You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu looked at Aya and said, "I've said it a long time ago, I'm good in all aspects."

Aya: "All aspects?"

Li Tianyu: "All aspects."

The conversation between the two was rather quiet, and the others did not hear it clearly.

At this time, several people had already walked to the cabin where they had met with Bassoon.

This time, Bassoon prepared a much richer one.

Li Tianyu is not interested in these foods, he just wants to talk to Ba Song about Ai Heping.

I believe Basong is also very clear about this.

But why has he been practicing Tai Chi?

It's also because I didn't think about what to do.

Although Ba Song knew that he was a bit too much, Ai Heping owed money to gambling first, and then made a big mistake after smashing antiques. He was not wronged.

Moreover, some properties of Aihua Real Estate in Southeast Asia really make Basong coveted.

Li Tianyu was a great help, and Ba Song agreed, but it was a pity that he swallowed the fat in his mouth so easily.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while before making a decision.

"Mr. Bassong, how about finding a place to chat?"

Ba Song did not refuse, but readily agreed.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao watched Li Tianyu and Ba Song leave, and they were very puzzled.

Wang Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice: "Captain Yang, what do you think President Li will say to Ba Song?"

Yang An shook his head, saying that he did not know what medicine Li Tianyu sold in the gourd.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "By the way, I didn't expect President Li to have so many things, it's just..."

Wang Xiaoxiao wanted to say "it is superman", but after thinking about it, he felt a bit exaggerated, so he did not say it.

Yang An understands what Wang Xiaoxiao meant: "You will know from now on, Mr. Li is no ordinary person."

Not ordinary people?

That's Superman?

Wang Xiaoxiao thought so.

At the same time, Li Tianyu and Ba Song came to a semi-open cubicle in the room.

Li Tianyu chatted with Ba Song.

Unlike Yang An imagined, Li Tianyu had no good solutions.

He couldn't kidnap Basong and exchange hostages with the people on the boat, right?

That way they can't get out of Tyrande.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ba Song, let's just say it straight away, don't go around, we came here this time to take Ai Heping away. I helped you just now because of this reason."

Ba Song had no words, Li Tianyu continued: “There is an old saying in China that twisted melons are not sweet. Mr. Ba Song, although Ai Heping did do some improper things, if you really intend to establish a relationship with Aihua Real Estate Group Cooperative relationship, in this way, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve the goal."

"I have a suggestion, Mr. Bassoon, would you like to listen to it?"

Bassoon nodded: "Just tell me."

Li Tianyu: "As I told you before, make important decisions for Aihua Real Estate. I don't have this right. Let us take Ai Heping back. I will tell you what you want to cooperate with Aihua Real Estate. Headquarters report, let them send someone over, then you can talk to them about cooperation."

Having said that, Li Tianyu looked at Ba Song and said, "You are also a business person. This is the right way for cooperation, isn't it? Mr. Ba Song."

Li Tianyu observed Ba Song's expression. Although he still didn't nod his head, at least he should have listened.

Ba Song patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "Let me think about this, OK?"

Li Tianyu nodded, he didn't want to force Ba Song too tight.

After all, this ship is the other side's territory, and it's no good to make people angry.

What is certain is that if he does not receive Ai Heping, Li Tianyu will definitely not leave the Saint Lawrence.

When Li Tianyu and Ba Song came back, they continued to drink and chat, talk about Tyrande's customs, and talk about Tyrande's beauties. They never mentioned Ai Heping again.

After he was full, Ba Song said to Li Tianyu: "I have to see a few people in a while. You will have fun on this boat. The room is ready for you."

After a while, someone took Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao to the arranged cabin.

I have to say that Ba Song was really generous once.

A total of three cabins were arranged, one for each person.

And every cabin is a luxurious ocean view cabin.

Although the facilities inside seem to be less complete than the hotel, and the area is relatively small, only 30 or 40 square meters.

But this is after all on a cruise ship. What bikes are needed?

Having said that.

Looking at the sea view on a cruise ship is really different from the hotel. It has a special flavor.

Li Tianyu rested in the cabin for a while, then went to the deck to let the wind go.

To be honest, I played eight games with the foreign boy Steve before. It didn't seem to be long, but it was more than an hour.

