Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 537 Happy Hour in Happy Valley

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This little girl Qin Xiaoyue is indeed Qin Xuetong's younger sister, with the same genes and high acting talent.

At such a small age, they are "acting" in a decent way, with fake ones.

However, Li Tianyu had to say that what Qin Xiaoyue said really followed his wishes.

Looking at Qin Xuetong again, she was as pale as a chrysanthemum, and she still couldn't see what she was thinking.

In fact, this girl is quite amazing.

Qin Xuetong is not very old, but she is mature beyond her age. Her self-cultivation personality may not be possible for an ordinary woman to reach her 40s.

I don't know if this is considered a young man.

Having said that again, Li Tianyu is now also a model of young and old. Compared to his peers, or even older people, Li Tianyu's mentality is more stable, and even a little scary.

Thanks to the transformation of the bragging taxation system, Li Tianyu was able to deal with everything calmly and calmly.

At this time, Li Tianyu took Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue into Happy Valley.

Speaking of Happy Valley, it should be regarded as the largest large playground in the Imperial Capital.

Happy Valley covers a large area, more than 600,000 square meters. It has a variety of theme parks and amusement facilities. Its perfection and entertainment can not be lost to Disney and Universal Studios. Branded amusement park.

So when children come here, it is equivalent to coming to heaven.

Even if adults come over, they can find things they are interested in, or like to play, and have fun and enjoy themselves.

Of course, the catering in the Happy Valley Park is also very rich, even if you eat and drink inside, you can go shopping all day.

Li Tianyu looked at the weather and couldn't help saying: "It's just right now. If it's a month or two earlier, it won't be too hot to die."

At this time, it was late October, and the weather was getting cooler and colder.

Li Tianyu looked at Qin Xuetong again: "If you come out to play in the future, you'd better put on a windbreaker or something."

Qin Xuetong was startled, and asked strangely: "Why?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Because it's so cool."

Qin Xuetong gave Li Tianyu a deep look.

Li Tianyu: "What are you looking at?"

Qin Xuetong didn't say the response Li Tianyu was expecting, but bowed her head and said to Qin Xiaoyue: "Let's ignore this strange uncle and go have fun."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Okay, let's go, let's play!"

Qin Xiaoyue turned around and said to Li Tianyu: "Uncle blame, you keep up, or my sister won't want you!"

Li Tianyu "cut" and shouted loudly: "You two run around again, and people will abduct you and sell you to the mountains to be your wives!"

Qin Xiaoyue made a face toward the back, and then ran to a facility with her sister Qin Xuetong.

Here is the famous Atlantis theme park, with a variety of facilities, such as crystal wings, energy-concentrating spacecraft, energy storms, and sun god cars.

Hearing the name, I don't know what it is, and I just realized it when I came closer.

Co-authoring the Crystal God Wing is the roller coaster, the facility Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue are preparing to experience.

Although Li Tianyu felt a little naive, he really couldn't justify coming to an amusement park like Happy Valley without taking a roller coaster ride.

So I went up together.

Li Tianyu sat behind Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue.

Qin Xiaoyue patted her little shoulder: "Uncle blame, if you are afraid, just shout out loud, or pat on my shoulder and cry bitterly."

Li Tianyu was speechless.

Then, the roller coaster started running.

It is a roller coaster, but in fact it is somewhat different from an ordinary roller coaster. This seems to be called a flying roller coaster.

how to say?

Because this roller coaster will suddenly pull up, fall, roll, and rotate in the process of running, which gives people a feeling of flying.

In other words, this flying roller coaster will be more exciting, more thrilling, and more coquettish than ordinary roller coasters.

Next, the little sister Qin Xiaoyue screamed all the way.

You said that you screamed, but you still screamed with your eyes closed, and you can't see what's going on around you.

Qin Xiaoyue would hold Qin Xuetong's hand whenever he went to a thrilling place, holding it very tightly.

Qin Xuetong looked helpless throughout.

Li Tianyu laughed at the back.

The conditions of the three are very different, very strange.

