongyuan guy would deal with this matter.

Ever since Aya can remember, no one can refuse his father Ma Song's order.

Even foreigners are the same.

I saw Li Tianyu picked up the document and glanced at it a bit.

The English language above, but for Li Tianyu now, he basically understands it in seconds.

As previously speculated, Li Tianyu, acting as the representative of Aihua Real Estate, bookmarked this promise and promised to sell all the properties of Aihua Real Estate in Southeast Asia to Basong.

Although it is for sale, it should actually be similar to free delivery.

It is impossible for Basong to suffer from this.

As for the specific payment, I can discuss it later.

Li Tianyu believes that if the final price is not negotiated, Bassong will not release Ai Heping.

Bassoon: "You can take this thing back and study it slowly, but it's best to sign the word first so that we can talk about it later."

To be honest, Li Tianyu was really embarrassed.

How should I put it, even if Li Tianyu uses some method, such as using the bragging tax system to make a blue and white big pot of Guiguzi downhill picture, or using some technology to repair the broken porcelain.

But most of it is useless to Basong.

The purpose of this old boy Ba Song is very simple, that is, to get the project of Aihua Real Estate in Southeast Asia through this starting point.33 Tingshu

But Li Tianyu really cannot sign this letter of commitment.

Even if he doesn't have any actual position in Aihua Real Estate, once signed, he will hold the handle to Basong, and it will be impossible to end the market.

Li Tianyu was embarrassed and still pretended to be calm on the surface.

The more this kind of time is, the less you can show weakness in front of Bassoon, otherwise the opponent will definitely get better.

The atmosphere is a little anxious.

Bassoon seemed to have lost his patience.

His daughter Aya still looks good at the show.

As for Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao, there are obvious signs of restlessness.

Li Tianyu must make a decision as soon as possible.

What should I do?

Should I choose Ai Heping or the Southeast Asia property of Aihua Real Estate?

Just when Li Tianyu was about to collapse, a strange bell suddenly rang outside the door.

In fact, someone was ringing the doorbell.

Ba Song was startled, his face showed a trace of anger.

At this critical moment, who is so short-sighted?

Before Basong could speak, Aya stood up, walked to the door, pressed a button, and then asked in Thai, "What's the matter?"

There also responded in Thai: "Miss Aya, please tell Mr. Ba Song, he is here again."

Aya's expression changed, and she replied, "I see, you find someone to drag him for a while."

There was an agreement, and the sound of footsteps hurried away.

Aya walked back, her face slightly solemn, and then said something in Ba Song's ear.

Bassong only heard one word, his face changed.

"What!? That guy Hardern is here again!?"

Bassoon's voice was loud, and his emotions were obviously out of control.

When Li Tianyu heard the name "Haden", he showed a thoughtful expression.

When Li Tianyu shook hands with Ba Song just now, he got information about Hadern.

This guy is American, and his father is the owner of a large American company. Harden is also a rich second-generation American version.

Harden likes playing casinos, and his level is good.

Of course, the doors of a luxury casino cruise ship like the St. Lawrence will open for people like Hadern.

Hadern, who often goes to the casinos of Las Vegas to hang out, has no disadvantages, and often wins and returns.

Therefore, he began to float, thinking that on the St. Lawrence, he could also earn an ecstasy and die.

Unexpectedly, there were quite a lot of masters on the St. Lawrence, and it took Harden only two or three hours to almost lose his shorts.

Unexpectedly, Harden belongs to the kind of person who gets more and more frustrated, and he will come again within a few days.

Hadern is not a fool, he suffered a loss last time, of course he has a long memory this time.

He didn't play in person this time, but invited a master over.

The master is really a master, the strength is real, and he is much better than a half-hearted player like Hadern (half-headed player is also relative).

In one night, he won 90 million US dollars from the casino on the Saint Lawrence.

That's right, you heard that right, it is 90 million U.S. dollars, close to the soft sister coin, reaching the level of nearly 700 million.

That time, I was really scared that Bassoon could lose.

After all the casino masters were sent in, and they were of no use, Bassoon was almost on the verge of frustration and collapse.

You know, the St. Lawrence cruises in Southeast Asia, and that is to make money.

If you can't make money, then you lose money, and if you lose money, you lose money.

The various shareholders of the casino will be held accountable for Bassoon.

That's not a question of losing money.

Basong is in Tyrande, and at best has a lot of influence in Southeast Asia, but if he leaves this circle, he will really become a weak chicken, nothing.

Fortunately, although Hadern had smashed Bassoon that night, he did not go to the point where the cruise ship casino went bankrupt.

In any case, Ba Song was finally relieved.

As long as this evil spirit doesn't come again, it will not completely cut off his path of wealth, as long as he keeps it for a while, it should be able to ease.

After all, there are still a lot of brothers like Ai Heping who can only lose money.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, just a few days later?Harden's servant came again.

This time, if the masters he brought with him spend another night, Ba Song will definitely have the heart to jump into the sea.

what?On his turf, it's okay to rely on the bill?

It may be okay if you change individuals, but for Hardern, this trick is completely useless.


There are two reasons.

First, Hadern is American.

Second, Harden and his father are the "top predators" of American upper class society.

To sum it up in one sentence, Master Ba Song also has people who can't afford to offend, and Hadern is one.

So now Ba Song's mood is really mixed, with mixed feelings, turning the river and the sea, and his heart is bleeding.

Bassoon feels like a lamb on a big boat waiting to be slaughtered, don't be too pitiful.

He only hoped that Hadern came by himself and didn't bring that master.

If this wish is not fulfilled, then I hope that the person that Hadern brought is not lucky enough today, even if he wins, he won't win so much.

Ba Song was already fidgeting at this time, so he was still in the mood to talk about this letter of commitment with Li Tianyu.

He stood up and walked two steps, feeling a little trembling.

He is a very strong man, he didn't have this state before.

Ba Song looked at Li Tianyu and the other three: "Okay, I have to go there in advance, you must wait or go back first, and I will send someone to pick you up later."

When Yang An and Wang Xiao smiled, their expressions changed.

I came here today to get Ai Heping out.

This person hasn't seen him, so how can I let them go like this?

Yang An couldn't speak English well, so he looked at Wang Xiaoxiao.

Wang Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while, but still mustered the courage to say, "Mr. Ba Song, let's wait a little longer."

Bassoon snorted without saying a word, but walked outside the door with Aya.

At this time, a voice came from behind Ba Song.

"Mr. Bassong, if you run into trouble, I can help you solve it."

Both Ba Song and Aya were startled and looked back.

It was the young man who was talking, Li Tianyu.

Bassoon: "You help me? How can you help me?"

Li Tianyu stood up: "I have a way to deal with the gambler that Harden brought."

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