You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Steve turned over the hole card in his left hand.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but exclaim.

This hidden card is actually a club 6.

Steve's card just now adds up to 15 points.

Steve’s total points are now 21 points!

It is simply invincible.

Seeing this scene in the monitoring room, Bassoon couldn't help but shook his head: "It's over, it's over, this time I can lose."

Indeed, Steve is already 21 o'clock.

Unless Li Tianyu can also reach 21 points and a tie, he will have to lose money.

Of course, if Li Tianyu has a black jack, it will do.

But that possibility is too small, it is simply the chance of winning the lottery.

Steve pointed to Li Tianyu, meaning "it's your turn."

Li Tianyu smiled slightly and turned over the hidden card.

I saw that the card was a jack of spades!

When everyone saw it, their discoloration changed, their eyes were wider than before, their mouths opened, and two eggs could even be inserted!


"Blackjack! (Blackjack!)"

That's right, Li Tianyu's first two cards are the Ace of Spades and the J of Spades.

An A and a 10-point card, that is, Black Jack.

What does this mean?

If the dealer has a black jack and the player is not insured, the dealer wins directly.

Nothing wrong!

I saw Steve's face turned pale.

Of course, he was originally white, but before it was Hongli and Aibai, but now I look at...

Damn it!

Not even a bit of blood is gone.

Hadern is in the same situation.

He was not as heavy and breathless as Steve, stood up and took a closer look at the cards, and was immediately confused.

This is too outrageous!

How could it be so coincidental?

Only Black Jack can win the blackjack card, so why did Li Tianyu get it!?

Recall that Li Tianyu did not turn over the hidden cards just now, just to raise.

Why did he do this?

Does this kid already know that he is Black Jack?

impossible!Many people watched just now!He didn't see any hidden cards at all!

Basong in the monitoring room was completely confused for a while.

Then, there seemed to be a little excitement in his heart.

Could it be that the Central Plains man won another round like this?

Ba Song has forgotten the process of Li Tianyu winning the card just now, in short, he should have won now.

Bassoon really couldn't believe it, and asked the staff next to him: "Did you win? Did you win?"

The staff member was at a loss: "Boss, who do you mean won?"

Bassong pulled a big ear scraper again, and shouted loudly: "Are you really nonsense!? That Central Plains man, did he win!?"

The staff member was drawn to stare at Venus, barely stabilised his body and didn't fall to the ground, and he didn't care about covering his face. He quickly replied, "Yes, yes! That person from the Central Plains won the game!"

Ba Song again showed a look of astonishment: "How high is this? Why can I win again?"

Bassoon had already begun to doubt his vision and previous judgment.

You know, he did his best to send the game masters on the St. Lawrence, and only occasionally can win a game with Steve, and it is not painful to win.

But look at the man from the Central Plains named Li Tianyu who played three games, two wins and one tie.

This is so special that I haven't lost it!

Is this a coincidence?Just luck?

Bassoon has opened a casino on the Saint Lawrence for several years, knowing that "luck" is useful for beginners or laymen.

But for those masters who really have gambling skills, the influence of luck will be greatly weakened.


Ba Song looked at the colorful Li Tianyu through the big screen again, and he felt that he didn't look like a gambling master.

Perhaps it is because the Central Plains people are so lucky today?The good luck of a lifetime is used here?

Bassoon decided to take another look to see what will happen to the next hand.

At this point, Li Tianyu had won five million US dollars in two consecutive rounds.

Of course, don’t forget, he lost the insurance premium of 250,000 US dollars in the first game, but no one can remember this anymore.

Almost everyone looked at Li Tianyu, like a monster from the Central Plains.

Of course, with the exception of Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao, the mental state of these two people can only be described in a four-character idiom, which is "relaxed".

Now it seems to be able to feel a little more at ease, facing a professional gambler, two wins and one plain result is enough to leave here with his head high.

Of course, it is best to take Ai Heping with you when you leave.

