Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 501 I'm Your Boyfriend

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu glanced a few times.

The faces of those people are indeed quite high, at least higher than the average person.

Li Tianyu can hear from the content of the dialogue that those people should be those who came to the garden party, that is, Qin Xuetong's classmates.

The fact is also true.

All four of them are students of the Acting Department of the Imperial Film Academy.

Du Tao: "Xiao Man, I heard that Ke Xin won't come?"

Ye Xiaoman: "Yes, she asked for leave if she had something to do temporarily."

Du Tao: "What about Qin Xuetong? Will Qin Xuetong come?"

Zhang Guoning laughed loudly: "Aren't you kidding me? Tell me, how many times have you handed Qin Xuetong a small note? Has anyone taken care of you?"

Du Tao: "I didn't care about me, but I didn't care about others either. Everyone is equal."

Ye Xiaoman: "Unequal soon."

Du Tao: "What do you mean? Where is the inequality?"

Ye Xiaoman: "The list Qin Xuetong reported to me is two people."

With that, Ye Xiaoman made a "two" gesture.

Du Tao and Zhang Guoning were stunned, and didn't understand what it meant for a while.

Du Tao asked, "What do you mean? How could Qin Xuetong report two people?"

At this time, Feng Linlin, another girl who had not spoken, said: "Oh, you still don't understand, can't we bring family members!"

Du Tao and Zhang Guoning were shocked.

Zhang Guoning: "Is it possible that Qin Xuetong has a husband?"

Du Tao was anxious: "How is it possible to have a husband? Can she get married at that age?"

Zhang Guoning: "Don't be anxious, I just make an analogy, a boyfriend can also be a husband."

Du Tao: "Maybe it's Qin Xuetong's relatives, or younger siblings or something."

Feng Linlin looked quite gossip, and immediately turned her head and asked Ye Xiaoman: "By the way, the person Qin Xuetong brought is a man and a woman?"

Ye Xiaoman: "It should be a male."

Zhang Guoning patted Du Tao on the shoulder: "It looks like you are out of play."

Du Tao: "Don't talk nonsense, it may be a misunderstanding. I have never heard that Qin Xuetong has a boyfriend."

Feng Linlin: "Du Tao, I think you'd better forget it, what size Qin Xuetong's wrist now, he must have a high vision."

Du Tao: "She has a high vision, and my conditions are not bad."

Zhang Guoning: "It's not that my buddies speak straight, even Qin Xuetong ignores Tao Jinxin's pursuit, you just..."

Tao Jinxin is also a student of the Performance Department of the Imperial Film Academy.

With both strength and luck, he is now a well-known new-generation actor in China, starring in two or three TV series.

Although not the protagonist, but there are many scenes.

However, Tao Jinxin is still a lot worse than Qin Xuetong in terms of fame achievement.

However, Tao Jinxin can be regarded as a mixture of fame and status in the performances of the entire Imperial Film Academy.

Feng Linlin: "Yes, I heard that many famous male stars are staring at Qin Xuetong. She just didn't let her mouth go. Maybe she wanted to catch a big fish."

Ye Xiaoman: "Qin Xuetong still needs to catch a big fish? She is a big fish, OK!"

Everyone is right to think carefully.

Although there are many children from wealthy families in the Imperial Film Academy, Qin Xuetong is not an ordinary rich man, she is indeed an eldest lady who belongs to the type of wealthy and socialite.

Such a woman, unless she really likes it, would not do anything for money.

Does Qin Xuetong really have a boyfriend?

Du Tao did not believe that even if Qin Xuetong was looking for a boyfriend, it would not be now.

Several people were talking while walking this way.

Coincidentally, they also came to the steam train.

This is a famous and conspicuous attraction in the 1996 Art District, so it is normal to come here to gather and wait for others to come.

It is now the mid-autumn season, and the weather in the Imperial Capital is gradually getting colder, and there is still some chill at 8:30 in the morning.

As a result, these four people also got on the steam train.

