You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Guohua said "Oh": "What do I say, people have such high qualifications for celebrities, how can it be so easy to follow you?"

Ye Cuiping hit Li Guohua.

Li Guohua: "What are you doing? Why did you start?"

Ye Cuiping: "You don't know what is good or bad, who will you beat if you don't beat!?"

Li Guohua: "Why am I not sure what is good or bad?"

Ye Cuiping: "Let me tell you, our son is now a scarce resource. How many little girls are lining up, what about female stars? They are also human beings. If they have good vision, they will definitely be able to see our son."

Li Guohua: "Yo-yo-yo, say you are fat, you are still breathing."

Ye Cuiping: "I think you have no eyes. Recently, you said how good our Xiaoyu is, let alone the demolition, and you have also replaced you with a car that is about one million dollars, that is Xiaoli's, Xiaoyu It also helped a lot!"

Li Guohua thought for a while, it was indeed the case.

In the past year, Li Tianyu, his son, has a completely reborn and divine help.

Not only is there an incredible amount of money, but also doing things and dealing with people is not a little bit better than before.

It seems to have matured all at once, and has grown a lot of skills.

When people think about it, they are amazed.

Ye Cuiping: "You just rely on our son's current conditions. There are too many girls who want to marry."

This is indeed the case. Recently, someone came to Ye Cuiping to chat, saying that they would introduce someone to Li Tianyu.

However, Ye Cuiping now has a high spirit, and there are requirements for choosing a daughter-in-law.

Not only need to look beautiful, but also have better family conditions.

Of course, education must be high.

Just as Sun Jiaohua said, genes are very important.

Smart people and smart people are together, and the children born are smart children.

So there are a lot of matchmakers to tell Li Tianyu about, but Ye Cuiping doesn't like many of them.

There were only a few, Ye Cuiping was PASSed when he called Li Tianyu.

As soon as Li Tianyu heard the preface, he should be prevaricated by saying "I am too busy at work now and have no time".

Ye Cuiping couldn't help it.

If the son is self-motivated, that is a good thing and a good thing.

As long as the son is capable, rich, has a house, and has a luxury car, he won't worry about finding someone.

So gradually Ye Cuiping became less anxious.

Today, Li Tianyu really gave Ye Cuiping a surprise.

Although Li Tianyu said that he hadn't done it, Ye Cuiping estimated it would be soon.

The god of the emperor, people are the big star Qin Xuetong, if he can really become a daughter-in-law, it would be too cool.

She Ye Cuiping will definitely become the most beautiful boy in the community!


What are you thinking about!

Ye Cuiping hurriedly threw these messy things out of his mind, and started humming a little song to do housework.

At this time, Li Tianyu also came back.

He found a bottle of Bingbing mineral water from the refrigerator, then went back to his room and sat on the sofa to rest.

He pondered that tomorrow is his father's birthday, he should invite some relatives over, at least his sister Li Li, brother-in-law Shi Feng, and grandparents will come.

Although there are no outsiders, Qin Xuetong's appearance is still a bit wrong.

If this is spread out, and even left photos or even video evidence, it may really make things worse.

Let alone whether Qin Xuetong will be affected, Li Tianyu does not want to be stared at by paparazzi, news reporters, self-media, and various fans all day long, holding a magnifying glass to study.

So Li Tianyu intends to ask Qin Xuetong what she means tomorrow morning, and see her own meaning if she doesn't show up.

However, with Qin Xuetong's personality, he would probably ask about some scenic spots in Yanyun City, and then took his sister Qin Xiaoyue to play first.

That's okay, it doesn't matter if someone recognizes it and takes it.

At best, fans will find it strange.

Why does the first-tier star Qin Xuetong appear in a third-tier city to play?

But then again, arranging Qin Xuetong in her house, there is always a feeling of "golden house hidden in the house".

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone on the table and looked at it. The caller ID was a strange number, the landline number from "Tyrande".

Li Tianyu's heart moved.

It seems that the purchase procedure of Prince Island has been completed.

