You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu thought for a while and asked: "When will we meet?"

Yu Yaqi: "Is it all right tomorrow?"

Li Tianyu thought for a while, and there is really nothing going on tomorrow, so he agreed.

Yu Yaqi is very polite: "Well, Mr. Li, can you meet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu wondered how much real estate he had.

Suddenly found that he couldn't remember.

Fortunately, all the "property certificates" were put in the cabinet at home by Li Tianyu.

Including residential, office buildings and shops, ten sets.

To be honest, Li Tianyu is now a big boss, and really doesn't have time to take care of these things.

Li Tianyu wondered if these properties should be handed over to the company to take care of them, so that he could save snacks.

However, Tianyu Group has just been established, and even the office location has not been determined yet, so I can only talk about it later.

Early the next morning, Li Tianyu drove to Wangjing near Northeast Fourth Ring Road to deal with the subletting of shops.

This day was a working day, and Li Tianyu just caught up with the peak period, and the road was a bit blocked, which made him a little impetuous.

Fortunately, I came out early, and I should be able to reach the Jiade Fashion Plaza before ten o'clock.

Compared with a few months ago, Jiade Fashion Plaza is completely two places.

Now the popularity here is a lot, even on weekdays, there are many visitors coming and going.

After all, the Wangjing area is considered to be a relatively prosperous place in the imperial capital, with various high-end residential areas and high-end office buildings.

More than 90% of the shops in the square have already settled in, and everything seems very lively and prosperous.

The area on the first floor is the place with the most customers.

Especially in Area A, which happens to be near the east gate of Jiade Fashion Plaza, it is the most popular.

Correspondingly, the rent here is of course the highest.

For example, the monthly rent of Li Tianyu's A113 per square meter reached 19 yuan soft sister currency.

The total area of ​​this A113 shop has reached 360 square meters.

In other words, the daily rent reached 6,840 yuan, which probably exceeded 200,000 yuan per month!

In the imperial capital, such amazing rents will only appear in core business districts, such as places like China World Trade Center and Xidan.

Of course, Wangjing is also one of the core business districts of the Imperial Capital. As a high-end commercial plaza, Jiade Fashion Plaza has such a high rent.

Before, Li Tianyu’s A113 shop was leased to a milk tea shop.

The milk tea shop is a major domestic brand "San Dian Shui" joined.

The brand awareness is relatively high, the product quality is excellent, coupled with the popularity of Jiade Fashion Plaza.

The Sandian Shuijiade Fashion Plaza store, once opened, the business is very hot, and even long queues are required during peak hours.

Then why should this milk tea shop be transferred?

It's not that the business can't go on, it's the sudden change in the shop owner's house that requires a lot of money, and that's why he thinks about reluctantly giving up.

The owner’s name is Hu Yuqiang, a native of Yanzhou Province, who is in his thirties and has been in the capital for nearly ten years.

Hu Yuqiang has a daughter-in-law named Zhao Yan, who runs this dairy shop together with Hu Yuqiang, which is considered a mom-and-pop shop.

Of course, for such a large milk tea shop, you still have to hire a few employees to be busy, otherwise it will be too busy.

So although the business is very good, but the rent plus salary expenses, water and electricity expenses, and raw materials, in fact, the net profit that can be earned every month is not too much.

In fact, the reason why Hu Yuqiang needed money was not because there was a sick person in the family, but because he had a daughter who was not very angry.

Hu Yuqiang's daughter named Hu Qiaoqiao is still in college.

I don’t study very well, I often miss classes, and I often miss exams.

But Hu Qiaoqiao was not ashamed, but proud of it, and focused on buying luxury goods.

For example, bags, jewelry, cosmetics, clothes, shoes, etc., all require international brands.

One piece must be several thousand, tens of thousands of yuan.

Although Hu Qiaoqiao's family's economic conditions are good, they also bear such frequent and large expenses.

All the thousands of dollars given to Hu Qiaoqiao every month is not enough.

What should I do if I have no money?Hu Qiaoqiao didn't dare to ask her family anymore. She had another way, and that was to find some loans on the Internet.

Also commonly known as online lending.

You said that online loans are online loans. Hu Qiaoqiao did not borrow money through formal online lending institutions, but through personal loan companies introduced by friends.

The so-called "friends" are not very reliable.