The little steam train is just one carriage, and of course they will inevitably see Li Tianyu.

The four of them were stunned. They didn't expect someone to stay inside so early.

Zhang Guoning smiled and said, "My buddy, it's early, why are you staying here alone?"

Li Tianyu put down the phone and answered casually: "I'm waiting for someone."

Zhang Guoning: "Yeah, waiting for your girlfriend?"

Ye Xiaoman glanced at Zhang Guoning: "Don't ask blindly, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhang Guoning: "Why doesn't it matter? What if it is a family member of one of our classmates!"

Du Tao looked at Li Tianyu: "No, I haven't seen him."

The family members of the classmates generally refer to the boy and girl friends, and there are just a few people going back and forth.

There are two classes in the acting major, and one class has more than 20 students. In fact, everyone is familiar with it.

Feng Shanshan joked: "Maybe it is Qin Xuetong's family member."

Du Tao showed a disdainful smile: "Pull it down, just him? Qin...her eyes are not so low."

Feng Shanshan: "You are talking nonsense, they are obviously good-looking and handsome, right, Xiao Man?"

Ye Xiaoman hesitated, thinking that the other party might really be a family member of a classmate.

By the way, Ye Xiaoman is the class leader. She is also the organizer and person in charge of this event, so she has to take care of other people, including the family members of classmates.'

Ye Xiaoman asked, "Excuse me, are you the one attending...the garden party?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes."

The others were stunned. They didn't expect this person to really come to the garden party.

Of course, this person can't be a classmate, so it's a family member of which classmate.

Maybe someone else is also holding a garden party, right?

It’s a coincidence that they are all gathered here.

So Ye Xiaoman immediately asked: "Which classmate's family are you?"

Li Tianyu answered casually: "Qin Xuetong."

The carriage was silent and needles dropped.

Du Tao: "What are you kidding? Don't talk nonsense, I tell you, be careful I fix you!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Du Tao and ignored him.

Du Tao was angry and was about to lose his temper again, but was held back by Ye Xiaoman.

Ye Xiaoman took out a piece of A4 paper from his bag. On it was the list of members participating in the garden party, including the names and contact information of classmates and family members.

Everyone came over and saw that Qin Xuetong's family had a name-Li Tianyu in the frame.

Ye Xiaoman asked, "What is your name, please?"

Ye Xiaoman kept a mindful, and didn't directly say the name, letting the other party say it, so as not to avoid the other party's fish in troubled waters.

However, according to Ye Xiaoman's idea, Qin Xuetong came here to participate in the garden party. Not many people should know.

So the possibility of this person impersonating Qin Xuetong's family is actually very low.

It's just that Ye Xiaoman has a responsible attitude and has to be sure to avoid anything wrong.,

Li Tianyu said his name.

The other four people widened their eyes and looked at Li Tianyu carefully.

Can't blame them for being so surprised.

Mainly because this is Qin Xuetong's family!

Qin Xuetong is already thunderous in the entertainment circle, and his fame is squeezed out of the existence of a first-line actress.

Let's not say whether Qin Xuetong will engage in an object now.If she had sex, what would her boyfriend be like?According to ordinary people's thinking, how could he be a famous male star?

Is this logical?

However, this guy named Li Tianyu, no one knew him!

Is it possible to be a big business man?

It's even more impossible. The youngest business tycoon is also in his 30s or 40s. This person is obviously out of reach.

The most likely, that is which rich second generation.

An idea suddenly appeared in Du Tao's heart.

Maybe Qin Xuetong came here to act this person.

Why act?

Du Tao remembers that when Qin Xuetong came to the garden party by himself last year and assigned "objects", all the single dogs boiled like ants on a hot pot.

Du Tao is also one of the ants.

In fact, Qin Xuetong was most afraid of trouble. He probably didn't want to cause a commotion like last year, so he made this "decision."

Thinking of this, Du Tao smiled.

This guy named Li Tianyu should have been pulled out of the group, and he could still be seen as a man.

