You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Zhao Ya heard it, she might indeed be shocked, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Li Tianyu was not in a hurry, and waited slowly.

Then, Zhao Ya and Ai Baoquan whispered again from the phone, and they were very excited.

After a while, Zhao Ya said to Li Tianyu again: "Tianyu, are you still in Tyrande?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, we are in Pattaya in Tyrande."

Zhao Ya: "Okay, then I, Baoquan and I will go over immediately. Find a place to live first. Don't go out and run around."

Of course, Li Tianyu agreed, thinking that we are all children.

After that, Ai Baoquan took over the phone and chatted with Li Tianyu again, and Li Tianyu also told Ai Baoquan about Ba Song's request.

Ai Baoquan: "Brother Li, this is okay. Let's talk to him in person. Is this sincere enough?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "This is the best way, you two will be slower on the road."

Ai Baoquan also told Li Tianyu to ignore other things. It is most important to ensure safety in a foreign country.

Li Tianyu: "Don't worry, your son, I will grow fat in vain."

Ai Baoquan laughed, completely different from the anxiety just now.

Although it is known that Ai Heping got into trouble at the sea casino, this time is different.

Neither Ai Baoquan nor Zhao Ya seemed to be angry.

Maybe it is to wait for the return to turn off Ai Heping's confinement.

Ai Baoquan hung up the phone and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Zhao Ya also seemed very tired, but there was a comforting feeling on her face.

The two men are like survivors who have just survived a thrilling air disaster.

It's so exciting.

Although Ai Heping is a typical dude who doesn't do business all day long and waits to do something that is not human, he is generally quite filial.

Ai Heping was quite good at saying "sweet words" to his parents, which made Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya stunned.

Especially Zhao Ya, Ai Heping is his heart, and he loves it.

If Ai Heping were to fold in Tyrande, or something irreversible happened, then Zhao Ya and Ai Baoquan would really want to die.

It took Zhao Ya for a while before she had the strength to speak, "Tianyu has been a great help this time."

Ai Baoquan chuckled, "This kid is very helpful."

Zhao Ya: "I really didn't expect Tianyu to be so dedicated to our family's affairs, and what he said is quite difficult to do, but I didn't expect him to do it."

Ai Baoquan kept smirking and wanted to praise Li Tianyu, but he didn't know what words to use.

Zhao Ya sighed again: "Heping has such a friend, so lucky, otherwise this matter is really difficult to handle."

Ai Baoquan also nodded.

The St. Lawrence, Ai Baoquan has more or less heard of it, that cruise ship has an unusual background.

Especially in Tyrande, that kind of place itself has a lot of gray areas. If it is really targeted by some powerful people, it will be good if you don't lose half of your life.

Li Tianyu was able to go to Tyrande to rescue Ai Heping alone, which shows that it is true to their Ai family.

Ai Baoquan couldn't help sighing.

The step of making friends with Li Tianyu was really right.

Such a person is very capable, and what he didn't say to their Ai family, it helps a lot!

Ai Heping and Zhao Ya discussed how to repay Li Tianyu for his help after this matter is over.

Such a great kindness, if you don't return it, it really doesn't make sense.

At the same time, Ba Song heard that Ai Baoquan, the president of Aihua Group, was going to come to talk in person, and he was very happy.

These large-scale real estate companies in the Central Plains are top-notch in terms of financial resources, human resources, and material resources.

Ba Song really wants to talk to Ai Baoquan about cooperation.

Li Tianyu contributed to the development from a "kidnapping case" to a "cooperation case".

In addition, Ba Song still appreciates Li Tianyu's talents, so his attitude towards several people is getting better.

Ba Song first pulled Ai Heping and put it in a close fit.

In any case, Ba Song had imprisoned Ai Heping, and he had to calm down the injured little heart of the other party.

Ai Heping was very bachelor and didn't care at all: "It's okay, to be honest, I've been on your boat very well, and I didn't suffer any crime."

Li Tianyu: "I have gained a lot of weight."

Ai Heping laughed, a little embarrassed.

Ai Heping was delighted that Li Tianyu could come to rescue him. He really didn't find the wrong person.