So this so-called personal loan company is actually a loan shark.

Hu Qiaoqiao, an inexperienced little girl, didn't even know how to calculate interest. How did she know that she was borrowing a loan shark and fell into the loan shark trap.

Hu Qiaoqiao borrowed very well, after borrowing once, there will be a second time.


Because buying those luxury goods is addictive, you don’t have to pay it back anyway, and I’ll talk about it later.

So in only half a year, Hu Qiaoqiao gathered all his favorite luxury goods on the market, mostly bags.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the cabinets in the school can't fit anymore, and I carry different bags every week, without duplicates.

However, half a year later, when Hu Qiaoqiao received a call urging her to repay, she was completely dumbfounded.

Hu Qiaoqiao suddenly learned that the principal and interest he needed to repay had exceeded one million soft sister coins.

Moreover, those lenders threatened to repay the money within half a month, or they would call the police.

This frightened Hu Qiaoqiao.

How can you repay so much money?

If it still fails and is prosecuted, then Hu Qiaoqiao's "deeds" must have been passed on to the school. This is a serious violation of school rules and will definitely be expelled from school.

This is fairly light.

According to that "friend", if Hu Qiaoqiao hasn't made it yet, the police can be regarded as the lightest way to deal with it. Those who lend money are all vicious, unloading their arms and legs, and even amusing good prostitution can be done.

Therefore, Hu Qiaoqiao regretted that on the one hand, he shouldn't listen to that friend to borrow loan sharks, and on the other hand, he tried to repay the money everywhere.

But she is just an ordinary college student in the imperial capital, even if she borrows, she can't borrow one million soft sister coins.

At that time, Hu Qiaoqiao received threats from the lender again, plus "suggestion" that she could arrange her to go to KTV to accompany someone, which was considered a job.

The person who called Hu Qiaoqiao talked about the job as if it was easy and well paid.

It is also said that the salary of the escort girl plus a commission is very high, and Hu Qiaoqiao's one million yuan can be paid only after two years of work.

When Hu Qiaoqiao heard it, he moved a little.

Fortunately, the last trace of reason told Hu Qiaoqiao that he must not be impulsive, so he told his close classmates.

It was obvious that those classmates had persuaded her that she could not agree and could not let those people lead by the nose.Online e-book

Hu Qiaoqiao eventually rejected the lender's "suggestion."

then what should we do?

How Hu Qiaoqiao can't pay back the money, maybe what the lenders will do.

Those people don't have a good thing.

In desperation, Hu Qiaoqiao had to tell his parents about this matter.

Even if Hu Qiaoqiao was reluctant, there was no other way.

This may be the wisest thing Hu Qiaoqiao has done recently.

After Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan learned about this, they started to be quite flustered.

After all, opening this milk tea shop has already spent their family's savings and also borrowed money from the bank.

Although the milk tea shop is already on the right track, it also costs a lot in all aspects, and there is still no money.

One million yuan of soft sister coins is a huge sum of money for the current Hu Yuqiang family.

But when the daughter had something to do with it, they also blamed themselves as parents.

They have been busy doing business recently, ignoring their daughter's situation, and seldom call to inquire and communicate, and they almost made her lose her footing.

Fortunately, Hu Qiaoqiao reined in time, otherwise both Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan would have to blame themselves for a lifetime.

The couple discussed it, and decided to transfer the three-point water milk tea shop they just opened. Anyway, they would pay back the more than one million yuan, or else they would definitely not survive in the future.

No, someone came to contact me just after I posted the store.

Deliberately accepting the three-point water milk tea shop, it seems to be a businessman from the south named Zhou Changshan.

Zhou Changshan's figure is short and round, anyway, he is a typical local tyrant.

No, early this morning, the Rolls-Royce Phantom of Zhou Changshan parked in the parking lot of Jiade Fashion Plaza.

Surrounded by an assistant and two bodyguards, Zhou Changshan walked into the east gate of the square angrily.

Three o'clock water milk tea shop, not far from the east gate, you can see it as soon as you enter the door.

It was already half past nine, and the three o'clock water milk tea shop was already open for business.

It's really a king-brand milk tea shop. Even in the morning on weekdays, customers will order something at the door.

