Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 532 I have friendship with Qin Xuetong

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This person, Li Tianyu, hadn't seen him for a long time, but the impression was still quite deep, so he recognized it at a glance.

However, it's one thing to recognize this person, but it's another thing to remember the name.

Li Tianyu thought for a long time and finally remembered.

That person's name was Liu Guangshu, just like Qi Wei, a high school classmate of Li Tianyu.

Moreover, Li Tianyu's relationship with Liu Guangshu was not bad, not up to the level that Qi Wei is a good friend, but it's not bad.

I remember at that time I often went to Internet cafes to play games, yelling and killing me.

Of course, after graduating from high school, everyone basically went their own way.

Like Li Tianyu, Liu Guangshu was admitted to the Imperial Capital.

The difference is that the university Liu Guangshu attended is a key university in China, which is as different as Li Tianyu's two books.

Li Tianyu contacts Qi Wei more frequently and maintains a good friendship.

However, Li Tianyu and Liu Guangshu only met a few times when they were in college, and after a few meals, they gradually lost contact with each other.

After graduation, Li Tianyu basically had no contact with Liu Guangshu. Of course, he occasionally liked each other in the circle of friends, that's it.

In the past two years, there has hardly been a like.

Li Tianyu occasionally heard about Liu Guangshu from other classmates, and heard that he is doing well now, and all he gets is an annual salary.

But this has little to do with Li Tianyu.

Anyway, Li Tianyu and Liu Guangshu, according to a more literary statement, have become two disjoint parallel lines.

This is also normal, after all, some people are destined to be the passers-by in life.

Li Tianyu never expected that after many years, he would meet Liu Guangshu again in this starlight world.

Li Tianyu hesitated to say hello to Liu Guangshu.

In this case, it is not to say hello, nor is it not to say hello. It is really embarrassing.

But Li Tianyu didn't feel embarrassed for long. Liu Guangshu also saw Li Tianyu.

Liu Guangshu was obviously startled, and then he looked at Li Tianyu carefully before he smiled and beckoned: "Li Tianyu, is that you?"

Li Tianyu raised his head and said in surprise, "Yo, Liu Guangshu."

So, the two stood up at the same place, stretched out their hands and shook them.

Liu Guangshu took Li Tianyu and sat in their place.

Li Tianyu didn't refuse, anyway, it's still early, and Qin Xuetong still needs to wash her face and make up or something. She shouldn't come here early. It would be nice to be able to step on it and be late.

On the other hand, it is not a bad thing for Li Tianyu to see his old classmates here and talk to him again.

The man with Liu Guangshu is a little older, in his thirties.

Looking at his face, he looked like he was bitter and enmity, anyway, it was a look of arrogance, and his eyes were full of disdain for others.

Having said that, Liu Guangshu's temperament has also undergone a lot of changes, the social atmosphere is quite strong, and his speech is quite sophisticated.

This is also normal. After all, everyone has been in the society for many years after graduation. They have experienced everything that should be experienced and accepted the baptism that should be accepted.

In addition, Liu Guangshu's clothes and accessories seem to reflect that he is now a successful figure.

At least the shirt and trousers he wears are all top brands. It is conservatively estimated that it will cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan to get it.

Compared with Liu Guangshu, the man who came with Liu Guangshu had only higher equipment than Liu Guangshu, and his attitude was stronger than Liu Guangshu.

This shows that Liu Guangshu's status is not as high as this person.

Liu Guangshu immediately began to introduce it.

The man who came with him was named Wu Qingxian, who heard his name as a werewolf.

Liu Guangshu: "Wu is always an executive of our company, and he is also the son of the chairman. He has a bright future."

Li Tianyu was stunned and looked at Wu Qingxian. Wu Qingxian became more and more defiant.

Li Tianyu: "Your company? Where are you now?"

Liu Guangshu showed a surprised look: "I'm in Zhongning Film and Television Group, don't you know?"

Li Tianyu secretly scolded a "fuck", your kid never said, where did he know to go!?

Is it possible that people all over the world are asking where you work?

The words come back again.

Zhongning Film and Television Group is indeed a well-known large-scale film and television group company.

Even if Li Tianyu has not studied this company, he knows that its strength can be regarded as the top in the country.

Because many movies and TV series are produced by this company.

