You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!As for Sun Jiaohua, Ye Cuiping said, "What do you think of the girl my son brought back? Is the gene good enough?"

Ye Cuihua smiled so brilliantly that Sun Jiaohua's lungs were about to explode.

But her Sun Jiaohua couldn't sing the opposite.

Can't you say that the girl has bad genes, is she an ugly girl?

Isn't that talking nonsense with your eyes open!

Even if Sun Jiaohua was so cheeky to say this, others would not agree, she would only treat her as her mouth being hard, she would not cry if she didn't see the coffin, she wouldn't hit the south wall without looking back, her mouth was full of grin.

Shen Zhen: "Go back, look at you for fun, my son really brought the girl back to you."

Ye Cuiping saw that Sun Jiaohua didn't speak, she was satisfied, with her head high and her chest high, and she went home with great imposing power.

This time Ye Cuiping could be regarded as letting out a bad breath.

I originally thought that today I would be defeated by Sun Jiaohua, but I didn't expect that in the end there was a super reversal, a big comeback.

Cool, really cool!

It was his son Li Tianyu who was really strong, and the key was to bring back a girl. It was a breakthrough!

Is something good coming soon?

Ye Cuiping couldn't help thinking about it happily.

After watching Ye Cuiping leave, Shen Zhen, Wang Yunfeng and Sun Jiaohua remained where they were.

Wang Yunfeng: "Let me just say it, it turns out that people have already had an object, Sister Shen, it seems that your niece is out of play."

Shen Zhen waved his hand: "It's definitely no show. Although my niece looks pretty good, she really can't compare with this girl, the gap is too big."

Wang Yunfeng: "It looks like this son of Cuiping's family is indeed a capable person. He is handsome and rich. If he is really single, there must be someone queuing up to fight!"

Shen Zhen: "No, it's actually not easy to find a reliable guy now. It's even harder to find someone as good as Cuiping's son."

Wang Yunfeng: "No, there are really not many good young people nowadays. They are either lazy, or they are so lofty, they don't have a lot of work."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Sun Jiaohua felt quite boring.

She was about to leave, but Shen Zhen preemptively said mysteriously: "Have you noticed that girl is familiar."

Wang Yunfeng slapped his face: "Yes, I also had this feeling just now, as if I had seen it somewhere."

Sun Jiaohua smiled and shook her head: "How could you have seen it? Is it a star on TV?"

Shen Zhen: "Sister Sun, don't tell me, that girl really looks like a star, do you know Qin Xuetong?"

Wang Yunfeng slapped again and made a loud noise: "Yes, it is Qin Xuetong, who looks so much like it!"

Sun Jiaohua thought about it for a while, her face changed, and she also felt terribly similar.

Shen Zhen showed a mysterious smile: "I don't look like it, it's just a person!"

Wang Yunfeng: "You mean, that's Qin Xuetong himself? It's impossible, then, that's too ridiculous. Did Cuiping's son abduct all the big stars?"

Shen Zhen: "That's not sure. Nothing will happen now. The celebrity is also a human being. No one can stop it if you really like it."

Wang Yunfeng: "That's true, and Cuiping's son is also very good, he seems to be no worse than the star."

Sun Jiaohua couldn't listen anymore, so she said goodbye and left.

But in retrospect, the girl brought back by Ye Cuiping's son is indeed very much like the superstar Qin Xuetong.

Sun Jiaohua had to admit that it was indeed the same person.

Now Sun Jiaohua felt more and more invisible to Ye Cuiping's house.

Is it possible that their home is really a place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

Outrageous, too outrageous!

At the same time, Li Guohua just prepared a few dishes and brought them to the table.

Tomorrow is Li Guohua’s birthday, and his son Li Tianyu will be back today, so the prepared meals are pretty good.

After a while, Ye Cuiping came back.

Li Guohua: "Xiaoyu won't be back today?"

Ye Cuiping smiled terribly: "Guess it."

Li Guohua: "What am I guessing? You are so old and so boring."

Ye Cuiping: "You are bored!"

Li Guohua saw Ye Cuiping's ecstasy, feeling very strange: "What was the irritation you were just now? Which muscle is wrong!"

Ye Cuiping: "Let me tell you, Xiaoyu is back!"

Li Guohua was startled: "It's nice to come back, but you won't be so happy, right?"

Ye Cuiping: "Old Li, let me tell you..."

