You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The crowd listened to Li Tianyu's words and completely lifted their appetites.

Why is this Ma Shi still related to Ai Baoquan?

Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya were even more surprised.

Could it be that Li Tianyu really saw something?

Although both knew that Li Tianyu was an "intelligence dealer" before, it was impossible to know everything.

And if Li Tianyu knew it before, why did he say it now?

Zhao Ya approached Ai Baoquan and asked in a low voice, "Tianyu really knows palmistry?"

Ai Baoquan said with a bitter face, "You really embarrass me, I don't know, he can't be a half fairy, right?"

At this time, Ai Heping interrupted: "Boss Li, he is a half fairy."

Zhao Ya glared at her son: "You are poor!"

At this time, Zhao Ya turned around and said to Li Tianyu: "Tianyu, tell me, how did the two of them conflict each other?"

Ma Shi snorted lightly. Although what Li Tianyu said just now about Ma Shi's love for married women was unfortunately true, he still didn't think Li Tianyu had any talent for palm reading.

Yes, when is it now, how can anyone believe this?

He also looked at palmistry, even if he looked at palmistry together, Li Tianyu would not be able to see anything.

What he said was nothing more than a little trick.

Want him to be fooled by Ma Shi?No doors!

Ma Shi: "Just tell me, what happened to President Ai? I have always respected President Ai."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ma, don't regret it, I really said it."

Ma Shi: "What do I regret about it? But don't talk about it, kid, or I..."

When Ma Shi said this, he glanced at Ai Baoquan, then looked at Zhao Ya, and swallowed the rest of the words.

However, this kid Ma Shi was overcast, even if Ming Li didn't dare to move Li Tianyu, he was very good at doing small actions behind his back.

At this moment, Fang Teqiang, who was sitting at the back, looked at him and was secretly surprised.

I felt that the atmosphere in the VIP room suddenly became tense, and it seemed to be getting tense.

You know, all those present are bigwigs.

Fang Teqiang could even recognize a few, most of which were seen on the Internet or even on TV.

Look at Li Tianyu again, in front of so many big guys actually talk about it, without any horror.

And that man named Ma Shi is obviously a very bad-tempered and arrogant person.

Facing the aggressiveness of the other party, Li Tianyu was not afraid at all. He was still calm, calm, calm and relaxed...

Xia Qingqing and Hu Qian were whispering again.

Hu Qian: "This Li Tianyu is daring enough, and it seems that Ma Shi is going to be anxious."

Xia Qingqing: "Is Ma Shi very good?"

Hu Qian: "Not only is it powerful, but it is also very dark. My dad has been scammed by him. Now I see him and want to beat him."

Xia Qingqing raised her eyebrows: "Well, why don't you punch?"

Hu Qian: "This person is very evil, and the consequences of beating him are endless. Oh, let's not talk about me. What can this Li Tianyu really see? Why do I think he is more evil?"

Xia Qingqing nodded when he thought that Li Tianyu knew so many things about him, but he didn't know anything about this kid, so he nodded: "I also think he is quite evil, but I think he has to roll over this time."

Hu Qian: "How to say?"

Xia Qingqing: "Did you not hear? This Li Tianyu is bluffing, he actually doesn't know anything."

Hu Qian glanced at Xia Qingqing: "I think you may be the one who overturned the car."

Xia Qingqing "cut": "Then wait and see, if he really knows something,"

At this time, Li Tianyu didn't speak for a long time, he was thinking about how to say it.

After all, this matter is not trivial. If it is made clear in public, then Ma Shi is offended.

Ma Shi wants to be unfavorable to Ai Baoquan, Li Tianyu's best choice is to remind Ai Baoquan to beware of Ma Shi in private.

Although Li Tianyu is not afraid of Ma Shi, he is still a little afraid.

As the saying goes, it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain.

As the saying goes, Hades is good to see, but little ghosts are hard to deal with.

Although Ma Shi's power and financial resources are not as good as Ai Baoquan, others are more insidious and more insidious.

However, at this point, Li Tianyu was on the string and had to send it.

Li Tianyu decided.

Since I want to say it now, let me put it more directly and harshly, and beat this Ma Shi to death with one shot, making him unable to turn over.

It not only helped Ai Baoquan, but also reduced the risk of this guy's counterattack.

Li Tianyu said lightly: "Mr. Ma, you can see from this palmistry that you have been moving continuously during this period of time, and they are all big moves."

Ma Shi was startled, but still barely kept calm on his face: "How to say?"

Li Tianyu: "Has President Ma recently caught up with Extraordinary Capital?"

Ma Shi's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.I love to read novels

The rest of the VIP room was also shocked.

Some looked at each other, some whispered and whispered.

Obviously, everyone present has basically heard of the name of Extraordinary Capital.

