Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 473 Prestige Points Obtained, Parents Visit

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After a busy day, Li Tianyu returned to the 101st floor apartment of Huameng Zhizun.

Actually speaking, I didn't do much today, but Li Tianyu felt very tired.

Maybe it was a brainstorm.

Li Tianyu discovered a law, that is, mental work is actually more physically demanding than manual work.

Or maybe Li Tianyu hasn't exercised much recently, causing his physical fitness to deteriorate.

Anyway, he took a shower, then took a can of cold beer from the refrigerator and slumped directly on the sofa.

It took a long time to pick up the remote control and turn on the big TV that was about a hundred inches.

The last issue of "The Runner" is being replayed on TV, which is the episode where the mysterious Mr. X appeared.

Don't tell me, although Li Tianyu watched the mysterious Mr. X playing cool at some point, he was a little bit ashamed.

But overall it is really a reality show that will never be bored.

Not to mention anything else, Qin Xuetong, Dina Xinyi, Jiang Baiqing these beauties are very seductive.

In particular, Qin Xuetong is not just a vase, it is absolutely beautiful and unique, which attracts attention.

Li Tianyu was watching with gusto, when suddenly a voice of electronic synthesis came into his ear.

It was the system assistant who spoke.

[System Assistant]: Host, you have gained a new prestige value, please check the character attribute panel for details.

Li Tianyu's heart moved, it seems that the Imperial Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition has achieved good results, so Li Tianyu also gained the corresponding reputation.

Li Tianyu immediately opened the system panel, and immediately saw the character attribute panel.

[Name]: Li Tianyu

[Level]: celebrities

[Reputation]: 395 points

[Existing wealth]: 366472000 yuan soft sister coin

[Daily tax amount]: 1000000 yuan soft sister coin

[Order Center]: Click to enter

[Task Center]: Click to enter

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief. The prestige has reached 395 points. Compared with the last time, it seems that the prestige value has increased by more than 100 points.

This growth rate is quite amazing.

You know, after the "runner" reality show was broadcast, Li Tianyu only got more than two hundred points in total.

You know, this reality show still has a lot of influence.

As for the emperor's consumer electronics exhibition, there are still a few days away. With the expansion and fermentation of influence, Li Tianyu should continue to gain reputation.

It's a pity that if you count it this way, you may feel a bit extravagant to reach 1,000 prestige points.

However, Li Tianyu is not in a hurry. As his reputation increases, his career is getting better and better, so it should be easier to get it.

Li Tianyu took another look at his current wealth value, the ratio of which is 1:1 with the soft sister coin.

In other words, Li Tianyu's fortune has now reached a level of nearly 370 million.

Four hundred million will be coming soon.

For Li Tianyu, the speed is okay.

But think about it, the next level will consume 500 million soft sister coins, and Li Tianyu feels a pain.

This hasn't reached five hundred million, Li Tianyu is simply the rhythm of the first loss.

It doesn't matter, when foldable flexible screens and OLED screens become available, the rate of wealth increase should accelerate.

Li Tianyu closed the system interface and continued to watch TV.

At this moment, there was a burst of music.

It's Li Tianyu's cell phone ringtone.

Li Tianyu put down the beer can in his hand and picked up the mobile phone from the coffee table to look at the electric display.The only Chinese website

It's my sister Li Li.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, sister, why did you remember calling me?"

Li Li: "Of course something is going on."

Li Tianyu asked strangely: "What's the matter?"

Li Li: "My parents have gone to the imperial capital, do you know?"

Li Tianyu was startled: "Ah? I don't know, when did you come?"

Li Li: "Just yesterday."

Li Tianyu: "What are you doing here? Isn't it sick?"

In the north, generally speaking, I like to run to the imperial capital for any serious illness.

Who makes the capital's medical resources richer?

This is what Li Tianyu worries about. If parents really come to see a doctor in the imperial capital, it will not be a minor illness.

Fortunately, what Li Tianyu was worried about did not happen.

Li Li: "It was an activity blocked by my father's unit. I went to the imperial capital for a four-day and three-night tour."

Li Tianyu let out an "Oh", and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "Then why don't they tell me, do you still hide this kind of thing?"

Li Li: "Maybe I don't want to trouble you, aren't you busy these days?"

Li Tianyu: "Hey, why are you busy? No matter how busy you are, you have to be filial, right?"

Li Li: "Then you call them and ask them about their situation. If you are too busy, just ignore them. Anyway, it's organized by the unit and there should be arrangements for boarding and lodging."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I'll call them right away."

After chatting with his sister Li Li a few more words, Li Tianyu hung up, and then dialed the mobile number of his mother Ye Cuiping.

The bell rang for a long time before Ye Cuiping picked it up.

Li Tianyu: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Ye Cuiping: "I just went outside for a walk, isn't this just arriving at the hotel."

Li Tianyu: "Where's Dad?"

Ye Cuiping: "Go to the bathroom, shit."

Li Tianyu: "...Mom, all have come to the imperial capital, can you be more civilized?"

Ye Cuiping: "Why are you doing so much? Aren't they all the same!"

Li Tianyu: "I said, you two are really okay, don't you ask me to report to the Emperor?"

Ye Cuiping: "Aren't you busy? How can you take care of us? Besides, it was organized by your dad's work unit. It's all arranged and you don't need to take care of it."

Li Tianyu: "Where did you go to play today?"

Ye Cuiping: "I went to Xiangshan today and took a look at Hongye."

Li Tianyu: "You old arms and legs, can you still climb mountains?"

Ye Cuiping: "You too underestimated the two of us, we both reached the top, what is this called? See all the mountains!"

Li Tianyu: "I think you also took the cable car to go up. By the way, where are you going tomorrow?"

Ye Cuiping: "We've all been to Fragrant Mountain before. It's not very new. Tomorrow will be a bit interesting. It's going to Dibei Water Town."

Li Tianyu was startled at first, and then he was happy: "Yeah, it's okay, Dad and his unit really have lost money. Tickets for the Emperor North Water Town are not cheap.

Ye Cuiping: "That's not it, more than one hundred, and we are going to live in the scenic spot tomorrow."

Li Tianyu: "Where to live? Have you booked a hotel?"

Ye Cuiping: "It must be booked. It's an inn inside. The conditions should not be bad."

Li Tianyu: "The inn? The environment is just average. Where do you live today?"

Ye Cuiping: "Today I stayed at the Seven-day Holiday Hotel."

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