You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At first glance, Li Tianyu saw that the telegraph was from Guo Guang.

What happened at the bar?

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Old Guo, what's the matter on the call at this time?"

Guo Guang: "Boss, let me remind you, don't forget to come tomorrow."

Li Tianyu was startled: "What will you do tomorrow?"

Guo Guang: "My God, tomorrow is the opening ceremony, what will it be like if the boss doesn't come?"

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

Tomorrow is the day when Bianhua Bar opens.

There have been a lot of things recently, and Li Tianyu had completely forgotten about it.

Li Tianyu: "Old Guo, it's fortunate that you remind me, otherwise I really forgot."

Guo Guang: "Then don't forget tomorrow."

Li Tianyu: "What time is it?"

Guo Guang: "...It officially starts at three o'clock in the afternoon, boss, don't step on it, just remind it for a while."

Li Tianyu quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Hui just finished checking out and walked over.

Li Tianyu said to Lu Hui, not going back to Guanglan Electronics Park.

Lu Hui was stunned: "Boss, you are too tossing. Our employees have dormitories. Let's stay for one night before leaving."

Li Tianyu: "If you go tomorrow, it will be even more toss, and I won't have a good rest. Why don't you go back and get a good night's sleep today, and I have something to do tomorrow, the new bar is about to open."

Lu Hui was dumbfounded and dumbfounded: "It's opened again? Boss, how many bars are there under your hand?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Aren't there two bars in total? By the way, do you want to go there together? Get the hottest spot."

Lu Hui smiled bitterly: "I won't go, and I will negotiate with HUAWEI later, so I have to prepare first."

Li Tianyu is right to think about it.

Although an oral agreement was reached with HUAWEI this time, the specific rules are still to be discussed.

Of course, because Li Tianyu and Ren Huayang have already set the general direction, everything is easy to say.

Both parties are nothing more than spending some time to finalize the specific product unit price, batch quantity, delivery date, and other terms.

Therefore, Li Tianyu stopped attending the meeting with HUAWEI the day after tomorrow, and gave the full power to Lu Hui.

Anyway, Li Tianyu is nothing more than a mascot, just show up.

Besides, he played a huge role this time, and Ren Huayang had a surprisingly good impression of him.

Although doing business is very fancy interest, but also a very important aspect, can often determine the quality of the cooperation process.

The two made a good head, and the people below naturally relaxed.

Li Tianyu chatted with Lu Hui for a while, and drove away.

After nearly three hours of Mercedes-Benz, Li Tianyu finally returned to the super high-rise apartment of China World Trade Center.

At this time, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon, and it would catch up with the traffic peak period of the imperial capital a little later.

After traveling back and forth from Langzhou in one day and staying with the HUAWEI delegation for so long, Li Tianyu was really tired.

Li Tianyu went upstairs and changed into home clothes.

At this time, Li Tianyu actually felt hungry again.

I patronized at noon and talked to Ren Huayang and others. I occasionally ate some food, and I had never eaten rice staple food at all.

Go down to eat?

Forget it, let's order takeaway.

Li Tianyu ordered a lot of snacks, beer and drinks by the way.

It's strange.

Although Li Tianyu does not go to work anymore, the time when he has the opportunity to stay at home is really rare, or even fewer.

This may be the sorrow of being a boss.

The more industries, the busier.

Fortunately, this is all for oneself, not for being poor or busy.,

Li Tianyu was drinking beer while reading the news on his mobile phone.

At this time, Li Tianyu just got a piece of technology news.

The news content is about the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics.

I have to say that this piece of news is fairly professional. I went to the Imperial Electronic Consumer Exhibition to conduct an on-site evaluation. I also used Samsung FOLD and HUAWEIMATEX two folding screen mobile phones for comparison.

The pros and cons of performance are really clear at a glance.

But when the news finally concluded, it made Li Tianyu very sick.

What do you say above?

It is said that the technology of Guanglan Electronics was probably stolen from Samsung Display in some way.

Damn it!

Isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open!

Samsung’s FOLD and Z-type foldable phones, the screens are simply useless.

In this case, why did Guanglan Electronics steal Samsung's?Isn’t that worse?

The prototype made by Guanglan Electronics is a relatively perfect folding machine. Can you put it together?

