You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu had no words, and he didn't even look at Wu Qingxian.

But Qin Xuetong said, "No, go ahead."

Wu Qingxian didn't give up and wanted to say something, but Tang Dongqing stopped him.

Tang Dongqing said to Qin Xuetong: "Well, you guys have a good time, we won't bother you, goodbye."

Qin Xuetong: "Goodbye."

Tang Dongqing waved his hands while pulling Wu Qingxian away.

Wu Qingxian was a little unhappy, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was boring to stay there.

Wu Qingxian looked at Qin Xuetong over there, she was talking quietly to Li Tianyu.

Although Qin Xuetong's expression was very indifferent, she didn't know if it was a psychological effect, and she felt as stiff as when she saw her before.

Wu Qingxian calmed down, and finally realized that Li Tianyu was extraordinary.

Wu Qingxian turned to Liu Guangshu and said, "You said he was your classmate?"

Liu Guangshu was startled, and immediately responded: "Yes, Li Tianyu is my high school classmate."

Wu Qingxian pointed at Li Tianyu and said, "Tell me, Li Tianyu, your high school classmate, how can you be so good, and Qin Xuetong is done!?"

Liu Guangshu secretly slandered himself, why did Li Tianyu be so ridiculous, I know nowhere.

On the surface, Liu Guangshu shook his head respectfully: "I don't know this. I haven't contacted him for a long time. I don't know if I am now."

Wu Qingxian wanted to say something but stopped, but finally his tone calmed down magically, and said to Liu Guangshu earnestly: "Well, Guangshu, you will contact your classmate when you come back."

Liu Guangshu immediately understood what Wu Qingxian meant, and was nothing more than to inquire about the relationship between Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong.

Wu Qingxian still dreams of signing Qin Xuetong to Zhongyu Film and Television Group, so he must know more about Qin Xuetong's private life.

If that Li Tianyu is really Qin Xuetong's secret boyfriend, or a very important person, then Wu Qingxian can make a long-term plan and make a fuss from Li Tianyu.

Of course, this is only Wu Qingxian's wishful thinking.

If Wu Qingxian knows Li Tianyu enough, he can know that Li Tianyu is in a sense harder to handle than Qin Xuetong.

Anyway, now Liu Guangshu suddenly feels that his waist is hardened, and Wu Qingxian also has some time to ask others.

To be honest, even if Wu Qingxian didn't say that, Liu Guangshu would contact Li Tianyu again in private.

As a result, it is indeed a classmate for so many years.

In high school, Liu Guangshu and Li Tianyu had a good relationship. Although there are few contacts now, it is because of various reasons that Gu can't come.

Secondly, Li Tianyu seems to be really crazy now.

Originally, Liu Guangshu felt that he was already very popular among his classmates, and he was very advanced, but now he is about to be a middle-level manager of Zhongyu Film and Television Group.

Zhongyu Film and Television Group is also a very well-known film and television company in China, and Liu Guangshu is also very face-to-face.

However, this time, Liu Guangshu could be regarded as seeing what it means to be an outsider, there is a truth outside the sky.

Li Tianyu used to be the fighting scum among the learning scum, and the fighting scum among the community animals. Now he doesn't know what happened, and he actually got so close to Qin Xuetong.

Although the relationship between the two people may indeed not be a boyfriend, a couple, or a lover, looking like this, the relationship between the two is also extraordinary, at least it is a good friend relationship.

And since Li Tianyu can "catch up" with Qin Xuetong, it is mostly mixed, otherwise there is no chance at all, and he is not qualified to know a super first-line actress.

So Liu Guangshu wanted to find a chance to get closer to Li Tianyu, communicate more, and figure out the ins and outs of things.

Just now Li Tianyu said that he is starting a business. Could it be that he has created some names?

Anyway, Liu Guangshu is also terribly curious now, wishing to go to Happy Valley with Li Tianyu.

At the same time, Li Tianyu was talking with Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue sisters.

Li Tianyu: "Did you two have breakfast?"

Qin Xuetong shook her head: "I haven't had time."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Uncle Li, you don't know, my sister is cute and slept, and she slept until eight o'clock today. I called her for a long time..."

Qin Xiaoyue was about to finish her words, only to find that Qin Xuetong was staring at her, turning her back

Li Tianyu laughed loudly: "Your sister has the same hobbies as mine."

