Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 428: Too cheap, three million in storefront!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu: "As for whether we can make a profit, I don't worry at all. We have a stable customer base and experienced employees. In this area, as long as we have a business with a bar, we can't lose it."

Qin Yuenian turned his head and said to his second son, Qin Sisong, "Have you heard that Tianyu is also a good hand in business, and his head is bright."

Qin Sisong nodded, and couldn't help looking at Li Tianyu a few times.

Li Tianyu's temperament is very good, his personality is calm and calm, and he is indeed different from ordinary young people.

Qin Sisong was born in a big family and was very wealthy. Of course, he had seen many wealthy young men, brothers, and even dudes.

In Nanzhou City Government, you can also meet many young people who are proud of the spring breeze.

These young people are either from well-off families or have an extremely smooth career.

So no matter how they pretend, they will show triumphant clues from their bones.

This is all because the temperament of these young people has not been finalized, and they have not experienced any setbacks. They are extremely immature.

It stands to reason that all young people should be the same.

But this Li Tianyu gave Qin Sisong a completely different impression.

Judging from the information from his father Qin Yuenian and daughter Qin Xuetong, Li Tianyu should be a successful career and a wealthy person.

Generally speaking, starting from scratch, it is difficult to achieve such achievements at least now.

But he did it at a young age.

And such young people will inevitably have high spirits, look arrogant, and even show a defiant attitude.

But from Li Tianyu's body, there was nothing better at all.

On the contrary, Li Tianyu's calm and calm temperament will make people feel that this young man is stable and mature beyond his age.

Qin Sisong couldn't help but look at Li Tianyu with admiration.

It's not as famous as meeting.

This young man is really interesting.

No wonder his father Qin Yuenian and his eldest brother Qin Shaoyun praised him, saying that this young man is really a rare outstanding youth in China.

Even the daughter, Qin Xuetong, who is always arrogant and difficult to convince, occasionally praises a few words.

At this time, Qin Yuenian laughed after hearing Li Tianyu's words: "Tianyu, what else can I say, I think your idea is more reliable."

As soon as this remark came out, the three people were startled.

These three people are not others, they are Feng Pingwen, Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong.

Especially for the latter two, after the initial consternation, they only seemed to be at a loss and restless.

Both of them have blown out the bulls, and they can definitely take down this store.

Even a few celebrities have been contacted a long time ago, and they will be invited to the platform when it opens.

Of course, it's unclear how big these stars are.

Anyway, if you can't get this storefront, then Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong will be ashamed.

what?Can you buy other stores?

In the commercial area of ​​Wulitun, few people sell storefronts.

This is not an ordinary shop, this is a cash cow.

Let’s not talk about the value of the store, if we catch up with the demolition in the future, the reward will not only be compensation, but there will inevitably be compensation for the equivalent value of the store.

Therefore, if Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong want to buy stores in other places, they can only go to places other than Wulitun.

They have money in their hands and it is certainly not difficult to find a good store.

But they are not happy because they are not high enough.

What they want to open is a star hot pot restaurant. It must be in the best business district of the Imperial Capital to be glorious enough. Going to other places is too low for them to be interested.

Zhang Guoyang quickly winked at Feng Pingwen and asked him to quickly solve the problem.

Feng Pingwen responded bitterly.

Where is the problem, it is obviously a big trouble.

A fool can see that Qin Yuenian is obviously inclined to sell this store to Li Tianyu.

And looking at this situation, it is really difficult to reverse it.

However, Feng Pingwen has been in this business for nearly two decades, and he can be regarded as an old real estate agent. He turned his eyes and decided to change the subject as soon as possible.

He immediately asked: "Mr. Qin, I think the store here is more suitable for food. After all, this is a food street in Wulitun. Although the bar also serves food and beverage, it is mainly for drinking."

Feng Pingwen glanced at Li Tianyu again and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, who are the people who go to the bar? You may also know how these people can read books? The customer groups are completely different."

Chen Rong immediately took the conversation: "That's right, some of my friends also clubbing, they don't read books, not only that, they get a headache when they see a book."

Zhang Guoyang nodded: "I think Mr. Li is still too naive. It is impossible for such a business to succeed."

Li Tianyu glanced at these people.

These three people are quite ridiculous. You and I want to make things worse for Li Tianyu.

But in Li Tianyu's eyes, these people are small characters, and they don't pose the slightest threat to him.

In all fairness, the idea of ​​the book bar is indeed not mature enough, and there are many areas to be considered.

But this does not mean that this plan is not feasible.

