Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 499: She Is Interested To You

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qin Yuenian suddenly realized it, and then he remembered the identity of the two.

Qin Yuenian: "I didn't expect you to know Tianyu too."

Liu Jian was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

Of course he can follow the pole and climb up, but he can't live up to his face.

Li Tianyu is a small bar owner, and Liu Jian is also a big family. If you know Li Tianyu, it's like getting close.

At this time, Li Tianyu pointed to Fang Teqiang and said, "This is my buddy, Fang Teqiang, these two are friends he brought."

Li Tianyu also introduced Qin Yuenian to Fang Teqiang.

Fang Teqiang was frightened.

Of course it wasn't a fright, but I didn't expect to see such a famous person here, I was not mentally prepared at all.

As I said before, Qin Yuenian's fame spans the political, commercial, and cultural sectors.

For Fang Teqiang, it is not an exaggeration to say "ruiguaner".

Even a calm person like Fang Teqiang was a little panicked, and it took a while to remember that his actions were too rude, and he quickly reached out.

Of course Qin Yuenian did not refuse.

The two shook hands.

Fang Teqiang was very excited. It was an unexpected gain for him to meet such a big man.

Moreover, looking at the relationship between Qin Yuenian and Li Tianyu, they are not familiar, making Fang Teqiang a little bit envious and jealous.

How did Li Tianyu do it?

This is definitely a mystery to the opponent's superpower.

Fang Teqiang is ready to go back and chat with Li Tianyu, let him talk about his experience in recent years.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, don't stand here, there may be bloodshed in a while."

When everyone saw it, the surrounding crowds were already ready to move, unable to contain their excitement.

Although many bar employees have been urgently recruited to maintain order on the scene, there are still a few strong ones who are about to be squeezed out.

Li Tianyu glanced at Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong also looked at Li Tianyu with watery eyes, as if saying "What are you doing?"

Li Tianyu chuckled, and without words, he invited a few VIPs into the bar.

At this time, Wang Shaohua and Fang Tao also greeted them, and when they saw Qin Xuetong, they were all shocked.

Fang Tao is better. After all, knowing that his boss and Qin Xuetong seem to have such a vague relationship, it is not the first time that Qin Xuetong has appeared.

Wang Shaohua was so shocked that he didn't want it, his eyes were staring out.

Qin Xuetong is a star that no one knows, no one knows.

Not to mention others, Wang Shaohua and his wife Wu Shuang have many relatives and they like Qin Xuetong very much. If they know that Qin Xuetong has been to the bar where Wang Shaohua works, it will be very convulsive.

Li Tianyu: "Pharaoh, Xiaofang, don't froze, arrange a quiet place first."

Wang Shaohua suddenly realized: "Oh, some of you come with me."

Wang Shaohua led the way, and Fang Tao hurriedly went to the bar to make arrangements.

The two have already worked closely together.

After Qin Yuenian's appearance, Liu Jian and Gao Yaru felt a little at a loss as to whether they should follow up.

They want face too, okay?I don't want to take advantage of it.

At this moment, Li Tianyu came over: "Two, come here, let's talk together."

The two of them felt relieved and followed in.

It's close to Qin Yuenian, who doesn't want to, even if the two of them come, they have to follow in.

Therefore, Liu Jian still has some gratitude to Li Tianyu.

Everyone sat down in the innermost deck.

This deck is a circular space with a round table and a ring-shaped sofa. It measures five or six square meters and is the largest deck in the bar.

Everyone sat down and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

Before Li Tianyu's order, Fang Tao asked two waiters to bring a lot of drinks and mineral water.

Worried that Qin Yuenian would not be used to drinking these things, he brought a few pots of tea specially, Chinese, English, and Japanese.

Qin Yuenian took a sip of tea: "Yeah, that's not bad, it's the best Biluochun."

Li Tianyu smiled and joked: "The tea prepared for you must be good tea, or I have to fire him."

Qin Yuenian laughed. In fact, he didn't like socializing, but he didn't want to go to serious occasions. He felt quite comfortable in the current atmosphere.

Qin Yuenian took another sip: "However, it is still much worse than the tea you cooked."

Li Tianyu: "Old man Qin, if you are greedy, I will cook a few pots of tea later, and then quench your thirst."

