Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 475 What Hotel Are You Staying?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ye Cuiping was speechless for a while.

Wang Yurui: "Why? Both of you have arrived in the imperial capital. Since his son works in the imperial capital, why can't he come and have a look?"

Ye Cuiping: "Yes, of course he can. He was going to come, but we didn't let him come!"

Wang Yurui: "Why not let him come?"

Ye Cuiping: "Then I need to ask questions. Of course, I'm afraid of delaying his work. Besides, we came out with the group. It's useless to let him come."

Shi Fangdong: "Why it's useless? Can I invite you two to dinner."

When Li Guohua heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Our work unit takes care of the meals, so do we need our son to invite dinner?"

Shi Fangdong and Wang Yurui smiled at each other.

This expression made Li Guohua quite uncomfortable and very angry.

These two men are obviously looking down on people!

Li Guohua was cold and silent.

He is not suitable for fighting, especially every time he fights with Shi Fangdong, he is the one who loses.

Wang Yurui: "This is how you are old-fashioned. The group meal arranged by our unit is called group meal. Where can I eat it? It is better to eat out by myself, right, Lao Shi?"

Shi Fangdong: "That's right, we didn't eat with you last night, we went out to the restaurant alone."

This is not wrong. When I had a group meal last night, the two of them were indeed not there. It turned out to be a small stove.

Wang Yurui: "The Imperial Capital Roast Duck we went to the cheap shop was indeed better than ours."

Shi Fangdong: "Don't tell them, it's not appropriate, and they are reluctant to spend money to eat out."

Wang Yurui said with a smile: "That's right, sorry."

How awkward Ye Cuiping listened, and wanted to argue with this annoying couple, but was stopped by Li Guohua.

Li Guohua pulled Ye Cuiping and continued on.

While walking, she complained about Ye Cuiping: "Don't talk to them if it's okay, you don't find it bothersome."

Ye Cuiping: "What's the trouble? It's not that I want to talk to them, it's that they come to us first!"

Li Guohua: "They are more true to them! Let's ignore them what they say!"

Ye Cuiping was not happy anymore, and Hengmei was cold and right: "Listening to you, is it still mine?"

Li Guohua frankly said, "I, I didn't say that. Don't wrong me."

Ye Cuiping: "Oh, drink, and you said I wronged you? Lao Li, your ability to hit a target has improved."

Li Guohua hastened his pace quickly,

Ye Cuiping was chasing behind him, nagging and miserable Li Guohua.

Fortunately, the temporary captain Ma Dapeng who led the way stopped.

This is the entrance to Hotel Street.

Going to the left is a street of luxury hotels, and to the right is an inn.

Needless to say, luxury hotels, with high prices and good accommodation conditions, are the first choice for the rich.

And there is not much money in your pocket?

Of course, there is a choice, that is, several inns in Dibei Water Town.

The rooms in the inn are cheap, but the hardware facilities and living conditions are much worse than those of luxury hotels, so they are more affordable.

However, the number of rooms in the inn is relatively small for the hotel. The smallest inn has only about a dozen rooms, which is still quite scarce.

Ma Dapeng greeted all the team members to gather at this intersection.

It is approaching noon, and tourists are gradually increasing.

Although there are so many people who are not in time for the holidays, they can also be called people coming and going.

Most of the people came to Dibei Water Town for the first time, so they all looked very excited.

While looking at the surrounding environment, they began to talk a lot.

"Director Ma, where do we live?"

"You see, there is a hotel street, I heard that those hotels are pretty good."

"Are we staying in a hotel?"

"What do you think, the room rate for one night exceeds the budget of each of us!"

"That's right. It is said that the hotel in the scenic spot costs thousands of dollars a night."

At this time, Ma Dapeng waved his hands to everyone: "Listen to me, everyone, let me explain the problem of accommodation tonight."

When everyone heard it, they were quiet.,

Ma Dapeng: "Everyone should have heard that the accommodations in this scenic area are quite expensive, but the unit has worked very hard to arrange rooms for everyone."

Ma Dapeng: "But we have a lot of people. We need nearly 20 rooms, so we didn't stay in a hotel."

Some people nodded silently, as if they already knew about it.

Some people have doubts on their faces and don't understand what it means.

Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping looked at each other, how come they feel so awkward.

Although Ma Dapeng is right, but in this case, the room will be good or bad.

Assigned to a hotel with good conditions is indeed a profit.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if it were assigned to a hotel with poor conditions?

It’s one aspect of going out to play and seeing the scenery, and it’s also important to eat and stay.

If the conditions are the same, nothing will be said.

It's all together, but it's good or bad, it's really boring.

Especially Li Guohua.

Whenever encountering such a thing, Li Guohua must be the one who suffers the most.

He doesn't talk much in the unit, which can be called taciturn, and of course the most sincere, just like a hardworking scalper.

On the other hand, not many people are willing to suffer.

Therefore, leaders generally assign the worst to Li Guohua, without exception.

Of course, that was the time when Li Guohua was young. Now that he is older and seniority, it seems that it is not his turn to suffer.

But more than one family suffers, that's not necessarily the case.

Maybe Li Guohua has to accompany the young people to suffer and be fooled.

After a while, Hou Mingtao ran over, holding a watch in his hand.

It seems that the accommodation room must be allocated on the spot.

Ye Cuiping wasn't very happy: "Wait a moment, let's say okay first, the hotel and the room are too different!"

Li Guohua pulled Ye Cuiping to let her not be so excited.

Ye Cuiping glared at Li Guohua: "Don't talk to me, I don't have any problems with the place you want to live in. Don't pull me up!"

Li Guohua: "People haven't allocated it yet. Everything is arranged by Director Ma, and it will not be allocated to us too badly."

Ye Cuiping's face was cold, and there was no more words.

At this time, Shi Fangdong laughed: "Yes, everything is subject to Director Ma's arrangements. At this time, everyone shouldn't care about it?"

Director Ma Ma Dapeng smirked, his eyes were a bit wrong.

Li Guohua felt abruptly.

Is it possible that the poor were really allocated to Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping?

Hou Mingtao: "Can I talk now?"

Ma Dapeng pretended to cough twice, and replied, "Say it."

It's all time now, and I have to talk about it.80 Novel Network

Hou Mingtao picked up the piece of paper and began to talk.

This time there are 37 people, some with family members and some are singles. In total, about 20 rooms are needed.

The twenty rooms are allocated to one hotel and two inns.

There are nine hotel rooms.

There are ten rooms in the inn.

This is interesting.

The hotel room is almost the same as the inn, only one room.

Needless to say, those who live in the inn are sure that the conditions are not very good.

No matter the accommodation room or the facilities, it is not as comfortable as staying in a hotel.

Now the question is, who is so unlucky who was assigned to the hotel room.

As a result, Hou Mingtao began to read the list, first of all the people assigned to the inn room.

As expected, Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping were on the list.

Ye Cuiping was not happy anymore. He interrupted Hou Mingtao's words and said: "Wait a moment, our old Li is so old, why can't the unit take care of it and live a little more comfortable?"

Hou Mingtao didn't know how to answer. Ma Dapeng did the job of allocating the room.

Ma Dapeng waved his hand and calmly said: "Don't worry, listen to me. The main reason is that the hotels in this scenic area are too popular. They can't be allocated, and the hotel rooms we booked are all standard rooms, which are relatively small. The inn’s room was reserved for a large room, but the conditions were better."'

Ye Cuiping's face was cold, and there was no word.

Would an inn room be better than a hotel room?


Thinking of this, Ye Cuiping gave Li Guohua a fierce look, feeling that he was unworthy.

Li Guohua also managed to lose.

In fact, he was quite angry in his heart.

This Director Ma Dapeng Ma really doesn't give face.

In fact, Ma Dapeng does have difficulties.

Originally, he wanted to take care of Li Guohua.

After all, they are bringing their family members, so they can't lose face.

However, after a long time of election, the situation of the other eight cannot be offended. They are no worse than Li Guohua in terms of seniority and working experience.

Originally, Dapeng Ma had discussed with the hotel for a long time, and wanted to get an extra room.

But the room was booked late at the time, and there were no extra rooms in several hotels.

So I can only wrong Comrade Li Guohua.

