Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 505 What Are You Talking About With My Wife?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shen Congyu was even more uncomfortable.

Originally, she was waiting to see Qin Xuetong make a fool of herself.

Although this is not a serious matter, Shen Congyu likes it.

But when the result came out, it was completely different from what I imagined.

Qin Xuetong left an impression of being very careful and caring about her boyfriend.

Seeing Tao Jinxin's eager look at Qin Xuetong made Shen Congyu even more angry.

There is a strong feeling of not stealing chickens and eating rice.

After a while, the mini game for the six couples was finished.

Three of them were dismantled, and the other three passed and remained the same.

The dispersion rate has reached 50%.

This was because Ye Xiaoman reduced the difficulty by half and avoided more tragedies.

Otherwise, I am afraid that only the pair of Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong can pass the level smoothly.

Although some people still doubt whether Li Tianyu is Qin Xuetong's boyfriend or not, at least this time the "assessment" was passed perfectly.

In any case, everyone opened their eyes.

A couple that looks very affectionate, so fragile, they are all plastic love.

On the contrary, it was Qin Xuetong's pair, which was quite impressive.

It can be said that they are the least like super couples.

Ye Xiaoman: "Okay, everyone can order something to eat. Order whatever you want, but you must finish it and you can't waste it!"

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong sat back at a table again, sitting opposite each other.

Li Tianyu raised his hand: "Squad leader, have you forgotten things?"

Ye Xiaoman: "What did I forget?"

Li Tianyu: "Rewards, didn't you say there are rewards?"

The other two couples who passed the customs, after being reminded by Li Tianyu, immediately remembered, clamoring for prizes.

Ye Xiaoman replied angrily: "Don't worry, I won't be wronged, there must be!"

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu, feeling a little funny.

Li Tianyu knew Qin Xuetong's thoughts, so he whispered: "It took a long time anyway, so I can't do it."

Qin Xuetong: "You don't know what the prize is."

Li Tianyu: "Don't you know right away."

Ye Xiaoman took out a few envelope-like things from his backpack.

What's in it?

It's not a banknote, soft sister coin, right?

The children in the Imperial Film Academy are not the ones who are short of money. The reward money is too tacky.

What is that thing?

Everyone started to guess.

"Isn't it a shopping card?"

"Impossible, such a big envelope, it is too wasteful to put a shopping card."

"It should be a movie ticket, it would be perfect for a couple to watch a movie."

Ye Xiaoman curled his lips: "Movie tickets? Am I that old-fashioned? This is too uncreative, right?"

Everyone became curious at once, wondering what kind of prizes Ye Xiaoman Ye prepared for the winner.

Ye Xiaoman did not speak any more, but sent envelopes to the three couples.

Of course Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong also got an envelope.

Qin Xuetong was also curious, opened it, and was stunned.

Qin Xuetong: "Tickets for Huan and Happy Valley?"

Ye Xiaoman corrected and said, "It's a couple's package, isn't it suitable for you?"

Everyone laughed and began to laugh at Ye Xiaoman's lack of creativity.

What age is this, and still give this stuff?

Ye Xiaoman said unconvincedly: "What's wrong with giving this? How appropriate! ... By the way, I remind you that you can also bring a kid with you. Don't miss the opportunity. You can experience the family of three in advance. Family pleasure."

One person yelled, "Where are we going to find a child to take?"

Ye Xiaoman: "I don't care about this, it's your own business, or you can just make a baby temporarily, or you two will suffer a lot."

Everyone was silly.

Where does this go.

Li Tianyu: "Your monitor is really enough to say."

Qin Xuetong smiled without saying a word.

Li Tianyu smiled: "Why don't we go? I really want to experience the feeling of dating a big star."

Qin Xuetong was startled, just about to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Xiaoman's voice.

Ye Xiaoman: "Okay, everyone don't talk there. Let's eat quickly, there will be activities later."

Li Tianyu packed the Happy Valley ticket into an envelope, and then handed it to Qin Xuetong: "Install it first, and discuss when to go back later."

Qin Xuetong: "Yeah."

Qin Xuetong took the envelope and put it in her bag.

