Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 430 Just Four Days To Get A New Bar

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Shaohua was startled.

Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan were also stunned.

Li Tianyu is to recruit Wang Shaohua?

In fact, when Li Tianyu shook hands with Wang Shaohua, he had already found out his details.

Not only is this person more sincere, but he also has the ability.

Although the bookstore is operating at a loss, it is also related to the current environment.

It is not that Wang Shaohua doesn't want to change. As early as two years ago, he thought about transforming, and for this, he did research everywhere.

But because of lack of funds, I can only think about it, and there is no way to actually implement it.

Moreover, Wang Shaohua's major in university was also business management. Whether it was professional courses or foreign languages, his grades were good, and he didn't mess around.

After Wang Shaohua heard Li Tianyu's words, he didn't react for a while.

Guo Guang patted Wang Shaohua on the shoulder: "Comrade Wang, do you want to?"

In fact, Guo Guang had a good impression of Wang Shaohua. He felt that this man was quite temperamental. It would be very speculative to sit and drink two glasses together.

But then again.

If Guo Guang really had two glasses, he would have to bother Wang Shaohua to carry it back.

At this time, Wang Shaohua finally came back to his senses: "Mr. Li, no, boss Li, what do you want me to do?"

Li Tianyu glanced around: "You still stay here to read the bookstore."

Wang Shaohua's eyes widened: "Ah!?"

He really didn't understand what Li Tianyu meant.

Isn’t this rich boss opening a book bar?

Then an idea appeared in Wang Shaohua's mind.

Could it be...

Isn't this boss Li who let him Wang Shaohua be the manager of the book bar?

Later, Li Tianyu's words verified Wang Shaohua's guess: "After this bookstore is transformed into a bar, it will definitely need a manager. You are familiar with it, and you are also suitable to be the manager."

Wang Shaohua smiled bitterly and said, "You have seen it too. I only opened a bookstore. I don't know anything about bars."

Li Tianyu: "It doesn't matter, business matters are the same, and I won't let you manage the bar by yourself. I will find someone to help you familiarize yourself with this business as soon as possible."

Wang Shaohua is still a little suspicious, but looking at Li Tianyu's expression, he is really not joking: "That..."

Li Tianyu: "Do you have any concerns?"

Wang Shaohua waved his hand: "You have misunderstood. I have no worries. I just can't believe it. I didn't expect Boss Li to be so good."

Li Tianyu laughed: "I'm finished with beautiful things, then I will tell you something serious."

Wang Shaohua's complexion condensed: "Say, I will listen."

Li Tianyu: "The trial period is three months. If you do a good job within three months, then you will stay on the job. If you can't adapt, then I won't need you."

It turned out that it was this. Wang Shaohua nodded immediately: "Boss Li, of course it's okay. If I can't do a good job as a store manager for three months, then I will have no face.

Li Tianyu pointed to Guo Guang and said, "He called Guo Guang the general manager of the bar business, and he will be your superior in the future."

When Guo Guang heard this, he couldn't help but straighten up. Li Tianyu had promoted himself.

Guo Guang patted his chest: "Pharaoh, if you have any questions in the future, please feel free to discuss with me."

Wang Shaohua finally laughed heartily: "Okay, then, then I have to communicate more with you."

Suddenly, Wang Shaohua thought of something and turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Mr. Li, Li, but this book bar must be designed and decorated? Does it have to wait a few months or even a year?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "Don't worry about it. I have professional construction team resources. I can do it very quickly. You should go back and wait for my news first. It will be a time off for you."

Li Tianyu: "As for the salary..."

Wang Shaohua raised his head with a look of listening attentively.

Li Tianyu: "Naturally, it won't be low. Guo Guang will talk to you in detail later in this regard, is it okay?"

Wang Shaohua shook his head quickly: "No problem, no problem, to be honest, if you dare to use me, I am very grateful, and I can't ask for too much."

Wang Shaohua is now obedient to Li Tianyu, nodding his head to say yes.

Now Li Tianyu is equivalent to Wang Shaohua's life-saving straw. He doesn't believe in Li Tianyu, who else can he believe?

