You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhao Ya glanced at Ai Baoquan: "How is this possible? How can they acquire equity?"

Ai Baoquan pondered, as if thinking of something, but there was no word.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, I am afraid you should investigate. Several directors and partners of your company, who have met with Ma Shi recently."

Ai Baoquan: "I have probably guessed who it is, but I will check it out again when I go back to see if there are any fish slipped through the net, Brother Li, thank you."

In fact, Ai Baoquan has recently expressed doubts about the behavior of several partners, and has found someone to investigate them, but these people seem to be very cautious and cautious, and may even have been urged by an expert, and have a certain degree of opposition. Reconnaissance measures.

At this time, Yang An was not in the country, so he could not lead this matter.

Therefore, the people Ai Baoquan sent to monitor them failed to get critical information.

Now after Li Tianyu said so.

Ai Baoquan will understand.

Ma Shi is helping Chaofan Capital acquire shares of Aihua Real Estate Group from the hands of board members and partners.

This is so insidious.

But if you think about it carefully, if you don't count the cost and spend a lot of money, it is indeed possible to succeed.

The wages of avarice is death.

Some directors and partners have unstable character and mentality. As long as they are lured by enough money, they will probably sell their shares.

As long as you get 51% of the equity of Aihua Real Estate Group, it is equivalent to obtaining the controlling rights and control rights of the group.

No matter how unwilling Ai Baoquan was, it would be of no avail.

This is a typical hostile takeover.

Now there are very few capital companies that have the courage and the ability to make hostile takeovers, and Super Capital is definitely the most active one.

At this time, after being broken by Li Tianyu, Ma Shi was already pale, at a loss and restless.

Ma Shi looked at Ai Baoquan, then pointed to Li Tianyu and said, "Mr. Ai, don't you see it? This kid is talking nonsense! Mr. Ai, don't listen to him!"

Ai Baoquan sneered: "I don't listen to him, do I still listen to you!?"

Ma Shi was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ai Baoquan: "Okay, President Ma, I will check this out. If you really harm the interests of Aihua Real Estate for Transcendent Capital, then don't blame me. You are welcome."

Ai Baoquan changed his conversation and became sullen: "Mr. Ma, you know, as long as I am willing, I have a way to fix you!"

Ma Shi's lips trembled, which was different from him just now.

Ma Shi was really not afraid of Ai Baoquan at that time.

Because Ai Baoquan did not know that the Aihua Real Estate Group he founded was being acquired little by little.

As soon as the acquisition is completed, Ai Baoquan will be swept out by Transcendent Capital. What is he afraid of?

But the problem is that the acquisition is still in progress, and it is far from reaching the level of 51% equity.

At this time, he was shaken out by the kid Li Tianyu.

Ai Baoquan has taken precautions, and the acquisition plan is bound to die!

Ma Shi couldn't figure it out.

How did Li Tianyu know?

Not only did he know, but it was not bad at all from the facts.

This is too bizarre!

Could it be that Li Tianyu, this kid really saw it from his palmistry?

At this time, Li Tianyu was finished speaking, drinking wine leisurely, as if the matter just now had nothing to do with him.

It's terrible... E-bookstore

When Ma Shi looked at Li Tianyu again, this thought came into his heart.

This kid is scarier than Ai Baoquan.

At this moment, Ma Shi felt that the eyes of the people around him were not right.

Let alone whether the hostile acquisition of Aihua Real Estate Group is true or not, is it true that Xia Lei’s investment company suffered three hackings? Just to say that he has a relationship with Transcendent Capital, which is quite daunting.

Ma Shi felt that he couldn't stay in this room anymore, so he quickly found a goodbye and left.

At this time, Li Tianyu has become an incredible presence in the VIP room.

When Ai Baoquan introduced Li Tianyu to everyone, everyone thought that he was just a young junior, and what he could do, but now they looked at Li Tianyu completely.

Excluding Xia Qingqing, Li Tianyu looked at the two people with his palm, and it seemed that they were all right.

Although some people find it weird, isn't it all about love, money, career and other fortunes in palmistry?

Why did Li Tianyu talk about what happened and what was happening?

But none of these matters. Li Tianyu alone can say so many things.

It's even a bit magical.

As if Li Tianyu became a half fairy.

Of course, no one in the room dared to show Li Tianyu palmistry.

Can reach the level of a big boss, who will have some unspeakable secrets?

If you are not careful and the wanted Li Tianyu sees it from his hands, then the matter will be serious.

Shame is a trivial matter, and it can lead to ruin if it doesn't.

Ma Shi is a good example. After Li Tianyu's revelation, he is not easy to mix in this circle.

No matter who it is, beware of him.

To be honest, Li Tianyu didn't want to do it this way, but Ma Shi is not a good thing either.

This can be regarded as a big lesson for him, don't always think about doing something sneaky in the future.

The two little girls, Xia Qingqing and Hu Qian, were even more shocked by Li Tianyu.

Hu Qian: "I think Li Tianyu is pretty good, it seems to be more reliable than Liu Guangpeng."

Xia Qingqing gave Hu Qian a vicious look: "Don't talk nonsense, how can he compare to our handsome school guy?"

Although she said so, Xia Qingqing's eyes kept glancing at Li Tianyu.

As for Fang Teqiang, he once again saw Li Tianyu's extraordinary ability.

It only took a few words to make a big man so much that he could not take care of himself.

However, Fang Teqiang still has reservations about Li Tianyu's palmistry.,

He felt that Li Tianyu had already grasped the situation of these people a long time ago, but he chose to say it on such an occasion, which is also a strategy.

At this time, although Ai Baoquan seemed calm and calm on the surface, and still greeted other guests present to drink, but his back was actually soaked.

It's a risk.

If it weren't for Li Tianyu to point out Ma Shi and Transcendent Capital today, he would still be kept in the dark.

If Transcendent Capital really acquired 51% of the equity, then Ai Baoquan would have nothing to do with his skills.

At this moment, Zhao Ya leaned in and said in a low voice, "Lao Ai, what are your plans?"

Ai Baoquan: "As soon as the reception is over, I will recruit the board of directors overnight. I want to explore the bottom of those directors."

Zhao Ya nodded: "You, let's have a snack. If it wasn't for Tianyu today, you would be finished."

Ai Baoquan sighed, "Yes, Brother Li is really a lucky star in our family."

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