You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xia Qingqing "cut": "That's just polite, you take it seriously."

Li Tianyu leaned over and said in a low voice, "I see something in your eyes."

Xia Qingqing: "What is it?"

Xia Qingqing's complexion changed: "Isn't it a shit?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "What a mess, your eyes are full of admiration for me."

Xia Qingqing gave Li Tianyu a white look, and said nothing.

Li Tianyu didn't care, just as a fight with the little girl, to have fun.

In fact, Xia Qingqing still had a big change in Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu has such a good relationship with Ai Baoquan, Xia Qingqing thought that Li Tianyu had bought the office building of Hua Meng Zhizun with this advantage.

Unexpectedly, they still have a career. Not only are they not unemployed, but they also do a great job.

After Xia Lei learned that Li Tianyu was the boss of Guanglan Electronics, he frequently greeted him.

As a veteran of the domestic investment industry, Xia Lei has no reason to let go of such a potential investment target of Guanglan Electronics.

However, the timing was wrong at this time. Xia Lei didn't talk about this matter with Li Tianyu, but asked for contact information with Li Tianyu.

Xia Lei: "Tianyu, let's meet in two days when we have time. By the way, we will call Mr. Shang Ai at that time, and we can have a few drinks together."

Of course Li Tianyu knew what Xia Lei meant, so he quickly responded.

Although Li Tianyu does not need to raise funds now, nor lack of funds, this does not mean that he does not need it in the future.

In the future, there will be more and more industries and bigger and bigger careers, and Li Tianyu will spend five hundred million to rise to the next level.

Even if the taxation system is bragging, it will inevitably be short of money.

It is also a good thing to know Xia Lei, a big man in the investment industry.

Li Tianyu, Lu Hui, and Ren Huayang did not stay on the second floor for too long, that is, twenty minutes, and the three of them left afterwards. After all, there were so many people waiting on the third floor.

Because Li Tianyu and Ren Huayang have reached a consensus, everyone is very relaxed. Some people even order beer and drink with others.

Li Tianyu and Ren Huayang took their place again.

The two began to chat together.

However, Li Tianyu could see that there was always a haze on Ren Huayang's face.

If you don’t ask, you know that HUAWEI is currently facing great difficulties.

Ren Huayang sighed: "Mr. Li..."

Li Tianyu quickly said: "You just call me Tianyu."

Ren Huayang smiled: "That's OK, then let's not be so polite, I call you brother Li, you call me brother Ren."

Li Tianyu quickly said yes, thinking that there was another person calling him "Brother Li".

This kind of feeling is good, after all, whether it is Ai Baoquan or Ren Huayang, they are all bigwig-level figures.

This shows that Li Tianyu's personal network is getting denser.

At this time, the music sounded.

It is Ren Huayang's cell phone ringtone.

He took out his phone, glanced at the caller ID, and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Talked to them? Any feedback?"

"...Well, ok, got it."

"Look at Mr. Yu's meaning in advance, and then study it slowly."

Ren Huayang didn't say much, and hung up the phone.

Ren Huayang's originally happy expression was full of dark clouds.

It seems that the content of this call is not a good thing.

Although Li Tianyu is also very curious, there are some things people don't say, so don't ask yourself.

But it's harmless to chat about it.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ren, it seems that your work is not going well recently."

Ren Huayang: "Brother Li, you should also know that our HUAWEI has a hard time recently."

Li Tianyu nodded: "The troublesome autumn."

Ren Huayang showed a wry smile: "It looks like winter is coming."

Although a little unkind, Li Tianyu found Ren Huayang to be like this and found it a bit fresh.

Ren Huayang picked up the teacup again: "Fortunately, Guanglan Electronics has discovered the treasure, and HUAWEI's life can be slightly improved in the future."

Of course Li Tianyu knows that HUAWEI's current predicament is mainly in two aspects.

The first is the shortcomings of mobile operating systems.

Second, it is the chip foundry aspect.

HUAWEI's chip design capabilities are very strong, and it can be said to catch up with Qualcomm's Snapdragon series.

However, due to various reasons, no foundry is willing to manufacture chips for HUAWEI.

Li Tianyu patted Ren Huayang on the shoulder: "By the way, if we develop chip foundry, we will invite HUAWEI to visit at that time."

