Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 519 Qin Xuetong's Invitation

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu waved his hand: "I'm not leaving. I still have a meal here at night. You can go back to the hotel and rest first."

Shi Feng: "Yeah, it's a good day, so many people invite you to dinner, and it's still in such a high-class restaurant."

Li Tianyu laughed, and said nothing.

After Shi Feng left, Li Tianyu found a coffee shop nearby to drink coffee.

It was already around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still some time before the dinner arranged by Hu Qiaoqiao in the evening.

Li Tianyu had a good mentality and was not in a hurry, so he sat in the coffee shop and looked at his phone and the street scene.

Although Li Tianyu has more free time now, but the time for real leisure seems to be getting less and less, especially in the recent period, it is even less pitiful, and there are various occasions and entertainments almost every day.

After a while, Li Tianyu's cell phone suddenly rang a short beep.

Li Tianyu took a look at the phone on the coffee table and received a micro message.

Very surprising, it was actually a WeChat sent by Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "When will I have time next week?"

Li Tianyu was startled, is this the rhythm of going on a date with him?

Li Tianyu thought for a while, and immediately replied: "I have time anytime."

Such an answer is a bit like a vagrant.

However, Qin Xuetong knew Li Tianyu well, and she probably didn't think so.

Why is Li Tianyu also a big boss with several industries?

After a few minutes, Qin Xuetong came back again: "Next Tuesday, can you accompany us to Happy Valley?"

Li Tianyu understood.

Two days ago, I just won two tickets to "Happy Valley" with Qin Xuetong at the garden party of the Imperial Film Academy.

Isn't Qin Xuetong reluctant to waste those two tickets?

Li Tianyu: "Of course there is no problem. It is my interest to accompany beautiful women."

Qin Xuetong: "Okay, I'll contact you again when the time comes, you will be busy first."

Li Tianyu returned a smile.

Li Tianyu wondered, it was mostly Qin Xiaoyue who "stalked" it.

Qin Xiaoyue yelled to go, but Qin Xuetong couldn't help it.

Of course, Qin Xuetong can also ask other friends to go with him, such as Qiu Kexin.

But Qiu Kexin doesn't know what the blind chicken is doing every day, and I am afraid he has no time.

Anyway, since Qin Xuetong called Li Tianyu, it means that Li Tianyu's position in her mind has reached a considerable height.

I don't know if this is joy or sorrow.

Of course, Li Tianyu is desperate for Qin Xuetong's super first-line star and the hottest first-class Xiaohuadan.

But Li Tianyu is also pretending to be lonely now. If he were to be a spare tire, it would be absolutely impossible.

Qin Xuetong’s personality is rather special, and she probably won’t have too many male friends...

Li Tianyu touched his chin, then shook his head, thinking about what he was thinking.

There is really no shortage of women around Li Tianyu now. For a rare rose like Qin Xuetong, don't think about it and put it aside for now.

When Li Tianyu thought of this, he continued to enjoy the rare coffee time.

At about six in the afternoon, Li Tianyu received a text message from Hu Qiaoqiao.

No. 5 private room on the third floor.

Li Tianyu was quite surprised, Hu Qiaoqiao actually arranged a private room.

The private rooms of Phoenix Hotel have the lowest consumption.

Li Tianyu shook his head. These little girls didn't know what they were thinking. Just as their parents paid her back the loan, they did something like this.

It is really pitiful for the parents of the world.

However, they wanted to invite Li Tianyu to dinner, and Li Tianyu couldn't say anything, so he could only go back and educate her.

And since Hu Qiaoqiao has booked a private room, it is estimated that Li Tianyu will not be invited alone.

I don’t know who else is.

Li Tianyu returned a message to Hu Qiaoqiao, and then looked at the phone.

Li Tianyu didn't intend to go there right away, anyway, it was still early, he was nearby again, just step on it.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Phoenix Hotel, Private Room No. 5 on the third floor.

At this time, there were already a few people in the private room, one of them was Hu Qiaoqiao who asked Li Tianyu over.

Hu Qiaoqiao and these people came together, and they just arrived.

There were four people who came here with Hu Qiaoqiao. Three of them were Hu Qiaoqiao's classmates, two women and one man.

The two women are Wang Xuejing and Gao Ni.

The male classmate's name is Liu Dacheng, who is a man with glasses and looks very gentle.

There is also a man who is Gao Ni's boyfriend named Guo Minghui.

At this time, a few people sat on the sofa in the private room and chatted.

Wang Xuejing: "Qiaoqiao, are you still paying off the money you owe?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Today is considered to be over, otherwise I would not invite this meal."

Gao Ni: "I said, what's the source of the person who helped you? Why did you lend so much money to your family for no reason?" Must-Read Room

Wang Xuejing: "Yes, tell us about it."

