You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ba Song was completely panicked at this time, and did not react for a while: "Who?"

Aya did not speak, but pointed to the cabin where Ba Song and Li Tianyu met.

Bassoon understood, and shook his head: "How can he do it? He can't win."

Aya: "Dad, didn't you listen to him just now? He made the gambling. It is his problem to lose. Of course it is better to win."

Ba Song pondered for a moment, as if there was indeed no other person to use, so he nodded.

Although this meant that he was rushing to the doctor, Ba Song weighed and weighed again and again. At this time, he could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Even if the person named Li Tianyu is really bragging, it doesn't matter. You can also buy some time to come out so that Ba Song can find another way.

Meanwhile, Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao are still waiting.

Three hours have passed, and no one comes to bother them.

But Li Tianyu became more calm.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Mr. Li, should we ask someone to ask about the situation?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "Don't worry, the ones that should come will come."

He pointed to the small dining car again: "There is food and drink here. If you are tired, you can lie down on the sofa for a while. If you are panicked, there is also a bathroom to go to. It is very comfortable to stay in."

Wang Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

This person is too nervous, right?Can you still eat at this time?

Yang An was not surprised.

Isn't Li Tianyu like this?

It always feels like everything is under control, and I don't know if it is true or just pretend to be.

However, Yang An admires Li Tianyu's psychological quality very much.

The three of them were talking one by one, when suddenly the hatch opened with a "swish".

Surprisingly, it was Aya who walked in.

Li Tianyu drank ice juice instead of ice juice.

If you drink too much juice, you are prone to diabetes.

Aya approached and asked in English: "You are Li Tianyu, right?"

Li Tianyu put down the cup and nodded: "That's right."

Aya: "Then come with me."

With that, Aya turned around and left.

Li Tianyu stood up and followed Aya.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao looked at each other. Of course, they couldn't let Li Tianyu be alone, and followed them together.

At this time, the two had already understood that it was probably Li Tianyu's words that were fulfilled.

Ba Song finally decided to ask Li Tianyu for help.

It was already afternoon.

The sun boss on the sea got out of the hatch, and just walked in the outer corridor for a while, and felt very hot.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for a few people to enter another passage and into the cabin again.

Then they walked into a cabin.

This cabin is one of the entrances to the casino on the St. Lawrence ship.

After passing a security gate with security inspection equipment, Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao were finally in the noisy casino.

Unlike casinos in some places, the casino on board the St. Lawrence is open 24 hours a day.

This is also in order to fish for gold more efficiently, after all, this super luxury cruise ship has a limited time to anchor in the nearby waters.

Aya walked in front, Li Tianyu followed behind her.

Aya: "Mr. Li, is your technique really good?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Which aspect do you mean?"

Aya was not angry, and glanced at Li Tianyu: "Mr. Li can really make a joke." Wu Jiu Literature

Li Tianyu: "I never make a joke."

Aya didn't speak any more, and moved on.

Li Tianyu couldn't help looking at Aya a few times, and had to say that the girl's figure is still quite good.

A few people passed the noisy slot machine area full of electronic sounds, and then arrived at the casino lobby.

Unexpectedly, there are a lot of people here, you can find almost any skin color in the world.

Of course, there are many East Asian faces on board, and they are basically rich people.

Li Tianyu has never been to Las Vegas, but depending on the liveliness here, it is estimated that it is not much worse.

Then, they took the elevator to the second floor of the casino.

This is the VIP area of ​​the casino on board.

Hadern and his gambler friends were waiting in one of them.

Li Tianyu walked in and finally saw these two people.

Harden saw Li Tianyu, quite surprised.

Harden: "This is not Tyrande, right?"

Li Tianyu: "I am from the Central Plains."

Harden laughed: "Interesting, Steve, you have a new opponent."

Steve showed an indifferent look, and the meaning was obvious-it's the same for everyone.

In Steve's eyes, most people are lambs to be slaughtered at the gaming table.

Li Tianyu didn't say much, and sat on the opposite side of Steve.

And Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao sat behind him. According to the casino's regulations, they couldn't stand up casually during the gambling round.

Not to mention Wang Xiaoxiao, even Yang An became nervous.

Since Ba Song brought Li Tianyu here, he had agreed to Li Tianyu's exchange terms.

In other words, whether Ai Heping can be released depends on the gambling situation.

But can Li Tianyu really bet against Steve in front of him?

The two of them had no idea.

At this time, Aya lowered her head and asked Li Tianyu: "How many chips do you want to change?"

Aya doesn't know how much Li Tianyu has, but after all, spending her own money will feel distressed and shouldn't change too much.

Li Tianyu glanced at the bargaining chip in front of Steve, estimated it, and said indifferently: "First change 10 million US dollars."

Ten million US dollars, converted into soft sister coins, reached 70 million!

Aya was startled.

Does this Central Plains have a species, or is the ignorant fearless?

Does he really have that much money?

Aya glanced back at the monitor, Bassoon was noncommittal and asked to prepare chips immediately.

According to the normal process, Li Tianyu needs to pay the gambling money first to exchange the chips, but because the current situation is relatively special, Bassong allows Li Tianyu to "credit".

Anyway, if someone else is here, he can't run, and he's not afraid that he will fall back on his account. In a big deal, he will ask Aihua Real Estate for money.

After a while, a server was holding a tray with a pile of chips on it, all placed in front of Li Tianyu.

The croupier is a European and American girl. She said to Li Tianyu: "Sir, we are playing Black Jack. There is no problem, right?"

Li Tianyu picked up a bargaining chip, played with it in his hand, and responded lightly: "No problem."

As an expert at gaming tables, Li Tianyu can control whatever gaming table games are.

Aya was also a little curious, instead of leaving, she sat next to her.

She wanted to see if this man from the Central Plains named Li Tianyu was really good at fighting.

And Bassong in the monitoring room was also quite nervous.

Although reason told him that Li Tianyu was really unreliable, but he hoped to rely on this kid to make a comeback.

My heart is really contradictory.

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