You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qin Yuenian waved his hand: "Don't listen to him nonsense, I don't have any conditions, Tianyu's words have always been reliable, I can trust them."

If it were someone else, Qin Yuenian would never offer such a low price.

Li Tianyu is different. Qin Yuenian and him are the same as paying each other in their new year, so there are not so many worries.

At this time, Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong couldn't stay any longer.

three million!?Whatthefuckinghappened!?

At first, the two of them thought they had misheard, or Qin Yuenian's mouth was bald.

After looking at Qin Yuenian's expression, I realized that he was right.

Three million is three million!

With such a small amount of money, you can get such a large storefront in Wulitun. Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong have been sour that they have turned into lemon essence in lemon essence.

The two of them really couldn't stay any longer, so they left quickly.

As soon as they left, Feng Pingwen had no need to stay.

As soon as the three of them left, everyone had no worries about talking.

Li Tianyu: "Master Qin, we are all so familiar, so I won't be polite to you, but three million is really too little."

Qin Yuenian waved his hand: "Don't mention it anymore, I said that three million is three million, and I won't sell any more."

Li Tianyu was really speechless.

In fact, he didn't plan to settle down in a hurry before visiting this store.

Anyway, he just talked to the owner first, if the price is very suitable, he will take it, and if the asking price is too expensive, then he will discuss it for a long time.

Of course, the appearance of Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong also messed up Li Tianyu's pace a bit.

They don't need money, so does Li Tianyu need money?

To Li Tianyu, ten to twenty million is really not a problem.

He is not afraid of hard bars.

Li Tianyu can actually turn to the bragging tax system, and he can get a set of shops with very little tax.

But now I don't want to.


Because the quota is gone.

He opened the system and obtained the relevant data as follows:

Commercial real estate: 4,8555,000 square meters

Only the quota of 145 square meters can be used.

Such a large area is okay to live in, but it is not enough to operate businesses such as bars and restaurants.

So if you want to rely on the system to get the storefront, Li Tianyu is at least below the current level, so don't think about it.

Unexpectedly, the owner of this store is actually Mr. Qin Yuenian.

For Li Tianyu, this was a surprise.

Although Mr. Qin is upright, it is impossible to give him the store because the two of them know him well, but Li Tianyu knows Mr. Qin better than anyone, and he will naturally be able to handle him with confidence.

The results are of course gratifying.

Qin Yuenian not only decided to transfer the store to Li Tianyu, but also offered a super low price.

It was so low that Li Tianyu was so soft that he dared not ask for it.

However, Li Tianyu also knew that Qin Yuenian really belonged to the same type.

A storefront is nothing in his life.

Since he dared to give it, Li Tianyu will do it. If he talks too much, it seems he is hypocritical.

Li Tianyu immediately took out the checkbook and wrote on it, and handed it to Qin Yuenian.I love Soudu

Li Tianyu: "Master Qin, three million, not a lot of a point, a lot of a point, then leave this store to me."

Qin Yuenian chuckled and passed the check to Qin Sisong without even looking at it.

For Qin Yuenian, money is just a number, meaningless at all.

Qin Yuenian: "Tianyu, go back to my place and sit and make some pots of tea for me, okay?"

Li Tianyu: "Master Qin, go to your place and be there on call."

Qin Yuenian laughed loudly: "That's good, it happened that a few friends heard me mention your tea art, and they thought I was bragging, so I called them back and let him see your skills."

Qin Yuenian turned his head and said to his son Qin Sisong: "By the way, Sisong, you should try Li Tianyu's tea. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a great delicacy in the world."

Qin Sisong nodded: "Well, Tianyu, I'll get in touch with you, I'll let someone pick you up."

Of course, Li Tianyu agreed.

Qin Xuetong's father is an executive, so it's good for Li Tianyu to socialize more.

Qin Yuenian told Li Tianyu about the transfer of ownership.

Qin Yuenian: "For these two days, I will find someone to help us with it."

Li Tianyu: "Then trouble you to arrange it."

Li Tianyu naturally trusted Qin Yuenian, otherwise he wouldn't pay the full amount decisively.

Several people chatted casually for a while, and Qin Yuenian and Qin Sisong left.

All that remains now is to talk to Wang Shaohua.

At this time, Wang Shaohua was completely suppressed.

Wang Shaohua was extremely shocked and unbelievable that Li Tianyu spent three million to take the store.

Not only Wang Shaohua, but also Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan had not been able to speak from the beginning to the end, and they were still dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Wang, let's talk about rent."

Wang Shaohua came back to his senses at this time and nodded immediately: "Yes, you say."

At this time, Wang Shaohua had determined that Li Tianyu was not an ordinary rich man, but also a big man.

Li Tianyu: "Where did we talk about it? Exclude the original rent and add a 100% premium, right?"

Wang Shaohua hurriedly waved his hand: "Mr. Li, look at what you said, how can I really accept that? Individuals can see that it is you who are competing with them. Just as originally said, the premium is 2%. Ten is fine."

Li Tianyu: "Then how can it be done? If you say something, how can you regret it afterwards?"

Li Tianyu doesn't want to be just a rich man, at least he must be a rich man with a bottom line and integrity.

However, Wang Shaohua is also a sincere man, and he does not dare to ask for that much money.

So the two parties each "retreated" a step, the rent premium was 50%, and the transaction was concluded.

Wang Shaohua has already prepared the contract here.

Li Tianyu, Guo Guang, and Zhao Xialan all took a look, and there was no problem.

Li Tianyu readily gave the money, and Wang Shaohua finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had been worried.

Li Tianyu: "What are your plans in the future?"

Wang Shaohua smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know, I may be going back to my hometown. My wife and children are in my hometown now, but I don't know what to do when I go back to my hometown. I'm really sad."

Then Wang Shaohua began to pour bitterness.

This bookstore is indeed his half-life effort.

When the shop opened, he invested all his savings.

Wang Shaohua: "In the first few years, the business was pretty good and I made some money, but the good times didn't last long. In recent years, I gradually lost all the money I made."

Wang Shaohua also said that when he returned to his hometown, he really didn't know how to tell his wife and children.

Li Tianyu suddenly said: "Then don't go back, just follow me."

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