You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When everyone heard it, they were all startled, and they didn't understand Li Tianyu's meaning for a while.

Can he deal with the masters brought by Hadern?

how is this possible?

It was unbelievable, this kid could say such a thing, and he didn't know the height of the world.

Is it possible that Li Tianyu is still thinking about betting a few games with that person?

Isn't that just death?

Ba Song sneered: "Do you want to bet with him? Are you rich?"

Li Tianyu was startled, this old boy didn't believe him at all.

But this is also normal. How can an ordinary person challenge a professional gambler?

That's not a madman or a fool.

Li Tianyu pondered for a moment: "Mr. Ba Song, let me bet a few games with that person, and I will pay for the gambling."

Ba Song narrowed his eyes and didn't understand Li Tianyu's intentions.

Wang Xiaoxiao was anxious.

She doesn't know how much Li Tianyu has, but the gambling capital of such a sea casino is not low.

Even if Li Tianyu is an executive of a large company, losing two will be ruined!

Even Yang An was slightly surprised for a while, and then showed a skeptical expression.

Li Tianyu is great, Yang An knows, but no matter how great he is, it does not mean he is a superman, omnipotent.

What Yang An didn't know was that although Li Tianyu was not Superman, he seemed to be closer to Superman.

Because he is the host of the bragging tax system.

Coincidentally, Li Tianyu gained the ability as a table gambler not long ago, which means he is already one of the highest level gamblers in the world.

Although Li Tianyu didn't know how high the level of the people brought by Hadern, he was sure that the person who could beat him at the gambling table could be counted in one slap in the world.

Therefore, Li Tianyu is fully aware of it.

What if he Li Tianyu spends his own money?He couldn't lose anyway.

Ba Song was silent, seeming to wonder what Li Tianyu's purpose was.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Bassong, if you let me try, what do you lose? If you lose, you will not lose, but you can lose less. If you win, I can keep the money I won here. , Will not take away a penny."

Ba Song was startled: "You won't take it? Why?"

At this time, Ba Song quickly reacted: "It turns out that it is, Mr. Li, do you think you can exchange this for Mr. Ai?"

Li Tianyu didn't hide it and nodded: "Mr. Ba Song, I really meant this. I solved this for you. You release Ai Heping and let us take it back."

There was no expression on Ba Song's face, and Li Tianyu continued: "As for the cooperation with Aihua Real Estate, to be honest, I can't be the master, but I can report to the group headquarters and let them send someone specifically."

Ba Song laughed, shook his head, and said, "Let’s not say that you can’t win. Even if you step on the shit luck and win, you just want to take Ai Heping away, that’s not a good thing."

As he said, Ba Song took his daughter Aya to continue walking out.

Li Tianyu said indifferently from behind, "Mr. Ba Song, we are waiting here. If you change your mind, you can come to me anytime."

Bassoon did not speak and left.

Li Tianyu was silent for a while, then greeted Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao to sit down again.

He has made up his mind not to save Ai Heping and never leave the Saint Lawrence.

If they leave so easily, then Basong's conditions may be more demanding, and it will be even more difficult to regain the disadvantage at that time.

Li Tianyu took a glass of juice, added a few more ice cubes, and drank it.

He and Yang An were silent and did not speak.

Wang Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it, and asked aloud: "President Li, Captain Yang, what should I do now? Just wait?"

Yang An didn't speak, and looked at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu pondered for a few seconds, "Yes, just wait."

Yang An: "Are you waiting for Ba Song to come and find you?"

Li Tianyu: "If the gambler that Hadern brought is really powerful, then Basong...should come to us."

Although Li Tianyu didn't have any absolute certainty in his heart, he still wanted to be more confident and determined on the surface.

After all, this is Longtan Tiger's Den, if you want to retreat, cringe, and trembling.

Yang An: "Mr. Li, I have a question."

Li Tianyu took a sip of ice juice and said lightly: "Ask."

Yang An: "Can you really bet that guy?"

That guy, of course, refers to the super gambler that Harden brought.

