Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 531 A Date With Qin Xuetong

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This is actually quite dangerous.

If it is not handled properly, it may cause serious consequences, such as loss of business license.

Unless Li Tianyu can get the license file, or get the equipment that will not cause technical infringement.

Li Tianyu just thought about it, bragging about the tax system should be possible.

Li Tianyu decided to talk to Liang Wenfeng again these two days.

Although Liang Wenfeng is only a chip technology researcher, since he is a person in the circle, he should know a lot about manufacturing.

Even if Liang Wenfeng doesn't know much, he should be able to help Li Tianyu introduce some manufacturing experts.

After all, chip development and manufacturing have always been inseparable.

After a while, Li Tianyu suddenly thought of a perfect solution.

He does not need to find any chip manufacturing or R&D experts, he can turn to the system for help, and turn himself into a chip manufacturing expert.

Although Li Tianyu is reluctant to do this now, he even thinks this is the next choice.

After all, there are some strange things in your mind, it will feel a little cumbersome, and it will not become how smart or how to pull the wind.

And Li Tianyu is a little worried that the ability that the system can give is limited.

After all, a person’s brain capacity is limited, unless the bragging tax system can simultaneously transform his brain and greatly increase his brain capacity.

Of course, maybe Li Tianyu really thinks too much.

In any case, Li Tianyu still intends to ask Liang Wenfeng first, there is really no way, then turn into a chip manufacturing expert to do things.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu temporarily put these things aside, and started watching some news and new media videos on his mobile phone.

After a while, Li Tianyu became drowsy.

Suddenly, there was a sound of music, and Li Tianyu, who had been lying down, sat up abruptly.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was actually Qin Xuetong calling.

This is rather strange.

Although they both added phone numbers to each other, they barely made the phone call. The only one or two times seemed to have been made by Li Tianyu.

Qin Xuetong contacted Li Tianyu, usually through WeChat.

Therefore, Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button, he really wanted to hear Qin Xuetong's voice.

Li Tianyu: "Big star, are you afraid that something will happen if you call me now?"

Qin Xuetong seemed stunned over there, "What will happen?"

Li Tianyu: "I heard that the paparazzi would secretly install a bug in the room of a big star like you."

Qin Xuetong: "If the paparazzi can enter my room, why not arrange a camera?"

Li Tianyu was speechless for a while.

The girl Qin Xuetong is not so cold on the surface, but actually belongs to the rather boring SAO type.

Sometimes he also reveals himself and presumptuously joking with Li Tianyu.

Qin Xuetong: "Li Tianyu, are you still there?"

Li Tianyu immediately came back to his senses: "Yes, I'm here, I went to the toilet just now, beautiful lady, tell me, what can I do today?"

Qin Xuetong: "That's it. There is no change in the itinerary to Happy Valley tomorrow?"

Li Tianyu was startled.


By the way, tomorrow is Tuesday.

Li Tianyu did promise to go to Happy Valley with Qin Xuetong, and of course Qin Xiaoyue who dragged the oil bottle.

Li Tianyu: "No problem, of course no problem. Are we going to determine the time to meet?"

Qin Xuetong: "There is also a meeting place."

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Okay, everything depends on you. Whatever you say, let's do it. The beauty is the biggest."

Qin Xuetong: "Li Tianyu, when did you talk so well?"

Li Tianyu: "Am I not good at talking before?"

Qin Xuetong: "I think you can't talk very much."

Li Tianyu laughed.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu would give Qin Xuetong such an impression. It may be that he was a little colder towards Qin Xuetong before.

After all, ordinary men, especially young men, can't even say the whole thing in front of Qin Xuetong, and there is no problem even letting him lick Qin Xuetong's toes.

After all, Qin Xuetong is a top-tier actress in China. Whether it is popularity and recognition, or Qin Xuetong's own charm, she is definitely quite powerful.

If you don't talk about others, you should talk to Qin Xuetong in a soft and gentle manner, together with the traffic zodiac who is a first-line star.

But Li Tianyu is different. His previous performance seemed to have not caught a cold with Qin Xuetong, at least it can be described as a true expression.