Li Tianyu and Wang Shaohua exchanged contact information, chatted casually for a while, and then left the bookstore with Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan.

Li Tianyu looked back at the storefront of the bookstore, and felt that the more he looked, the more he liked it.

Soon, it will become a unique book bar, and it is estimated that there will be a long queue soon.

Although Li Tianyu already has two factories and enterprises, a luxury hotel located in a popular scenic spot.

But bars are still very important profit points.

First of all, the cost of bars is the lowest among all Li Tianyu's industries.

Secondly, the unit price of drinks and drinks in bars is very high.

Never underestimate the industries of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Whether in peaceful times or in troubled times, they are the most stable business since ancient times.

In the Wulitun bar, as long as the business is good enough, the total profit will never be worse than that of a medium-sized factory.

Take the doll bar, for example, the daily profit is between 200,000 to 300,000, and it is 600 to 900,000 soft sister coins in one month.

How much is a year?

Between 700 and 10 million soft sister coins.

And these incomes rarely fluctuate and are terribly stable.

As long as this second book bar is on the right track, profits will of course not be bad, and it is possible to double it directly.

And Li Tianyu still has no troubles about store rent.

He only spent three million yuan in soft sister coins to get this store. Compared with the profitability of the bar, the cost is almost negligible.

The three of them walked to the doll bar while chatting.

Li Tianyu: "Old Guo, what do you think of Wang Shaohua?"

Guo Guang pondered for a moment, then replied, "I think he is a sincere person, which suits my appetite."

Li Tianyu glanced at Guo Guang with a strange look.

Guo Guang said anxiously: "Tianyu, don't think about being crooked! My orientation is normal!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You continue talking."

Guo Guang: "Bar management is actually not difficult. Since he has experience in managing bookstores, he can learn quickly. I think he is competent."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Then he will leave it to you, don't go in the ditch."

Guo Guang patted his chest: "Don't worry, I will give him a devil training these few days!"

Li Tianyu pondered for a moment, and then said: "You choose someone to help Wang Shaohua open a store."

Guo Guang: "You mean, serve as deputy?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

Guo Guang: "Tianyu, what do you think of Fang Tao?"

Fang Tao is the young man who came out with Guo Guang from the Blue Frog Western Restaurant.

This kid is very loyal and has a sense of justice.

Li Tianyu didn't think much, and nodded directly: "That's it, just him."

Guo Guang: "Okay, I'll tell him about this when I go back."

Although Fang Tao is too young, he is not the leader, and it is okay to be a deputy.

Maybe this kid is very savvy and can enter the role soon.

Zhao Xialan, who had not spoken all the time, couldn't help but be speechless.

The boss, Li Tianyu, is really a bit resolute.

Zhao Xialan has seen many bosses before, but they all feel a little greasy.

But Li Tianyu is different, at a young age, but with such an achievement, obviously it was not achieved by accident, let alone relying on any relationship or money.

Li Tianyu, indeed has real ability!

Under Zhao Xialan's gaze, Li Tianyu's back figure became stalwart unconsciously.

Back to the doll bar, the bar staff also came one after another.

Li Tianyu teased some familiar employees for a while and left.

The bar is very busy now, especially when preparing meals.

Talking and laughing with them is inappropriate, and it affects the work very much.

Li Tianyu was indeed tired, and drove the Porsche Cayenne back to the 101st floor of Yunmeng Zun.

After taking a hot shower, Li Tianyu lay down on the sofa while watching TV and thinking about things.

Next, Li Tianyu will solve the problem of the renovation of the book bar.

Just now Li Tianyu told Wang Shaohua that he has special decoration channels.

This is true.

But that is a decoration channel that ordinary people can't imagine-the bragging tax system.

In the past, Li Tianyu used the system to build a luxury hotel.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to open a book bar?

The bull on the transformation of the book bar has actually been blown out.The latest novel

Li Tianyu opened another can of cold beer, opened the system panel, and entered the order center.

The list is refreshing...

Soon, a series of tax orders appeared.

Li Tianyu straightened up immediately and scanned the contents of the order.

Sure enough, it is basically related to the bar decoration.