On the Internet, the exposure of Zhongning Film and Television is also quite large. From time to time, I see a big star signing a contract with Zhongning Film and Television, and which star is awkward, hiding in the snow because of what happened, or which star He was sued by Zhongning Film and Television for what he did.

Anyway, there is a lot of gossip about Zhongning Film and Television Group, but the quality of the film and television works and TV series produced is mediocre. They are mainly idol dramas, and some are popular, but they are not too popular, but they are popular. Fresh meat and actress.

It turns out that Wu Qingxian is the son of the chairman of Zhongning Film and Television Group, no wonder he is so crazy.

He is crazy, let him be crazy, what does Li Tianyu do?

Li Tianyu didn't respond to Wu Qingxian either, and smiled to Liu Guangshu: "I didn't expect you to be in the film and television industry. Have you played a role and become a big star?"

Li Tianyu is also joking.

Liu Guangshu works in the Zhongning Film and Television Group. It is impossible to be an actor. He should belong to the operation category.

Liu Guangshu waved his hand: "I think, this is not fighting with Mr. Wu."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Hey, can you still fight for something like an actor?"

Liu Guangshu laughed: "As long as Mr. Wu is willing, even a pig can be popular!"

Wu Qingxian took a sip of coffee and said flatly: "Don't be so explicit."

Liu Guangshu closed his mouth immediately.

It is indeed the prince of Zhongning Film and Television Group.

Li Tianyu was not afraid of this kid, and said with a smile, "Put the pig red? That is the roast suckling pig!"

I have to say that Li Tianyu's jokes are really cold.

Liu Guangshu could only laugh twice.

Liu Guangshu immediately changed the subject: "By the way, Tianyu, what have you been up to lately? I heard that you resigned some time ago. Now you are not a vagrant, right?"

Li Tianyu murmured in his heart, it's really good not to go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

Liu Guangshu hasn't appeared in the classmates for many years. Where did you know about his resignation of Li Tianyu?

Seeing Li Tianyu not speaking, Liu Guangshu seemed to have misunderstood, and he said: "The economic situation is not good now, and the job is very difficult to find, but it is not to be found."

Having said that, Liu Guangshu glanced at Wu Qingxian again, and stopped talking.

Liu Guangshu's performance surprised Li Tianyu. Seeing him like this, do you want to help him find a job for Li Tianyu Zhongning Film and Television?

It's just that Wu Qingxian's expression is not right, which stops the conversation.

It seems that after so many years, in Liu Guangshu's heart, there is still a friendship between classmates.

In fact, Liu Guangshu did a good job at the headquarters of Zhongning Film and Television Group. He is now the deputy of middle management...

As long as Liu Guangshu works harder, he may be able to mix into middle management in the past year or two.

And Liu Guangshu is really working hard, no, he is trying his best to court Wu Qingxian.

Wu Qingxian is an executive of Zhongning Film and Television Group, and his power is relatively large.

As long as the prince of the group can be cheered up, other things are easy to say.

Liu Guangshu did want to help "unemployed people" like Li Tianyu find jobs, but he also scored time.

At least it can't arouse Wu Qingxian's disgust.

Li Tianyu also had no intention of letting people find a job for him, because he didn't need it at all. He waved his hand: "I don't plan to go to work now, I'm starting my own business."

Liu Guangshu raised his eyebrows: "Entrepreneurship? In this economic environment, entrepreneurship is not a good way out."

Wu Qingxian let out a slight sneer.

Although Wu Qingxian didn't speak, he could see disdain and arrogance from his expression.

For Li Tianyu's so-called entrepreneurship, he even sneered at it.

From beginning to end, Wu Qingxian didn't say a word to Li Tianyu, probably he didn't think it necessary to bother with Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "It's okay, since I choose to start a business, then I am not afraid of losing money."

Li Tianyu is really not afraid of losing money, because he cannot lose money.

If the bulls that have been blown can be achieved, and the money is lost, it means that Li Tianyu has a problem with IQ.

When Liu Guangshu heard it, he smiled and said, "Look at you like this, it seems that there is a mine at home."

Li Tianyu smiled and shook his head: "Is there a mine in my house, don't you know?"

Suddenly, Liu Guangshu thought of something. He put the coffee cup in his hand on the coffee table and said, "By the way, when it comes to your house, last time I stayed in Yanyun for a few days, I heard something, yes About your home."