The author of this article is a self-media, which is either stupid or bad.

Li Tianyu glanced at the comments on this article, there are really many, more than 1,000.

There is everything in the comments, and many of them are biased by the author of the media, and companies that satirize Chinese people will steal other people's technology.

There are also many people who have seen it on the spot, saying some fair words for Guanglan Electronics, saying that the author is disregarding the facts and criticizing it.

Li Tianyu put his heart down, most of the people's eyes were still sharp.

However, this self-media article also sounded a wake-up call for Li Tianyu. As the saying goes, you are not afraid of stealing, but you are afraid of thieves.

Li Tianyu has more and more industries, and some industries are more sensitive. The more he goes up, the interests of some people are bound to be touched.

Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to the media, especially the public relations communication of online media.

Therefore, Li Tianyu sent this article to Lu Hui via WeChat.

After Lu Hui finished reading, he called Li Tianyu.

Lu Hui: "Boss, we have already seen it. Now we have established a public relations department and are thinking of ways to deal with these self-media."

Li Tianyu: "That's good. It doesn't matter if you spend some money, but things like this must be controlled well. Don't lead things like headlines. That would be too scary."

Lu Hui: "I see, boss, we will take it seriously."

After Li Tianyu spoke a few more words with Lu Hui, he hung up the phone.

Li Tianyu looked back and thought, isn't it Samsung Electronics doing something famous?

Samsung has indeed done this kind of thing before, and more than once.

However, Guanglan Electronics can only be regarded as a small manufacturer, and Samsung should not pay so much attention to it.

Forget it, Li Tianyu didn't plan to think about it anymore, it should be done quickly by Lu Hui.

The most important thing now is to plan the chip factory.

But Li Tianyu doesn't want to be hasty, at least he must first form a chip research and development team.

In a few days, Li Tianyu plans to meet Liang Wenfeng and talk about this matter.

In the afternoon of the next day, there was a loud voice at the door of Bi An Hua Bar.Jiuliuwei Novel Network

Today is the day when this bar officially opens.

Although it has been trial operation for a period of time before, it has already gained a certain reputation on the Internet, attracting many people who like to pretend to come over to drink and chat.

But the bar has never been opened at night, which inevitably disappoints many people.

During the trial operation period, the operation team of Bianhua Bar also worked well together, and all the people who should be recruited were recruited. There was no pressure at all for the official opening.

Wang Shaohua is the store manager, and the deputy store manager is Fang Tao.

At this time, Fang Tao has already looked like after this period of training, and he has quite the posture to be a leader.

Fang Tao and Wang Shaohua also cooperate well, and their personalities are more complementary.

For example, Wang Shaohua is a moderate type and always takes a more approachable attitude towards employees.

As for Fang Tao, he is relatively young and has a very anxious temperament. He is very busy all day and has a stricter attitude. Although he can't reach the level of cursing at any time, he is quite powerful.

Speaking of which, the Bianhua Bar is larger than the doll bar, and it uses more staff. It is really not easy to manage such a large team.

The opening ceremony was scheduled for three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were nearly two hours left at this time.

Li Tianyu has not yet arrived as the boss, but everyone is almost ready.

There are many flowers and blues at the door, most of which are given by some friends and friends.

Many people are also frequent visitors to the doll bar.

The doll bar has been operating stably for more than half a year and now has a stable group of customers.

These guests are both rich and hardcore, so they will take the initiative to give the opening flower baskets.

Of course, the bar will not treat these people badly. Guo Guang has specially made a group of membership gold cards and issued them to these VIPs, which can be discounted at the two bars, which is not a small reward.

And the opening ceremony of Bianhua Bar will naturally notify these people to come and join us.

So the opening ceremony has not yet started, and there are already many people in the bar.

This broke Wang Shaohua's pleasure.

Looking at this situation, Bianhua Book Bar is much better than simply opening a bookstore.

So there is no need to rush to find a way out.

To be honest, Wang Shaohua was worried before. If the bar business is not good, wouldn't he be happy?

In the end, I still have to go back to my hometown.

There is no way out for the key to return home, but it will be even worse.


Because the people on the wife's side had seen Wang Shaohua displeased in the past, saying that he was a mediocre who did not succeed and failed.