Before Ye Cuiping finished speaking, a sweet doorbell rang at the door.

Although Li Guohua was curious about what Ye Cuiping wanted to say, he put aside his work and hurried to open the door.

Thinking that the son should be back.

Sure enough, Li Tianyu was standing outside the door.

Li Guohua smiled: "I'm back, you..."

Li Guohua saw that there were people standing behind Li Tianyu.

Damn it!

Both are girls, one big and one small.

Li Guohua was stunned for a while, and forgot to let people in.

Li Tianyu: "Dad, what are you in a daze? Let us in."

Li Guohua just recovered, and the three of them quickly let in.

Qin Xiaoyue behaved rather well-behaved. Before Li Tianyu could introduce him, she shouted, "Uncle, Auntie, hello!"

Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping quickly agreed with a smile.

Li Tianyu began to introduce it.

Li Tianyu: "Dad, Mom, this is my friend Qin...Xiaohua, this is Qin Xiaohua's sister, Qin Xiaoyue."

Qin Xiaohua?

It's also a shame that Li Tianyu can come up with such a tacky name, and even called it out.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu, as if saying, "You really are there."

Ye Cuiping said with a smile, "Do you think my mother is blind? What about Qin Xiaohua, do you think that is the big star Qin Xuetong on TV?"

Li Tianyu was startled, feeling quite amazing: "Yeah, mom, okay, when did you recognize it?"

Ye Cuiping took Qin Xuetong's hand and asked her to sit on the sofa: "I didn't dare to recognize her when I first saw her. I wondered how such a famous star could come to Yanyun?"

"Later I looked more and more like it. When you said that her surname was Qin just now, I was sure that this is the superstar himself!"

Li Tianyu gave Ye Cuiping a firm thumbs up: "My mother is so mighty, she even knows the current star."

Ye Cuiping "cut": "I usually watch TV series occasionally."

Li Guohua laughed: "You're a TV fan. How often do you watch it?"

Ye Cuiping gave Li Guohua a fierce look.

Li Guohua then closed his mouth.

Although I still haven't figured out what's going on, his son Li Tianyu took such a beautiful star home, which really made the two of them happy.

For Qin Xuetong's first visit to the house, of course he could not come empty-handed.

Although Li Tianyu always said that it was unnecessary, when passing the mall, Qin Xuetong still asked him to stop the car and went to the mall to buy some things as a meeting gift.

Qin Xuetong took those things out of her handbag and solemnly handed them to Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua.

Especially Li Guohua, Qin Xuetong also specially prepared a birthday present for him.End Novel Network

That's called an intimate.

Qin Xuetong: "Uncle, aunt, I don't know what you two like, so I just bought some, don't mind."

Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua were so happy that they wouldn't mind even if they gave them a cabbage clapper.

Ye Cuiping: "Are you hungry? Let's eat quickly!"

Qin Xuetong nodded, responded, and sat down at the dining table under Ye Cuiping's arrangement.

She happened to be sitting next to Li Tianyu.

However, Qin Xuetong did not show a trace of formality, but instead appeared to be generous.

Li Tianyu couldn't help but look at Qin Xuetong again.

No matter what this girl does, she doesn't seem to be flustered, panicked, or at a loss.

The key is that Qin Xuetong is only about twenty years old.

How did this calmness work out?

Is it inborn?

This is really amazing.

It seems that human genes are really important.

During dinner, Ye Cuiping occasionally talked to Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue sisters.

Especially Qin Xuetong, Ye Cuiping always wanted to explore her, what is the relationship with her son Li Tianyu.

It was later stopped by Li Guohua.

Ye Cuiping is right to think about it, and just ask Li Tianyu if that happens.

After eating, Li Tianyu asked Ye Cuiping for a set of keys.

This key belongs to another house in Zihuan Jiayuan Community.

At that time, the Land Requisition Office arranged three houses for Li Tianyu's family, all of which were in the Zihuan Jiayuan Community.

Among them, Li Tianyu's grandparents lived in one set, Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping lived in this one again, and the remaining set was always empty.

Originally, Qin Xuetong wanted to take Qin Xiaoyue to stay in the hotel.

But Li Tianyu said that even if the hotel conditions in Yanyun City are the best brand-name hotels, they should not be much better in terms of services.

Li Tianyu: "The key is that some...that details are not very clean."

