Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 498: The Unpredictable Bar Owner

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!If it's just an average second- and third-tier star, Liu Jian simply doesn't care.

With the status and status of Liu Guai and Gao Yaru, they usually meet some high-class celebrities, celebrities and so on.

But Qin Xuetong is different.

First, she is now in the first line, and can even be a super first-line actress.

Not only the traffic is high, but the actor's strength is also first-class, which belongs to the new generation of drama idols.

Second, Qin Xuetong is a famous Qin family.

Qin Yuenian is a well-known Chinese national studies magnate, his status is terrifyingly high, and even leaders at the national level respect him very much. Qin Yuenian’s fame and reputation span the three realms of entertainment and business, saying that he is a master Not too much.

Several children of Qin Yuenian are also quite promising.

Needless to say in the business world, Qin Shaoyuan has long become a bigwig in the entertainment industry, and his contacts are so wide that most people may hardly imagine.

As for Qin Sisong, he is now a member of a certain province, a rising star in the political circle, and his political achievements are remarkable. He is very likely to enter the center of the country.

And Qin Sisong is the father of Qin Xuetong.

Most people can't grasp these inside stories, but Liu Jian is different.

He is in such a circle, and he usually hears and sees those names and deeds. He has long known Qin Xuetong's wealth.

It must be impossible to say that Liu Jian has no other ideas.

Liu Jian also came from a large family with prominent family background. Although most ordinary people have never heard of this family, its hidden power is also quite large, and its power can also extend to many industries.

Therefore, Liu Jian also wanted to approach Qin Xuetong through various methods.

But this girl has a very cold temper, and every time she sees her, she assumes an attitude of rejecting others from thousands of miles away.

After Liu Jian is a celebrity, no matter how shameless he is, he can't go to stalk and stalk people.

What's more, there is no shortage of beautiful women around Liu Jian, and the cheeks and figures are also good, but in Liu Jian's eyes, they are all vulgar fans.

These women, Liu Jian only had a playful attitude, but he dared not take them home to show them to their parents and relatives.

marry?It is even more impossible.

In fact, it's not just Liu Jian, at least in the wealthy circle of the imperial capital, there are still many elder brothers who think about Qin Xuetong and think about it.

However, this is the same as the situation in the entertainment industry. All the stars who have ideas about Qin Xuetong have not only met with a sullen nose, without exception.

Xiao Zeyan, a popular traffic star, is an example.

Even Xiao Zeyan couldn't make any progress in the pursuit of Qin Xuetong, let alone others.

But this is how men are, the more they don’t get, the more itchy in their hearts, they are deliberate and try to get their hands.

The key point is that Qin Xuetong is a beautiful woman with both talents and appearance, and her wealth is also very prominent. She is simply a treasure girl.

So as soon as he heard that Qin Xuetong's name was being called from outside, Liu Jian became obsessed and insisted to look outside.

Gao Yaru couldn't help but said, "Did you admit the wrong person, why did Qin Xuetong come here?"

Of course Fang Teqiang also knew Qin Xuetong.

But he didn't know what the relationship between Qin Xuetong and Li Tianyu was.

However, Fang Teqiang felt that with Li Tianyu's current approach, it was not impossible to invite Qin Xuetong over.

Fang Teqiang: "Maybe Tianyu invited Qin Xuetong over to attend the opening ceremony."

Gao Yaru: "Just him? How could it be possible? Qin Xuetong is notoriously cold. Who can please move her?"

Gao Yaru also made sense.

It's not that no one has ever invited Qin Xuetong, and it's usually that large companies offer high prices and ask her to endorse, but they are basically rejected by her.

Qin Xuetong never shows her face outside and makes money on the platform, because she is not bad at all, and money is just a simple number for her.

Anyway, Gao Yaru didn't believe that Qin Xuetong would come here. Either it was the people who confessed to the wrong person outside, or the bar owner named Li Tianyu specially asked someone to pretend.

But where to find a woman who looks like Qin Xuetong is also a big problem.

At this time, Liu Jian waved his hand: "I haven't seen Qin Xuetong before. If it is true or false, I will know if I go out and have a look."

As a result, the three of them walked out from the deck of the inner hall, and found that there were many people around the door, most of them were customers, and even many waiters and chefs put down their work and ran out.

This is indeed the rhythm of seeing the stars.

Liu Jian hurriedly squeezed out, and finally squeezed out.