Some relatives are even more exaggerated, and they always confuse Wang Shaohua's wife Wu Shuang to divorce Wang Shaohua.

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish a temple than to destroy a marriage.

What a grudge, what a hatred.

Fortunately, although Wu Shuang is far from home, he still has a good relationship with Wang Shaohua. He is also more sensible and has never listened to the instigation of those relatives.

Moreover, Wang Shaohua and Wu Shuang also have children. Divorce cannot be done unless absolutely necessary.

But Wang Shaohua has always been under great pressure.

Not just financial pressure, but mental pressure is even greater.

Wang Shaohua urgently needs to make some achievements to prove himself with his wife Wu Shuang and her relatives.

It proves that Wang Shaohua is not a soft-hearted mediocre, but a capable person who can feed the whole family.

Now Wang Shaohua does see a little hope.

Wang Shaohua knew very well that this was all given by Li Tianyu.

Now everyone is almost ready, and there is some cleaning and wiping and placing of cups.

As the store manager, Wang Shaohua certainly doesn't need to take care of these tasks.

Instead, he is now idle, a little idle.

At this moment, a burst of music sounded.

It took a long time for Wang Shaohua to react, his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone to see that it was his wife Wu Shuang who had called.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Shaohua and Wu Shuang are in contact at night. If they call now, something may have happened.

Wang Shaohua quickly found a quieter place and pressed the answer button.

Wang Shaohua: "Hey, wife, what's the matter?"

Wu Shuang: "What are you doing now?"

Wang Shaohua: "Preparing for the opening ceremony."

Wu Shuang: "Ah? Do you have time? I'm in Wulitun now. I just got off a taxi. I don't know where it is."

Wang Shaohua didn't react for a while, and it took a long time before he showed a panic expression.


Wife is here?What are you doing!?

Wang Shaohua quickly asked: "Wife, you are not in Wulitun of the imperial capital, are you?"

Before Wu Shuang had time to speak, suddenly other people's voices came from Wu Shuang.


Then Wu Shuang's phone seemed to be robbed.

Then the man said, "Hey, Wang Shaohua! This is Wu Youjin, do you hear it?"

Wang Shaohua was startled: "I heard it, you, are you here too?"

Wu Youjin is Wu Shuang's younger brother and Wang Shaohua's brother-in-law.

Wang Shaohua understood it.

My brother-in-law Wu Youjin is bringing his wife Wu Shuang over to find him Wang Shaohua.

That was some time ago.

Wu Shuang called to ask if Wang Shaohua's bookstore had been transferred.

That means urging Wang Shaohua to go home quickly and find a way to find a job and livelihood.

Wang Shaohua will take over the affairs of a book bar and talked to Wu Shuang.

Wu Shuang was quite surprised at the time, and asked Wang Shaohua a lot of related things, but he didn't believe it in a clear tone.

But Wu Shuang didn't say anything at the time, just turned around and discussed it.

After that time, when Wang Shaohua contacted Wu Shuang, he rarely mentioned the book bar.

However, a few days ago, Wang Shaohua raised a mouth and said that the book bar was about to open.

Wu Shuang didn't take it to heart, and Wang Shaohua didn't continue talking.

Unexpectedly, on the day of the opening ceremony, Wu Shuang actually came to look for it.

It is estimated that this is not Wu Shuang's idea, but the younger brother-in-law Wu You Jin Liao.

Wu Youjin has always looked down on Wang Shaohua, and feels that Wang Shaohua is not promising. His sister Wu Shuang is suffering from following him.

However, Wu Youjin never said that Wu Shuang would get a divorce. There are still some bottom lines.

This time it is estimated that Wang Shaohua has not settled the affairs of the imperial capital for a long time, and then returned to his hometown, so he became even more angry.

Wu Youjin: "What are you doing in a daze!? Come and pick us up!"

Wang Shaohua had to say: "Are there any conspicuous buildings near you?"

Wu Youjin looked left and right, and told Wang Shaohua what he saw.

Wang Shaohua knew where Wu Shuang and Wu Youjin were, and said, "I'll be there soon, don't walk around."

Wu Youjin squeezed his throat and replied: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's not the first time we go out, so hurry up."

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