Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 520 This is the demeanor of the king!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!A few were talking, and there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

Hu Qiaoqiao thought that Li Tianyu was here, so he went to open the door immediately.

Unexpectedly, he guessed wrong, it was not Li Tianyu standing outside, but a strange man.

Hu Qiaoqiao immediately reacted, this should be Guo Minghui's friend.

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Please come in."

The man said "Sorry" and walked in.

Guo Minghui came over and gave the man to his seat.

That's right, this person is Guo Minghui's friend.

Guo Minghui: "Comrade Juntao, you finally came, I thought you had an accident on the road."

Guo Minghui's friend is Qi Juntao.

Yes, if Li Tianyu comes over, he will definitely be recognized.

The younger brother of Li Tianyu's high school classmate Qi Wei is Qi Juntao.

Qi Juntao is currently working in an interior design company in the Imperial Capital, and now he looks like a dog.

Of course, this is also thanks to Li Tianyu's great help when Qi Juntao was on a business trip to Modu, which made Qi Juntao show his face in front of his colleagues.

After Qi Juntao returned to the imperial capital, he was promoted soon, and he managed a team, no matter how big or small he was an official.

As for why Qi Juntao and Guo Minghui met, it is also very simple.

In fact, Guo Minghui’s office was re-arranged and decorated some time ago. It was Qi Juntao’s company who was looking for it, and Qi Juntao’s team was responsible for the design.

This is considered a cooperative relationship between the two of them. They are familiar with each other once and then, and soon become iron buddies.

No, I made an appointment some time ago to have a meal and two glasses together to talk about the troubles of work.

Now because of Hu Qiaoqiao, it has become a gathering of so many people.

In fact, Qi Juntao doesn't dislike this kind of occasion.

His character itself is more outgoing, and the nature of his job requires constant search for new clients.

Maybe it will find a new partner in which dinner.

Of course, Qi Juntao would have never imagined that this time he would run into the "savior" Li Tianyu.

After Qi Juntao sat down, Guo Minghui introduced everyone.

When I heard that Qi Juntao had become a leader at a young age, the college students were very envious and admired.

Speaking of, Qi Juntao is also a high-quality man resource.

After all, Qi Juntao has done a good job in his career, and he is handsome and handsome.

Gao Ni pushed her boyfriend Guo Minghui with her arm: "Hey, introduce to the sisters."

Guo Minghui was startled: "Didn't the introduction just now be finished?"

Gao Ni gave Guo Minghui a white look, as if to blame him for his poor understanding.

Guo Minghui also reacted immediately, hehe smiled: "The introduction is useless, Qi Juntao has already had a girlfriend, and he is about to get married."

Qi Juntao smiled embarrassedly.

These college students are pretty pretty. Which guy doesn't care about it?

It's a pity that there is a tiger at home, so I can't come out and mess around.

Everyone let Qi Juntao go.

At this time, the topic returned to Hu Qiaoqiao's side.

Wang Xuejing: "Qiaoqiao, it's already seven o'clock, can my life-saving creditor come?"

Hu Qiaoqiao also looked at the time: "How can it be seven o'clock, isn't it five or six minutes away."

Gao Ni: "Will he stop coming?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Impossible, he will definitely come."

Hu Qiaoqiao felt a little guilty when he said these words.

If Li Tianyu didn't come, it would be really shameful.

But think about it carefully, Li Tianyu should come, after all, he promised Hu Qiaoqiao before.

And at six o'clock, Hu Qiaoqiao also sent a text message to Li Tianyu specially to confirm the meeting place.

Li Tianyu also replied, it means that there is no special situation, it will definitely come.

Besides, big bosses like Li Tianyu, rich people, wouldn't they be so lacklustre?

At this time, Qi Juntao was confused by these people.

Qi Juntao: "Saving creditor? What do you mean?"

Wang Xuejing replied: "That person lent a large sum of money to Hu Qiaoqiao's 1.5 million yuan!"

Qi Juntao was taken aback: "One and a half million? Soft sister coins?"

Anyway, it was all right, so Guo Minghui was responsible for explaining it from beginning to end.

Guo Minghui and Gao Ni are a boyfriend and girlfriend, and Gao Ni has shaken off Hu Qiaoqiao's affairs to him.

Even if Guo Minghui didn't know much about it, Gao Ni and Wang Xuejing rushed to add it.

Hu Qiaoqiao was a little speechless.