Qin Xuetong hesitated when she heard it.

Qin Xuetong is obviously a clean person, and Li Tianyu's statement hit her weak underbelly.

Li Tianyu: "It just so happens that I have a house that is still empty. I can live in it with a little cleaning, at least it is much cleaner than the hotel."

Qin Xuetong was moved.

In addition, Qin Xiaoyue's sister Qin Xiaoyue constantly agitated to live in Brother Li's house, Qin Xuetong finally agreed.

When taking the key, Li Tianyu also asked Ye Cuiping: "Mom, what is the house like now? Is it dirty?"

Ye Cuiping glanced at Li Tianyu: "I only cleaned it once a few days ago. The sheets and bedding are all new and very clean."

Li Tianyu firmly gave a thumbs up: "Mom, there is really you, foresight, sage style!"

Ye Cuiping "cut" and said, "Of course, who is your mother? I hope you will bring the girl back all day long!"

Li Tianyu laughed: "This time... not this time."

Ye Cuiping: "Why doesn't it count? Other girls are willing to come back with you, that means you have a good impression of you."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Mom, I didn't expect you to occasionally say something that makes people feel comfortable!"

Ye Cuiping was about to fight, but Li Tianyu passed it.

Li Tianyu: "Mom, I'll go over there to make arrangements, let's go first."

Looking at Li Tianyu's back, Ye Cuiping pressed her throat and shouted, "Xiaoyu, try to get her done!"

Li Tianyu thought, this mother really has confidence in her son.

That was Qin Xuetong, a popular movie star, but not an ordinary beauty.

And to be honest, Li Tianyu was a little afraid to start with Qin Xuetong.


It feels a bit unspeakable.

Li Tianyu took Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue to the empty house.

The layout of three bedrooms and two halls looks very good.

Ye Cuiping did clean it, and it was pretty clean.

Li Tianyu: "How is it? Is it okay?"

Qin Xiaoyue raised her hands: "It's great, great, I'm very satisfied!"

With that said, Qin Xiaoyue threw her body onto the bed and bounced it a few times.

Qin Xuetong: "Yueyue, don't mess around, what should I do if I break the bed?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "How is it possible? I'm very light. If it's your sister, you might break the bed!"

Qin Xuetong: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, your sister is not heavy at all, very light."

Qin Xiaoyue stopped rolling on the bed and asked strangely: "What? Brother Li hugged my sister?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, I hugged it."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "Don't talk nonsense."

In fact, Li Tianyu had indeed embraced Qin Xuetong.

But he was the mysterious Mr. X at the time.

That is, when Qin Xuetong was about to win when he was over the wall, Li Tianyu yelled, "Your pants fell."

When Qin Xuetong fell from the wall, Li Tianyu caught her.

And Qin Xuetong probably didn't know that the mysterious Mr. X was Li Tianyu himself.

To be honest, Li Tianyu felt that Qin Xuetong still had some weight.

Of course, for Li Tianyu, picking her up is also a breeze.

Li Tianyu: "That's okay, you two can take a break, and I'll take you around for fun tomorrow."

With that said, Li Tianyu turned around and was about to leave.

Qin Xiaoyue stopped Li Tianyu: "Brother Li, aren't you sleeping here?"

Li Tianyu joked, "I think, your sister disagrees."

Qin Xiaoyue curled her lips: "What are you afraid of my sister doing? She has to listen to me!"

Qin Xuetong glared at her sister, and successfully shut her up.

Li Tianyu laughed, this little girl Qin Xiaoyue was quite interesting, her personality was completely opposite to Qin Xuetong.

I don't know what it is like to grow up.

At the same time, Li Tianyu's parents Ye Cuiping and Li Guohua were also discussing the relationship between Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong.

Li Guohua: "Star? You said that girl is a big star?"

Ye Cuiping: "Old Li, how long have you not watched a TV series? If you continue like this, you will be abandoned by the times!"

Li Guohua waved his hand: "What's the mess, if she is a star, can Xiaoyu be able to hold it? I heard that the entertainment industry is quite messy, everyone has it."

Ye Cuiping: "What are you talking about, who is Xiaoyu? Our son, who can't keep it?"

Li Guohua smiled bitterly, and his wife Ye Cuiping's self-confidence has really burst recently.

Ye Cuiping said again: "And I listened to Xiaoyu, I haven't gotten this big star yet."

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