When he got off the roller coaster, Qin Xiaoyue leaned on her sister Qin Xuetong and yelled: "My God! Sister! You are too bad! Why did you bring me to sit on this? You are jealous of my parents treating me. Pamper, do you want to murder me!?"

Qin Xuetong said lightly: "Let go, you let me take you to sit on this, not I brought you here."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Sister! You have changed! You have changed! You have a man and forgot your sister! You have a husband and forgot your mother! Have you forgotten how my mother told you when we left? Take care of me! Take care of me! I!"

Qin Xuetong looked disgusted: "What are you talking nonsense? Mom is still alive!"

After a while, Qin Xiaoyue let go of her sister Qin Xuetong, but she was not reconciled, pointing to Qin Xuetong and shouting to Li Tianyu: "You control my sister! It's too much!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Qin Xuetong, then whispered: "If you want to die, please do it yourself, don't hurt me."

Qin Xuetong now showed a look of "this is almost the same".

Qin Xiaoyue couldn't help but mumbled: "You two are really like raccoon dogs, you are embarrassed...Oh, sister! Why are you hitting me!?"

Qin Xuetong ignored her and walked straight to another facility.

Seeing this, Li Tianyu wondered if Qin Xuetong wanted to come to the playground to play?

Anyway, Li Tianyu has to sacrifice his life to compensate the beauties.

The next play is also more thrilling, which is also the characteristic of Happy Valley amusement facilities.

But Qin Xiaoyue was a bit skinny, so she wouldn't be scared anymore. On the contrary, the more he played, the more excited he became, the more courageous he played, and he clamored to play all the facilities in Happy Valley.

Next, Qin Xiaoyue insisted on playing a project similar to a pendulum.

For this kind of gameplay, Li Tianyu is absolutely resistant, because every time he plays this game, he feels motion sickness and nausea.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You two go, I am waiting for you below."

Qin Xiaoyue stuck out her tongue at Li Tianyu: "Weird uncle, you are really LOW, you coward, poor worm!"

Li Tianyu showed a helpless look and said nothing.

This little girl movie really can't fix her.

Qin Xuetong didn't care about her sister.

But also, Qin Xuetong couldn't control it if he wanted to. This was a little evil star, with great lethality, completely opposite to her sister's temper.31 Novel

Not to mention, there are a lot of people playing this big pendulum, which is similar to a popular project like a roller coaster.

The pendulum has limited seats, so Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue must have to wait two rounds to get up.

Li Tianyu was okay when he saw a small convenience store not far away, so he wanted to buy something to eat and drink.

The convenience store looked close, but it might be because the park was empty. Li Tianyu also walked for two minutes to arrive.

Li Tianyu wandered in the convenience store for a while, bought some bitter coffee ice cream and walked out.

He took out one, opened the bag, and was about to start eating, but he heard someone calling him.

Li Tianyu looked for his voice and turned his head to look, and was stunned. He actually saw Li Junhai, the son of his third uncle Li Caijun's family, and the cousin of Li Tianyu.

Li Junhai is currently attending university in Jinmen City and will graduate soon.

It is estimated that there is no class today. Jinmen City is close to the imperial capital, so it is quite convenient to come here to play.

Of course Li Junhai could not have come to Happy Valley alone, and his girlfriend Tan Jing was also with him.

In addition, there are two young men, a man and a woman. Li Tianyu doesn't know each other. It's probably friends or classmates who came to play with Li Junhai and Tan Jing.

Li Junhai ran over, and Tan Jing and the other two people were walking along and pointing to what they were saying. They should be introducing the identity of Li Tianyu, the cousin.

Since Li Junhai visited Li Tianyu's hotel last time, his sense of identification with this cousin has more than doubled.

Li Junhai: "Brother, have you also come to Happy Valley to play?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, do you have no class today?"

Li Junhai: "No class, no class long ago, I'm preparing for my graduation thesis."

At this time, Tan Jing and another pair of young men and women also followed.

Tan Jing greeted Li Tianyu enthusiastically and called "Brother Li".

Li Tianyu nodded at them: "How did you come here?"

Li Junhai pointed to the man of the pair and explained: "Xiaojing and I came with his car, my classmate, Guan Hekai."