If Ai Heping finds his father, what will happen is not sure.

But the relationship between the two has passed the level of verbal thanks, needless to say, just understand it in your heart.

Everything goes without saying.

Ba Song kindly invited Li Tianyu, Ai Heping, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao to lunch together.

The table is extremely rich. You can't finish eating the top Alaskan king crabs and Tai Olong, not to mention the luxury caviar and 5A wagyu.

Li Tianyu suspected that Ba Song had really lost his money this time.

After drinking and eating, Li Tianyu bid farewell to Ba Song.

Basong: "Let's stay a few days?"

Li Tianyu: "No, there are still important things in the body, so I won't bother you, wait for President Ai to come back, maybe I can meet again.

Basong was also refreshed: "Okay, you will be in Tyrande in the future, no, if you encounter anything in Southeast Asia, just call me and I will definitely try to help you."

Of course Li Tianyu thanked him with pleasure.

It's good to find someone with a background as a "backer" in Southeast Asia.

In the future, the business will expand, and it is hard to guarantee that it will not develop in Southeast Asia.

Just when Li Tianyu was about to say goodbye to leave, Ba Song's cell phone rang.

Ba Song motioned to Li Tianyu to wait a while before pressing the answer button.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"What? Didn't talk about it? Isn't it done? Why is it so troublesome?"

"...Oh, it turned out to be like this, there is no way, I think you should consider other islands."

"Okay, you can see it again."

After speaking, Basong hung up the phone.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ba Song is in trouble?"

Ba Song waved his hand: "It's a friend of mine. He intends to buy an island, but the government's approval has not come down, so I persuaded him to give up."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Buy an island? An uninhabited island?"

Basong: "Yes, there are actually many uninhabited islands in Tyrande. The island that my friend wants to buy is in very good conditions. The island has mountains, lakes, and a large mangrove forest. Class-class beaches, reef areas, deep water areas, and even docks can be built to anchor large ships."

Basong said: "The surrounding seas are surrounded by a whole coral area. Most of the time, it is calm and calm, especially for diving, and the island has another advantage."

Li Tianyu asked curiously: "What are the benefits?"

Bassoon: "Because the development is difficult, the price is relatively low."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he laughed: "Since that island is so good, Mr. Ba Song won't try to buy it?"

Basong waved his hand: "The government approval is not easy, it needs to open up a lot of relationships, and it is an uninhabited island, there is nothing on it, to develop the island, the investment is too large, it will take at least ten years. It will take a long time to build a look, I'll forget it, I like to make quick money."

Li Tianyu nodded, it was indeed such a reason.

People who run casinos like to take opportunistic tricks and take shortcuts, and generally cannot bear the suffering of long-term investment.

In fact, Li Tianyu is also such a person.

He has now been accustomed to bragging about the tax system, and thinks that it must be a project that is worthwhile.

But Li Tianyu was a little curious about the island, and asked, "Where is that island?"

Basong: "In the Andaman Sea, the local name is Prince's Island. By the way, it's not far from Phuket Island."

Prince Island?

This name is tacky, easy to remember, and a good name.

Therefore, Li Tianyu formally said goodbye to Basong and Aya, took the ferry back to the pier, and then took a car from the pier to the Pattaya Ocean Center Hotel.

Today's weather is terribly hot, Li Tianyu took a good hot bath in his room, and then lay on the bed wondering whether to find someone to come over to do the Thai-style secret massage.

However, Li Tianyu seemed to have something he couldn't let go of, and he was brooding about it.

Yes, it's about Prince Island.

Basong said that the island is very cheap.Sister Literature Network

Of course, this cheap is relatively speaking, even if it is cheap, a small island costs tens of millions of US dollars.

If it is a medium to large island, it will be several times more expensive.

And there is also the issue of approval, which is really difficult to deal with.

But then again, this kind of approval is for ordinary people, and it is different for a system host like Li Tianyu.

If you use the bragging tax system, can that island be brought down?

The one million tax limit is not sure if it is enough.

At least, Li Tianyu thinks he can still give it a try.

Just do it, anyway, it's just bragging.