Wang Xiaoxiao also sat up straight, looking at Li Tianyu nervously.

To be honest, she just wanted to ask, but as a subordinate, she never dared to ask.

Li Tianyu laughed: "Captain Yang, you have been a soldier. There is a saying that is good. I have always done this if you don't fight an unsure battle."

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao looked at each other, unexpectedly Li Tianyu was so confident.

Ten bets and nine loses, this is the truth even children will talk about.

In the common people's impression, gambling is the luck of competition. Specifically, it is gambling luck and wealth luck.

But looking at Li Tianyu's look and attitude, it seemed that he could beat anyone on the Saint Lawrence.

It's a bit exaggerated.

This is not making movies, such as "The God of Gamblers", "The Holy Gambling", and "The Gambling Fairy".

Even a shameless novelist who has no bottom line cannot write that way.

No blame Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao are suspicious.

The real world of gaming tables is indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination.

But now the three of them can only wait.

According to Li Tianyu, Ba Song will come back to find him.

But Wang Xiaoxiao was quite suspicious in her heart.

How could Basong be softened to Li Tianyu and Aihua Real Estate because of a gambler?

It's impossible to think.

Aihua Real Estate's Southeast Asia industry is quite impressive, with tens of billions of funds involved.

Bassoon can't let go easily.

Wang Xiaoxiao's judgment is indeed reasonable, but she doesn't understand how much Hadern won from here last time.

Put it anywhere, it is not a small amount.

Although the St. Lawrence’s casino has big business and wealth, it cannot withstand such a big toss.

If Hadern’s gamblers won another tens of millions of US dollars this time, Basong would not go bankrupt, but there would be no way to explain it to the shareholders behind the casino.

Not only is it facing huge indemnities, the operating rights of the St. Lawrence Casino will probably be taken back.

This casino is a cash cow, and it has now become the economic pillar of the Bassoon family group.

Once the management rights are lost, the impact on the entire family of Ba Song is simply unimaginable.

At the same time, in the five-story casino of the Saint Lawrence, gamblers are happily playing various tabletop and roulette games.

From time to time, some people cheered and screamed, and others held their heads in annoyance as if they wanted to hit the wall.

Anyway, in a place like a casino, it's just how happy and sad, each has its own mood.March Chinese

The casino is divided into a public hall area and a VIP area.

In the VIP area, the tension is spreading rapidly.

Basong and Aya are in the monitoring room, staring at a screen without blinking.

At this time, I look at Ba Song again, his face is stern and worried, and there is no longer the calm and calm feeling of meeting Li Tianyu and others before.

On the screen, there is a gaming table with a green background and brown edges.

The monitor has a large screen, a large 50- or 60-inch LCD TV, um, color.

It can be seen that this gaming table is in a VIP room.

That's right, Hadern did not come alone, but also brought his gambler friends.

This gambler is about forty years old and he is also a white American. He looks very ordinary, but his eyes are...

In the Central Plains words, that is the bright eyes of the thief.

Such eyes, appearing on a person of 40 years old, are still quite rare, indicating that this person has a very bright mind and many ideas, and belongs to an extremely intelligent person.

This person's name is Steve Hofland, a Jewish American.

Like many Jews, this Steve is indeed very talented in some aspects, and that is gambling.

In Las Vegas, Australia, and even the Central Plains Macau, etc., as long as it is a casino, Steve's brilliant figure is left behind.

More importantly, in Steve's more than two decades of life as a gambler, there are only a handful of losses.

This time I was invited by Hadern to come to the St. Lawrence, and it was no surprise.

The casino on this ship did have a few masters, but it was still not his Steve's opponent, and it was of no avail to win two by chance.

This was the case last time, and this time too.

The opponent in front of him, named Jiaweichai, sounds like a native of the Central Plains, but is actually a Tyrande.

He is the strongest gambling player under Bassoon's hands.

But at this time, Jiawei Guei's face was covered with sweat, and the cards in his hand flicked. It was obvious that he had lost his confidence now and was about to collapse.