Aya, who was sitting next to him, had now completely changed from curiosity to surprise. I didn't expect that the Central Plains could really fight, more than imagined.

Unlike others, she felt that Li Tianyu was amazing.

Originally, Aya just wanted to watch a few games and then left. Now that she has changed her mind, she decided to finish watching the Black Jack game.

She is very curious, can Li Tianyu win Steve?

At least...should you win another round?

Don't let me down Yo, the handsome Zhongyuan guy, Aya thinks so.

At the same time, Li Tianyu had a large part of the bargaining chips in front of him.

And Steve's bargaining chip is missing a large part. The chips that were piled up like a mountain have now been "digged out".

Steve's face was cold, and there was still a bit of irony.

He shook his head from time to time, looking a little confused.

This really shouldn't. In his memory, it seems that it has not been so miserable for a long time.

Is the opponent too strong?

Steve couldn't believe it, let alone accept it.

It is impossible for people from the Central Plains to have powerful gamblers. This situation must be just a coincidence!

So Steve became a little uncomfortable and said to the croupier: "Go on, next game."

The croupier turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Mr. Li, are you ready?"

Li Tianyu nodded and made an indifferent gesture.

In the next few games, Steve began to doubt life.

Li Tianyu once again won two games in a row and snatched 3.5 million US dollars from Steve.

That's right, Li Tianyu's 10 million U.S. dollars has basically doubled to 18 million.

The brains of other people around are no longer enough, and they seem to be on strike.

Basong in the monitoring room is in a very different mood from the beginning.

He was completely relaxed now and started to look at Li Tianyu with admiration.

If Li Tianyu wins one round or two rounds, it can be said to be an overwhelming luck.Yunnan Biquge

But the current battle line is four wins and one tie, so luck can't explain it.

The matter is already obvious, Steve is not a class at all in gambling, it can be said that he was completely suppressed by Li Tianyu.

At this time, one of the subordinates came in and said to Ba Song, "Boss, please come."

Bassoon turned his head and asked, "Who?"

The man was stunned and replied: "Hannison is here."

Hannison is said to be the strongest gaming table fighter in Pattaya.

Earlier, Ba Song had sent someone to pay him a lot of money.

But when people came, Ba Song changed his mind.

He waved his hand: "Forget it, you treat him well, eat and drink, and find a luxurious ocean-view cabin for a few nights."

Subordinates criticized more seriously: "Boss, didn't you let him go to the gambling table?"

Bassoon was angry, slapped the table with his big hand, and let out a "pop": "Fat! It's you who has the final say, or I have the final say?"

The subordinate immediately stood at attention: "Yes, yes! Boss, I will do it now!"

After his subordinates went out, Ba Song looked at the situation on the court again, it seemed...Li Tianyu was about to win again.

I thought it was a bastard who fished in troubled waters, but he was an ace fighter!

Ba Song squinted his eyes, and suddenly felt that Li Tianyu, a native of the Central Plains, was indeed very useful.

The conversation was good, and only two people were brought over, but they didn't show any timidity.

What is rare is that he is still so young.


Bassoon's ability to achieve such a wealth in Tyrande is not entirely dependent on the relationship between the prince's distant relatives, and he has relatively strong ability and understands the importance of talent.

Although it is impossible for this Central Plains to stay and work for him, he can also make friends.

After all, the business of Bassoon's casino is relatively large. In addition to the St. Lawrence, there are also several small casinos in Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Samui, and Phuket.

Not to mention anything else, being able to make friends with such a gaming table fighter will definitely be useful in the future.

At the same time, the "duel" between Li Tianyu and Steve has entered the eighth round.

In the seventh game, the two sides reached a tie, and Li Tianyu did not eat Steve's bet in a single bit, which was a little regrettable.

But it doesn't matter, Li Tianyu has not failed. There is no need to worry.

It should be Steve and Hadern sitting behind him that should be anxious.

Because the bargaining chips in front of Steve are getting fewer and fewer, originally like an endless mountain, but now it is like a broken wall.