Qin Yuenian: "It's good to dare to love."

Liu Jian and Gao Yaru couldn't understand Li Tianyu more and more.

What is the relationship between Li Tianyu and Qin Yuenian?It looks like a family.

Speaking so casually in front of Qin Yuenian is completely unbelievable to these two people. Many elders talk to Qin Yuenian in a respectful manner.

Now if Fang Teqiang tells Liu Jian that Li Tianyu is very energetic and background, then Liu Jian probably believes it, completely believes it.

Fang Teqiang was also surprised.

Now that Li Tianyu was in his heart, he was so close to God.

Qin Yuenian was not an ordinary boss, he was a big boss. Li Tianyu was able to talk and laugh with him like this, but Fang Teqiang didn't believe it very much.

At this time, Qin Yuenian suddenly said, "By the way, Tianyu, in two days, don't you and Xiaotong attend the garden party?"

Li Tianyu was startled, if it hadn't been mentioned by Qin Yuenian, Li Tianyu would have almost forgotten.

Li Tianyu looked at Qin Xuetong: "It's this weekend, right?"

Qin Xuetong nodded.

Liu Jian was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Garden party?With Qin Xuetong?

Damn it!

It's not just the two of them!?

That's not a date anymore!?

At this moment, Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Master Qin, don't worry, I will take care of Xiao...Xiaotong."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu and said nothing.

It was the first time that Li Tianyu called Qin Xuetong "Xiaotong" after Qin Yuenian.

To be honest, it feels weird.

But since Qin Xuetong didn't say anything, it means it's fine to call it that way.

But looking at other people's expressions, it's different.

Li Tianyu was actually called Qin Xuetong's nickname, and that meaning was different.

This shows that the relationship between the two people is not just acquaintance, on the contrary, the relationship is very good.

And what kind of garden party the two are going to attend, the amount of information is even greater, and it is easy to make people want to be crooked.

A few people chatted for a while, and the opening ceremony began.

Li Tianyu invited Qin Yuenian to preside over the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Qin Yuenian did not decline either.

On the one hand, it was because he did not say anything about the relationship with Li Tianyu.Cool Record Literature

On the other hand, after all, this shop has been under Qin Yuenian's name for a long time, and he has to do his part.

For Li Tianyu, Qin Yuenian's move has benefited a lot.

You know, many self-media, and even mainstream online media were on the scene, and they captured the moment Qin Yuenian cut the ribbon.

After the media releases these images and photos, they will at least arouse the interest of many people in the cultural and entertainment circles.

They would be surprised that what the origin of this bar is, they can invite Mr. Qin Yuenian to come and cut the ribbon.

When the time comes, the popularity of Bianhua Book Bar will be suddenly raised.

It can be seen that the opening ceremony of Bianhua Bar was quite successful and achieved a goal beyond expectations.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Qin Yuenian and Qin Xuetong sat for a while and left.

The Bianhua Bar has long been overcrowded, and there are also full rows outside.

In this way, the business can catch up with the doll bar in a short time.

Fang Teqiang took Li Tianyu to chat for a long time, and the topic revolved around how to get to know Qin Yuenian and Qin Xuetong.

In fact, Li Tianyu had forgotten a little bit. How did he meet and get acquainted with these two people?

Li Tianyu: "It's just an ordinary friendship anyway."

Fang Teqiang's eyes stared out: "This is ordinary? Do you really think I can't see it? Are you having something with the big star?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Fang Teqiang: "Is there something? I really want to have something!"

Fang Teqiang laughed loudly: "It turns out that you have a guilty heart and no courage."

Li Tianyu is a bit speechless, and it is true.

If it were an ordinary girl, Li Tianyu would do whatever he wanted, but Qin Xuetong was not only unusual, but also very unusual, so Li Tianyu would not try it easily.

At this time, Fang Teqiang joked: "Tianyu, let me tell you, according to my observation, you are still special in Qin Xuetong's eyes. Would you like to try?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Besides, what anxious, what should be mine is mine, shouldn't be mine and can't be grabbed."

Originally, Fang Teqiang planned to invite Li Tianyu to dinner, but he temporarily received a call and had to deal with urgent matters, so he had to make another appointment another day.