In addition, Li Tianyu didn't even chase Qin Xuetong to ask for an autograph, or take a video or take a group photo like others.

It may also be because of Li Tian's very "abnormal" performance facing Qin Xuetong that Qin Xuetong was deeply impressed with Li Tianyu, and even a little curious.

Of course, Li Tianyu himself is also a very capable person, at least after being reformed by the bragging tax system.

Not only Qin Xuetong, but many other girls also have a good impression of Li Tianyu, which is also a manifestation of personal charm.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, then I will try my best to speak to you well in the future."

Qin Xuetong said "Um", "Tomorrow, my car will be limited. Could you please pick me up and Xiaoyue?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, what time? Where can I pick you up?"

Qin Xuetong: "Xiaowang Road, Starbucks on the first floor of Starlight World, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, can you?"

Li Tianyu: "Xiaowang Road, so close to me?"

Qin Xuetong: "Well, it's pretty close."

Li Tianyu really didn't know that Qin Xuetong's home was on Xiaowang Road.

However, Qin Xuetong is regarded as the legendary "family family", and it is reasonable to live on Xiaowang Road.

After all, the formerly prestigious air force compound and naval compound are also there.

Li Tianyu confirmed some details with Qin Xuetong, said goodnight to each other, and hung up the phone.

To be honest, Li Tianyu felt that talking to Qin Xuetong for a while, it felt pretty good.

Although Qin Xuetong looks cold, but after a long time together, she feels very casual. Even if Qin Xuetong doesn't speak, she doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

Qin Xuetong is indeed not an ordinary actress. When she speaks, her voice is not only clear and nice, but also not rushed, but also very rhythmic.

There is a sentence how to say it, some people talk like singing, listening to it is enjoyment.Fubooks

When Li Tianyu communicated with Qin Xuetong, he did have this feeling.

Of course, it was not to the point where he would go to worship.

Li Tianyu is no longer the former poor office worker, dead otaku, or stinky silk, now he also belongs to the category of successful people.

In terms of self-confidence and personal aura, it is no worse than those bright stars.

Having said that, Li Tianyu once again felt that his schedule was too tight. Almost every day, people invited him to meet, eat, drink, go shopping, or deal with other trivial matters.

Of course, dating the big star Qin Xuetong really isn't a hard work, this is what many men dream of.

It’s a good idea to relax and adjust your mind.

Li Tianyu looked at his mobile phone for a while, and then went to sleep in the bedroom. Tomorrow he is going to make a fuss in Happy Valley, so he has to cultivate his energy.

The next day, Li Tianyu got up a bit late, and it was already eight when he woke up.

He hurriedly got up to wash, and squeezed his hair a little bit, then put on his clothes and went out.

Today, because he was going to the playground to play, Li Tianyu didn't wear too formal clothes. He just wore a looser sportswear and drove on the road.

Starlight World is on Xiaowang Road, even within the scope of the International Trade Area.

This mall is really close to Yunmeng Zhizun. After leaving the underground parking lot of the building, Li Tianyu only stepped on the gas pedal.

Li Tianyu parked the Porsche Cayenne in the underground parking lot of Starlight World, and then took the escalator on the first floor up to the first floor.

Li Tianyu had been to Starlight World before, and soon found the Starbucks.

This Starbucks is not very big, but the decoration is very elegant, more gorgeous than the average Starbucks.

This may be the treasure of the Starlight World.

Xingguang Tiandi is one of the most famous luxury shopping malls in the Imperial Capital. There are many big names and everything.

The consumption inside should be described as "expensive", which is not enough.

The average working class dare not enter the world of stars at all. After all, they are all top luxury goods. They are greedy and frightened.

Qin Xuetong is an eldest lady with good family conditions, and coming to this place couldn't be more normal.

Of course, even if Qin Xuetong does not rely on his family, just filming, being a star, and earning money from endorsement, is a proper super rich woman.

Only then did Li Tianyu realize that he was actually out early.

Going out at eight ten ten, it only took five minutes to reach the point agreed with Qin Xuetong.