On the contrary, Li Tianyu does not think that guests who like clubbing do not read books.

For example, among the guests visiting Qingba, a large part of them are people with fairly high academic qualifications, including those working in media, physical magazines, and even university teachers and professors.

And Li Tianyu believes that the book bar itself is a marketing gimmick.

This store must be renovated, and it will be overhauled.

At that time, books will be an important theme element. As long as there is enough promotion, many people will come here.Feidu Novel

When the time comes, we will carry out high-intensity publicity and do some activities, and it will soon become an Internet celebrity bar.

Not fire?

Totally impossible.

Li Tianyu bet that as long as the influence of the internet celebrity is achieved, even if the wine and meals in the bar are priced higher, customers will still be acceptable.

The key is atmosphere, compulsion, and topicality.

Of course, the first task now is for Qin Yuenian to agree to cede the store to Li Tianyu.

In this regard, Li Tianyu is still confident.

In fact, what Qin Yuenian wants is just an attitude, that is, to keep the concept of a bookstore alive. As for how it runs, it is not his main concern.

So, before the three of them could continue talking, Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Thank you three, you are really worried about my business, but what we are doing is clear. The customer group may not match your imagination. same."

Chen Rong said coldly: "What's the difference? Clear it, I haven't been there."

Li Tianyu glanced at Chen Rong: "You mean, you don't like reading too?"

Chen Rong was stunned, and suddenly found that he had fallen into a pit.

And it was a pit dug by Li Tianyu.

It doesn't matter if others don't study, but her parents, Chen Rong, are all intellectuals.

Chen Rong was born in an intellectual family, and he is quite famous.

It's okay for others not to read, but if you don't read, Chen Rong seems unreasonable. It can be said that you are disdainful of children.

If it's okay to meet others, or someone like Qin Yuenian who is very persistent in Chinese studies, then don't try to please.

Sure enough, Qin Yuenian looked at Chen Rong, his face was full of questions.

Chen Rong hesitated and explained: "I mean, I go occasionally, not often..."

Li Tianyu: "I don't know whether you like to read, but the customers who come to my bar are all of high quality. For example, the granddaughter of Mr. Qin once visited."

When Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong heard this, they didn't dare to speak any more.

Forcing these to force Qin Yuenian also offends.

Qin Yuenian's granddaughter is of course Qin Xuetong.

Of course Qin Xuetong has been to the doll bar. Although it has not been a few times, at least he has been there.

Qin Yuenian knew he should make a decision now: "Okay, I have decided, and this store will be transferred to Tianyu."

Feng Ping's face was ashamed, thinking that this big order could be gone.

The faces of Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong were worse than death.

The state of these two people now is completely opposite to the two extremes when they first came in.

The originally high platform can no longer be lifted.

Feng Pingwen suddenly said, "Mr. Qin, but you haven't discussed the price with him yet."

Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong suddenly rose to hope again.

Yes, price is the most important thing, it hasn't been discussed yet.

If Qin Yuenian's asking price exceeds Li Tianyu's tolerance, then Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong's opportunity will come.

Anyway, the two of them are really not bad money, and definitely can afford ten or twenty million.

However, Qin Yuenian waved his hand and looked at Li Tianyu: "Tianyu, you can give me a price as you please."

When everyone heard it, they were all stunned.

What does Qin Yuenian's remark mean?

This store is located in the ultra-prosperous area of ​​Wulitun, and the price is difficult to estimate. Just let the other party bid?

Too casual.

If Li Tianyu offered a low price, could Qin Yuenian really agree?

However, Li Tianyu said, "Master Qin, let's say it, I dare not bid."

Li Tianyu did not dare to come out.

At the same time, he also knew that Qin Yuenian would definitely not pay high prices.

Qin Yuenian stretched out three fingers.

Feng Pingwen couldn't help saying: "Thirty million?"

Qin Yuenian shook his head.

Everyone realized that Qin Yuenian meant three million soft sister coins.

Damn it!

This is too cheap!

It's just like giving away for nothing!

This price makes Li Tianyu embarrassed to ask for it.

He hurriedly said: "Master Qin, don't joke with me. Don't say three million. I'm afraid 30 million is not too expensive."

Qin Yuenian shook his head: "Tianyu, only three million, I don't want any more."

Li Tianyu was speechless.

Logically speaking, three million he really dare not want this store.

This favor is too big.

But Qin Yuenian seemed very determined, beyond doubt.

At this time, Qin Sisong also said: "Li Tianyu, since my father said it, it won't change it. Don't feel embarrassed. My father should have other conditions."

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