Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 497 Qin Xuetong, Stars Come Out

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The single-sided privacy window of the Maybach's back seat was lowered.

Sure enough, Fang Teqiang's face was revealed.

Fang Teqiang: "You are too busy here, where do you park?"

Just then there was a parking space, and Li Tianyu personally directed the driver to stop in.

Fang Te forcedly pushed out the door and let out a hearty laugh.

Fang Teqiang: "Tianyu, the bar in Wulitun, you are really capable enough."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "I'm just fooling around."

At this time, Li Tianyu saw two people getting off from the Maybach car.

This is a man and a woman, both young and beautifully dressed.

Especially in the hands of the woman, who is carrying Chanel's latest limited edition bag, she is obviously a rich man.

Fang Teqiang quickly introduced the identities of the two to Li Tianyu.

The man's name is Liu Jian.

The woman's name is Gao Yaru.

The two were also Fang Teqiang's friends, but they had just met in the imperial capital.

In fact, Fang Guoqi, Fang Guoqi, Fang's father, asked someone to introduce him.

As for why Fang Guoqi wanted his son to know these two people, Li Tianyu also learned a little through shaking hands.

Anyway, there is nothing new about the political and business relationships.

Liu Jian and Gao Yaru are cousins.

As for why these two people came over with Fang Teqiang, it was just a coincidence. It happened that they met today, and Fang Teqiang didn't want to leave these two people and come by himself.

Li Tianyu and the two exchanged a few words, then invited them into the bar to talk again.

At this time, Li Tianyu also noticed the attitude of Liu Jian and Gao Yaru, showing a lot of disapproval.

I was too lazy to say a word to Li Tianyu.

It is estimated that if it were not for Fang Teqiang's face, the two of them would not bother to enter this bar.

Nowadays, a considerable number of young people born in the rich and wealthy are above the top and defiant.

Li Tianyu didn't care, anyway, he wasn't interested in knowing these two people, so naturally he wouldn't try to curry favor with them.

Liu Jian looked at the Bi'an Flower Bar and said, "It looks ordinary on the outside, but it looks like that on the inside."

Gao Yaru curled his lips: "Isn't it just a few bookshelves, they are all gimmicks."

Li Tianyu led the way at this time, a few steps away from Liu Jian and Gao Yaru. The bar was a little noisy, so these two thought that Li Tianyu could not hear.

For Li Tianyu's ear power, of course he heard clearly, but just pretended not to hear.

In fact, Fang Teqiang was not easy. In order to get to know these two people, he had made appointments five times before succeeding once.

Fang Teqiang's communicative ability is very strong, and he has used all his best, which can be regarded as a closer relationship.

It’s just a few, not how familiar it is.

Both Liu Jian and Gao Yaru came from invisible wealthy families.

Although this family is not as well-known as Ai Baoquan and Qin Yuenian in the public, on the contrary, most people have not heard of it, but its family background cannot be underestimated. In some respects, it is even more powerful than Ai Baoquan. Big.

Li Tianyu didn't want to ruin Fang Teqiang's good deeds.

He found a quieter deck for the three of them, and then asked the waiter for some celebrity drinks and drinks in the bar.

When Li Tianyu sat down, Fang Teqiang gave Li Tianyu a red envelope.

That thickness... is probably a check.

Li Tianyu hurriedly declined, but Fang Teqiang wanted to give it all.

Fang Teqiang: "Tianyu, the rules are the rules. I'm here to celebrate your opening. It should be a gift."

Li Tianyu was right to think about it, and received the red envelope in his arms.Shucang

Of course, Liu Jian and Gao Yaru didn't mean to add heads. They just stopped by and didn't want to have a relationship with Li Tianyu, so naturally they would not be prepared.

At this time, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang and left to answer the call.

Liu Jian looked at Li Tianyu's back, and the other party said strongly, "Xiao Fang, how do you know a bar owner?"

Fang Teqiang was stunned: "I grew up with him. He has been in a good relationship since he was young."

Gao Yaru: "I can't tell, you're still nostalgic."

Fang Teqiang: "It's not a nostalgia. The two of us can talk very well."

Liu Jian: "Xiao Fang, it's not that I said you. If you want to make your career take off, you should associate more with capable people. Like these mediocre people, it's better to contact less."

Fang Yaru couldn't help nodding.

These two people felt that a bar owner was a bit off the shelf.

Three words can be described: look down upon.

Fang Teqiang was taken aback, and quickly explained: "You have misunderstood, Tianyu is not just a bar owner, he..."

Liu Jian: "What did he do?"

Fang Teqiang didn't know how to introduce Li Tianyu's identity and strength.

In fact, he is not very clear.

Fang Teqiang suddenly thought of something: "Tianyu has a good relationship with Ai Baoquan Ai."

When Liu Jian and Gao Yaru heard this, they couldn't help sitting up straight.

Forget it for others, Ai Baoquan is a top-notch man.

He is known to no one in the upper class circles of the country.

If Li Tianyu has a good relationship with Ai Baoquan, then he is not an unknown person, Wu Xia Amon.

Liu Jian shook his head: "The old fox Ai Baoquan, except his son, can't be really kind to anyone."

Gao Yaru felt the same way: "Brother, I also think it's impossible."

Fang Teqiang was a little speechless.

What I said in conjunction with Liu Guai and Gao Yaru's ears was like farting Te Ma.

It's still a stuffy ass, not even a sound.

Liu Jian suddenly said: "Xiao Fang, don't lie to me. People who have a relationship with Ai Baoquan are either rich or expensive. How can they open a bar?"

Fang Teqiang was speechless for a while.

There is really no way to explain this.

As a business leader, Ai Baoquan is a meat-eater all day long, and can drink some broth with him.

Although it is profitable to open a bar, it is not a huge profit.

If they knew that Li Tianyu opened a bar, they wouldn't need to pay the rent at all, so I don't know how they feel?

Fang Teqiang: "I really didn't lie to you. My buddy is really extraordinary. Don't underestimate him."

Liu Jian sneered and said: "What's so special, you see today is the opening ceremony, there is not even a celebrity."

Gao Yaru: "That's right, I have to ask a second- and third-tier celebrity to help out, right?"

At this time, there was a commotion outside.

Some yelled, some screamed, and some groaned.

The three looked at each other, not understanding what was happening outside.

At this time, I finally heard someone yell in a complete sentence: "Qin, Qin Xuetong, is that Qin Xuetong?"

Another person also replied excitedly: "It's me, it's me! Why is she here!?"

Fang Teqiang and the others were shocked.

The superstar Qin Xuetong actually came here.

Liu Jian immediately stood up: "Go, go out and have a look."

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