If this is heard by Tao Jinxin and Lu Tao, it will have to be envy, jealousy, and very strong.

Although Qin Xuetong did not agree, she did not refuse.

Moreover, he looked very "behaved" in front of Li Tianyu, which made anyone look astonished.

At this time, the waiter brought up everything that everyone ordered.

Qin Xuetong's two kinds: egg ham west toast, unsweetened American black coffee.

Li Tianyu's two things: tender roast chicken burger and unsweetened milk.

Li Tianyu looked at these four things and laughed.

Qin Xuetong: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Tianyu: "The two of us are in unbelievable harmony, we have all guessed right, none of them is wrong."

Qin Xuetong: "How did you know?"

Li Tianyu: "What do you know?"

Qin Xuetong: "How do you know what I will order? ... Also, how do you know what I wrote on it?"

Qin Xuetong asked two questions at once.

Because according to normal logic, it is almost impossible for Li Tianyu to do it.

For example, for the first question, Li Tianyu secretly investigated Qin Xuetong, and was able to think of what kind of breakfast she would order in a western restaurant, which barely makes sense.

But the second question is difficult to answer.

How did Li Tianyu know what Qin Xuetong would write?

Because Qin Xuetong doesn't know what Li Tianyu likes to eat, it is impossible for Li Tianyu to guess.

Li Tianyu laughed and didn't know how to explain, so he could only say awkwardly: "Because... I have mind reading skills."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "Then what am I thinking?"

Li Tianyu: "You are thinking, this man in front of me is really nice, considerate, handsome, young and rich."

Qin Xuetong took a sip of black coffee, "Naive."

Li Tianyu chuckled, and cut the West Toast into several triangles with a dining knife.

Qin Xuetong was startled.

Li Tianyu is getting more and more strange.

How did he know that Qin Xuetong had such a habit when he ate sandwiches?

But Qin Xuetong didn't say anything, and Li Tianyu wouldn't tell the truth to her anyway.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, I have to tell you something."

Qin Xuetong: "What's the matter?"

Li Tianyu: "The tender grilled chicken burger you ordered me is okay. I like it, but the milk is almost meaningless."

Qin Xuetong picked up a small piece of West Toast and put it in her mouth. After eating it, she asked, "Then what do you like to drink?" Love Book Bar

Li Tianyu: "I also drink coffee, but I have to add sugar milk."

Qin Xuetong: "Well, I see."

Li Tianyu took a bite of the burger, and the chicken inside was tender and greasy.

Li Tianyu had something on his mouth.

Qin Xuetong picked up the tissue and handed it over.

Li Tianyu took the tissue and wiped it casually and said, "I can't tell, I'm quite careful."

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "Where do you see that I am not careful?"

Li Tianyu: "According to my usual experience, pretty girls are not very careful."

Qin Xuetong asked meaningfully, "You are quite experienced."

Li Tianyu laughed, "I was joking with you, can't you tell?"

Qin Xuetong: "I can't tell."

In the eyes of others, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong are the rhythm of the accident.

Damn it!

The two are actually flirting.

Du Tao bit his teeth with hatred.

Tao Jinxin's heart was cold.

It seems that this Li Tianyu has an extraordinary position in Qin Xuetong's heart!

Others are also talking about it.'

Some students even took pictures of Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong talking with their mobile phones.

I don’t know if they will sell these photos or videos to the media to make some extra money.

However, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong only ate together, and they can't sell them for much.

If the two people go in and out of the hotel together, or kiss each other, the price will be different.

After everyone has had breakfast, the next session will come.

Simply put, it is pairing.

The way of matching is by drawing lots.

Counting Ye Xiaoman, there were 26 people on the scene.

Except for the three pairs already matched, the others need to be paired in pairs.

Although it is not necessary to match men and women, as the saying goes, it is not tired to work with men and women. It is best to match men and women.

Fortunately, the ratio of men to women is about the same for the people who came this time, so they are generally able to "get in pairs".

Of course, in the end, there are also two pairs of men.

No way, who makes them bad luck.

Anyway, just by looking at everyone's expressions, there is really joy and sorrow.

It is worth mentioning that, without knowing what method Shen Congyu used, he and Tao Jinxin were actually assigned to a group.