To be honest, Li Tianyu had forgotten about it, and felt that everything would be fine if he "buy" Prince Island through the system, but forgot that no one gave him the island purchase procedure yet.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

There is not much proficiency in Chinese.

"Hello, it's you... Tianyu Li, Mr. Li?"

Li Tianyu responded in English: "It's me, communicate in English."

The people over there seemed to be relieved and quickly switched to English: "Hello, I'm a staff member of the Land Resources Department of Telan Germany. Did you buy an island not long ago?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, it's Prince Island."

Tyrande’s staff: "Mr. Li, all of your island purchase procedures and government approvals have been completed. Would you like to pick it up or send it to you by mail?"

Li Tianyu pondered.

Although mailing is more convenient, after all, it is a transnational shipping, which is quite risky.

Anyway, I am not in a hurry to ask for those formalities and approvals. It is better to wait for a while and then fly over and take a trip.

It’s not a hassle anyway, just go on a trip.

Li Tianyu: "If I pick it up by myself, is it possible anytime?"

Tyrande staff: "Yes, Mr. Li, as long as it is working hours."

Li Tianyu: "That's fine, I'll go take it myself, please help me keep it there, and don't make any mistakes."

Tyrande staff: "No, we have a special safe to store important documents and items, which will be kept for you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu was a little excited.

After all, he is now the master of an island.

And that Wuzi Island is still a pretty tropical island, the best of the best.

Not to mention anything else, it is quite pleasant to build a big villa on the island and occasionally live there for a while.

However, Li Tianyu still wants to develop and build Prince Island into a holiday island.

Of course, it is necessary to limit the passenger flow at that time, otherwise it will destroy the surrounding environment, especially the exquisite and colorful living coral reefs, but it will be a big tragedy.

In fact, as long as the environment is good, the island scenery is good, and the water quality is clear and clean, even if the entrance fee is charged, even if the entrance fee is higher, tourists can still accept it.

Tourists who choose high-end island hopping tours are basically not bad for money and don't care about money.

The important thing is that high-end tourism requires the experience and harvest of high-end tourism.

However, Li Tianyu thought very well. It will take a long time to develop the island.

At least after the system upgrade.

If Li Tianyu bypasses the system and does island development on his own, then things will be a big deal.

Developing an island is not as simple as building a hotel.

Prince's Island has 39 square kilometers.

Such a large area may require one or two large resorts.Reading novels

Moreover, other infrastructure facilities also need to be built together, and the amount of funds required is huge and difficult to estimate.

The key is that even if Li Tianyu has enough funds, he is not short of money, but when all the facilities on Prince Island are arranged and the construction is completed, they will be ready for operation.

At least it will take several years!

When the time comes, even if you can lie down and count the money, the day lily will be very cold.

As I said before, Li Tianyu's appetite has long been used to the bragging tax system, and he doesn't want to make long-term investments at all. It's worse than killing him.

So now we can only upgrade the system to the next level as soon as possible.

The next day, Li Tianyu went to Qin Xuetong.

Before going, he bought some food at the breakfast shop at the gate of the community.

Carrying things to the door, Li Tianyu knocked on the door first.

The door opened soon,

Qin Xuetong seemed to have just woke up, wearing a red pajamas, and her hair was a little messy.

But as many people say, beautiful women are beautiful women, and they look good in any state.

The rough Qin Xuetong seemed to have a haggard beauty.

Li Tianyu: "Is it convenient to get in?"

Qin Xuetong: "Yeah."

With that said, Qin Xuetong stepped aside to let Li Tianyu in, and then closed the door again.

I wonder if it is a psychological factor.

Every room with beautiful women smells good.

Li Tianyu couldn't help laughing. He has the potential to be a pervert.

Qin Xuetong: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Tianyu: "Nothing, I think you are very beautiful."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu, but said nothing.

As expected to be a cold-blooded goddess, there was no response to this.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, where is your sister."

Qin Xuetong: "Still asleep, I should wake up in a while."

Li Tianyu put the breakfast bag on the coffee table in the living room.

Li Tianyu: "This is breakfast, you have to eat it while it's hot later."

Qin Xuetong glanced at it and said in surprise: "So much? We can't finish it."