[Project name]: Building renovation and upgrading

[Project location]: Wulitun North District Food Street

[Project duration]: 48 hours

[Project Type]: Bar

[Bar type]: ordinary dance floor bar

[Bar area]: about 450 square meters

[Tax amount]: 6000 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Building renovation and upgrading

[Project location]: Wulitun North District Food Street

[Project duration]: 78 hours

[Project Type]: Bar

[Bar type]: ordinary clear bar

[Bar area]: about 450 square meters

[Tax amount]: 8900 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Building renovation and upgrading

[Project location]: Wulitun North District Food Street

[Project duration]: 91 hours

[Project Type]: Bar

[Bar type]: heavy metal theme dance floor bar

[Bar area]: about 450 square meters

[Tax amount]: 9200 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Building renovation and upgrading

[Project location]: Wulitun North District Food Street

Project Duration: 92 hours

[Project Type]: Bar

[Bar type]: Luxury clearing bar

[Bar area]: about 450 square meters

[Tax amount]: 95000 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Building renovation and upgrading

[Project location]: Wulitun North District Food Street

[Project duration]: 98 hours

[Project Type]: Bar

[Bar type]: Luxury book theme clearing bar

[Bar area]: about 450 square meters

[Tax amount]: 11000 yuan soft sister coin

There are five tax items in total.

The content of each article is similar.

In fact, there are only two types of bars, dance floor bars and clear bars, which are nothing more than luxurious or not.

Li Tianyu appointed a book bar, and finally saw the type he wanted in the last one.

Not only is the theme of the book clear, but it is also luxurious.

The overall bar area is 450 square meters.

This is much bigger than the doll bar.

More importantly, the tax amount only needs 11,000 yuan of soft sister coins!

Oh my god, this is as exaggerated as buying this store for 3 million.

Li Tianyu glanced at the completion time again.

Ninety-eight hours.

Only about four days!

Li Tianyu has long been familiar with the ability to brag about the tax system.

After all, it seemed that it took only five days to create a luxury hotel with a size of several thousand square meters.

In contrast, building a bar in four days is less efficient!

Li Tianyu didn't hesitate anymore and directly clicked on the last item, which is the theme of luxury books.

Determine the tax.

Payment Information

11,000 yuan soft sister coin-successful deduction

Asset Information

Luxurious book-themed cleaning bar upgrade project-success

After completing this, Li Tianyu was lying on the sofa again.

Now his mood is relatively calm.

But when I think about it, there will be new wealth growth points, which is quite happy.

The most important thing.

This book bar does not occupy Li Tianyu's industrial quota and is quite affordable.

After a short rest, Li Tianyu called Guo Guang.

Li Tianyu: "Lao Guo, you can discuss with Wang Shaohua and start bar recruitment as soon as possible."

Guo Guang: "Recruit now?"

Li Tianyu: "Recruit now."

Guo Guang: "But the book bar has not been remodeled yet."

Li Tianyu: "It will be done in a few days. Time is still tight. You guys are quicker, and you can open the bar as soon as it's not winter."

Guo Guang did not speak for a long time and was already stunned.

Will it be released in a few days?

is it possible?

But Guo Guang reacted immediately.

This is what Li Tianyu said, he can never be crazy.

He said yes, it is mostly possible.

Guo Guang immediately agreed, saying that he would talk to Wang Shaohua and start recruiting bar positions as soon as possible.

Guo Guang also said that the doll bar will also free up some people to help in the past, and strive to open as soon as possible.

Li Tianyu again instructed Guo Guang to tell Wang Shaohua and other employees not to go to the storefront of the bookstore recently, because it was about to enter the full construction state.

Of course Guo Guang agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, although I only used the system to select the renovation plan and called to arrange some things, it was actually quite a waste of mind.

I don't know if it is the reason why a lot of energy is consumed while using the system.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Li Tianyu saw that the call was from Lu Hui.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

Lu Hui: "Boss, I have news for you."

Li Tianyu: "Good news or bad news?"

Lu Hui: "Of course it's good news."

Li Tianyu: "Then talk about it."

Lu Hui: "The prototype of the folding flexible screen is ready."

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