And playing cards with such professional gamblers is extremely energy intensive.

Li Tianyu is indeed a little tired, and his eyes are dry and tired.

It was already afternoon. Fortunately, it was a bit cloudy today. The sun on the deck was not very harsh, but the ultraviolet rays were also very strong.

Li Tianyu came to the small bar on the deck, ordered a glass of iced juice, found a sun lounger, and drank while basking in the sun.

Although Ai Heping is still detained, the information obtained from Ba Song knows that at least Ba Song did not abuse him.

On the contrary, they are serving them deliciously.

Therefore, Li Tianyu was not in a hurry, as it was a vacation.

"Are you here?"

A nice voice rang in my ears.

And it's still in plain English.

Li Tianyu turned his head to look, it turned out to be Aya.

At this time, Aya was very close to Li Tianyu, and... she was wearing a bikini-style swimsuit.

Li Tianyu immediately felt that Tyrande was indeed hot, and Pattaya was even hotter.

Aya: "What do you think of me like that?"

Li Tianyu: "It's nothing, I was a little dizzy just now."

Aya: "Are you seasick?"

Li Tianyu: "Fortunately, it's okay. I didn't get used to it just now. It's better now."

Aya: "By the way, I heard that you came to the boat to save someone?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, a native of the Central Plains named Ai Heping."

Aya: "What did my dad say?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Your dad just doesn't agree to let people go."

Li Tianyu paused: "What? Are you going to help me?"

Aya laughed and said, "I can help you, but you have to drink a few drinks with me."

Li Tianyu thought, this doesn't seem to be a chore.

So Li Tianyu and Aya were drinking and chatting at the bar, and they were so happy.

After a while, the wind on the deck increased slightly.

Aya: "The wind is so strong, it's a bit uncomfortable."

Li Tianyu raised his glass and touched Aya with a "ding".

Then, drank it all.

"Then let's go back to the room."

Aya: "Whose room?"

Li Tianyu: "Mine." Read the novel together

Aya: "Okay, let me see how my dad arranged the room for you."

So the two moved to Li Tianyu's room.

After drinking wine just now, his voice was a little panic, Li Tianyu poured two glasses of water, one of which was passed to Aya.

Aya took the cup and looked at it a few times: "My dad is not kind, nor does he arrange better cabins for you."

Li Tianyu: "I think it's pretty good. At least there are large French windows and a small terrace. It is very comfortable to be able to blow the sea breeze and see the sea."

Aya walked to the bed, sat down, and pressed the surface of the bed: "It feels like the mattress is a bit hard."

Li Tianyu was taken aback, walked over and pressed: "No, I think the softness is moderate, suitable for my old waist."

As a result, the two began to study the mattresses of the luxury ocean cabins and had a heated argument.

More than two hours later, Aya walked out of Li Tianyu's cabin.

Li Tianyu followed her to see off.

Aya: "Li, I will talk to my dad."

Li Tianyu: "What are you talking about?"

Aya: "As for your friend, I will persuade my dad to let him out. Don't blame my dad, he is sometimes confused."

Li Tianyu nodded: "It's no longer strange."

Aya: "But I have to go back to my room and rest for a while. I will tell you if I have news."

Li Tianyu: "Good."

After watching Aya disappear at the end of the corridor, Li Tianyu returned to the room and closed the hatch.

To be honest, he was also a little tired, so he had to take a good rest.

The next day, Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao gathered in the meeting cabin again.

There, Ai Heping finally showed up.

Looking at the fat white man, Li Tianyu said depressed: "Ai Heping, are you really fatter again?"

Ai Heping rushed over and hugged Li Tianyu desperately: "Boss, I want to die!"

The dialogue and behavior of these two people frightened Wang Xiaoxiao.

What is this?

Ai Heping is the son of Ai Baoquan, president of Aihua Real Estate Group.

How could he call Li Tianyu the boss?

Isn't Li Tianyu an executive at the headquarters of Aihua Real Estate?

Wang Xiaoxiao originally imagined that Li Tianyu and Ai Heping would meet like that.

Li Tianyu took the initiative to shake hands with Ai Heping.

Ai Heping listlessly refused to shake hands, and then questioned Li Tianyu: "Why are you here to rescue me now!? Do you really want to get involved in the company!?"