Ren Huayang didn't react for a while, and when he threw the peanuts between the chopsticks into his mouth, he realized what Li Tianyu was talking about.

Ren Huayang stared, his eyes were about to fall on the table.

The people at the table were shocked. They didn't hear what Li Tianyu said, which made a leader such as Ren Huayang react so much.

The people of Guanglan Electronics even started to worry.

Could it be that Li Tianyu, the young boss, said something insignificant or serious, and troubled Ren Huayang, right?

This is not a good phenomenon.

If Ren Huayang is so angry that he does not do business with Guanglan Electronics, he will suffer a big loss.

But it turns out that everyone thinks too much.

Ren Huayang's such a big reaction was entirely because Li Tianyu said something shocking.

Li Tianyu wants to invest in a chip factory!?

Li Tianyu laughed after seeing Ren Huayang's reaction.

But he can also understand.

For the average person, a chip factory in China Construction Bank is a fantasy.

No matter how rich Li Tianyu is, he can't do it.

Are there many billions of soft sister coins lying in the bank?

Of course more.

But if you want to build a chip factory, it is definitely a drop in the bucket.

Let alone a factory, even a production line may not be able to pull up.

This is not difficult, the most difficult is the technical personnel, the R&D team.

Don’t think that chip foundries don’t need developers.

This is not the same as a simple electronic product foundry, which can only be regarded as assembly, but chip manufacturing is a very complicated process, much more complicated than LCD panel manufacturing, and it is not a level thing at all.

So Ren Huayang thinks Li Tianyu is a little bloated at this time?

Ren Huayang: "Brother Li, let's listen to your brother Ren, let alone ordinary people in chip manufacturing, even a powerful company can't do it."

Ren Huayang: "Do you think how many manufacturers can OEM top chips in the world?"

Speaking of Ren Huayang stretched out three fingers: "TSMC is the first, Samsung is the second, and Intel is the third. Except for these three, there is no other manufacturer in the world that can handle 14nm, or even chips below 14nm. The process is up."

In order not to hurt Li Tianyu's face, Ren Huayang's voice was kept low.

Ren Huayang: "Brother Li, do you understand what I mean? There are so many large companies in the world, only these three have reached the top level. Our domestic SMIC is very good? The current mature technology is only in the 20th. It will take a long time for eight nanometers and fourteen nanometers to achieve sufficient yield."

Ren Huayang: "Even if you have strong financial strength, it is almost impossible to get the chip production line. Not to mention the technical team, you can't get those equipment." Baolai Novel Network

I have to admit that when Ren Huayang can talk about this to Li Tianyu, he can already be regarded as a confidant.

Li Tianyu was still slightly moved.

But since Li Tianyu dared to say it, it means he has a certain degree of certainty.

After all, he is no ordinary person, he is the host of the bragging tax system.

Even if it is the top lithography machine of Asim, Li Tianyu can get one every minute, no, two or three.

what?The price is billions, billions?

No matter how expensive, the nature is not the same as Canonkiki's vacuum evaporation machine.

Li Tianyu has a system, and he can't pay much tax.

Therefore, Li Tianyu is not worried about the equipment.

What others can do with tens of billions of dollars can be done with Li Tianyu at most tens of millions.

So is it really that easy for Li Tianyu to make a chip manufacturer?

Not at all.

If Li Tianyu wants to be a chip manufacturing factory, there is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

That is the technical team, technical personnel.

Now there is not even a shadow.

Although Li Tianyu had some relationship with Liang Wenfeng.

But Liang Wenfeng is from Xiaomi Technology, and it is not easy to persuade him to come in.

And Liang Wenfeng alone is not enough, at least a team is needed to get started.

This still requires Li Tianyu's brains to be troubled for a while, he thinks about where he can spend a lot of money to find talents.

At this time, facing Ren Huayang’s kind advice, Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Mr. Ren, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

Ren Huayang nodded: "That's good, I'm afraid you will lose all of your wealth. You can manage Guanglan Electronics now. Not to mention anything else, the foldable flexible screen is very important to our HUAWEI, it is to regain foreign countries. The hope of the market."

Ren Huayang took Li Tianyu again and said his personal thoughts.

Although the foldable flexible screen is expensive, it is a new thing after all, it is very topical, and can quickly grab the attention of consumers.

