Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 474 My Son Has the Ability

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu thought to himself that his father Li Guohua’s unit could book a seven-day holiday hotel, which is already very good.

At any rate, this chain hotel is fairly formal, and the sanitary conditions are up to standard.

Li Tianyu chatted with Ye Cuiping again and hung up.

Speaking of Dibei Water Town, Li Tianyu hasn't been there for a while, and he doesn't know how Tianyu Palace is now operating.

Calculating the time, Tianyu Mansion should have passed the trial operation stage and started to transfer to formal operation.

Since Mom and Dad have gone to Dibei Water Town, Li Tianyu can also go there to take a look, maybe the two of them still need his help.

After all, they are going to stay there for one night.

The next day, after Li Tianyu woke up, he washed a little bit, and then drove to Dibei Water Town.

It takes more than two hours to drive from the Imperial Capital International Trade Center, which is the East Third Ring Road area, to the Dibei Water Town.

Fortunately, there were no traffic jams on this day, and the time on the road was slightly shortened.

But when he arrived at Dibei Water Town, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

This day is actually Monday, and tourists should be the least every week, but in the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town, it is still very lively.

Compared to most of the scenic spots in the Imperial Capital, when the Dibei Water Town does not seem to be too deserted, the passenger flow is always so large.

Correspondingly, although the hotels in the scenic area are divided into peak season and off-season, they are also relative.

In fact, hotels in the scenic spots of Dibei Water Town do have room rates discounts in the middle of the week, but the price reductions are not small, up to 50%.

However, the room prices of these hotels are relatively high, and for some high-end luxury hotels, the benchmark room rate can even reach 3000 yuan.

For example, the light of the North, this is only the price of the standard room, the price of better room types will be higher.

The standard price of rooms in Tianyu Palace will be higher.

Li Tianyu went to the gate of Tianyu Mansion through the dual-purpose passageway, and found that the small parking lot in front was full of cars.

There are also several cars waiting in line to enter the venue, or waiting for security personnel to try their best to arrange suitable parking spaces.

Damn it!

This posture is a bit scary.

Turning his head and looking at it, there doesn't seem to be such a hot feeling on the light of the north.

You must know that the Emperor Beizhiguang is now the only five-star hotel in the scenic area.

It seems that Tianyu Mansion is even hotter than expected.

One is because the publicity is in place, especially after the episode of "The Runner" was broadcast, attracting a large number of tourists to Dibei Water Town for pilgrimage.

Tianyu Palace is one of the most important show scenes, and it has naturally become an important holy place.

A lot of people come here to see if this hotel is as good as the one seen on TV.

Unexpectedly, it is actually better than the reality show, and people can't help but want to live.

Just live there. Although it's a bit more expensive, it's hard to come and travel, and experience one or two nights without any pressure.

The Central Plains people's consumption concept is that they may be frugal, but when they travel, they don't care much about spending money.

Li Tianyu drove the car to the small parking lot in the backyard.

Thanks to Li Tianyu's complaint with Shen Yanhe and Han Lei last time, the management decided to reserve a parking space for Li Tianyu after discussing.

But the backyard is an internal parking lot, guarded by security.

Not all the security guards know Li Tianyu, and the security guards are very responsible, and Li Tianyu's words are useless.

In the end, after the security asked the leader for instructions, he confirmed his identity with Li Tianyu, and then he helped Li Tianyu park in a dedicated parking space with fear.

Li Tianyu entered the lobby through the back door.

There are really many people in the lobby, and several service windows are lined up.

Some are checking in, while others are checking out.

Li Tianyu was all right, sitting in the lounge area of ​​the lobby to observe these tourists.

The faces of the people who are about to check in are full of expectation and excitement, while the tourists who check out are full of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Some people are discussing when they will come to stay for a few nights next time.

Li Tianyu was very satisfied with the response of these people.

This shows that the hotel's service and environment are not very good, which makes tourists feel at home and value for money, even for expensive room fees!

Just then, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Li Tianyu took a look, and it was Lu Hui who came over.

Lu Hui was calling at this time. It should be that Li Tianyu was approached for important matters.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Hui: "Boss, I just finished talking with the people from HUAWEI."

