Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 402 The man beside Qin Xuetong

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qi Wei was startled: "Only one can go in?"

Zhao Yunbin nodded again, and explained in a low voice: "No way, it's hard for Qin Xuetong to agree, and we can't be too much."

Qi Wei: "Then...Tianyu, or you can go in, anyway, Wei Li is in, and we need to sign or something, and we have enough for both of us."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about me, you can go in, I can get in."

Qi Wei and Zhao Yunbin were both startled.

Qi Wei: "Do you have a way to get in? How to get in?"

Li Tianyu laughed and patted Qi Wei on the shoulder: "Let's go, you'll know when you go over there."

Don't talk about Zhao Yunbin, even Qi Wei has doubts about Li Tianyu's words.

The three squeezed through the crowd around to the door of Man Coffee Shop.

Wei Li: "Have you two discussed it, who is going in?"

Li Tianyu hadn't answered yet, Liang Yuan next to him said: "I think we should let your husband in, Wei Li, and you can help with taking pictures and videos."

Liang Yuan obviously didn't want Li Tianyu to enter.

This is normal. Zhao Yunbin is Liang Yuan's cousin, and he is also qualified to exclude Li Tianyu.

Lu Meiqi observed Li Tianyu and found that he didn't seem to care much.

Perhaps Li Tianyu is not Qin Xuetong's troubles.

Li Tianyu patted Qi Wei on the shoulder: "You can go in."

Qi Wei opened his mouth, a little embarrassed.

But he and Li Tianyu are buddies, so you don't need to care too much about this.

And Li Tianyu just said that he has a way to get in.

Although I don't know what he can do, Li Tianyu has a feeling of supernatural power recently.

Qi Wei's younger brother Qi Juntao mentioned Li Tianyu more than once, saying that he is very popular, and he feels on an equal footing with the bosses of major companies.

Qi Juntao should have said that Li Tianyu was really good enough when he met him by chance in the Magic City Center Building.

Qi Juntao has that feeling, not new.

Qi Wei didn't witness it with his own eyes, of course, it is hard to imagine, or some doubts about it.

However, Li Tianyu's current state is indeed very different from before. Qi Wei feels that it is true that he is at least quite good in the imperial capital.

At this moment Liang Yuan thought his words had worked, and Li Tianyu retired in response to difficulties, so he chuckled: "Don't be reconciled, just turn around and let your buddies post your photos."

Li Tianyu responded indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I can just go in by myself."

Liang Yuan was startled: "You go in by yourself? Didn't you understand the meaning? Didn't my cousin tell you just now? There are too many people going in, and Qin Xuetong will not agree."

Li Tianyu: "I know."

Liang Yuan: "What do you know? I mean, my cousin won't take you in."

Lu Meiqi was speechless, feeling that neither of them was on the same channel.

I don't know who caused the problem.

Wei Li also felt that the dialogue and atmosphere were not right, so he winked at Qi Wei and asked him to explain aloud.

Qi Wei didn't know what to say, but winked, meaning that Wei Li didn't care.

Li Tianyu: "I didn't let your cousin take me in either."

Liang Yuanle was over, thinking that Li Tianyu was just stubborn, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail: "That's OK, then you try it yourself and see if you can get in."

At this time, even Lu Meiqi felt that Li Tianyu had some words, no matter how badly they were.

Li Tianyu didn't talk to Liang Yuan again, but said to Qi Wei, "See you in a while."

Qi Wei let out an "ah", before he could react, he saw Li Tianyu stepping forward.

The other people looked at each other. Would the clerk at the door let him in?

It's impossible.

Unless he pushes hard, he will never get in.

It is purely looking for shit, and it will be cleared out by the mall security.

Of course, if this coffee shop belongs to Li Tianyu, it's a different matter.

But is that possible?

Of course it is not possible.

Li Tianyu did not purchase any other industries at all except for a few houses in Yanyun City.

It is even more unlikely to invest in a coffee shop.

Then why is he so confident?

Or is it really just that you can't get off stage in front of people, and you have to bite the bullet and endure to the end?

If this is the case, it is indeed worth admiring.

Face is so important, it is the first!

