You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!So Li Tianyu put his arms around Qin Xuetong and left without looking back.

Tao Jinxin was dumbfounded.

This is too shocking, and now he can't even make a spare tire.

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong walked out of the south gate together, no one can see them anymore.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "You can let go."

Only then did Li Tianyu let go of Qin Xuetong's waist.

To be honest, Li Tianyu felt quite reluctant.

Qin Xuetong's waist was too soft.

Only then did Li Tianyu know what "soft as boneless" means.

Originally, he thought this idiom was an exaggerated technique, but he didn't know if he had touched Qin Xuetong's waist.

Qin Xuetong: "Where did your car park?"

Li Tianyu pointed to the front and said, "It's over there, stopping on the side of the road."

Qin Xuetong: "My car is in the parking lot over there, so I'll leave first."

Li Tianyu nodded and watched Qin Xuetong leave.

However, without taking a few steps, Qin Xuetong turned around and said, "Thank you for today."

Li Tianyu: "Nothing, it's easy."

Qin Xuetong: "I will invite you to dinner another day."

Li Tianyu chuckled, "Okay, I will go whenever I have time."

Qin Xuetong entered the parking lot, and Li Tianyu also picked up his car smoothly and drove towards China World Trade Center Huameng.

Along the way, Li Tianyu began to ponder the phone call made by Lu Hui just now.

What Lu Hui said to Li Tianyu was nothing more than work.

At present, whether it is Jiaxin Technology or Guanglan Electronics, production and orders are on the right track.

At present, there is nothing to worry Li Tianyu about. Lu Hui is nothing more than to report on time.

But Lu Hui also mentioned some other things in passing.

It's about chip manufacturing.

Since Li Tianyu told Lu Hui last time that he wanted to touch the iron-skinned tiger that made the chip, Lu Hui has really been a little restless.

On the one hand, reason told Lu Hui that the chip manufacturing industry is absolutely untouchable.

You know, the chip is something that even the capital predators can't handle.

They only have the size of two small and medium-sized enterprises, and they may not even be able to knock on the door of chip manufacturing.

On the other hand, Lu Hui is irrational and honest, and he trusts Li Tianyu very much.

It was based on Li Tianyu's previous miraculous and even bizarre performance that gave Lu Hui this inexplicable sense of trust.

Lu Hui has a feeling that is hard to describe, that is, in this world, there seems to be nothing that Li Tianyu can't handle.

Even for things like chip manufacturing that are difficult to climb to the sky, Li Tianyu seems to be certain.

So Lu Hui also asked people in the industry during his free time in the past two days.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm surprised when I ask.

At present, due to the influence of certain international events, the enthusiasm of the domestic technology circle for chip manufacturing has gradually become high.

Some organizations and individuals are contacting some chip R&D teams, intending to touch this industry.

Of course, these people have the ability to make huge investments, so they dare to use their chip manufacturing brains, or else they simply can't even think about it.

In fact, there are not many domestic chip R&D teams, and there are even fewer real talents.

That's why Lu Hui was a little anxious for a while, so he told Li Tianyu about the matter and let him decide.March Chinese

Lu Hui finally added: "Boss, are we really making chips?"

Li Tianyu chuckled and said: "Do, of course, you have to pay more attention recently to see if there is a suitable chip R&D team or expert, and if necessary, make an appointment to chat.

Lu Hui quickly agreed.

No wonder Lu Hui is so concerned about gains and losses.

Although chip manufacturing is an extremely difficult task, once it is done, it is equivalent to the name Liu technology circle.

At this time, Li Tianyu pondered that he needed to make an appointment with Liang Wenfeng as soon as possible and have a good chat with him to decide what to do next.

Li Tianyu returned to the super high-rise apartment and immediately called Liang Wenfeng and invited him to have a meal someday.

Liang Wenfeng hesitated: "Saturday night, then."

Li Tianyu: "This Saturday?"

Liang Wenfeng: "Yes, this Saturday."

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "That's fine, just Saturday night, I will make a good place to call you."

Liang Wenfeng: "Okay."

Although Liang Wenfeng didn't seem to know what Li Tianyu was going to talk to him, he felt that there would be important things to talk about.

Li Tianyu hung up the phone, thought about it, and felt that he should call Wu Mingzhe, so that the atmosphere would not be so official, so he called Wu Mingzhe again.

Wu Mingzhe works in his father's company. He usually commutes from nine to five. It is impossible to work overtime at all.

So when Wu Mingzhe heard that Li Tianyu was going to arrange dinner on Saturday night, he immediately yelled to go. He took the initiative and didn't need Li Tianyu to invite him.

Li Tianyu: "Or else, you can book a place."

Wu Mingzhe: "That's okay, what grade do you want?"

Li Tianyu: "You look at it, money is not a problem, but the atmosphere is right."

Wu Mingzhe: "Okay, just wait for my news."

After chatting with Wu Mingzhe the blind chicken, Li Tianyu hung up.

The day after tomorrow is Saturday, and this meeting is quite timely. I hope I can gain something.

Li Tianyu thought for a while, feeling that his brain was exhausted, so he didn't think about anything, and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

The door to the bathroom hadn't opened yet, and the phone rang again.

Li Tianyu glanced at the caller ID, which was an unfamiliar mobile phone number of the Imperial Capital.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button, and a gentle voice came from the horse over there, of course it was a woman's voice.

"Hello, is this Mr. Li Tianyu and Li?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me."

"I'm from the sales department of Jiade Fashion Plaza. My name is Yu Yaqi. Is it convenient for you to answer the phone?"

Jiade Fashion Plaza?

Li Tianyu suddenly remembered that he still has a few shops in Jiade Fashion Plaza.

I have been busy with other things recently, and have left the shops behind.

Li Tianyu: "Convenient, right, didn't Manager Li contact me? Why did you change?"

Manager Li is Li Lanyue. Some time ago, he has been helping Li Tianyu to take care of the shops in Jiade Fashion Plaza. All the shops are rented out, so I have less contact now.

Yu Yaqi: "Manager Li has been transferred to the headquarters. Now I take over some of your shops and take care of them for you."

Li Tianyu: "Well, I see, what's the matter?"

Yu Yaqi: "It's like this. The shop A113 was leased to a milk tea shop before. Now the owner of the milk tea shop has something to do with it, and the cash flow is too low, so I want to transfer it."

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Is it transferred out?"

Yu Yaqi: "Someone is interested, so I want to invite you to come over and have a talk."

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