Li Tianyu was startled: "About my family? What's the matter?"

Liu Guangshu thought for a while and replied: "I heard that when you returned to Yanyun City last time, you brought back a woman."

Li Tianyu was startled again, and suddenly thought of something.

Is it possible...

Liu Guangshu: "That woman looks exactly like the star Qin Xuetong."

As soon as Liu Guangshu said this, it attracted Wu Qingxian's attention.

Wu Qingxian was originally there with her head up and pretending to criticize, but now she immediately turned her head and asked aloud, "Qin Xuetong, who looks like her?"

No wonder Wu Qingxian finds it so strange.

Qin Xuetong's appearance is a big beauty among beauties and a female star among actresses.

If it looks like a seven-pointer, it means that it is a big beauty, not to mention the unique and cold temperament.

In addition, Wu Qingxian is an executive of Zhongning Film and Television Group. Hearing Qin Xuetong's name, he will have some different reactions, which is normal.

Liu Guangshu smiled and said: "Yes, I also listened to others. When my classmate went back to visit relatives in his hometown last time, he brought back a woman who looked exactly like Qin Xuetong."

Wu Qingxian chuckled, "It's exactly the same? Can you say this as well? It's probably the hairstyle."

Liu Guangshu: "That's right. Although we are beautiful in China, it is not easy to find someone who looks like Qin Xuetong. It is estimated that the person is exaggerating."

With that said, Liu Guangshu turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "By the way, who is that girl? Isn't it your girlfriend?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Guangshu, you say first, who told you this?"

Liu Guangshu smiled: "This is a secret, anyway, it can be regarded as a reliable information channel."

Liu Guangshu refused to say, and Li Tianyu had no interest in knowing, anyway, it was just the aunts and aunts in those communities.

What if Li Tianyu told Liu Guangshu that that person was Qin Xuetong?

Will something go wrong?

Li Tianyu immediately thought, what could be the problem?There was no close photo or video of the two being captured.

Li Tianyu said, "That's Qin Xuetong."

Liu Guangshu: "Just...yes..."

Li Tianyu only said a very simple sentence, but Liu Guangshu and Wu Qingxian didn't react for a while.

When they wanted to understand what Li Tianyu meant, they all froze for a few seconds.

These few seconds seem to be quite long.

It was Wu Qingxian who reacted first, and he shouted in surprise: "Wh, what!? Are you crazy!?"

Wu Qingxian's voice is louder, but fortunately, there are fewer customers in the Starbucks coffee shop in the morning, so only one or two shop assistants are disturbed.

Liu Guangshu, who was sitting next to him, was also taken aback. He immediately said, "Tian, ​​Tianyu, don't talk nonsense, how can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

Then, Liu Guangshu turned his head and said to Wu Qingxian, "Mr. Wu, don't get excited. My classmate likes to make jokes and is not malicious."

Wu Qingxian: "Are you kidding? What a joke? It's ridiculous!"

Li Tianyu picked up the coffee cup and took another sip, and said faintly, "I'm not kidding, it is indeed Qin Xuetong."

Wu Qingxian sneered at the corner of Wu Qingxian's mouth: "Then you are telling me, why did Qin Xuetong ran to your backcountry place?"

This person named Wu Qingxian is really annoying. Although Yanyun City is not a strong economic city, it is only a small city of the third and fourth tiers, but it can not be said to be a remote country, right?

Li Tianyu is ambitious too!

What do you do if you encounter such a thing?

Of course it was him!

Li Tianyu: "Qin Xuetong has a good friendship with me, and she went home with me for two days to play, and it was no big deal."

When Wu Qingxian heard this, his eyes were staring down, and he turned to Liu Guangshu and said, "Your classmate is too unreliable, right? Why are you running the train with your mouth full!?"

Liu Guangshu smiled bitterly.

He really thought Li Tianyu was bragging again.

In fact, when he was in high school, Li Tianyu was not an honest person, and he could blow a paragraph to anyone, no matter if the boast was appropriate or not suitable for the current occasion.

Liu Guangshu originally thought that Li Tianyu had been in the society for so long and that he should have matured a lot, but he did not expect it to be the same.

And because of Li Tianyu's relationship, Wu Qingxian seems to have an opinion on Liu Guangshu, which is really not a good phenomenon.

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