Having said that, getting up at eight in the morning is not too lazy.

Qin Xuetong coughed slightly, perhaps not very embarrassed.

Li Tianyu got up and said, "That's OK, let's go to Happy Valley to have breakfast and lunch together."

Qin Xuetong had no objections.

Qin Xiaoyue cheered even more.

Little children, when they hear about playing, they are too excited. As for eating, they are all secondary, unless they are hungry to collapse, otherwise they will never take the initiative.

The three got up and left.

Wu Qingxian motioned to Liu Guangshu after realizing it.

Liu Guangshu was about to get up, but he heard Li Tianyu wave his hand at him: "Guangshu, let's contact on WeChat, look back and find time to get together again."

Liu Guangshu quickly agreed and stood up and patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder.

At this time, when Liu Guangshu treated Li Tianyu, he recovered to what some old classmates should have.

He also suddenly woke up.

You can’t treat your classmates like a social person. It’s a bit too snobbish and out-of-sight, you should still be simple.

Liu Guangshu was also a little moved, and Li Tianyu was quite interesting.

Li Tianyu took Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue through the escalator to the underground parking lot of Starlight World.

Riding on the Porsche Cayenne, the three began to run towards Happy Valley.

Happy Valley is not far from Xiaowang Road. If there is no traffic jam, it will be there in half an hour to forty minutes.

But today it was a bit blocked, and it took a little longer.

When I arrived at the gate of Happy Valley, it was a little over ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Tianyu did not immediately drive into the parking lot of Happy Valley, but stopped on the road next to him.

Qin Xuetong asked strangely: "What are you stopping here for?"

Li Tianyu: "I'll go shopping."

Qin Xuetong: "What to buy?"

Li Tianyu: "Food."

Qin Xuetong didn't react for a while.

I saw Li Tianyu opened the door and ran out in a hurry, and then ran to a roadside stall, really buying something to eat.

After a while, Li Tianyu ran back hurriedly, still carrying a bag in his hand.

After getting in the car, Li Tianyu handed the contents of the bag to the back seat.

Li Tianyu: "Eat while it's hot."

Qin Xuetong reflexively took it: "What is it?"

Qin Xuetong opened the plastic bag, and a crisp smell came out.

There are a few round things in it.

Qin Xuetong: "What is this?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "Sister, you are so stupid, this must be something to eat."

With that said, Qin Xiaoyue grabbed one with her bare hands.

Before Qin Xuetong had time to react, her sister Qin Xiaoyue bit him directly.

"Click!" Read the e-book

Qin Xiaoyue exclaimed, "Wow, it's delicious!"

Qin Xuetong was startled, her sister's performance was really rare.

Qin Xiaoyue is very picky about food, it is difficult to have foods that she particularly likes to eat. She eats all kinds of snacks and puffed foods every three days. For this reason, Qin Xuetong has really had a headache recently.

Li Tianyu started the car in front and smiled and said, "You haven't even eaten this, have you?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "I really haven't eaten it. What is this stuff?"

Li Tianyu: "This is called egg filling."

Qin Xuetong was startled: "Is this the egg filling?"

Li Tianyu couldn't help but glance back.

No way?

So exaggerated.

Qin Xuetong is really an eldest lady who can't eat the ashes of the world, hasn't even eaten an egg-filled pie?

Qin Xuetong knew what Li Tianyu was thinking, and said, "I have heard people say it often, but I really haven't eaten it."

Li Tianyu: "Let's try it. I have bought the egg-filled biscuits twice before. It's called an authentic. I didn't expect that I was lucky this time and I ran into it."

Qin Xuetong took out an egg-filled cake from the bag, and smelled it, it was really delicious.

Qin Xuetong: "Bought it before? When was it before?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "About three or four years ago, it's a long time ago."

Qin Xuetong: "It's really a long time."

Qin Xuetong took a bite while talking.

Very crispy, crispy, and tender on the outside.

I have to say, it's really delicious.

Qin Xiaoyue's mouth was full of greasy food, and she was full of joy. She said vaguely, "Where is the intestine, why there is no intestine?"

Li Tianyu: "Do you know how to add intestines?"

Qin Xiaoyue rolled her eyes: "I haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run? I know I can add spicy strips!"