Of course Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue did not appear.

Women, if you want to go out, you will be more powerful.

What's more, Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue are two beauties, one big and one small, all kinds of high-end makeup, skin care, and sunscreen products are applied to the face and skin, and they can't handle it for half an hour.

Of course, Li Tianyu is not in a hurry. He is not going to work, but to play. He also has to relax and take a leisurely mind.

Li Tianyu went to the front desk and ordered a vanilla latte casually, and then found a place by the window to sit down, sometimes admiring the street view outside, and sometimes reading the news on his mobile phone.

At this time, Li Tianyu thought of a business matter.

Haven't consulted Liang Wenfeng about the production line of chip manufacturing yet.

Therefore, Li Tianyu took advantage of this gap to call Liang Wenfeng.

The phone rang for a long time before Liang Wenfeng answered it, obviously at work.

Li Tianyu didn't have too much greetings either. To make a long story short, it explained the purpose of calling Liang Wenfeng.

Liang Wenfeng was taken aback: "Are you really doing chip manufacturing?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "I made a bet with Mr. Xia, can this be fake? Why? Do you still think I can't do it?"

Liang Wenfeng sighed: "What you can't do well, you have to touch chip manufacturing. This is not an ordinary industry. The world is big enough, right? Those who can handle chip production can be counted with one slap, and the top So two or three."

In fact, Liang Wenfeng was right.

There are only two companies that can produce chips with processes below 14 nanometers, namely TSMC and Samsung Electronics.

Of course, TSMC is the out-and-out king of chip manufacturing. Even if it is as strong as Samsung, there is a big gap between TSMC.

Therefore, there is actually only one top chip manufacturing company.

The world's chip manufacturing market is so big that just one or two have become top-notch. Just think about it and know how high the threshold of chip manufacturing is.

Needless to say, domestic companies want to touch chip manufacturing. First of all, manufacturing equipment can't solve it. Even if they can solve the problem of equipment, they face almost insurmountable obstacles such as technology patent infringement.

Will Li Tianyu be intimidated by such a threshold?

Of course it is impossible. He has enough confidence to solve these problems that no one else can solve.

Although Li Tianyu is not 100% sure that the problem can be solved now, there is always 70 to 80%.

However, Liang Wenfeng persuaded Li Tianyu to change his mind, which was actually kind.

After all, a business like chip manufacturing is a bottomless pit that may lose your life.

Li Tianyu: "Don't worry, my brain is not hot, I know what I am doing."

Liang Wenfeng just pondered this and said: "I know very little about chip manufacturing, but I can ask a friend to ask, if possible, let him help you organize a list of equipment for the production line. ."

Li Tianyu: "Thank you very much, Wen Feng, you told him that if you want a list of the most technologically advanced equipment in the world, it doesn't matter if you can't buy it in China according to common sense."

Liang Wenfeng: "Okay, I will convey it all."

Li Tianyu chatted with Liang Wenfeng again, so he didn't disturb his work and hung up the phone.

As long as the equipment list is available, the chip manufacturing production line should be set up soon.

As long as the equipment is arranged, as for the debugging work, there is no need to do it now.

Li Tianyu only needs to prove to Xia Lei that he can not only build a production line for chip manufacturing, but also the most advanced production line.

I believe Xia Lei will be surprised by that time.

Li Tianyu also thinks that Xia Lei can handle the chip technology research and development team.

After all, Xia Lei is considered a big man, he has an identity, and it is impossible to accept other people's things casually. As long as he accepts it, he should be certain.

As long as the chip technology research and development team is in place, the work of chip manufacturing can begin immediately.

HUAWEI's large number of chip orders will soon be swept.

Li Tianyu seemed to smell a strong copper smell now.

Of course, making money is only one aspect of it. In the bottom of his heart, Li Tianyu really does not want to see HUAWEI in such a predicament.

Just then, Starbucks' door opened.

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked around, and did not see Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue, but two men.

The two men were very bullish, sitting swaggeringly not far from Li Tianyu.

What surprised Li Tianyu was that he still knew one of them.

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