Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 382 Don't run wild in my backyard

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!shake hands?Of course Li Tianyu will not refuse, no matter who he is with.

The two shook hands symbolically, but it was enough.

Li Tianyu has basically obtained Fu Yurong's information.

They really want to buy this Prince's Island.

Fu Yurong has been cultivating in Southeast Asia for many years, and he wants people to have connections and funds.

If he wants to buy this Prince Island, the success rate is indeed high.

After all, the island price is cheap, nothing more than the Tyrande government approval is not easy to do.

But Li Tianyu could only laugh at this time.

Because Prince Island is already in his Li Tianyu's pocket, no matter how much energy the Fu Real Estate Group has, it is completely useless.

In front of the bragging tax system, ordinary people can only be at the mercy of Li Tianyu.

But now Li Tianyu is still calm, wanting to hear what Fu Yurong would say.

Li Tianyu: "Hello, Mr. Fu, we are indeed destined. We can still meet you on the uninhabited island."

Standing at a later position, Fu Jiaming couldn't help showing a sneer.

This kid is still playing haha, he really took the courage of the leopard.

Fu Yurong: "I don't know what the little brother is doing here?"

Li Tianyu: "I heard that Prince Island is good, so come and have a look."

Fu Jiaming couldn't help but interrupted and said, "Have you finished watching? Let's leave as soon as you finish watching!"

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't finished reading it yet."

Fu Jiaming's expression changed: "You..."

Qi Anna looked at Li Tianyu curiously.

I feel that this person is handsome and has a good temperament.

What is rare is that he did not show any timidity in front of Fu Yurong and Uncle Fu.

Qi Anna's father and Fu Yurong have been friends for many years.

Qi Anna knew that Fu Yurong was great.

Not only is he tall, he is also quite majestic, belonging to the type of domineering president.

The average young man might not even be able to say a complete sentence in front of him.

And this person is surprisingly calm, calm and light, and he is really admired for his courage.

However, what Fu Yurong said just now, this young man seems to be a competitor.

In other words, it is the enemy of the Fu family.

Wang Xiaoxiao was a little nervous.

Although she didn't know Fu Yurong, she was definitely not an idler looking at this person's momentum.

And looking at their aggressive attitude, it seems that they are deliberately making trouble for them.

According to Wang Xiaoxiao's idea, Li Tianyu should leave here as soon as possible, and it is best not to conflict with them.

But Li Tianyu obviously had no intention of leaving.

He wanted to face the opponent.

At this moment, when Fu Jiaming saw that his father didn't speak, he started talking again: "Did Ai Baoquan call you?"

Wang Xiaoxiao's face changed.

Ai Baoquan is the president of Aihua Real Estate.

This person actually called his name directly, obviously without any kindness.

However, Li Tianyu didn't seem to care, and faintly replied, "I came here by myself, it has nothing to do with Mr. Ai." Huaheng Academy

Fu Jiaming sneered: "It has nothing to do with Ai Baoquan? A ghost believes! Is Aihua Real Estate also interested in this island?"

At this time, Fu Yurong deliberately wanted to exercise his son, so Fu Jiaming was left to "negotiate" with Li Tianyu.

Let's see if we can force something out of this young man's mouth.

At this time, I heard that Li Tianyu's face didn't change at all, and he slowly said, "Well Prince Island, this scenery is really beautiful, even if Aihua Real Estate didn't take it, I took it."

Fu Jiaming was startled: "Did you like it?"

Li Tianyu: "Look at this beach, look at the sea, look at the sky, buy this island, and live here for a period of time every year. What a wonderful thing."

When the Fu family's father and son heard this, they looked at each other.

This kid is really big, is this bragging?

Li Tianyu: "I heard that this Prince Island is listed as a saleable area by the Tyrande government, and the price is not high."

Fu Jiaming: "Not high? Do you know how much money is set for this island?"

Although Li Tianyu has obtained the ownership of Prince Island, he does not know what the price of the island is.

After all, he only spent 185,000...soft sister coins.

It's almost like giving away for nothing.

Li Tianyu spoke honestly: "How much does this island cost? I really want to know?"

Fu Jiaming laughed loudly: "I'm afraid it will scare you when I say it."

Li Tianyu: "If you don't tell me, how do you know it will scare me?"

Fu Yurong said calmly, "Jiaming, he wants to know, then tell him."

Fu Jiaming: "Well, if you want to listen, I will tell you that the price of Prince Island is 130 million U.S. dollars."

130 million U.S. dollars.

It is equivalent to about 800 million yuan in soft currency.

Wang Xiaoxiao was a little surprised.

This money is indeed a sky-high price for an ordinary person.

It sounds like a lot, but considering that the "overall quality" of this island is so high, in fact, 800 million yuan is not difficult to be regarded as a high price.

Of course, such a price would not scare Li Tianyu.

Seeing that Li Tianyu's expression did not change, Fu Jiaming thought he was pretending to criticize.

After all, there is a beautiful woman next to Li Tianyu, presumably not wanting to lose face in front of the beautiful woman.

Fu Jiaming was born in a wealthy family since he was a child, so naturally he has more or less the habits of dudes.

The more he doesn't want to lose face, the more he wants to make him lose.

And the harder you lose, the cooler Fu Jiaming is.

Fu Jiaming: "Don't tell me, can you afford one hundred million US dollars?"

Li Tianyu: "I can tell you, no matter if I can't afford this billion U.S. dollars, I still have to decide on this island."

Fu Yurong laughed loudly: "Young man, don't be so stubborn. It's not good for you. If you really want a small island, I'm afraid you have to wait some time. Of course, if Ai always wants it, then Let’s not talk about it."

Fu Jiaming: "Dad, you are wrong."

Fu Yurong raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's wrong?"

Fu Jiaming: "Even if Ai Baoquan wants it, money alone won't work. If you don't get government approval, you won't get ownership if you give it more money."

Fu Yurong: "You can't say that, Ai Baoquan is still quite capable."

Fu Jiaming: "In Southeast Asia, no matter how great he is, it doesn't matter."

At this time, Fu Jiaming stared at Li Tianyu and said: "Go back and tell Ai Baoquan, don't think about Prince Island, and build a house in China with peace of mind."

Fu Jiaming looked arrogant and looked at Li Tianyu like a beggar.

Li Tianyu didn't care, and said lightly: "But I have bought this island. The place where you stand is my backyard."

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