I saw that the parking lot outside was also surrounded by many people. A black car was slowly entering a parking space. It was a bit difficult to move in the crowd.

Fortunately, the bar staff soon dispersed the crowd.

At this moment, Liu Jian saw that the back seat of the car was ajar.

A beautiful face allows people outside to see.

Liu Jian was startled for a while.

That is indeed Qin Xuetong!

If only the face looks good, Liu Jian can tell it at a glance, but Qin Xuetong's temperament is too unique, absolutely unique in this world.

Gao Yaru saw it later.

Of course she had also met Qin Xuetong. Although the two were not familiar with each other, she had also spoken, and she was a nodding accomplice.

Gao Yaru: "What the hell... it's really Qin Xuetong, why did she come here?"

Not to mention those two, even Fang Teqiang, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, couldn't help being a little surprised.

Li Tianyu really has such a big face, have you invited the most popular female stars to the platform?

It's hard to imagine what changes have happened to Li Tianyu in recent years.

Fang Teqiang didn't know that it wasn't just these few years, just after a few months, Li Tianyu transformed from an unknown little employee into a big boss with many industries.

It is simply an existence against the sky.

At this moment, the slightly low-key car came to a complete stop.

Li Tianyu walked over and helped the person in the back seat to open the car door.

Who is in the back seat?

Of course it was Qin Xuetong.

Today, Qin Xuetong wore a red shirt on her upper body and very loose white trousers on her lower body. She looked heroic and very white-collar.

When Qin Xuetong got off the car, he once again caused many people to marvel, scream and shout.

The people around craned their necks just to take a look at Qin Xuetong, which is not crazy.

"Wow, really, really!"

"Nonsense, I told you just now, it's definitely Qin Xuetong! I didn't expect Qin Xuetong to come here, it's really evil."

"Don't you know? I've read reports before. Qin Xuetong often eats on this street and goes to bars."

"Really? Then I have to walk around here often."

"No matter how much you walk, it's useless. People are big stars and won't pay attention to you!"

"How do you know, in case she just fell in love with an ordinary person like me!"

The onlookers almost fought.

They feel that they are making a profit today.

Not only can you come to this bar for a drink at a discounted price, but I didn't expect to see the big stars come with my own eyes.

This is unexpected joy.

At the same time, Li Tianyu gently reached out to Qin Xuetong and helped her out of the car.

Qin Xuetong hesitated for a moment, did not refuse, put his hand up, and walked down gently.

Liu Jian already looked straight.Dede Novels

Damn it!

Qin Xuetong unexpectedly touched his hand!

No wonder Liu Jian was so shocked.

You know that Qin Xuetong is notoriously cold, and Liu Jian didn’t open the car door to her, and of course he also stretched out his hand, but Qin Xuetong didn’t let anyone touch it at all, and said “Thank you, no, I’ll do it myself.” Go straight down.

Not only Liu Jian, but many other brothers also had similar experiences.

In other words, this Qin Xuetong was notorious for not entering oil and salt, and definitely not pretending to be.

But what is going on now?

Why can the guy named Li Tianyu touch Qin Xuetong's hand!?

Isn't he just a barkeeper!

Liu Jian couldn't figure it out, his eyes popped out, and it was hard to believe what was happening before him!

Gao Yaru was also very shocked, watching the state of Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong in disbelief.

Could it be that Qin Xuetong was embarrassed to reject Li Tianyu?

That's impossible.

Qin Xuetong is the kind of temperament that is not afraid of the heavens and the earth. He never acts on the faces of others, let alone the face of a man.

Impossible, simply impossible.

Then why would Qin Xuetong...

Is it possible?Qin Xuetong fell in love with this bar owner!?

Gao Yaru looked at Li Tianyu carefully.

I have to say that he is indeed a handsome guy, but this is not enough to make Qin Xuetong like him, right?

After all, a wealthy socialite like Qin Xuetong is also a big star, and there is never a shortage of handsome men around.

Not to mention anything else, what type of male celebrities are there in the entertainment industry?

You say it’s a small meat type, a handsome uncle type, a warm male type, or a cool handsome type...

To put it not too exaggerated, there are all kinds of styles, let this girl choose.

Although Li Tianyu is a little handsome, he still has no advantage compared with those people.

Anyway, Gao Yaru overturned the speculation just now, thinking that Qin Xuetong's brain was hot for a while, and he didn't control his hands.

