Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 383 Betting About One Million U.S. Dollars

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu's words are actually fine.

Now he is the master of Prince Island.

But if someone who didn't know heard it, he would feel that he was talking about it.

Moreover, it is very arrogant.

Fu Yurong didn't pay attention to Li Tianyu's words, just as a young man's gibberish after becoming angry.

And his son Fu Jiaming was even more disdainful.

Fu Jiaming: "Did you have a broken brain? Did Ai Baoquan ask such a person to do things for him?"

Fu Yurong prevented his son from continuing to speak, then turned his head and said to Li Tianyu solemnly: "Little brother, you can't eat rice or talk nonsense. Not everyone can buy this island."

Li Tianyu: "Excuse me, Mr. Fu, I did buy this island."

Li Tianyu looked at Fu Jiaming again and said, "I welcome you all to come to the island to play. It’s okay to stay for a few days, but just like Mr. Fu said, you can’t eat rice or talk nonsense. Please Mr. Fu Jiaming. It’s better to be cautious in your words and deeds."

Li Tianyu said a lot of words, in a simple summary-shut up!

Qi Anna couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I really couldn't tell just now that this handsome guy was originally a werewolf, but he actually started to confront Fu Jiaming in front of Fu Yurong.

Is he not afraid of the Fu's troubles?

Even if you are a competitor, you can't be so unrelenting, right?

And in Qianna's opinion, this person is indeed a bit arrogant.

There are many ways to strike at opponents, but you can't slap a swollen face to fill a fat man, and slander.

Although this island is said to be cheap, it is not something that ordinary people can buy. Even if the money is enough, there are things that are difficult to do with government approval.

In Qi Anna's opinion, Uncle Fu can indeed buy it, but the handsome guy in front of him is absolutely impossible.

When he said this, in the end he could only reverse the situation and take his own humiliation.

After all, if Fu Yurong is willing to check whether the island is sold, it is easy to handle such things.

Li Tianyu's words were already quite "rude", Fu Jiaming was angry, and he was about to point at Li Tianyu to scold him, but his father stopped him.

Fu Yurong: "Little brother, you said this Prince Island belongs to you?"

Li Tianyu responded lightly: "Yes."

Fu Yurong: "Do you have any evidence?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "Mr. Fu, I don't have any card of the island owner, and when I go out, I don't always carry some contracts, approvals, etc., right?"

Li Tianyu's subtext: Take those things with you and show them to people at any time. Isn't that too pretentious?

Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Fu Yurong and then at Li Tianyu.

There is a feeling that there is no way to end today.

She couldn't understand, why did Li Tianyu tell such a lie?

Although the father and son in front of them seemed to be full of hostility towards Aihua Real Estate, Li Tianyu couldn't beat them by doing so!

On the contrary, it may irritate the two people and do something unforeseen.

But Wang Xiaoxiao changed his mind.

Although the time to get along with Li Tianyu was very short, he didn't even have a week when he was full.

But this executive from the group headquarters has shown maturity and wisdom beyond his age.

Especially on the St. Lawrence, in such a difficult and unsolvable situation, not only could Ai Heping be rescued, but also the operator of the casino, Bassoon, was turned into a jade, and finally the wine was happy.

It's really amazing.

Such a character should not make such a low-level mistake, right?

Could it be that this Prince Island... was really bought by Li Tianyu?

Wang Xiaoxiao couldn't help shook his head.

This is impossible.

Such a big island, such a beautiful island, is it so easy to buy?

And the person just said that the price of the island alone reached 130 million U.S. dollars.

Although Li Tianyu looks young and rich, it is unlikely that he will have such strong financial resources to buy an island.

Even if he really has so much money, it would be a crazy act to spend so much money on an island.

By the way, there is another possibility.

That is, Li Tianyu is the representative of Aihua Real Estate, in fact, Aihua Real Estate bought the island.

After thinking about it, this seems to be the only possibility.

To be honest, how can a big boss like Fu Yurong have spare time to fight with a younger generation?

Fu Yurong originally wanted to say a few words to let the other party retreat.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu was even more "hard" than Fu Yurong imagined.