Hu Qiaoqiao: "He is a big money, and good people and people."

Wang Xuejing: "It's that simple?"

Gao Ni: "You honestly confess, is it a big money?"

Hu Qiaoqiao replied angrily: "Oh, what are you talking about? When did I have a big money."

Wang Xuejing: "I think you are in a rush to repay your debts to raise money, so you have to sell Shen. Sugar daddy is understandable."

Gao Ni: "Sugar daddy is also very popular now, as long as you don't follow an old man."

Wang Xuejing: "What is the old man? The most terrifying thing is the bald old man."

Hu Qiaoqiao said angrily: "Are you crazy? He is not an old man, he is young!"

Gao Ni: "Young? How young? Thirty or forty years old?"

Hu Qiao: "It looks like he is in his twenties and under thirty."

When everyone heard it, they became more curious.

Twenty-year-old young man?

Still a big money?

Guo Minghui laughed: "Could it be a rich second generation, right?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded in agreement.

A young man in his twenties can become a big money. It cannot be said that there is no, but it is absolutely rare.

What does a person who can randomly put out more than one million and lend to others to fill in the hole look like?What kind of person is it?

Everyone is quite curious.

Especially the two girls, they are still college students, and they are in a stage of being more curious about all types of men.

Even if she had a boyfriend, Gorny couldn't restrain her curiosity.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Ni’s boyfriend Guo Minghui is about 30 years old. He is a social man and has already worked. He is now in a management position in a technology company.

Guo Minghui heard about Hu Qiaoqiao from his girlfriend Gao Ni, and thought that the girl was finished.

It's not good to say, but it's hard to die without dying.

Nowadays, college students, especially female college students, also borrow personal online loans, usually without a good result.

Unexpectedly, a big money eventually saved her.

To be honest, Guo Minghui still doubts the authenticity of this incident, always feeling that it is impossible for anyone to lend so much money to Hu Qiaoqiao and his family.

The key interest is also too low.

At this moment, Wang Xuejing smiled and said, "Qiaoqiao, shouldn't that person be around you?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Okay, don't talk nonsense!"

Gao Ni: "Oh, more than one million, how many young and beautiful bodies can you buy? Is it necessary?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded.

At this time, Liu Dacheng changed the subject: "Qiao Qiao, is it suitable for you to find such an expensive place? You just paid off the loan, so save it."

Liu Dacheng was right to say so, but Hu Qiaoqiao didn't care.

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Don't worry, my dad is a member here. There is still some money in the membership card, and it can be discounted. It doesn't cost much. And I have already reported to my dad. He said that they have helped so much. , I should thank him."

Wang Xuejing glanced at Hu Qiaoqiao: "Your father can look away, and he is not afraid that he will abduct you."

Hu Qiaoqiao "cut": "He abducted me, then I have to be willing."

Gao Ni: "It looks like you are quite willing, but I can remind you that not all men are the same."

Although Hu Qiaoqiao praised the savior as a superb, handsome, young and rich man, Gao Ni still did not believe that there would be such a perfect man.

In fact, Gao Ni has always been very proud of her boyfriend Guo Minghui.

Guo Minghui works in a large-scale science and technology company in the imperial capital. Of course, his salary can't be lower. The monthly salary plus various subsidies can reach 50,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Although this salary level is not much top in the Imperial Capital, it is also far above the average.

And the most important point is that Guo Minghui has already bought a house in the Imperial Capital, and it is still full.

This is great.

The housing prices in the Imperial Capital are no longer affordable by ordinary working-class people.

Even if you can buy it, you will basically have to take a huge loan without accident, and you will repay an amount of 8,000 per month. That is already a common thing and seriously affects the quality of life.

Anyway, Gao Ni felt that Guo Minghui's conditions were difficult for ordinary people to meet.

Before, when Gao Ni heard Hu Qiaoqiao praise the savior, she felt dismissive, and always felt that there was an inside story in it, and what Hu Qiaoqiao said was unlikely to be the truth.

Say that person is a rich second generation?

But even if there are many rich second generations in the imperial capital, it is not something anyone can meet at any time, so why should Hu Qiaoqiao meet?

This is totally unreasonable.

At this time, Gao Ni asked: "Husband, is your friend here?"

Guo Minghui looked at his watch: "It should be coming soon. I'll call him in a moment."

Originally, Guo Minghui was going to meet a friend tonight, so there was no time to come here.

Hu Qiaoqiao had a big brain, and when he heard about it, he quickly asked Guo Minghui to invite his friends over to have a fun together.

Guo Minghui called the friend, but the other party did not object, anyway, it was nothing more than eating a meal and sitting down to chat.

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