It's really good not to go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles.

But Hu Qiaoqiao didn't blame Gao Ni and Wang Xuejing.

May I ask, which girl does not gossip?

And when Hu Qiaoqiao was at the worst, Wang Xuejing and Gao Ni's two close friends comforted her and persuaded her, especially Wang Xuejing, to call the family to ask for money to lend to Hu Qiaoqiao.

Although I didn't borrow much in the end, Hu Qiaoqiao was still very grateful.

After Qi Juntao listened, he was a little dumbfounded.

Hu Qiaoqiao borrowed loan sharks, which most people think is a dead end.

Fortunately, Hu Qiaoqiao's parents are also solid.

Hu Qiaoqiao was wise not to be tempted by those lenders again and told her parents.

But Qi Juntao also found it incredible that someone would lend Hu Qiaoqiao's 1.5 million yuan at a low interest rate like a deposit.

However, Hu Qiaoqiao later explained that the kind and rich man was the landlord of her parents.

Qi Juntao had so little understanding now.

However, even so, the low interest rate is quite surprising.

If Qi Juntao knew that Li Tianyu was the big money maker, he would not be so surprised.

After all, Li Tianyu is a very magical existence in Qi Juntao's heart.

At this time, Guo Minghui said: "I think that person might be late."

Wang Xuejing: "A big man is great in style. If he is not late, he can't show his noble status."

After hearing this, Gao Ni couldn't help but curl his lips: "We don't know that big people or small people, so unpunctual is too disappointing."

Hu Qiaoqiao quickly defended: "It's not yet time, why don't people be punctual?"

Gao Ni: "Look at the time, there are only two minutes left. Do you think he stepped on the spot so well?"

Hu Qiaoqiao was at a loss for words, speechless.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone didn't react for a while.

The people outside knocked twice.Ai Wei Novel

Hu Qiaoqiao hurried to open the door.

After seeing the face outside, Hu Qiaoqiao was happy.

Li Tianyu really came.

Hu Qiaoqiao: "You, you are here."

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Yes, why don't you let me in?"

Hu Qiaoqiao said "Ah" and quickly moved aside the door to let Li Tianyu walk in.

This private room is similar in size and layout to the one ordered by Shi Feng, and it feels quite unique.

Li Tianyu: "Student Xiao Hu, I'm going to talk about you, is it appropriate for you to book such a good place with such a high cost?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "It didn't cost much. My dad is a gold member here. There is a lot of money on the membership card."

Hu Qiaoqiao's father, Hu Yuqiang, was a business man. He often invited some guests to dinner. He couldn't get a deal in bad places, so he often chose the Phoenix Hotel.

Once there, he became a member of Phoenix Hotel.

Phoenix Hotel sometimes engages in activities, such as those activities where you send as much money as you spend, and you get a lot of stored value for nothing.

So Hu Qiaoqiao does not need to spend too much money.

Li Tianyu saw more people in the private room than he thought.

And they are basically Hu Qiaoqiao's peers.

They all looked at Li Tianyu himself curiously.

Wang Xuejing whispered: "Wow, he really is a handsome guy, Gao Ni, it seems that Qiao Qiao is really a diamond-level big money."

Gao Ni: "Don't be a nymphomaniac. You shouldn't be masculine. People are separated by their belly. Who knows what kind of person he is?"

Wang Xuejing "cut" and said, "I think it's good, what do you think, Dacheng?"

Liu Dacheng didn't talk much, he was a taciturn type. He shook his head and said he didn't know.

As for Guo Minghui, he was a little surprised.

After working for so many years, Guo Minghui saw people and summed up some experience, but the first time he saw Li Tianyu, he felt that this person was a bit unfathomable and incomprehensible.

Guo Minghui: "Juntao, what do you think of this person?"

Qi Juntao did not respond.

Guo Minghui was a little strange, turned his head and looked over, only to see Qi Juntao's eyes wide open, staring at the scene.

He stared at Li Tianyu unblinkingly, as if he had seen a remarkable person.

Guo Minghui felt strange in his heart and asked in a low voice, "Juntao, what's the matter? You don't know him?"

At this moment, Qi Juntao came back to his senses and responded, "That, that is Brother Tianyu."

Guo Minghui didn't understand for a while: "Huh? Brother Tianyu? What do you mean? He is your brother?"

At this time, Li Tianyu also saw Qi Juntao clearly.