At this moment, a male clerk standing at the door said to Li Tianyu: "Sir, I'm sorry, now the business is temporarily closed due to equipment updates and other reasons, please come back tomorrow."

This male clerk is tall and tall, and should belong to the logistic staff in the coffee shop. No wonder he was sent to guard the door, so he could hold the place.

Li Tianyu: "I know, Qin Xuetong asked me to come."

The male clerk was startled, "Qin Xuetong? Did you come?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

The people standing not far away from Li Tianyu were all startled.

This kid is really impressive.

The lie just opens your mouth.

Qin Xuetong asked him to come, so dare to say anything!

Qi Wei was a little anxious. Li Tianyu said there was a way to get in, wouldn't it be this way?

This is too nonsense.

There is a limit to bragging.

Now that these things will only be regarded as lunatics, no one will believe them.

Liang Yuan really laughed: "No, Qin Xuetong asked you to come? Then who are you? Agent? Not an assistant? Don't say you are his boyfriend."

Liang Yuan's words were not small, and other people onlookers also heard them.

Many people immediately made noises.

"Did you see it, really nonsense."

"Yes, I am embarrassed to say this? How could he know Qin Xuetong?"

"You are wrong. He must know Qin Xuetong, but Qin Xuetong doesn't know him."

"Cut, everyone really has them. If Qin Xuetong calls him, I will still be Qin Xuetong's husband!"

"I'm pooh! Do you dare to snatch my wife, you are tired of living crooked!?"

"What's the matter? You still want to fight me?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Let's find a place to practice!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, someone immediately pulled them apart.

"Don't hurt your peace, but don't Qin Xuetong hasn't seen real person Qin Xuetong, just shit before he gets out of the teacher."

"That's right. Everyone can't even rank the spare tire. What's the fight?"

The crowd that was still noisy just now finally calmed down again.

At this time, Li Tianyu said indifferently: "I just called her. Go and ask."

The strong male clerk took a close look at Li Tianyu's expression, look, manners, and posture, and found that it did not seem to be a joke and silly master.

And looking at this person's dress, wear, and temperament, it seems that he is not an ordinary flat-headed citizen.Reading Network

As a result, the male clerk hesitated a bit. Is it true that Qin Xuetong called him?

Liang Yuan: "Quickly drive him away, we are going in."

Zhao Yunbin also stepped forward, intending to persuade Li Tianyu to leave.

Lu Meiqi was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. He didn't expect to meet such a person today.

Just now she thought that this person was a talent, but she didn't expect to have delusions.

Even Wei Li kept winking at Qi Wei and asked him to quickly pull Li Tianyu away.

This is too embarrassing. After a while, I will be forced out.

Maybe these few of them will also be involved, and it will be troublesome if they can't get in.

However, Qi Wei was also stupid and didn't see Wei Li's wink at all.

At the moment of stalemate, a woman walked out of the cafe.

It was also a clerk in cafe work clothes, and she whispered in the ear of the burly man.

The brawny clerk's expression stagnated, he looked at Li Tianyu suspiciously, and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Li Tianyu Li?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "It's me."

When everyone heard it, they showed a look of shock.

How did this brawny clerk know Li Tianyu's name?

Did the clerk tell him just now?

Judging from the expressions of the brawny clerk, something seems to be wrong.

At this moment, something more miraculous happened.

The brawny clerk immediately changed a smiling face, turned away the strong body that was blocking the door, and made a please gesture.

"Mr. Li, then you go in quickly."

Li Tianyu nodded and waved to Qi Wei, meaning to see inside, and then...just went in.

What is going on here!?

Liang Yuan's eyes widened, and the beads were about to fall.

How did this kid get in?

Why did that clerk let him in!?

Could it be that……

No way……

Liang Yuan couldn't believe the idea that came up in his mind.

Lu Meiqi said in a low voice, "He doesn't really know Qin Xuetong, right?...No, does Qin Xuetong know him?"

Wei Li asked Qi Wei in a low voice: "What's the matter? Qin Xuetong really called Li Tianyu?"

Qi Wei had also been confused and criticized just now, and when he came back to his senses at this time, he realized that Li Tianyu turned out to be a real bad critic.

Qi Wei laughed: "Then you need to ask, it must be, or how could he get in?"