At this time, Liu Jian couldn't help but find Fang Teqiang and asked him, "I said, what is the origin of Li Tianyu? He is a bar owner?"

Fang Teqiang showed a wry smile. He had already explained to them just now, why did he still ask.

Fang Teqiang had to explain a few more words, meaning that Tianyu is the kind of unfathomable person, not a simple bar owner.

After listening, Liu Jian felt that Fang Teqiang was a little bit mad.

What is unfathomable?If it is really unfathomable, how can you open a bar here?

Isn't that enough to be full!

Anyway, Liu Jian sneered at this statement, thinking that Fang Teqiang was exaggerating, in order to make himself look at him.

At this moment, Liu Jian glanced at Qin Xuetong again and couldn't help exclaiming.

What did Liu Jian see?

It turned out that Qin Xuetong did not come alone, and the other came down from another car door.

He was actually an old man.

This old man may not be known to others, but Liu Jian was startled when he saw him.

The old man is no one else, it is Qin Xuetong's grandfather Qin Yue who has come here.

Li Tianyu hurried over to help Qin Yuenian down.

In fact, when Qin Yue is old and strong, he doesn't need help at all, but when people come, Li Tianyu must act respectfully.

In fact, Li Tianyu did not take the initiative to invite Qin Yuenian and Qin Xuetong to attend the opening ceremony of Bi'an Flower Bar. Qin Yuenian asked about it.

At that time, Li Tianyu had just completed the transfer procedures for the store with Qin Yuenian, and Qin Yuenian asked when the book bar opened.

Li Tianyu said the approximate time.

Qin Yuenian said: "That's OK, I will definitely join in when the time comes."

Li Tianyu nodded quickly and said with a smile: "It would be great if you could come. Here you are, my business will definitely be hot!"

Li Tianyu really couldn't ask for Qin Yuenian to come over at the opening ceremony of the bar.

This old man himself is a golden sign. As long as Qin Yuenian can come over to preside over the opening ceremony, the reputation of the book bar in the entertainment industry will be established.

This is not a problem of hot business, the style of the bar itself will immediately improve more than one level.

There are a few stores in Emperor Deng where Qin Yuenian can come to the platform.

Yes, there is only this one.

Like some cultural figures, especially celebrities, will come to find out.

Therefore, Li Tianyu has to be more diligent.

Although Qin Yuenian doesn't seem to eat this set much, it depends on who uses it.

Qin Yuenian looked forward to seeing Li Tianyu very much, which was a bit similar to the meaning of the acquaintance of the year-end, so Li Tianyu's behavior at this time was like the younger generation's care for the elders, and it was an expression of closeness.

At least from Qin Yuenian's expression, it is also very useful.

Li Tianyu: "Master Qin, I will be at ease when you come. My book bar is sure to be hot."

Qin Yuenian chuckled and clicked on Li Tianyu: "You kid, are you still screaming like this?"

Li Tianyu: "It is necessary, who will let me know you?"

Qin Yuenian: "Then turn around and make me two more pots of tea."

Li Tianyu: "Of course there is no problem."

While talking, Li Tianyu greeted Qin Yuenian and Qin Xuetong to walk into the bar.

At this time, someone nearby yelled some slogans to Qin Xuetong from time to time.

It roughly means the following:

Xuetong Xuetong I love you, just like a mouse loves rice.

Qin Xuetong, look back at me, I am so handsome!

Qin Xuetong, please stay, I want to take a photo with you.

Qin Xuetong didn't change her face, her heart didn't beat, her eyes were squinted, and she didn't care about the shouts.

Li Tianyu: "I didn't expect you to come, but I made it today."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "What did you earn?"

Li Tianyu joked: "Buy one get one free."

Qin Xuetong: "The mouth is poor, I am paying for my grandfather, I am afraid that he will not be taken care of when he is old."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "That's OK, you take care of Old Man Qin, and I take care of you, shouldn't we arrange this?"

Qin Xuetong had no words.

At this time, Liu Jian and Gao Yaru greeted him.

Liu Jiancheng said with trepidation, "Teacher Qin, you are here."

Gao Yaru: "Hello, Teacher Qin."

Qin Yuenian looked at Liu Jian and Gao Yaru again. He felt quite familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Liu Jian and Gao Yaru quickly introduced themselves.

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