Li Tianyu: "They are the characteristics of our Yanyun City, try them all."

Qin Xuetong: "Then what are the characteristics of your Yanyun City?"

Li Tianyu responded solemnly: "Pickles."

Qin Xuetong pursed her mouth and smiled: "Okay, then I have to try it, thank you."

Li Tianyu helped Qin Xuetong take the things out of the bag, and said: "Today is my dad's birthday. Some people are coming over. I think it might be difficult for you to attend.

Qin Xuetong thought for a while and nodded: "It is true."

Li Tianyu: "Well, let me tell you a few interesting places. You can take Xiaoyueyue and stroll around."

Qin Xuetong: "Yeah."

Li Tianyu: "I leave the car to you, so it's more convenient."

With that said, Li Tianyu put the key of his Porsche Cayenne on the coffee table.

Qin Xuetong looked up at Li Tianyu: "Thank you."

The room was filled with the smell of breakfast.

Li Tianyu stood up and said with a smile: "By the way, we will leave a mobile phone number for each other. If anything happens to you, you can also find me."

Qin Xuetong thought for a while and was right, so she took out her cell phone and left Li Tianyu's cell phone number, and then told the other party her own.

Then, Li Tianyu thought about it and added WeChat with Qin Xuetong.

This is more secure.

After the incident, Li Tianyu bid farewell to Qin Xuetong and left.

At noon, Li Tianyu arranged two tables in a relatively high-end restaurant near Zihuan's home.

All the relatives and friends were invited over to celebrate Li Guohua's birthday.

Although Li Guohua always said that he would do it at home, Li Tianyu convinced him with a few words.

"Dad, now our house is not what it used to be, and there is no need to save money, why not go out to eat?"

"Dad, there are a lot of people invited today. If you have a birthday banquet at home, you might not be able to squeeze."

"Moreover, setting up a table at home would be so tiring, you have to stir-fry, you have to put it on the plate, and you have to clean up after you have eaten it. Why do you have such a hassle for your birthday?

Li Guohua, who has always been very frugal, seemed to be moved.

Especially the last sentence, food can be ordered outside, but tiring the table and washing dishes is really tiring.

Ye Cuiping also added: "Old Li, I don't want to wash the dishes, I'm tired."

Therefore, Li Guohua immediately made a decision and went to the restaurant to set the table!

The restaurant is called Hongfuju.

It sounds tacky, but it is a time-honored brand in Yanyun City.

It is said that Hongfuju has existed for more than 50 years, of which more than 30 years have been opened here.

The food in this restaurant is quite authentic northern cuisine, which is very popular among locals.

Later, Hongfuju opened several branches in Yanyun City, but the main store of Hongfuju in the city center has always been the most popular.

Many people in Yanyun City are accustomed to setting up tables and having banquets in this main store.

Of course, the taste of the food is beautiful, and the price is even more beautiful.

Because of the gimmicks such as "time-honored" and "authentic taste", the prices of Hongfuju's meals have also risen in recent years.

It is rare for ordinary working-class workers in Yanyun City to come here. After all, a meal costs two to three hundred per capita, which is not a cheap place to consume.

If you want to put it in the past, with Li Tianyu's family status, eating here would be almost like the New Year.

It's different now.

No matter how expensive the hotel is, where can it go?

Can it match the price of a Michelin three-star?

So as soon as Li Tianyu came in, he asked the receptionist to book a table.

However, Li Tianyu overlooked one thing. They did not book a private room in advance, so they have now been booked.

Waiter: "Sir, do you want to eat in the lobby?"

The lobby is full of scattered tables, and the waiter meant to put two tables together.

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows, how can that work?

If it's normal, it's fine. Today is Dad's birthday. It must be more solemn and not so foolish.

So Li Tianyu directly rejected the offer, which made the waiter a little embarrassed.

Li Tianyu: "Is there really no private room anymore? In principle, you should have reserved private rooms?"

The waiter hesitated and said: "Wait a moment, I will ask the manager."

Li Tianyu nodded.,

After a while, the waiter came back.

There was another woman who came with her.

It looks like this is the manager.

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