Li Tianyu can only bow to his knees and seek completeness.

After all, they are just executives, senior employees who work for their Ai family.

Anyway, the current situation is completely reversed from what Wang Xiaoxiao had imagined before.

Ai Heping not only called Li Tianyu the "Boss", but also seemed to listen to Li Tianyu's words quite well.

Although Wang Xiaoxiao didn't see Ai Heping many times, he had already heard of the deeds of this son-in-law.

This person is a typical rich second-generation, dude, who doesn't obey discipline, but even his parents can't control it.

How could such a demand be subdued by this "President Li"?

Wang Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

During this period, Bassoon was observing in secret.

When he saw the unusual relationship between Ai Heping and Li Tianyu, he let go of his heart.

Before, Li Tianyu said that he has a very high position in the Aihua Real Estate Group, how much he is valued by President Ai Baoquan, and he is a little skeptical. He thinks that most of the things are exaggerated by Li Tianyu in order to achieve his goal.

It now appears that what Li Tianyu said is not exaggerated, but somewhat conservative.

Even Ai Baoquan's son is so close to Li Tianyu, the relationship with Ai Baoquan should be the same.

Bassoon's judgment is correct this time, and you can give him a compliment.

This time, Ba Song finally agreed to release Ai Heping, not all because of the persuasion of his daughter Aya. In fact, he has figured out the matter himself.

A hard bargaining with Aihua Real Estate may be able to get a relatively large benefit for a while, but in the long run, it is not cost-effective. It may leave troubles and give Aihua Real Estate a reason for revenge.

After all, Basong is a businessman, not a community in Tyrande.

Coupled with Aya's persuasion, I still think let it go first.

But Basong is not without conditions. Li Tianyu is required to ensure that Aihua Real Estate can send someone to talk about compensation as soon as possible.

This matter is easy to say, anyway, it was Ai Heping's sin, and Li Tianyu agreed.

As for what form of compensation the two parties will negotiate, it is their business and has nothing to do with Li Tianyu.

This time it was quite lucky to be able to get Ai Heping out, and it was not easy.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

When he looked at the TV show, he couldn't help feeling that he was really saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao was here.

It turned out that Ai Baoquan called, using his private number.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button, and then Ai Baoquan's hastily and anxious voice came from the other end.

It seemed that a woman could still be faintly heard crying.

Ai Baoquan: "Brother Li, no, it's not good!"

Li Tianyu: "What's the matter?"

Ai Baoquan: "My son, Heping, lost contact in Tyrande. It is said that he was tied up!"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, I was tied up."

Ai Baoquan: "Brother Li, where are you? Help me get an idea, do you want to contact Tyrande police..."

Ai Baoquan hadn't finished speaking yet, as if someone had taken the phone over.

Then, another woman's voice came.

Li Tianyu immediately understood that it was Zhao Ya, Ai Baoquan's eldest wife, and Ai Heping's biological mother.

She should have been crying just now.

Zhao Ya seemed to sort out her emotions with difficulty: "Tianyu, are you listening?"

Li Tianyu: "I'm listening, Aunt Ya, you said."

Zhao Ya: "I thought and thought about this matter, but don't disturb Tyrande's police, lest... lest..."

Zhao Ya said for a long time, but did not dare to say the word "tear ticket".

Li Tianyu was so happy that the two of them were hanging up in a hurry, right?

It is estimated that Ai Baoquan has been beaten by Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya said again, "Tianyu, how about you come over and discuss what to do?"

Li Tianyu could not bear Zhao Ya and Ai Baoquan becoming ants on a hot pot, so he said, "Auntie Ya, don't worry, I can't go."

Zhao Ya: "Huh? Then..."

Li Tianyu: "I'm in Tyrande."

Zhao Ya didn't seem to react.

Li Tianyu: "I'm with Heping. The matter is resolved and he will be able to return to China soon."

Zhao Ya: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Zhao Ya seems to be unable to turn her mind.

As the saying goes, care is chaotic.

A woman like Zhao Ya is actually quite calm, and usually doesn't mess around.

But this time it was about her son, so it was messy.

Li Tianyu briefly said what happened.

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