As a powerful business man who has been in the business for half his life, Fu Yurong's expression is a little bit unstoppable.

However, Fu Yurong suppressed his anger and said to his son, "Let's go."


Just let go of this arrogant boy?

How can Fu Jiaming do it!

Fu Jiaming: "Dad, this kid is obviously talking nonsense! You can make a phone call and ask, let him know what heaven is high and earth thick!"

Fu Yurong snorted coldly: "What do you know? Let's go back and go directly to find someone to do the government approval for purchasing the island. By then, no one but us will want to get on the island for half a step!"

Fu Jiaming suddenly realized.

I am still too young.

Arguing and arguing here is simply a waste of time, to no avail, and maybe even humiliating the other party for nothing.

As long as you buy this Prince's Island, no matter what this kid says, it will be treated as if he is farting.

Fu Jiaming gave Li Tianyu a fierce look: "Remember, this is the last time you have landed on the island. When we buy the island, you come back and be careful that I throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!"

After speaking, Fu Jiaming turned his head to align Anna and said, "Let's go, Anna, I don't want to see his ugly face anymore!"

Qi Anna said "Ah", then turned to look at Li Tianyu, and then followed the Fu family and his son to the dock.

However, Li Tianyu's voice came from behind him.

"It's a pity, you can't get the Fu's real estate on this island. This should be the last time you have landed on Prince Island."

Fu Yurong, father and son and Qi Anna turned their heads to look over at the same time.

Li Tianyu's words are really hated.

Even Fu Yurong couldn't stand it anymore.

There are such arrogant people in the world!

Fu Yurong took his son back, shocked Wang Xiaoxiao, and couldn't help hiding behind Li Tianyu.

Only then did he discover that Li Tianyu's thin body was actually quite immobile and terribly stable.

It is worthy of being an executive at the headquarters of Aihua Real Estate Group. The psychological quality alone is not comparable to ordinary people.

Fu Yurong stared at Li Tianyu with a terrifying voice: "Are you sure this island is already in your name?"

Li Tianyu solemnly replied: "Yes, and sure."

Fu Yurong: "Okay, since you are firmly convinced, then I have to be more serious with you."

With that, Fu Yurong took out his mobile phone.Book Bag Network

Fu Jiaming said, "Dad, wait a moment."

Fu Yurong: "What else do you have?"

Fu Jiaming turned to Li Tianyu and said, "What is your name?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Is this important?"

Fu Jiaming: "Of course it's important. I bet you, you can't even know your name, right?"

It turned out to be a bet with Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu is afraid of natural disasters and man-made disasters. He has never been afraid of it before, so he bet.

Since he became the host of the bragging tax system, he has never lost any betting contracts.

Of course Li Tianyu gladly reported his name.

Fu Jiaming: "Okay, let's go, if the island is really in your name, then we will give you one million, and then leave here immediately, if the island has not been sold, or the ownership is someone else's , Then you..."

Li Tianyu: "I will give you one million, and then take someone to leave immediately."

Fu Jiaming: "The one million I said is US dollars, can you do what you say?"

What Fu Jiaming means is, do you have so much money?

One million US dollars is equivalent to seven million soft sister coins.

This is not a small amount.

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "Don't worry about that. Since I can charter a boat here, it means I am confident, and there is also Mr. Ai behind me."

Fu Yurong also nodded: "With Ai Baoquan's endorsement, he can't rely on it."

Fu Yurong also acquiesced to this bet.

Anyway, it is not a bad thing for young people to fight for style and temper, because of their nature.

Moreover, in Fu Yurong's view, it is impossible for his son to lose.

There is also Qianna who has the same idea.

To be honest, Qi Anna is still quite curious about Li Tianyu.

Although this young man always "speaks wildly", it is strangely not annoying.

And when he said these words, his expression was very calm and calm, calm and calm, with a calm and refined feeling.

This is not like Fu Jiaming, who seems to be impatient, hoarse, hysterical, and not very mature.

The two seem to be about the same age, but the gap is huge.

But even so, Qi Anna still felt that this person named Li Tianyu could not buy this island.