There are already a dozen customers in the shop, and there are new customers coming in to consume, the milk tea shop is getting busy.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Changshan couldn't help but pleased his eyebrows, and said to the assistant next to him: "Xiao Wang, have you seen it? This store is still very promising."

Xiao Wang: "That is, Mr. Zhou, the store you are looking for, it must have a future."

With that said, Xiao Wang also gave Zhou Changshan a big like with his thumb.

At this time, Hu Yuqiang greeted him, and after seeing Zhou Changshan, he smiled and said, "Zhou, you are here."

Zhou Changshan nodded: "Are you two here?"

Hu Yuqiang: "It's all here."

Zhou Changshan: "That's OK, it's better to get things done today."

Hu Yuqiang showed a bitter smile: "Of course, we have everything ready."

Zhou Changshan nodded, then turned around and said to Xiao Wang: "Call Manager Yu here."

Assistant Xiao Wang immediately called Yu Yaqi.

After a while, Yu Yaqi hurried over.

Zhou Changshan: "Manager Yu, where is the owner? Hasn't come yet?"

Yu Yaqi quickly said: "Zhou, I called the owner Mr. Li just now. He is on the road and he is a bit blocked today. He should be here soon."

Zhou Changshan was a little unhappy: "Okay, then you can call him again and ask him as soon as possible. I don't have so much time to wait for him to come."

Yu Yaqi said embarrassedly: "Zhou, our appointment is ten o'clock, which is less than ten o'clock, let's find a place and wait."

Zhou Changshan gave a cold snort, still quite dissatisfied.

At this time, Hu Yuqiang's wife Zhao Yan also came.

Yu Yaqi: "Why don't you go to our office? It's easier to talk about this way."

Hu Yuqiang nodded without objection.

Zhou Changshan didn't say anything, and walked inside after Yu Yaqi.

Yu Yaqi brought a few people to the service department of Jiade Fashion Plaza, and found a larger reception room to settle them down.

Zhou Changshan said lightly: "Manager Yu, are the contracts ready?"

Yu Yaqi: "Mr. Zhou, you can rest assured about the contract. We all have a complete transfer contract here. As long as we make a slight modification to the content mentioned."

Zhou Changshan: "Okay, let's talk first."

Hu Yuqiang was startled, "But the owner hasn't come yet."

Zhou Changshan waved his hand: "The landlord came over and walked through the scene. We agreed. As soon as you collect the transfer money, I will pay him the rent. It has nothing to do with him, right, Manager Yu?"

Yu Yaqi was startled, and didn't know how to respond.

Zhou Changshan said again: "By the way, how much is this shop? I will discuss it with the owner and let it be sold to me."

Yu Yaqi showed a look of embarrassment, thinking about how the boss thought this week.

Yu Yaqi: "Well, you have to discuss with the owner. We said it doesn't count."

Zhou Changshan didn't pay attention to Yaqi anymore, but said to Hu Yuqiang: "Boss Hu, how much do you want to sell this milk tea shop?"

Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan looked at each other, a little confused.

Hu Yuqiang had previously told Zhou Changshan about his ideal price through Yu Yaqi, and Yu Yaqi should have conveyed it to Zhou Changshan.

Zhou Changshan should have accepted this offer, so this meeting was held.

However, it is normal for Zhou Changshan to make sure.

Therefore, Hu Yuqiang responded: "Boss Zhou, our ideal price is 2.3 million."

Zhou Changshan said "Oh": "2.3 million? Soft sister coin?"

Hu Yuqiang was stunned, asking this question, can he still say that he is Mingbi?

But Hu Yuqiang still patiently responded: "Yes, it's a soft sister coin."

Having said this, Hu Yuqiang couldn't help sighing.

These three water milk tea shops are all the hard work of their family.

If it were not desperate and there was no other way, they would definitely not transfer these three-point water milk tea shops.

The key is that the business is so good now that profits are about to be realized, and it is indeed a pity to transfer now.

However, I only heard Zhou Changshan's yin and yang saying strangely: "Boss Hu, you are just a milk tea shop, and the transfer fee is more than two million yuan. Isn't it too big to speak?"

Hu Yuqiang was stunned by Zhou Changshan, and did not react at all.

His daughter-in-law Zhao Yan responded quickly and immediately said, "Boss Zhou, didn't you agree to this price?"

Zhou Changshan raised his eyebrows: "When did I agree?"

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