It's really hard for Qin Xuetong, it's very thoughtful.

I have to say that Du Tao really guessed right.

Although Li Tianyu is not a mass actor, it was indeed Qin Xuetong who came to play her boyfriend to reduce the trouble.

Not only Du Tao, but other people also muttered that Qin Xuetong had an object, and it always felt false.


Because Qin Xuetong is a popular actress and a super first-line actor, she will have to pick up her boyfriend in the future, why is she so anxious?

Feng Guoning sat across from Li Tianyu and couldn't help asking: "My buddy, who are you from Qin Xuetong? Brother?" I followed the novel

Li Tianyu was startled.

Only then did I understand.

This kid didn't think he could be Qin Xuetong's boyfriend, and thought it was Qin Xuetong who brought relatives over to be a strong man.

Li Tianyu smiled: "I am her boyfriend."

Du Tao was a little anxious: "Don't tease, who do you think you are?"

Li Tianyu: "You told you that I am Qin Xuetong's boyfriend."

Ye Xiaoman: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, Qin Xuetong's family did write his name. That's right, everyone sit down and wait for others to come."

Du Tao snorted coldly and glared at Li Tianyu, still quite unconvinced.

Qin Xuetong is looking for someone to act, why not call him Du Tao?The performance is absolutely top-notch, and the fake can be performed like the real.

Next, the four people gathered around and whispered, talking about something and nothing.

They stopped talking to Li Tianyu, and of course Li Tianyu wouldn't talk to them.

However, although the voices of these four people are relatively low, Li Tianyu can still vaguely hear some content.

Anyway, there are certain topics that cannot be separated from him, Li Tianyu.

Especially Du Tao was full of malicious words towards Li Tianyu.

After a while, the other classmates of the Diying acting show arrived one after another.

Some people got on the steam train, and some people gathered and chatted outside the steam train. It suddenly became very lively here.

You know, there are about 20 classmates participating in the garden party, and there are five or six with their families, and the number is not too small.

Ye Xiaoman's running outside the car seemed very busy.

Some people got into the cabin of the steam train and noticed the stranger Li Tianyu.

People who are more curious begin to inquire about what is sacred.

When they learned that this was Qin Xuetong's "family", everyone's first reaction was only one-dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

The second reaction is to shake his head and say "impossible".

The third reaction is to quickly look at Li Tianyu's front, back, left, and right, up and down.

Anyway, Li Tianyu felt like a sacred animal in a zoo, a little uncomfortable.

However, Li Tianyu was mentally prepared before he came, so he felt good, at least no one came to poke him in the face to see if it was true or not.

After a while, Li Tianyu received a WeChat.

It was sent by Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "Are you here?"

Li Tianyu: "It's early, where are you?"

Qin Xuetong: "At the south gate."

Li Tianyu: "You haven't come in yet?"

Qin Xuetong: "Well, I will go in immediately."

Li Tianyu: "Don't move, I'll pick you up."

Qin Xuetong: "Why?"

Li Tianyu: "Why are there so many? Listen to my uncle."

After Li Tianyu sent WeChat, he got up and walked out of the car.

Du Tao saw it and laughed: "What are you going to do? Handsome guy."

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at Du Tao: "Go and pick my girlfriend."

With that, Li Tianyu walked away without looking back.

Du Tao looked stunned, and then reacted that this kid named Li Tianyu was talking nonsense and deliberately mad at him.

Li Tianyu walked slowly to the door, then went through the small door, and saw Qin Xuetong at a glance.

Qin Xuetong didn't wear a skirt, but a casual outfit with a short windbreaker.

She is tall and has a golden ratio. She looks good in everything she wears. She is pretty and pretty. Just standing is quite pleasing to the eye.

Of course, Qin Xuetong changed his costume.

Most of her long, jet-black hair was hidden in a baseball cap, and her ordinary big eyes were hidden by brown sunglasses.

If you don't look carefully, you really don't see who it is, only that it must be a big beauty.

Qin Xuetong was quite "obedient", carrying a bag and waiting there.

