You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wei Li almost jumped up excitedly: "That's great!"

Then Wei Li became a little bit worried about gains and losses: "But... Qin Xuetong would she agree? Will she refuse because of too many people?"

Objectively speaking, this kind of situation where many people are waiting for onlookers is really not the time to meet with fans, it is easy to go wrong.

Therefore, if Qin Xuetong refuses to see fans, it is understandable to normal people.

Lu Meiqi: "I think...Qin Xuetong can probably agree. I have read some reports about her. She has a very good character and kind heart."

Liang Yuan: "Don't worry, I think it's okay."

Liang Yuan is quite confident.

At this time, Li Tianyu and Qi Wei wanted to find a place to smoke cigarettes, but smoking was prohibited in the mall.

The two had to buy coffee from the vending machine and chat while drinking.

Li Tianyu: "How are you doing?"

Qi Wei sighed: "It's nothing, it's still the same as before, anyway, it's just a fool."

Qi Wei also told Li Tianyu that he works in a local company in Yanyun City.

It's not much work, it's close to home, it's easy.

Li Tianyu: "That's pretty good, so comfortable, what are you sighing?"

Qi Wei: "What's the use of being free? The salary is low!"

Qi Wei also said that many young blue-collar and white-collar workers in Yanyun City are now earning 5,000 yuan, but he earns more than 4,000, which is not up to the average level of others.

Qi Wei: "To put it a shame, even Lili's salary is higher than mine!"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "What's so shameful about this. Do you think it's the old society? Times are different. Now women earn more than men, and it's very common."

Qi Wei waved his hand, expressing that he really couldn't accept it.

It's kind of macho.

He and Wei Li are actually getting married.

Although the marriage room Qi Wei's parents had already bought it.

The car is from Wei Li's house, but their young couple don't have much savings, and they are a little worried about the future.

Qi Wei: "It's not like you. Look at the clothes and watch you wear. It's not cheap, right?"

Li Tianyu laughed, and said nothing.

Li Tianyu has now entered a new stage, and there is no need to show off his assets and financial resources to others.

And in front of friends, there is no need to show off.

Although Qi Wei felt that life was not so satisfactory, objectively speaking, it was just that he did not meet expectations.

This is not difficult.

Even if Li Tianyu intends to help Qi Wei, Qi Wei shouldn't agree.

Although he is joking on the surface, he is still relatively strong in his bones.

Li Tianyu just patted Qi Wei on the shoulder: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and life is not about playing games. How can there be so many happy things? Take your time."

Qi Wei nodded, saying that it was a blessing to have someone chat.

Speaking of troubles, it is not troublesome.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, I saw Wang Changshun and Jiang Qing at noon today."

Qi Wei was startled: "Oh, that's really a coincidence. Is it in the Hongfuju main store?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

Qi Wei waved his hand: "Hey, Wang Changshun also called me, saying that he invited a big man to dinner. I had something to do at noon, and I was not interested in eating with big people, so I refused.

No wonder that Qi Wei didn't show up for Wang Changshun's dinner at noon.

The two talked about other trivial matters for a while, drank a can of coffee, and went back.

At this time, Wei Li, Lu Meiqi, and Liang Yuan's cousins ​​were still chatting while waiting.

Qi Wei: "How is it? Did Qin Xuetong agree?"

Wei Li told Qi Wei about the current situation.Biquge vp

Qi Wei: "Then wait."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, feeling that he still shouldn't join in the fun with these people. He took out his phone directly and walked away.

Qi Wei shouted: "Tianyu, where are you going?"

Li Tianyu raised his mobile phone: "I'll call someone."

Nonsense, of course I went to make a call with my mobile phone.

The key is who is calling.

There is no doubt that Li Tianyu is going to call Qin Xuetong.

Although it is fine to follow Qi Wei and Wei Li into the coffee shop, Qin Xuetong might not agree.

And Qin Xuetong might be waiting anxiously, so it would be better for Li Tianyu to make a phone call to let her know that she was in the mall.

Li Tianyu dialed Qin Xuetong's number, and the other party quickly picked up the call.

Li Tianyu: "Are you still in Man Coffee Shop?"

Qin Xuetong: "Yes, the store manager is very nice and helped me block people outside, but I can't stay for too long to affect other people's business."

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "How is it possible? They can't ask for it."

Qin Xuetong was startled: "Why?"

Li Tianyu: "You don't need to wait for tomorrow. It is estimated that a large number of media will come over in a while, and the Man Cafe will definitely become popular in the future."

This is not difficult to understand.

Of course Qin Xuetong also thought of it.

But after all, it was not what she wanted, and I felt that it still added a lot of trouble to the manager and clerk of Man Café.

Fortunately, it was working hours at this time. There were not many customers in Man Café. Later, due to the appearance of Qin Xuetong, the manager decisively used free bills and coupons to invite all the customers away.

In other words, in the Man Cafe now, apart from the clerk, there are only two sisters Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue.

Qin Xuetong: "Are you already here?"

Li Tianyu: "Here, let the clerk put me in in a while."

Qin Xuetong: "Yeah."

Li Tianyu: "By the way, how many fans want to see you alone?"

Qin Xuetong was startled, and replied in surprise, "How did you know?"

Li Tianyu did not answer: "Did you agree?"

Qin Xuetong: "Yes."

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, I'll meet you later."

Qin Xuetong: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone, and then walked back.

It was only then that Qi Wei, Wei Li, and Lu Meiqi and Liang Yuan's cousins ​​were not there anymore.

I think Qin Xuetong agreed to meet these people, so they all ran to the door.

Just as he thought, Li Tianyu heard Qi Wei's voice.

Turning his head and looking around, Qi Wei really waved to Li Tianyu at the entrance of the Man Cafe: "Tianyu, come here!"

Li Tianyu walked over immediately.

Qi Wei whispered: "We can go in now."

Li Tianyu nodded.

I saw Zhao Yunbin taking Wei Li, Lu Meiqi and Liang Yuan, squeezing through the crowd to the shop assistant.

Zhao Yunbin said something to the lead clerk, and then pointed to Li Tianyu and Qi Wei.

The clerk hesitated, shook his head and waved his hand again, seeming to reject Zhao Yunbin.

what happened?

Didn't Qin Xuetong agree to meet these fans?

At this time, Zhao Yunbin squeezed back again and said to Li Tianyu and Qi Wei: "There are too many people, I won't go in, and you can only go in one."

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