At best, the big man named Ai behind him bought it.

Although Qi Anna didn't know who that person was, it seemed that even Fu Yurong was quite jealous of him, indicating that his power and energy were not small.

But even in that case, Li Tianyu couldn't win the bet.

Because Fu Jiaming is very smart, the condition is that the name of the owner of the island must be this person, that is, Li Tianyu is all.

If the owner is not him, even if the island is indeed sold to others, he will lose.

One million U.S. dollars doesn't matter to the Fu family, it's just a drop in the bucket, but for ordinary people, it is unbearable.

I don't know if this person named Li Tianyu will fall behind.

Thinking of this, Qianna felt a little sympathetic to the man.

At this time, I saw Fu Yurong dialed a number with his mobile phone.

Everyone at the scene knew that he was calling someone familiar with Tyrande's government department to confirm the affairs of Prince Island.

Has Prince's Island been sold?

Who are you selling to?

Fu Yurong was fluent in English throughout the whole process, and indeed he had spent a long time in foreign countries.

"Hey, Mr. Quinta, how are you doing? It's good, that's okay, hahaha, I also said to ask you in these two days."

"... By the way, Mr. Quinta, I want to ask you something."

"That's it. Didn't we talk about Prince's Island last time? I'm on the island now, and after a little inspection, I am satisfied with all aspects. I want to buy this island."

"But when I was about to contact you today, I heard someone say that this island has been sold. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

"...So, I don’t think it’s possible. Let’s go, Mr. Quinta, you can confirm again. If the Prince’s Island has not been sold, let’s find time to talk in detail these two days. I want to get the government as soon as possible Approval."

"Well, trouble you, I'll wait for your call."

After speaking, Fu Yurong hung up and looked at Li Tianyu, but did not speak.

Fu Jiaming: "Wait, there will be results soon."

Fu Jiaming smiled very confidently, as if he had seen Li Tianyu's frown and worry about money.

This guy is really a poor worm.

If you speak quickly, then you will know how powerful it is.

Wang Xiaoxiao was also very nervous and looked at Li Tianyu worriedly.

Only then discovered that Li Tianyu actually played with his mobile phone leisurely.

Li Tianyu murmured: "There is a mobile phone signal, but there is no network signal, which is very troublesome. We will have to solve this problem at that time."

Wang Xiaoxiao opened his eyes wide.

When is it all, still thinking about this kind of thing.

Does President Li really think that the ownership of this island has already been obtained?

Are you ready to think about some infrastructure things?

At this moment, Fu Yurong's cell phone rang.

He immediately pressed the answer button.

To be honest, the conditions on this Prince's Island are so good that Fu Yurong is already bound to win.

He plans to go to Bangkok tomorrow to discuss with the Quinta about how to open up the relationship and get the government approval for the purchase of the island. In that case, as long as the purchase of the island is paid in full, the ownership will be obtained.

In addition to the beautiful scenery and water of Prince Island, the property rights are also defined as permanent, which means that there is no worries.

It was Quinta who called.

"Hey, Mr. Quinta, did you get the fruit so soon? Well, yes, just say it."

"...What!? It's sold out!?"

Fu Yurong was so shocked that he couldn't help but glance at Li Tianyu.

And Fu Jiaming next to him was taken aback.

Sold out?

Is Prince Island really sold?

Quinta seemed to be still saying that Fu Yurong's expression became more and more solemn, and it seemed that he had lost his previous peaceful and proud state.

As long as you are not a fool, you can tell, this must be the rhythm of the accident.

Fu Jiaming no longer cared about Li Tianyu, and asked concerned: "Dad, are you sure it's sold out? Yes, could it be they made a mistake?"

Fu Yurong glared at his son and motioned to him to shut up.

I heard that Fu Yurong asked again: "Mr. Quinta, who bought Prince Island? When did it buy it?"

Quinta seemed to say something again, and Fu Yurong said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Fu Jiaming asked eagerly: "Dad, what's the matter? No one on this island has been able to get the government approval two days ago, why is it today..."

Fu Yurong did not respond to Fu Jiaming, but looked at Li Tianyu and did not speak for a long time.

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