Li Tianyu's reaction was quicker. He was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and walked over: "Yeah, this is not Brother Juntao!"

Qi Juntao also hurried over, shook hands with Li Tianyu, and patted his shoulder.

The others were stunned.

Seeing how close Li Tianyu and Qi Juntao are, they are obviously very familiar old friends.

No, at this time Qi Juntao looked like a junior in front of Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "This world is quite small. I didn't expect to see you here, Juntao."

Qi Juntao also opened his eyes and smiled: "That's right, unexpected joy."

Qi Juntao briefly explained to Li Tianyu, and Li Tianyu understood.

At this time, Qi Juntao quickly introduced Guo Minghui: "Minghui, this is my brother Tianyu, my brother's high school classmate."

Guo Minghui said "Oh", thinking that it was just this relationship, and he thought it was something extraordinary.

Qi Juntao explained: "Big Brother Tianyu is amazing now. He is an executive of Aihua Real Estate Group. The relationship with Ai Baoquan Ai is very good."

As soon as this statement came out, Guo Minghui's mouth opened wide and his eyes widened.

Executives of Aihua Real Estate!?

Ai Baoquan!?

real or fake!?

Although the others are college students, big celebrities like Ai Baoquan, real estate, of course have also heard of it.

Wang Xuejing beamed her eyes, took Hu Qiaoqiao's hand, and whispered: "Executives of Aihua Real Estate, can't you make it? If you don't, can I make it?"

Hu Qiaoqiao glanced at Wang Xuejing, which meant "I can get on, but it's your turn"?

At this time, Hu Qiaoqiao arranged for people to go to the dinner table.

I don't know if Hu Qiaoqiao deliberately arranged it, but Li Tianyu happened to sit on the main seat.

No one thought there was any objection.

After all, this meal itself was organized by Hu Qiaoqiao for life-saving creditor Li Tianyu.

Other people are indeed "accompanying guests."

However, the biggest reason was that Qi Juntao's words suppressed everyone.

Aihua Real Estate Group itself has its own halo.

Li Tianyu is actually an executive, and this halo is even more dazzling.

Moreover, Li Tianyu also claimed to have a good relationship with Aihua Real Estate Group President Ai Baoquan, which is equivalent to adding a halo to the halo.

Guo Minghui couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Juntao, is what you said is true? Is he really an executive of Aihua Real Estate?"

Qi Juntao: "It can't be faked, I saw him and Ai always talking and laughing in Modu."

Guo Minghui: "Mr. Ai, is it Ai Baoquan?"

Qi Juntao: "Of course it was him. Don't you know how big the style of Brother Tianyu was at that time? I also entered the top real estate auction venue in the magic city because of Brother Tianyu. It was an eye-opener."

Qi Juntao: "By the way, Brother Tianyu didn't go there to join in the fun. He also took pictures of the office building of the Magic City Center Building, which is very high, with more than 100 floors."

Qi Juntao: "Also, do you know the house I just bought?"

Guo Minghui: "You know, you just spent so much money on that set?"

Qi Juntao: "Yes, it was Brother Tianyu who helped me get it done. It was done by Mr. Ai directly, and it was done in a few words. It was very happy."

Guo Minghui was speechless after hearing this.

Originally, Guo Minghui also doubted the authenticity of Li Tianyu's loan of more than one million yuan to Hu Qiaoqiao's family.

Now when I heard Qi Juntao's description, let alone more than 1 million, even if it was more than 10 million soft sister coins, Li Tianyu should be able to easily take it out.

Li Tianyu is not only not a fake diamond, but also a king, a super king.

Guo Minghui really envied Qi Juntao.

Qi Juntao has such a big Buddha to lean on, so it will be convenient to do anything in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just buying a house is so big, and the money saved may have one or two million soft sister coins.

Of course, Qi Juntao also felt that Li Tianyu was full of great mystery in his heart.

Li Tianyu is Qi Wei's high school classmate and best friend. Qi Junwei often sees Li Tianyu.

In the past, Li Tianyu was ordinary and unremarkable, and he could even be said to be a middle-to-lower man.

But looking at it now, Li Tianyu can be said to have undergone a radical change. Compared with the past, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as two people.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect. When Qi Juntao saw Li Tianyu again this time, he felt that his aura was stronger than last time.

Wang Xuejing and Gao Ni looked at Li Tianyu carefully.

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