Li Tianyu came to be interested: "How was the result?"

Lu Hui: "I just talked about it, and it hasn't been finalized recently, and the contract of intent has not yet been signed. However, HUAWEI has expressed great interest and is anxious to visit our Guanglan Electronics production line."

Li Tianyu couldn't help nodding.

It seems that HUAWEI does have a strong intention of cooperation.

However, these major manufacturers are more cautious with component suppliers, and it is not enough just to see the products.

As the saying goes, if you don't see rabbits or scatter eagles, some first- and second-tier manufacturers, including HUAWEI, will definitely inspect the production line of Guanglan Electronics.

It is estimated that they want to see if such a perfect foldable flexible screen is actually produced from the production line of Guanglan Electronics.

Of course, the equipment of the production line is also the focus of inspection.

Such high-tech and cutting-edge products have high requirements on production line equipment.

After all, Guanglan Electronics can not only produce foldable flexible screens. In fact, the quality of ordinary OLED LCD panels is not lost to Samsung, and even some indicators will win.

Therefore, the LCD screen panels of Guanglan Electronics may enter the supply chain of HUAWEI.

However, foldable flexible screens are what HUAWEI urgently needs. As for ordinary OLED LCD screens, HUAWEI already has a stable supplier like BOE.

Lu Hui: "Boss, HUAWEI means that it might buy out the production capacity of Guanglan Electronics."

Li Tianyu: "Foldable flexible screen?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, but for ordinary OLED screens, HUAWEI may also take part in it."

Li Tianyu: "This is no problem. As long as the bid is right, it is best to buy out the production capacity, at least worry-free."

Lu Hui: "Then have a good talk with HUAWEI."

Li Tianyu: "You can make decisions about these things. Anyway, we can sell our products."

Lu Hui replied, looking full of energy and confidence.

Li Tianyu and Lu Hui talked about some more details, then said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

Just at a glance, I saw Yu Xuheng coming here.

It seems that the hotel management has got the news, and the boss is here.Lu Zhulin Novel

At the same time, Li Tianyu's parents Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping were following the group to the parking lot of Dibei Water Town by bus.

These two have never been to Dibei Water Town before, and this is the first time to travel to the outer suburbs of the Imperial Capital.

This is actually Li Tianyu's pot.

Duck Du has successfully run a so-so-so-big, so-so-luxury hotel in Dibei Water Town, why don't you take your parents, brothers and sisters to have a fun?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping are quite happy now.

After all, you can travel here for free, and you don’t have to spend a penny.

Although the son is rich, the two of them still have a set of ideas of diligence and thrift.

Of course, Ye Cuiping is actually better than Li Guohua, and now he dares to spend more and more.

For example, when traveling with Li Guohua this time, Ye Cuiping brought thousands of soft sister coins.

Li Guohua also found it strange, and asked: "The work unit includes food and housing. What are you doing with so much money?"

Ye Cuiping: "Then travel can't just eat and lodging. Didn't you see how others travel? We still have to spend it!"

Li Guohua: "What's the cost? We don't need anything. What can we consume?"

Ye Cuiping stretched out a slap and shocked Li Guohua, thinking she was going to hit him.

Surprisingly, Ye Cuiping started to list: "I want to buy a lot of things, first, clothes, second, cosmetics, third, bags, fourth..."

Li Guohua immediately waved his hands, shook his head, and held his daughter-in-law's hand: "What are you doing? How old are you, how come you look like a little girl."

Ye Cuiping "cut": "I tell you, when I go to dance now, many men are deliberately approaching me, if you don't work hard, be careful that I ran away with someone!"

Li Guohua: "Okay, you, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. You can buy it, but you have to take it easy."

Ye Cuiping: "Let me tell you, Lao Li, what I spend is not your money, but my son's money!"

Li Guohua had no choice but to shut up.

Now Li Tianyu is indeed well-developed. He pays the family money every other time, and even applies for a card specially.

The deposits in that card are now over one million soft sister coins.

According to this trend, Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping really can't finish their flowers.

Ye Cuiping occasionally "crazy", there is no problem at all.