Li Tianyu got up from the sofa and ran into the bathroom.

As soon as he sat on the toilet, Li Tianyu felt that something was wrong.

Damn it!

Why should I come to the bathroom?

The brain is broken!

It used to be outside, thinking about bragging, so I looked for the restroom everywhere.

This was in a hotel room, and I actually ran in.

Conditional reflex is really terrible.

Li Tianyu went out, took a bottle of ice-cola from the refrigerator, and then sat back on the sofa.

Blowing on the air conditioner and drinking ice water, it was too comfortable.

Li Tianyu arrogantly blew a bull saying "I have an island in Tyrande."

If this bull is heard by outsiders, it will definitely feel that it is about to break through the sky.

But I don’t know if it’s a lot of bragging, and most of it has come true. Li Tianyu feels that he is not bragging but prophesying.

That's right, Li Tianyu is like a "prophet" now.

It was the first time that Li Tianyu did this kind of thing abroad, so he was really a little excited.

After the bullshit was over, Li Tianyu couldn't wait to open the system panel and enter the order center.

The list is refreshing...

It took a long time to refresh this time. Li Tianyu was worried whether he was bragging a little bit fiercely, so the system crashed?

Li Tianyu was a little flustered.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

The list quickly refreshed.

When Li Tianyu saw it, he was quite surprised.

There are so many small islands to buy.

[Island Name]: Karan Island

[Island country]: Tyrande

[Island Location]: Seas southeast of Tyrande

Property Period: 80 years

[Island area]: 18 square kilometers

[Tax amount]: 780000 soft sister coin


[Island Name]: Pearl Island

[Island country]: Tyrande

[Island Location]: Tyrande Bay

Property Period: Permanent

[Island area]: 24 square kilometers

[Tax amount]: 1050,000 soft sister coins


Island NameBlanfon Island

[Island country]: Tyrande

[Island Location]: Andaman Sea

Property Period: 80 years

[Island area]: 27 square kilometers

[Tax amount]: 1250000 soft sister coin


[Island Name]: Prince Island

[Island country]: Tyrande

[Island Location]: Andaman Sea

Property Period: Permanent

[Island area]: 39 square kilometers

[Tax amount]: 1850000 soft sister coin


[Island Name]: Gaolanpa Island

[Island country]: Tyrande

[Island Location]: Tyrande Bay

Property Period: Permanent

[Island area]: 35 square kilometers

[Tax amount]: 2050000 soft sister coin

There are five orders in the list.

Li Tianyu looked at it roughly and couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

It seems that the one million tax limit is far from enough to buy a desirable island.

Of the five orders, only the first one can be won by Li Tianyu.

But the area of ​​this small island is only 18 square kilometers.

Although Li Tianyu does not have a clear concept of the area of ​​the island, it must be a small area.

There are some places on the island that cannot be built, so there are only a handful of places where you can build a house. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to build anything if you encounter a small island with poor geological structure.

If he buys such an island, Li Tianyu can only go there alone to experience survival on the isolated island.

Perhaps being a live broadcast can make a fortune and gain a lot of fans.

Li Tianyu shook his head. Of course he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Besides, that island has only 80 years of property rights.

Don't be too cheating.


At this time, Li Tianyu saw "Prince Island" impressively listed.

And it is ranked fourth.

As Prasong said before, Prince Island is located in the Andaman Sea and should be very close to Phuket Island.

The area has reached 39 square kilometers.

It sounds pretty good, a little more than double the first one.

The most important thing is that it belongs to freehold property rights.

In other words, as long as you get it, it will always belong to Li Tianyu.

Of course, the tax is also considerable, reaching 1.85 million soft sister coins.

Exceeded Li Tianyu's tax limit.

The fifth item, Gaolanpa Island, has an area of ​​only 35 square kilometers, which is smaller than Prince Island, and the tax amount has reached 2.05 million soft sister coins.

Higher than Prince Island.

If it is not for the difference in the sandy beaches and geological structures on the islands, the price/performance ratio of Prince Island is undoubtedly much higher.

It seems that Prince Island is on sale.

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