Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 500: The Garden Party, See You Tomorrow

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lu Hui replied helplessly: "Boss, chip manufacturing can only be played by super capital. Let's talk about it slowly."

Li Tianyu joked, "Comrade Xiaolu, are you afraid that we will return to before liberation overnight?"

Lu Hui quickly explained: "That's not afraid, because we have such a strong momentum now, it is better not to touch some difficult projects, especially chip manufacturing. Companies in the world that can do this business can count them all... "

Li Tianyu: "I understand what you mean. I also know that chip manufacturing is difficult, very difficult. Don't worry, I didn’t want to do this because of my anger, and I can do it, how to do it, and when to do it. discuss."

Lu Hui only breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously Boss Li had not been taken away by "Victory".

Li Tianyu: "By the way, do you know the team in chip design and development?"

Lu Hui shook his head: "I really don't know this, but I can check to see if my acquaintances recognize it."

Li Tianyu: "Well, let Han Minghai pay attention to it too, but don't spread this matter, so as not to cause trouble."

Lu Hui: "Understand, we will pay attention."

Li Tianyu and Lu Hui discussed some other things and hung up the phone.

Li Tianyu could hear that Lu Hui was actually very resistant to chip manufacturing.

This is also human nature.

Anyone in the technology manufacturing industry knows that chip manufacturing belongs to the ceiling in the ceiling. The pinnacle of manufacturing is really too difficult to do.

However, Li Tianyu is the host of the bragging tax system, and many problems are not a problem for him.

So Li Tianyu won't give up. He plans to check it out in the bragging taxation system in the two days to see how difficult it is and whether he can get it done at the "celebrity" level.

If you can't get it done, then upgrade first.

After that, no one came to bother Li Tianyu, he got his wish and stayed at home for a day.

But in the evening, Li Tianyu received a WeChat.

It was sent by Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "Li Tianyu, tomorrow morning at 9:30 am, at the south gate of the 1996 Art Park, is it all right?"

Li Tianyu immediately replied: "Xiaotong, you are really outrageous!"

Qin Xuetong: "????? [question mark expression]"

Li Tianyu: "Uncle, you are not allowed to call him by name."

Qin Xuetong: "Dead. [Fist expression]"

Li Tianyu laughed loudly, imagining Qin Xuetong's expression at this time.

I don't know if this girl is still cold-blooded at home.

Li Tianyu replied: "Okay, you can call again tomorrow, I will definitely be there on time."

Qin Xuetong: "Well, thank you."

Li Tianyu: "Would you like to dress more handsomely? The kind that is so cool."

Qin Xuetong: "No, it's usually just fine."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Qin Xuetong: "Ok, good night."

After communicating with Qin Xuetong, Li Tianyu immediately went to sleep after looking at the phone for a while. After all, he would meet at 9:30 tomorrow. For Li Tianyu who is used to waking up naturally, it is still a bit difficult.

Qin Xuetong is a student of the Acting Department of the Imperial Film Academy.

The performance department has always had the tradition of garden parties, which can be regarded as a kind of team building.

Usually this kind of garden party can be summed up in four words, which is "eating, drinking and having fun."

Simply put, everyone is happy together.

Of course, there are many places and methods for holding garden parties. Sometimes it is mountain climbing and sometimes it is going to sea.

God?Not really.516 Novel Network

You can bring family members, and those without family members will follow the allocation of the "organization".

Of course, it is not necessary to attend a garden party of this nature. If you give a reasonable reason, you can ask for leave.

However, in the Imperial Film Academy, students in the Acting Department and the Directing Department attach great importance to every social interaction and activities to connect with classmates.


To put it in a very realistic way, who knows which classmate will be hot in the future, or even big fire?

Among the classmates, there are those who have become famous as teenagers and those who have grown late...

Anyway, there are all kinds of people, none of them can be ignored, and none of them can be given up. This is how smart people do.

Therefore, there are not many people who are absent from such an event for no reason.

Of course, people like Qiu Kexin don't care about unknown people, except.

The next day, Li Tianyu got up early, ate a piece of bread, drank a carton of milk, and drove on the road.

The 1996 Art District is near the Northeast Fourth Ring of the Imperial Capital.

Li Tianyu drove past under normal circumstances, as long as there is no traffic jam, it will take about 40 minutes.

It may be that the memory of "Nine-Six" was too deep in the past, so Li Tianyu feels weird about the name of the Nine-Six Art Park.

But this is completely coincidental.

This is an art park, which is quite famous in the imperial capital.

Li Tianyu has never been, but he has often heard of it.

Anyway, he didn't have much interest in this art park before, mainly because he didn't have any artistic cells.

Maybe the performers really need a little artistic stimulation, so the garden party is held there.

What Li Tianyu didn't expect was that the road conditions this morning were surprisingly good, not to mention traffic jams, even slow driving was not encountered.

Thinking about it carefully, it turns out that today is Saturday, and the majority of office workers are still asleep, not willing to get up.

Therefore, when Li Tianyu arrived at the South Gate of 1996, it was not even half past eight.

This is terrible, and I have to wait here for an hour.

Li Tianyu was on the side of the road nearby, randomly looking for a roadside parking spot, parked the Porsche Cayenne, and got off the car and wandered around.

The south entrance of the 1996 Art District is still quite conspicuous, with graffiti on the door, in various colors.

It is indeed the gate of the art district, it is very artistic.

Now the door is closed, and a small door is open.

Li Tianyu hesitated for a while and went in through the small door.

It turns out that there is still a hole in the gate.

It is directly a small square with some furnishings.

The most obvious is a small train, very old, with a steam chimney.

Li Tianyu looked fresh and walked to the steam train.

This thing is really real. It has been around for some years, but it has obviously been refurbished. The paint on the surface has only been sprayed in recent years.

It was still early, and Li Tianyu got into the cabin of the steam train, found a seat and sat down to look at the phone.

After a while, Li Tianyu heard the voice.

He looked up and saw that a few people were walking over here while chatting.

It was two men and two women, the men were beautiful and the women were beautiful as flowers.

The genes are so good anyway.

Li Tianyu's ears are very strong. Although their voices are not loud, they can still hear the dialogue between them clearly.

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