Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 518 Beauty, See You Next Time

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xia Lei said a few more scenes and left.

When the big man left, everyone seemed to be relieved.

But Li Tianyu's position in the hearts of everyone is obviously different.

Meng Xiaoke's gaze floated on Li Tianyu's body from time to time, and it was hot.

Li Tianyu didn't feel embarrassed either.

At this time, I only heard Meng Dahe cough slightly and moistened his throat: "That... Director Shi."

Shi Feng quickly raised his head and said, "Manager Meng, do you need anything else? I'll go to the waiter."

Meng Dahe waved his hand: "No, I don’t want anything. I just want to say that we can find a time to sit and chat together, and then bring your company’s design materials over. We can do it by the way. Study it."

Shi Feng was overjoyed, and it seemed that Meng Dahe was relieved.

Since Shi Feng worked, he has also dealt with many people in the industry.

Meng Dahe's lip service is first tight and then loose.

As long as the breakthrough is opened, the rest will be easy to talk about.

Shi Feng bet that the next time he meets, he can at least reach a verbal cooperation agreement with Huayu Real Estate Group.

Shi Feng: "Of course there is no problem. I will arrange this later. Let's pick a quiet place and have a good chat."

When Fu Hongsheng heard it, he was taken aback.

This Meng Dahe used to be like a loach. It must be more difficult to get some words out of his mouth than to climb to the sky. Now he actually proposed to talk about cooperation with Shi Feng, then 80% of it will be done!

That's fine. If Shi Feng and his company are determined to cooperate with Huayu Real Estate Group, then there is nothing wrong with Fu Hongsheng!

Fu Hongsheng: "Mr. Meng, did you say that last time, you would consider my side..."

Meng Dahe waved his hand impatiently: "I just said to consider it, and I didn't say that it would definitely be used. We are here for a long time, so we don't have to fight this matter here, okay?"

Meng Dahe said that he was on this one, and Fu Hongsheng had to shut his mouth and dared not speak any more.

At this time, Meng Dahe said again: "By the way, it happens that my friend has a villa in the northern suburbs of the Imperial Capital. When I borrow it for a use, let's talk over there."

Shi Feng was overjoyed and quickly said "good".

Meng Dahe looked at Li Tianyu again: "Also, let's come with Mr. Li. The mountains and rivers over there are also good. It is a good place for leisure and vacation."

Li Tianyu glanced at Shi Feng, but of course it was not easy to refuse, so he had to accept it first, anyway, if something happened in the future, it would be fine to temporarily refuse.

Meng Xiaoke also lifted it up, "Dad, Mom, I'll go too!"

Gu Shujing: "Okay, go if you want, but don't make trouble for your dad and them."

Meng Xiaoke stuck out his tongue: "I won't mess with them!"

With that said, Meng Xiaoke also glanced at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smiled slightly, thinking that it would be nice if he had time to join in the fun.

Now Shi Feng's affairs are completely settled, and Li Tianyu's everything is considered complete.

Everyone started drinking and chatting happily and stopped talking about official business.

Fu Hongsheng was uncomfortable.

The purpose of his coming this time was to stir things up, but he didn't expect that the worse he stirred up, the worse he would mess up Shi Feng's affairs.

Damn it!

Fu Hongsheng has worked for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation.

No way, Fu Hongsheng felt that it would be useless to stay, so he left with Meng Dahe's family.

Meng Dahe did not leave Fu Hongsheng either.186 Chinese Network

Now Meng Dahe has started to play Li Tianyu's idea.

Li Tianyu doesn't look young, but he is quite amazing.

Faced with a character like Xia Lei, he didn't panic at all, and even had a faint feeling of gaining the upper hand.

What does this show?

It shows that Li Tianyu is a strong man himself, and he has enough self-confidence to not be inferior to others.

This kind of aura is quite real and can't be installed.

What's more, the relationship between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan has reached the point where it can be "brothers", which is too powerful.

Ai Baoquan is at the top of the pyramid in the entire domestic real estate industry and even the entire business community.

Meng Dahe is also a person in the real estate circle. If he can get to know Ai Baoquan, he will surely soar to the sky.

Therefore, Meng Dahe made up his mind to get close to Li Tianyu and build a good relationship with him.

After eating this meal, it is very refreshing.

The food at the Phoenix Restaurant tastes just right, neither light nor heavy, which fits Li Tianyu's taste quite well.

However, because he had to save his stomach for the evening meal, Li Tianyu still did not beg to eat.

Shi Feng was even more pleased. The whole meal was full of witty words, playing better and better and more stable.

After everyone was full, they stood up and said goodbye to each other.

Before leaving, Meng Dahe patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder and said, "Brother Li, do you mind if I call you that?"

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Then how can I mind."

Meng Dahe: "Let's come back to Japan for a long time. Next time I arrange, you must show your face."

Li Tianyu quickly responded.

Then, Li Tianyu and Meng Dahe added WeChat to each other, intending to contact each other at any time.

In fact, Meng Dahe is quite good. Although he is a little oilier and a little greasy, it is also due to his age and experience.

If you can work in the real estate industry until now, you don’t have such skills, that’s really not good.

But to be honest, Meng Dahe's attraction to Li Tianyu is not as big as his daughter.

Who made Li Tianyu a man?

When Meng Xiaoke passed by Li Tianyu, she whispered: "I'll see you next time, handsome guy."

Li Tianyu also whispered: "No problem, beauty."

After the Meng Dahe family left, Shi Feng and Li Tianyu were left.

Shi Feng: "Tianyu, thank you so much for today."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Okay, brother-in-law, don't mention the ones that are gone. You came to me, isn't it just for this job."

Shi Feng smiled embarrassedly: "The work you did far exceeded my expectations. If you didn't come this time, then I would be in big trouble."

Li Tianyu: "It would be great if I could help you, anyway, I also took a banquet, no loss."

Shi Feng laughed loudly.

The two talked about the current situation at home.

Now that my living conditions are better, there is basically nothing to worry about.

Most of the problems in this society are caused by money.

Although money cannot solve 100% of the problems, 90% of the problems can be solved by money.

Shi Feng patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "It's too early. I should go back to the hotel. You drank too. I'll call a driver for you. Go back and have a good rest."

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