When Li Tianyu returned to the super high-rise apartment of China World Trade Center, it was already half past six in the evening.

I have been busy for a long time today, but I am still tired.

Physically okay, mainly mental exhaustion.

How about being a boss is not easy, it is not easy.

As soon as Li Tianyu sat down, there was a voice in his ear, of course it was an electronic female voice.

[System Assistant]: Host, your reputation value has changed, please enter the character attribute panel to check.

Unsurprisingly, the reputation value has been updated very quickly recently.

One is because at the Imperial Consumer Electronics Show, Li Tianyu's Guanglan Electronics shines and shines.

The second reason is because the effect of the opening ceremony of Bianhua Bar is very good, enough to attract attention, which can also earn a certain amount of prestige.

So how many reputation points will be enhanced this time?

Li Tianyu was still looking forward to it, and he opened the system panel directly, and the attributes of the characters were at a glance.

[Name]: Li Tianyu

[Level]: celebrities


[Existing wealth]: 388472000 yuan soft sister coin

[Daily tax amount]: 1000000 yuan soft sister coin

[Order Center]: Click to enter

[Task Center]: Click to enter

When Li Tianyu saw it, his first reaction was shocked.

Not bad.

The prestige value actually reached 655 points.

What point was it before?

[System Assistant]: Host, last time reputation value is 385 points.

Li Tianyu said in surprise: "It has increased so much? It's almost 300 points, are you sure?"

[System Assistant]: OK, and sure.

Li Tianyu said "Oh", feeling a bit as if he had dug a treasure.

At the same time, I was a little excited.

In this case, as long as you get more than 300 reputation points, you can upgrade.

Of course, Li Tianyu's wealth is still close to 400 million, and he needs to earn more than one billion soft sister coins.

For Li Tianyu to make a hundred million, it is not easy to say it is easy, and it is not difficult to say it is difficult, it depends on chance.

And it's not enough to make 100 million.

In Li Tianyu's current industry, there are actually a lot of places to spend money, and a certain amount of deposits is needed as a guarantee for emergencies.

Li Tianyu is not in a hurry for a while, upgrading is not so urgent for him, because the current conditions are very good.

The only thing that has something to worry about is Tyrande's Prince Island, which is still lonely overseas.

With such perfect conditions, Li Tianyu really wants to develop it into a resort, the best in the world.

After all, once the resort takes shape, it means a lot of money to start.

Another point is the chip factory.

At present, Li Tianyu does not know whether he can support him to accomplish this "big event" with his current "celebrity" level.

Needless to say, the equipment in the chip factory is a big guy with a price of hundreds of millions, a billion, or even billions of soft sister coins.

However, Li Tianyu estimated that paying taxes to "purchase" these equipment should not have much pressure.

The key is also chip manufacturing technology, this is the more core and more critical thing.

As for the chip manufacturing R&D team, that seems to be something that the taxation system cannot handle, so just skip it.

Li Tianyu thought for a long time, his head hurts a little, so he put these things aside for now.

The next day, Li Tianyu was going to stay at home for a day and take a good rest.

At noon, he ordered a takeaway, and as soon as he threw the phone on the sofa, he saw the screen light up again.

Lu Hui called.

Li Tianyu immediately picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Lu, is the HUAWEI business done?"

Lu Hui: "Boss, it's done. This time HUAWEI was very sincere and offered a very fair unit price. We didn't deny it, so we just accepted it."

Li Tianyu was amused: "Listening to you, it seems to be a loss."

Lu Hui laughed loudly, in a good mood.

Lu Hui also said: "Boss, after the transaction of HUAWEI, the financial situation of Guanglan Electronics has basically been soaring. In the next step, are we going to expand the production line?"

Li Tianyu pondered: "We need to discuss this matter. We must expand the LCD panel production line. In addition, I want to do another thing."

Lu Hui was startled, "What's the matter?"

Li Tianyu: "I want to do chip manufacturing."

Just listened to the sound of a "pop" on the phone, followed by a squeaky sound.

After a while, Lu Hui's voice sounded again.

"Boss? Did you drink too much?"

Li Tianyu was startled, and immediately said: "You just drank too much, your whole family drank too much."

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