Ai Baoquan's pupils shrank even more: "Extraordinary Capital? Mr. Ma, you are such a big man, do you even have connections with such an investment company?"

Chaofan Capital is actually a mysterious investment institution with unknown headquarters and unknown nationality.

The only public thing is that they are very rich.

And this investment institution is acting very strange and hard to understand.

It is secretly acquiring the equity of a certain company and forcibly gaining control of the entire company.

In terms of the industry, acquisitions are considered hostile acquisitions.

In other words, this investment company has long been notorious in the industry.

As long as they are more serious businessmen, they will not have a relationship with them, and they do not want to have a relationship with them.

Of course, Transcendent Capital has so far given people a sense of tight organization and watertightness.

Even if someone really wants to establish a relationship with them, there is no way to knock, and they simply don't know how to contact this capital company.

At this time, Li Tianyu suddenly said that Ma Shi was connected with Transcendent Capital, and everyone would of course be astonished.

And Li Tianyu's next words surprised them even more.

Ma Shi was a little anxious, stood up with a scream, pointed at Li Tianyu and yelled: "The kid surnamed Li, I'll tell you, you can talk indiscriminately... No! You can eat indiscriminately! Don't talk indiscriminately! Don't be here! Nonsense here!"

Li Tianyu ignored Ma Shi’s accusation at all: "Mr. Ma, you have been working with Transcendent Capital for about two months, but you have done a lot of things, such as..."

Li Tianyu suddenly looked at Xia Lei: "Mr. Xia, recently your investment company has lost several projects inexplicably?"

Xia Lei hadn't reacted at first, and only a few seconds later did he say "Ah": "How did you know?"

Xia Qingqing's eyes widened: "Dad, is what he said is true?"

Xia Lei nodded: "Recently, there have been three investment projects. The company has set high-level projects, two A-level and one S-level, but they are all high-quality projects. The negotiation has actually been completed, but when the contract is signed, this The three companies all turned back, but it was a pity."

Li Tianyu nodded and continued: "That's because all three companies were signed by Transcendent Capital."

Xia Lei was startled: "He signed it? Why? How did they negotiate?"

Xia Lei's question is reasonable.

Even if Chaofan Capital had money, if he didn't know the conditions set by Xia Lei's investment company, he couldn't easily sign off those three companies.

Li Tianyu: "Then ask Mr. Ma."

Xia Lei suddenly reacted.

Xia Lei did talk about this with Ma Shi at the wine table before.

At that time, Ma Shi was very interested in the negotiations between Xia Lei's investment company and the three companies, and kept asking questions.

Although Xia Lei's mouth is relatively strict, she also revealed some through Jiujin.

Ma Shi is not an idiot. Based on the information, he can certainly estimate their negotiation conditions.

And Xia Lei heard Li Tianyu mention that Ma Shi had something to do with Transcendent Capital, so Ma Shi must have told Transcendent Capital about their negotiation conditions.

Xia Lei was angry and asked Ma Shi loudly, "Mr. Ma, what is going on? Did you tell Transcendent Capital about the content of our negotiations!?"

Ma Shi showed an inexplicable expression of horror. He looked at Xia Lei and pointed at Li Tianyu: "You... how are you talking nonsense..."

Li Tianyu interrupted Ma Shi: "Manager Xia, you are wrong."

Xia Lei: "Am I wrong? Not him?"

Li Tianyu: "It's not that he told Transcendence about your negotiation conditions, but that he himself did things for Transcendence. It was he who led the investment cases of the three companies, and it was not a simple investment, it was equivalent to a direct acquisition."

Xia Lei was speechless, and stared at Ma Shi and shouted: "Okay, Mr. Ma, if you really do such a thing, I will turn around to settle the account with you!"

Ma Shi seemed to have swallowed more than a dozen flies. He wanted to explain something, but couldn't say it.

Everyone saw his performance.

Even a fool could see that Ma Shi couldn't explain it, because he did it.

Zhao Ya said indifferently: "Tianyu, is there still some fierce information about President Ma?"

Li Tianyu: "Auntie Zhao, of course there is something to be expected."

Ma Shi seemed to realize something suddenly, and said quickly: "Okay, stop talking!"

Where did Li Tianyu take care of him, and continued: "Mr. Ma, if I see it right, you are doing a big case for Transcendent Capital. This case is also related to Mr. Ai's Aihua Real Estate Group."

Ma Shi's face was completely broken, as if he knew what Li Tianyu was going to say: "You..."

Ai Baoquan sat up straight, he wanted to listen, Ma Shi was doing something to Aihua Real Estate Group.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, Chaofan Capital is secretly acquiring shares in Aihua Real Estate Group. I'm afraid you don't know about this, right?"

Ai Baoquan hadn't reacted yet, and the faces of everyone present changed.

This is a big deal.


"What!? Are you true!?"

"How dare Extraordinary Capital..."

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