Although Qi Wei already looks at Li Tianyu very highly now, he realized that it is far from enough to look up high!

Zhao Yunbin murmured in his heart, no wonder this person looked like a big critic. It turned out that he was not pretending to be a critic, but a real critic.

The onlookers were also a little untenable.

"That person really went in just now?"

"No? Is it true that Qin Xuetong called him?"

"I'll just say, that person doesn't look like an ordinary person. You were really blind just now, and you said that they were talking nonsense."

"Aren't you Zhuge Liang after the fact, why didn't you say it just now?"

"Yes, what's the use of talking now? How wise can you appear?"

"Hey? What did you say just now? If Qin Xuetong knew him, you would be Qin Xuetong's husband?"

"I said, is it really interesting for you to be this way? Or let's practice?"

"Don't be nonsense, I have to wait for Qin Xuetong to come out! How can I mess around with you when I have time!"

He didn't waste time any more, and went forward to communicate with the brawny clerk.

The brawny clerk: "Manager Zhao, you tell them not to make any radical actions. Our store manager confessed that we can't scare Qin Xuetong."

Zhao Yunbin: "Don't worry, I have already told them, and they are all abiding by the rules."

The brawny clerk waved his hand: "Okay, Manager Zhao, let them go in."

With that, the brawny clerk let go of his body.

Wei Li had been waiting a long time ago, and immediately pulled Lu Meiqi and ran in, Qi Wei followed closely behind.

Liang Yuan hesitated for a moment, and also said to Zhao Yunbin, and walked in.

Man Café is still quite large, divided into two rooms inside and outside.

The outer room is slightly smaller, and the inner room is quite large. In addition to the scattered platform, there is also a semi-covered privacy deck.

Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue are in one of the privacy booths.

Qi Wei, Wei Li and other four people came to the deck under the guidance of a clerk.

I was about to see the idol in my heart, Wei Li was so nervous, and Lu Meiqi was not much better.

Although Lu Meiqi is not as crazy as Wei Li, she actually likes Qin Xuetong very much.

Qin Xuetong is a first-line star, currently the top of the hottest Xiaohuadan in China.

Speaking of which, the chance of seeing Qin Xuetong's deity in small and medium cities is so small.

Moreover, Qin Xuetong now has to meet them alone, so everyone is extremely excited.

Wei Li and Lu Meiqi looked at each other, and now they can't see the situation inside the deck, should they say hello to Qin Xuetong?how to spell?What to say?

Just when a few people hesitated, a figure came out from inside.

Everyone saw that it was Li Tianyu.

It's not surprising to see Li Tianyu here, but the four of them still think it's amazing.

Just now Li Tianyu was sitting in the deck with Qin Xuetong?

Oh, god, seeing Li Tianyu look like this, there is no expression of excitement at all, it's as if he is drinking tea with the girl next door.

Wei Li: "Li Tianyu, are you... she, she in there?"

Li Tianyu said "Oh", before he had time to answer, an extremely beautiful figure appeared behind him.

Wei Li and Lu Meiqi's eyes shone, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't make a sound even if they wanted to.

Qi Wei and Liang Yuan are not much better.

That's right, Qin Xuetong appeared.

At this time, she was wearing a small red long-sleeved shirt on her upper body, and loose trousers on the lower body.

Quite casual, but also quite relaxing, making people feel more intimate.

This is the live-action version of Qin Xuetong. Compared to TV and computer screens, when the deity is standing here, the impact is so great.

More importantly, Qin Xuetong himself seems to be a bit more beautiful than on the screen, and a bit more glamorous.

Wei Li: "Qin, Qin, Qin..."

Qin Xuetong: "Well, this is Qin Xuetong, hello."

Li Tianyu stared at Qi Wei and Wei Li, and his mind obviously didn't change much.

He suggested: "This deck is too small to fit so many people, so let's sit in a scattered platform."

Qin Xuetong looked at Li Tianyu and said, "Okay."

Li Tianyu chose a more spacious place and asked Qi Wei and the other four to sit down.

Then Li Tianyu greeted the waiter again and ordered a cup of coffee for everyone.

Everything is very natural. Li Tianyu seems to have become Qin Xuetong's butler. No, it should be more like the backbone, and the arrangement is well-organized.

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