Folding screen technology is generally immature and cannot be mass-produced, and the price must be set high, otherwise there will be many complaints.

HUAWEI has the foldable screen of Guanglan Electronics, which is perfect.

The shortage of folding screens is completely resolved. The greater the output, the lower the cost and the lower the selling price.

Not only mobile phones, but other mobile devices can also be equipped with foldable flexible screens.

Such as smart watches, tablets, and even notebooks.

This is a huge advantage, and Samsung can't catch up with it.

Having said this, Ren Huayang couldn't help but add: "Has Samsung ever contacted you?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "I did find it. It's amazing to say that Samsung still wants to buy our Guanglan Electronics."

Ren Huayang was surprised, Samsung is so crazy?

However, Ren Huayang immediately thought that this is also in line with Samsung Electronics' customary style.

There is something better than Sanda, it doesn't matter, the big deal will destroy it.

What if it can't be destroyed?Then buy it!

Ren Huayang's face was a little worried: "Then you plan to..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Brother Ren, don't worry, I have already refused."

Ren Huayang was startled: "Refused?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, resolutely refused."

Ren Huayang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at Li Tianyu even more.

Obviously, this kid is not like a big businessman who only recognizes money.

Ren Huayang didn't say much, and again took the initiative to touch Li Tianyu's cup with tea instead of water.

Ren Huayang: "Brother Li, it's okay to buy out the production capacity of foldable flexible screens?"

Li Tianyu: "Naturally, there is no problem. You can rest assured, Brother Ren, apart from HUAWEI, no other manufacturer will get the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics."

Ren Huayang arched his fist towards Li Tianyu.

Although Guanglan Electronics and HUAWEI have not formally reached an agreement on paper, Ren Huayang has already put it in his stomach at this time.

He could tell that although Li Tianyu was young, he was completely trustworthy.

So, this lunch was quite comfortable.

Whether it is Light Blue Electronics or the HUAWEI delegation, almost everyone is satisfied.

As for when the two parties will officially sign the contract, after discussing it, it is decided the day after tomorrow.

Ren Huayang believes that things like this should be done sooner rather than later, because it may be delayed for too long.

Ren Huayang and his party did not return to Guanglan Electronics' campus, but drove away with them.

When Lu Hui checked out, Li Tianyu sat on a seat in the lobby on the first floor and waited.

Just then, Xia Qingqing appeared.

Li Tianyu was startled: "Little beauty, you haven't left yet? Are you waiting for me?"

Xia Qingqing: "Bah, what am I waiting for you? We have just finished eating, and are about to leave."

Li Tianyu: "You are too disrespectful to the old, right? You dare to suck at me."

Xia Qingqing: "Respect for the elderly? Are you very old?"

Li Tianyu: "You have to call me Uncle, have you forgotten?"

Xia Qingqing: "You want to be beautiful! I won't even kill you!"

When the two "argued", Xia Lei came over.

Ran into it.

Xia Lei looked at her daughter seriously: "Qingqing, called Uncle."

Xia Qingqing was directly silly: "Ah!?"

Xia Lei taught: "Ah what, President Li can't be your uncle!?"

Xia Qingqing was speechless.

Xia Lei: "Hurry up!"

Xia Qingqing frowned and had to shout: "Uncle Li."

Li Tianyu was happy, and immediately agreed.

Before this fight, Xia Qingqing surrendered.

Of course Xia Lei will not let go of the opportunity to get close to Li Tianyu.

Xia Lei: "Mr. Li, let's contact again."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Mr. Xia, just call me Tianyu, Mr. Li, Mr. Li, it sounds weird."

Xia Lei laughed: "That's fine, I'll call you Tianyu."

Xia Lei turned to Xia Qingqing again, and said solemnly: "I will see Tianyu again in the future, remember to call it Uncle, did you hear that?"

Xia Qingqing reluctantly agreed.

Li Tianyu was so happy that he said quickly: "Qingqing, turn around, uncle gives you candy."

Xia Qingqing: "I won't eat it! You will definitely poison it!"

Xia Lei glared at Xia Qingqing.

Xia Qingqing was afraid to speak.

Li Tianyu and Xia Lei chatted a few more words, and Xia Lei took his daughter farewell and left.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

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