As mentioned above, this time it was a tourist activity organized by Li Guohua's unit.

Li Guohua is in a public institution, and the benefits are not bad, so activities like this are organized roughly twice a year.

And you can also bring family members.

But generally speaking, several departments act together, not the entire unit.

For example, if we came together this time, about 30 people came with family members.

The team is neither long nor short, but it is just right.

The person in charge of the organization is a deputy director of the unit named Ma Dapeng.

There is also the secretary Hou Mingtao, who is usually called Xiaohu by the people in the unit.

Simply put, Hou Mingtao is responsible for running errands, getting involved, and doing physical work, while Ma Dapeng is the commander responsible for giving orders.

In fact, the bus can drive into the scenic spot, but after everyone discusses it, it is better to walk in, and you can get a sneak peek at this scenic spot.

As for everyone’s luggage, several people are responsible for bringing them directly to the hotel.

At this time, Hou Mingtao distributed the tickets to all members, and Ma Dapeng led the team directly into the scenic spot through the entrance hall.

Ye Cuiping: "Yeah, this Dibei Water Town is pretty good, it looks like that."

Li Guohua also nodded: "It's really like a water town in the south. It has mountains and rivers. It looks pretty clean. It's a good place."

Just as the two sighed, one of them suddenly interrupted.

"What is this, no matter how beautiful it is, it is man-made. I see a lot of this kind of place."

The speaker's name is Shi Fangdong, and Li Guohua is a colleague in a department.

Shi Fangdong is about the same age as Li Guohua.

Speaking of it, the two people also competed for the head of the department. At that time, there was a sense of Huashan talking about swords.

But in the end, neither of them went up, and they all stayed in the position of deputy section chief for so long.

Now that they are about to retire, their relationship has not improved much.

In fact, the main problem lies with Shi Fangdong.

This guy looked down on Li Guohua because he had money in his family. He felt that Li Guohua was just a phoenix man, a soil bun.

Li Guohua looked quite honest, but in fact he had a strong self-esteem. Shi Fangdong always wanted him to subdue him. Of course Li Guohua quit.

The two of them are competing a lot.

Anyway, at such an old age, and can't afford to fight, others will let them go.

Li Guohua listened to Shi Fangdong's words, but he didn't say anything, but his face was cold.

Shi Fangdong is a broken mouth, his wife Wang Yurui is more broken than his mouth.

Wang Yurui: "Old history, don't talk nonsense. People have never traveled far away, and have never been to other places. You are not shocking people, making people feel uncomfortable."

Shi Fangdong smiled: "That's true. Some people have never been out of the province in their entire lives, and they are indeed very poor."

Li Guohua can bear it, Ye Cuiping can't bear it: "Why haven't I been out of the province? This is all in the imperial capital, isn't this out of the province!"

Wang Yurui: "Hey, this is called province? It's really easy for you to be satisfied. Do you know where we went some time ago?"

Ye Cuiping did not answer.

Wang Yurui didn’t need Ye Cuiping’s answer, and continued: “We went to Xinmatai and traveled around every place. Alas, it’s an eye-opener, and it’s great.”

Shi Fangdong smiled and said, "Yes, and it's our son who spends money. We don't care about anything."

Ye Cuiping "cut": "What are you guys, my son will have to take us around the world in the future!"

Shi Fangdong and Wang Yurui looked at each other, feeling that Ye Cuiping was really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Wang Yurui: "Your son is quite capable, where does he work?"

Ye Cuiping: "It's in the imperial capital, and I make a lot of money. There are several houses."

After hearing this, the people around all laughed.

Everyone knows that the house in the imperial capital is expensive.

Ye Cuiping actually said that her son had several houses in the emperor. He was bragging no matter how he heard it, and it was a little bit boundless.

Wang Yurui and Shi Fangdong did not believe it.

They know Li Guohua's family situation best.

For decades, I have earned so many dead wages without any sideline.

No matter how old the child is, it is impossible to buy a few houses in the Imperial Capital in just a few years.

Wang Yurui glanced at Ye Cuiping: "Then your son is really amazing. When will you let us see him and see what the young man who bought several houses in the Imperial Capital looks like?"

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