They are not complicated to play, and their name is Black Jack, which is what we often call blackjack.

This game is very common in casinos.

The pace is fast, wins more, loses a lot, playing is heartbeat, playing is exciting.

At this time, the game between the two seems to have entered the final stage.

Careful people can see that there are a few big stacks of chips in front of Steve. These are big chips.

On the other side of Javier’s guess, the opposite was true, with only a few dozen left.

Steve chuckled, "How about? Are you following?"

Jia Wei guessed that he moved his lips, but never said a word.

"Haha, brother, I can remind you that this time is a good opportunity to turn defeat into victory. If you don't follow, there will be no chance."

It was not Steve who was talking, but a person sitting behind Steve.

The man was a white man and looked very young, probably in his twenties.

Although it is not a suit or shirt, it can be seen that it is definitely tailor-made clothes, which is unique in the world.

And the accessories he wears, including watches, necklaces and the like, are very valuable.

This person is no one else, it is Charlie Harden who initiated it.

That's right, one of the sons of the Hadern family, a rich second-generation American.

Whether it is the second generation of the rich in the Central Plains or the second generation of the rich in the United States, it is similar.

Judging from their facial expressions, they know that they don't care about money.

At this moment, after hearing Hadern's provocation, Jia Wei guessed that he couldn't help but threw a few cards in his hand on the table and said in English: "I give up!"

Everyone was shocked, and Steve and Harden laughed.

Harden: "Steve, show everyone your hole cards and make them convinced that they lose."

Steve smiled slightly and spread the cards in his hand on the table.

Jia Wei guessed a strange noise and collapsed almost instantly.

It turned out that Steve's hole card was a bad hand.

If the card that Jiawei guessed is a good one, if he insists on following, he can definitely win a round.

You know, the stakes are not low this time, maybe you can take advantage of the victory and regain lost ground!

Jia Wei guessed that his intestines were blue with regret.

If you can win this round, the pressure will be much less.

This time it's good. If you surrender without a fight, Master Ba Song will definitely blame him.

Hadern stood up and gave Steve a thumbs up.

Then he beckoned to the surveillance camera, and then shrugged again, seemingly unhappy.

In the surveillance room, Bassoon's face was a bit darker than briquettes, and his belly was bulging. You can imagine how intense the anger in his heart is.

Bassoon's fist slammed heavily on the table, shocking several staff nearby.

The boss is very angry and the consequences are serious.

Ba Song said loudly: "Let Jiawei guess and get off right away! The farther you go, the better! I never want to see him again!"

The subordinates were silent.

Aya was quite sensible, and said to Ba Song, "Dad, don't be impulsive, Jia Wei guessed it is the best here."

Ba Song snorted coldly, but did not refute.

He pressed it for a long time before he managed to get the flame down.

No wonder Basong is so angry.

With just over a dozen rounds of Black Jack down, Jia Wei guessed that he lost more than 30 million US dollars.

And now?

Hadern didn't mean to stop at all, he seemed to be communicating with the croupier now, requesting to come again.

This is also normal. He won 80 million U.S. dollars last time. It can be said that he returned with a full load.

This time he has only won 30 million and has not even tied the previous record.

Moreover, Hadern also told the croupier just now that he must break 100 million this time before he will give up.

Over 100 million, US dollars!

When someone told Basong about this, the boss's face went down.

Suddenly, Ba Song became uncharacteristically and at a loss.

Bassoon: "Hurry up, find someone to top it up, and we must win him down!"

Someone responded weakly: "Boss, Jia Wei guesses that we are already the strongest here. Who should we go to now?"


Bassoon pulled the man out two meters away with a big ear scraper: "You have to find me if you can't find it. I can't even do this thing. Why do I want you!?"

Ba Song was about to go up to make up for another foot, but was held back by his daughter Aya.

"Dad, calm down first."

Bassoon: "How can I calm down? The casino is going to be handled in one go!"

Aya: "Do you want him to try?"

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