This little girl didn't know where to learn the messy things.

Li Tianyu drove the car into the parking lot of Happy Valley.

Today is Tuesday, weekday, and morning again, so there are not many cars in the parking lot.

Li Tianyu stopped closer to the entrance of Happy Valley.

Then he took the plastic bag from Qin Xuetong, took out an egg-filled cake from it, and ate it bite by bite.

If people see the scene in the car, they will go crazy.

The super-first-line actress Qin Xuetong actually eats eggs and pie in a Porsche Cayenne. No one can believe this fact.

Of course, when Qin Xuetong eats, she is quite gentle and elegant.

She is indeed a young lady from a big family, she can definitely be called the beauty of the beauties, the coach of the beauties.

Li Tianyu took out a few bottles of mineral water from the trunk and wanted to unscrew them before handing them to Qin Xuetong.

As a result, I don’t know if there is a quality problem with this mineral water bottle.

It's so funny, isn't it?

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu faintly, and took the mineral water directly.

"Papa!" He unscrewed it.

Li Tianyu smiled embarrassedly: "You're welcome, it's for you."

This is really shameful.

Since becoming the host of the bragging taxation system, Li Tianyu has greatly strengthened his body. Why can't he even unscrew the lid of a bottle?

It makes no sense at all!

At this time, Qin Xuetong unscrewed another mineral water and handed it to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu resignedly said "thank you".

Qin Xiaoyue also unscrewed her bottle and made a grimace at Li Tianyu: "Uncle Li is a weak chicken! Sister, be careful of him..."

Qin Xuetong came at Qin Xiaoyue's head and hurt his sister.

Qin Xiaoyue got out of the car while protesting, she had to enter Happy Valley quickly.

Qin Xuetong: "Hey, Xiaoyue, don't worry."

With that said, Qin Xuetong began to dress up.

Qin Xuetong was not putting on makeup, but disguising.

Big stars will have fans wherever they go.

And some fans are so crazy that they will chase after their idols.

However, Qin Xuetong didn't pack herself tightly like other stars, but as usual, just wore a blue baseball cap and big sunglasses.

The sunglasses are really big, almost covering half of Qin Xuetong's face.

Of course, this is also because Qin Xuetong's face is very small.

The face can be disguised, but Qin Xuetong's good figure can't cover it.

Today Qin Xuetong is wearing a red shirt, and her lower body is warm white, looser casual trousers, coupled with her unique coldness, and the whole person looks heroic and condensed.

This is like a cover girl who came out directly from a fashion magazine, youthful and beautiful.

With such a figure, it is hard to believe that Qin Xuetong is only about twenty years old.

It doesn't matter whether people can recognize Qin Xuetong's identity, but the return rate is indeed high.

Li Tianyu was windy and couldn't help sighing, Qin Xuetong's starlight was too bright, it couldn't be covered.

Qin Xiaoyue didn't care about stars or starlights, and ran to the entrance directly.

Qin Xuetong called her sister twice, but it didn't work, so she had to let her go.

At the door, Qin Xuetong took out the ticket from the small red bag she carried.

This is the family package that Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong had won at the garden party of the Imperial Film Academy.

Two adults can bring children.

The management staff at the ticket office looked at the tickets, and then at Li Tianyu, Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue.

Manager: "Are you a couple?"

Qin Xuetong was startled, there was no words, even if he wanted to speak, he didn't know how to speak.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Yes, we are a couple."

With that said, Li Tianyu touched Qin Xiaoyue's head and said, "Look, this is my girl, cute, right?"

There were not many people who came to finish the tour today. The manager was too idle to do anything. He smiled and said, "It's so cute, and my wife is even more beautiful. Guest, you are a winner in life and you are at the top of your life."

Qin Xiaoyue raised her head and said, "Dad, Mom, let's go in quickly, I can't wait to get nervous."

Qin Xuetong couldn't help correcting: "It's a show of power."

Qin Xiaoyue turned her head to Li Tianyu again, pouting her mouth and yelling, "It's my father who taught me the wrong way. You are really illiterate, father!"

"Pop!" Li Tianyu gave Qin Xiaoyue a bit.

Qin Xiaoyue: "Dad, your domestic violence!"

Li Tianyu: "Let's go, you talk a lot!"

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