Seeing Li Tianyu walking by, Qin Xuetong asked, "Li Tianyu, what are you going to do?"

Li Tianyu stood beside Qin Xuetong and gestured to Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "What are you doing?"

Li Tianyu put his arms on his waist and squinted: "Don't pretend to be stupid, carry me on your back."

Qin Xuetong: "Why?"

Li Tianyu: "Who am I going to be yours today?"

Qin Xuetong: "You play my boyfriend, but you don't have to do that..."

Li Tianyu: "You are an actor and don't understand this? Acting requires a full set, or who would believe it."

Qin Xuetong was speechless for a while, and he hesitated, after all, he reached out and put Li Tianyu's arm on his shoulder.

Li Tianyu felt a crisp on his body, it was indeed amazing.

Li Tianyu: "It's really soft."

Qin Xuetong: "What?"

Li Tianyu: "Why are your hands so soft? Can you hold things?"

Li Tianyu suddenly felt his arm tighten, as if caught by iron pliers.

He quickly said: "It's okay, don't be rough, I just say it casually."

Qin Xuetong relaxed now.

Li Tianyu: "But, really, did you put on perfume today?"

Qin Xuetong: "No, I don't use perfume."

Li Tianyu thought, is this the fragrant body in the legend?

This Qin Xuetong, inside and out, is of top quality.

The two of them went through the small door and arrived at the small square.

Qin Xuetong: "Are everyone here?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, it's just you, are you sleeping late?"

Qin Xuetong: "That's called a beauty sleep. Besides, I'm not late."

Li Tianyu laughed loudly, unexpectedly Qin Xuetong still had this side.

Sure enough, beautiful women love to sleep late.

Li Tianyu hugged Qin Xuetong and walked to the steam train.

At this time, everyone's eyes stared at them two unblinkingly.

Feng Guoning: "Don't tell me, Qin Xuetong and that Li Tianyu are a good match..."

At this time, Feng Guoning discovered that Du Tao's mouth had been wide open, and it was estimated that a big apple would be no problem.

And Du Tao's eyes burst into flames.

Obviously, what is happening right now has caused a strong, even irreversible impact on Du Tao.

It was almost like a cruise missile.

Du Tao's outlook on life, world outlook, and values ​​have collapsed one after another.

The others are not much better.

Want to know who Qin Xuetong is?Big star.

That man has never been seen before, maybe he is an unknown passerby.

How did these two guys get together?

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Li Tianyu was amused and satisfied, and whispered to Qin Xuetong, "Did you see it? The effect is very good. You classmates are stupid."

Qin Xuetong: "You don't think it's a big deal."

Li Tianyu: "Don't worry, I won't touch you if I'm afraid of things."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu and said nothing.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoman greeted him and said with a smile: "Xuetong, it turns out that he is really your boyfriend."

Qin Xuetong: "Well, he is my boyfriend Li Tianyu."

Ye Xiaoman glanced at Li Tianyu: "We couldn't believe it just now."

A girl came over and said, "Yes, Xuetong, where did you find such a boyfriend?"

The girl speaking was named Shen Congyu, who was quite charming.

It's really pretty if you look at it alone, but there is a bit of evil in the eyes that most people can't detect, but Li Tianyu can clearly see it.

Obviously, this woman is unwilling to be someone else's green leaf, and belongs to the kind of master who can cause trouble.

Qin Xuetong: "We have known each other since childhood."

Shen Congyu: "Heh, that's amazing, childhood sweetheart."

Li Tianyu hugged Qin Xuetong's waist: "Yes, do you envy it?"

Many boys present are going crazy.

Qin Xuetong was actually hugged!

This is unbearable.

Even when acting, no male actor is treated like this, at least there is never such a picture in a TV series.

Du Tao was about to vomit blood, thinking that Li Tianyu was really courageous, wouldn't he be afraid of being broken into pieces?

At this time, everyone found another man coming through the small door.

Ye Xiaoman said, "Tao Jinxin is here."

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