Fortunately, Li Guohua has always been very general in his unit, not fighting for the strong, and knowing how to tolerate. This allowed Ma Dapeng to make the final decision.

At this time, Ma Dapeng also saw that Li Guohua was not very happy, so he said: "Lao Li, just feel wronged, don't you think Lao Zhang is also assigned to the inn room, the room happens to be next to you, and you two have a good relationship. It's also convenient to drop by."

Old Zhang's name is Zhang Bin, a few years younger than Li Guohua.

Li Guohua is really able to talk with Zhang Bin, and occasionally sits together to eat, drink and chat on weekdays.

This time Zhang Bin also came with his wife, and he felt disappointed.

Zhang Bin stood beside Li Guohua, sighed after listening, and whispered: "We are really hard brothers."

Except for Li Guohua and Zhang Bin, all those assigned to the inn room were young people in the unit.

No wonder they both felt unfair.

Everyone travels together. It's not a competition for jobs. Fairness is over. How can the housing be divided into different levels?

In fact, they just complained in private.

These days, everything is done in three or six stages, and there is no fairness.

This is the end of the matter, no matter how unwilling it is, it's all set, and nothing can be changed.

On the bright side, staying here for one night anyway, not for a lifetime.

It's okay to suffer a bit, it's nothing more than losing face in front of Shi Fangdong.

Speaking of Shi Fangdong, Hou Mingtao hadn't read his name just now.

Don't ask, it must have been assigned to the hotel.

Li Guohua thought of this and glanced at Shi Fangdong, and found that this kid was also looking over here.

The look was quite meaningful, as if saying "Look, you are still not as good as me".

At this time, Hou Mingtao continued to read the list, this time reading the names of people assigned to the hotel room.

Except for those who live in the inn, that is, those who live in the hotel, and there can never be people who live in the main street.

There is no suspense at all.

Like Ma Dapeng and Shi Fangdong, those with qualifications and status all went to the hotel.

At this time, Wang Yurui smiled and said, "Director Ma, thank you for taking care of it."

Ma Dapeng: "Yes, it should be."

Wang Yurui: "I heard that the hotel we stayed at this time was in very good conditions. It is a new hotel."

Shi Fangdong: "Yes, I also checked the hotel specifically. It is quite impressive. By the way, the program "The Runner" that was broadcast on TV not long ago was recorded in that hotel!"

When everyone heard it, they were all interested.

"Chief Shi, was it the last issue of The Runner?"

"I remember, it was the hotel, the one that was well decorated."

"What's the name of the hotel?"

Shi Fangdong was in a good mood and happily responded, "It is called Tianyu Hao Ting, which is the newly opened hotel in Dibei Water Town."

Wang Yurui: "Yes, all the things in the hotel are new, especially good. There is a gym, a swimming pool, and there are hot springs inside. It's free."

When everyone heard it, some were envious, some were excited.

The envious people are the unlucky ghosts assigned to the inn.

Excited, of course those people who stayed in the new hotel.

As mentioned before, if you travel and have a good time, it's not as good as living.

At this moment, Ye Cuiping suddenly asked: "What did you say just now? What is the name of the hotel?"

Wang Yurui: "It's called Tianyu Hao Ting, what's the matter? You don't mean that you have lived before, have you?"

Shi Fangdong: "Don't irritate them. How about the hotel costing several thousand yuan a night, can Old Li be willing?"

Ye Cuiping did not listen to them, but looked at Li Guohua.

There is something wrong with Li Guohua's expression.

It's no wonder that the name "Tianyu Hao Ting" clearly shares the same name with Li Tianyu, their son's son!

And Li Tianyu also mentioned this to Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping before, saying that he opened a hotel in the Imperial Capital.

He also said to let the two of them come over and play without problems.

But neither of them took it seriously at the time.

When I heard it now, I immediately remembered it.

Wang Yurui did not notice the abnormality of the two of them, and continued: "By the way, I also heard that the breakfast at Tianyu Palace is very good, comparable to a five-star hotel!"

Wang Yurui was right about this.

Tianyu Palace is the top hotel service standard in China.

The restaurant chef is a team recruited by Shen Yanhe from a star restaurant.

The ingredients are of course not bad.

This is why the room price of Tianyu Palace is high, but the satisfaction is also high.

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