Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 374 This man is a little crazy

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu won the round.

Looking at Steve again, there was a smile on the corners of his mouth from just now, but now, that smile has become quite rigid, it seems to be a wry smile.

The croupier was also taken aback, and it took a long time to react, but he didn't expect Steve to win this time.

This is really unaccustomed.

The croupier arranged the gambling in the betting area of ​​both sides to Li Tianyu.

Two and a half million US dollars!

That's not a small amount, and Li Tianyu's chips in front of him have obviously increased.

Wang Xiaoxiao felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Unexpectedly, President Li actually won a round, which was really unexpected.

Yang An also showed a look of relief.

Although he believes that Li Tianyu is really good, but he is not sure that all aspects are good.

Winning this round is equivalent to giving him a definition pill.

Aya was even more surprised.

In her impression, on this St. Lawrence, it seemed that Steve could lose so much.

Bassoon in the monitoring room was stunned.

He stood there, stunned for a long time, his legs were numb, and then he thought of sitting down.

The staff in the monitoring room couldn't help cheering.

Bassoon: "Won? How is this possible?"

Although Bassong was puzzled, he was actually quite happy, which meant that he had escaped another round and could hold another round.

At that time, once the master Batia he had invited with a lot of money arrived, even if he couldn't win all the money back, he could at least make Steve retreat.

Thinking of this, Ba Song felt that Li Tianyu still had a lot of credit, so he called his subordinates: "Go, give the gambling room some food and drink, especially the Central Plains, take care of it better."

His subordinates left, and Ba Song felt a little relieved.

At the same time, Li Tianyu's expression has not changed after winning a round, making it more and more confusing.

Harden was okay, it was just a loss.

Although he lost a lot, 2.5 million US dollars, but compared with the money he won from the St. Lawrence, it was nothing but a dime.

But the Central Plains man on the opposite side was able to win a game from Steve, which was unexpected to Hardern.

He originally thought that Hadern would definitely win the Central Plains and call Father like chopping melons and vegetables.

Moreover, this Li Tianyu was too courageous. He did not even look at his hole cards, so he just raised directly. It was a mess!

But it doesn't matter, Steve who is serious is terrible.

Harden: "Steve, don't worry, isn't it interesting to have an opponent."

Steve turned his head and smiled: "Anxious? Mr. Hardern, you think too much. There is no word'anxious' in my dictionary."

Steve was right.

As a professional gambler, he can win a lot more money than lose money, not only because of excellent gambling skills, but more importantly, a stable psychological quality.

Losing a game is nothing.

Just losing to this little-known Central Plains made Steve feel a little uncomfortable.

But people have missed, horses have missed, and then Steve won't be careless.

At this time, the door of the VIP room opened.

Two service staff came in with a small dining car.

One of them said to Li Tianyu: "Sir, what can I drink?"

Li Tianyu: "Ice water."

The service staff responded, poured a glass of water for Li Tianyu, and thoughtfully added a few ice cubes, and placed them in front of Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu thanked him, took a sip of ice water, and suddenly felt refreshed.

In Tyrande, I really have to be greedy for cold, and there is no way to maintain health.

Seeing Li Tianyu's virtue, Steve was a little unhappy. He turned his head and said to the croupier, "Can you start?"

The dealer glanced at Li Tianyu, and Li Tianyu put down his cup: "Let's get started."

Since Li Tianyu won the next round, he became the dealer and Steve became the player.

Li Tianyu got two cards, the bright one and the dark one.

Everyone took a look.

Damn it!

The one Ming is actually square A.

In other words, Li Tianyu's first two cards may be Black Jack.

The dealer turned his head and asked Steve: "Mr. Steve, do I need insurance?"

Steve glanced at Li Tianyu and shook his head: "No insurance."

Steve doesn't think Li Tianyu can get Black Jack.

There is a chance, but it is very low.

Then, Steve got three cards one after another, the total number of cards is five, four are bright and one is dark.

He left a hole card to confuse Li Tianyu.

Of course, Steve would not be like Li Tianyu, not even looking at his hole cards, at least he did.

The points on Steve's card are 15 points, which are all small cards.

Looking at Steve's expression, he didn't explode even after counting his hole cards, indicating that adding the hidden card points should be quite strong.

It's Li Tianyu's turn.

As usual, Li Tianyu needs to turn over the hidden card to see if there is a black jack.

But he didn't do that, but asked for cards directly.

When he was about to reach the fourth card, he suddenly threw a part of the chips in front of him.

"Raise, two million."

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened and dumbfounded.

Needless to say, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao could not help but stand up.

How did this man from the Central Plains named Li Tianyu become more and more courageous?

Winning one round is a fluke. Does he still want to win the second round?

And also raised directly to two million!United States Dollar!

Winning can naturally make a lot of laughter, but once losing, I went back to before liberation.

At the same time, Ba Song, who was sitting in the monitoring room, also gave a "swish" and stood up.

He pointed to the screen and asked loudly: "Did the Central Plains see any hidden cards!?"

Several staff members shook their heads.

One of them responded: "Boss, he didn't watch it. The dealer sent it over, but he didn't watch it."

Bassoon: "It's too, too strange, he doesn't know if there is a black jack in the dark card, why should he raise? Is he, is he crazy!?

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Tianyu did not look at the hidden cards, but it was an illusion.

As a casino-level expert, it is normal to have one or two stunts.

In fact, he would take a look at any card the dealer gave Li Tianyu, but the action was very concealed.

It's like magic, it's a blinding trick, no one can find it even if it's very close.

He did not turn the hidden cards in the first time, but also to set Steve.

Will Steve be fooled?

This time, it was Steve's turn to struggle.

Li Tianyu raised two million in one go. This is not a small amount. Do you want to follow?

Steve pondered for a moment, and said lightly, "Follow."

With that, he put a part of the chips in front of him in the betting area.

The gambling chips at this time were the same as the previous round, reaching 2.5 million.

Dealer: "Both sides show their cards."

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