As a result, Shen Congyu was very happy.

Tao Jinxin had no feeling for her and kept looking at Qin Xuetong.

At the call of Ye Xiaoman, he once again left this western restaurant in a mighty manner.

Next is a series of game links.

Li Tianyu can see that this garden party is simply an event that does not fit the name.

In general, ancient garden parties chanted poems and odes in picturesque places, talked about wine as a song, and talked.

But the performances of the Imperial Capital Film Academy, the garden party, are completely irrelevant.

Garden fairs are basically all kinds of competitive activities, which are made like sports games.

The difference is that the competitive activities in the garden party are all weird games, and some can even be called weird.

Anyway, Li Tianyu didn't want to compete with these people, and Qin Xuetong also had this idea.

On occasions like this, there is no point in being too desperate.

Especially for a star like Qin Xuetong who has a certain status in the film and entertainment circle, he should act in a low-key manner to avoid being chewed by others.

But even if Li Tianyu kept a low profile, he won two or three times inadvertently.

It's hard to keep a low profile if you have strength.

I don't know why, with Li Tianyu by his side, Qin Xuetong felt more stable in her heart.

Although Qin Xuetong was relatively stable on such occasions in the past, she still felt a little tight in her heart and felt quite boring. Fortunately, Qiu Kexin was with him at the time.

This time is different. Although Qiu Kexin is not there, Li Tianyu is really a good "partner". Qin Xuetong even thinks that the experience of the garden party is not bad, a bit like a child-like activity.

Although the performance of the two was not the most brilliant, Qin Xuetong was still very happy.

On the contrary, Tao Jinxin and Shen Congyu are very good, they have overcome difficulties and won many first places.

But Tao Jinxin just couldn't be happy.

The discerning person has long noticed that the group of Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong is completely Buddhist, and does not care about winning or losing.

When Tao Jinxin saw the two of them making eye contact, his lungs would explode.

It's a pity that no matter how angry he is, it's no use no matter how good he is, Qin Xuetong didn't notice him at all.

The garden party is finally over.

Everyone started free activities, some had an appointment to have dinner together, and some chose to go back to each house and find each mother.

After saying goodbye to those classmates, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong went back to the south gate of the 1996 Art District together.

At this time, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

Li Tianyu took out his cell phone and glanced at it. It turned out that it was Lu Hui calling.

It should be a very important thing.

Li Tianyu: "Sorry, I'll answer the phone."

Qin Xuetong: "Good."

Li Tianyu ran aside and went to answer the phone.

At this time, a shout came from behind Qin Xuetong.


Qin Xuetong looked back, and it turned out that it was Tao Jinxin trotting over.

Tao Jinxin: "Xuetong, do you have time tonight? I invite you to dinner. I want to hear your opinion on some work matters."

Qin Xuetong immediately shook his head: "Sorry, I don't have time at night."

Tao Jinxin: "Then when do you have time?"

Qin Xuetong hesitated for a while, still said, "I don't know either."

Tao Jinxin was not discouraged either. This is not the first time Qin Xuetong has refused his invitation.

Qin Xuetong has a characteristic. He will definitely not do what he doesn't want to do.

Tao Jinxin: "That...or else, I'll make an appointment with you later."

Qin Xuetong frowned.

She knew what Tao Jinxin was thinking.

In fact, many men are asking Qin Xuetong, but she has never agreed.

Qin Xuetong didn't want to be entangled with these people, let alone give them any hope.

When Qin Xuetong was about to speak, Li Tianyu came over.

It seems that he has finished answering the phone.

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, handsome guy, what are you telling my wife?"

Tao Jinxin was startled: "Wife? Who is your wife?"

Li Tianyu reached out and put his arms around Qin Xuetong's waist: "Are you pretending to be stupid? She, Qin Xuetong, is my wife."

Tao Jinxin was angry.

Li Tianyu is really shameless.

Even if Qin Xuetong is really Li Tianyu's girlfriend, he can't call his wife directly!

What's more, Tao Jinxin doesn't believe that the relationship between the two of them is real.

However, Qin Xuetong not only did not struggle, but also leaned against Li Tianyu and said, "Let's go."

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