This situation really made Steve, who has a strong mental quality, a little flustered, and put his hands under the table from time to time.

He didn't think of the old man, but was rubbing his hands.

When he first entered the gambling world, if he encountered a severe situation, he would rub his hands constantly, as if he could get the gambling back.

Steve can't remember the last time this method was used, when.

Anyway, it has to be picked up now.

Hadern was also depressed, but he did not lose his temper.

After all, their family is rich and powerful, even if they lose some money, there is no pressure, and he has not lost now, only a large part of it has been won back.

The key is that the Central Plains man in front of him is really very difficult, which made him think for the first time that Steve would lose.

Hadern has known Steve for a long time. As long as he watched his gaming table games, he was almost always unfavorable. He had never seen such a situation.

And Hardern clearly felt it, and Steve was really panicked.

At this time, the card points of both parties are as follows:

Li Tianyu has four cards, all Ming, and currently has 19 points.

Steve also has four cards, three bright cards and one hidden card. The current card face is 17 points.

It now appears that Steve's winning side is greater.

The key lies in Steve's hidden card.

If the hidden card is greater than 2 and less than or equal to 4, then Steve won the round.

Because the board is obvious, neither side has a black jack.

Steve just raised to two million US dollars.

Now that Steve hasn't won, it's a loss for adults.

This time, Steve will certainly win.

Steve seemed to have recovered his calm, and smiled and said to Li Tianyu: "Central Plains, maybe you think you are determined to win, but I want to tell you that anything can happen at the gaming table."

Li Tianyu responded indifferently: "Yes, so I believe in the cards on the gaming table more than in the mouth of a person."

Steve finally understood Li Tianyu's cynicism, his face changed a little, but he still didn't attack.

Calmness is the highest quality of gamblers, which is the essential difference from ordinary gamblers.

Anyway, the Central Plains lost this time, why not be more generous?

The croupier asked: "Does the dealer still need cards?"

Everyone felt that the croupier had asked too much.

Li Tianyu's hand has reached 19 points. As long as he is a normal person, he can no longer ask for a card.

Besides, if it exceeds 2 points, it will burst.

The best choice for Li Tianyu now is to fold his cards and prepare for the next round. In this way, he only needs to lose half of his gambling chips, which is US$1.25 million.

Such a loss is completely acceptable to Li Tianyu from the Central Plains.

After all, he won nearly 10 million U.S. dollars, which is a bumper harvest.

However, everyone was wrong.

Li Tianyu opened his hand to the croupier: "HIT (for a card)."

The croupier was startled, obviously he didn't expect Li Tianyu to react like this.

But since they want a card, they can't help but give it.

The croupier immediately dealt Li Tianyu a card.

The card was hidden, Li Tianyu didn't look at it, and pushed some of the chips in front of him to the betting area.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this kid still raising?

Li Tianyu: "Raise two million US dollars."

Steve's eyes widened, as if looking at a madman.

Two million!?

Doesn't the total bet on the table reach 4.5 million US dollars??

This kid hasn't even looked at the cards and has to raise so much. He is either a madman or a super madman!

Hadern couldn't help himself either, and stood up with a "cock", pointing to his head and shouting: "Areyouok!? Man!"

What Hadern meant was obvious, that he felt that Li Tianyu had a problem with his brain.

To be honest, Harden is alive too.

If the opponent is crazy, it is better for him to Hadern, there is no need to remind him.

However, Li Tianyu had no intention of repentance at all.

He asked again: "Mr. Steve, are you following?"

Steve was speechless for a moment.

Li Tianyu: "If you don't follow, please fold and surrender."

How could Steve endure this, he was already dominant, as if the other way around.

"Follow, of course."

With that said, Steve pushed his two million chips into the betting area again, thinking that this kid wanted to die, so let him die!

Croupier: "Both sides show the cards."

Everyone held their breath and opened their eyes wide, wanting to see what would happen next.

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