Guan Hekai, the name is weird, but Li Tianyu greeted Guan Hekai friendly.

Guan Hekai's attitude is rather casual, obviously not caring about the cousin of classmate Li Junhai.

And another young girl named Xiu Su Shulan, of course, is Guan Hekai's girlfriend.

As a college student, Guan Hekai already has a car. Obviously, his family conditions are quite good, and judging from his clothes and outfit, he should be rich.

Not to mention anything else, who would wear a TAG Heuer sunglasses for children with general family conditions.

TAG Heuer ranks among the top three high-end sunglasses in the world. Men's sunglasses are cheaper, but the lowest cost is several thousand yuan.

And TAG Heuer's latest styles are not necessarily available in China.

Guan Hekai looked at Li Tianyu a few times and said to Li Junhai: "Your cousin is also interested in Happy Valley?"

Guan Hekai's implication is that Li Tianyu is so old, is it a bit inappropriate to come to this kind of playground?

Li Junhai was startled, he didn't think about this issue, but it was really weird that Li Tianyu came here alone.

Or Tan Jing was more careful and asked: "Brother Li, are you here alone?"

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "What am I doing here alone? I came with someone else, they are playing that."

With that said, Li Tianyu pointed in the direction of the pendulum. Now the big thing was swinging from side to side, and there were bursts of exclamation, cheers, and laughter from there.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing suddenly realized.

At this time, Guan Hekai spoke again: "I heard that you opened a hotel, isn't business busy?"

Li Junhai told Guan Hekai about Li Tianyu before, especially when he ran a luxury hotel.

Li Junhai portrayed this cousin like Billgate.

Guan Hekai didn't believe this.

Although Guan Hekai has a good relationship with Li Junhai, he has always felt that Li Junhai is a "child of a poor family."

Of course, there is no problem for Guan Hekai to think so.

Li Junhai did not live well in college, and his monthly living expenses were tight. Moreover, he came from a "small place" like Yanyun City, which was really not very impressive.

Therefore, when Li Junhai said that he had a cousin who opened a hotel in the imperial capital, Guan Hekai's first reaction was that what the kid said was not very reliable.

The imperial capital is a place where every inch of land is rich, everyone knows that.

The rent in the central city is terribly expensive, not to mention renting to open a hotel.

But if you opened a hotel in the suburbs of the Imperial Capital, the rent was not unacceptable.

But the problem is that Li Junhai added another sentence, saying that this horrible cousin actually opened a luxury hotel in Dibei Water Town.

Dibei Water Town!

It was a five-star scenic spot in the outer suburbs of the imperial capital.

Not to mention the people of Jinmen City, all cities further north have heard of the name of Dibei Water Town, and there are many people who have specially visited Dibei Water Town on holidays.

As for Guan Hekai, he has also been to Dibei Water Town, and more than once.

Guan Hekai also studied hotel management. Naturally, I know that in scenic spots like Dibei Water Town, the land is definitely scarce, and it is definitely not cheaper than the central city of the Imperial Capital.

Open a luxury hotel in Dibei Water Town?

Unless Li Junhai's cousin is a rich second-generation, or won a large lottery ticket.

But is that possible?

Anyway, Guan Hekai didn't believe it at all.

Of course, when Guan Hekai told his girlfriend Su Shulan, Su Shulan didn't believe it either.

In fact, Su Shulan's reaction was even greater.

Her eyes widened, and then she laughed: "That Li Junhai looked quite honest, and I didn't think she liked bragging so much!"

So this matter is qualitative.

Li Junhai introduced his cousin's super deeds enthusiastically, but was regarded as bragging.

This is the sorrow of ordinary people.

Fortunately, Guan Hekai didn't say anything about this. Anyway, bragging among students is a common thing, not surprising.

After such a long time, I didn't expect to come to the Happy Valley of the imperial capital to play, but I happened to ran into Li Junhai's "Niubi" cousin, that is, Li Tianyu in front of me.

Li Junhai ran over before he had time to introduce him, but Tan Jing introduced Guan Hekai and Su Shulan behind that was Li Junhai's cousin.

At this time, Guan Hekai looked at Li Tianyu for several times, and felt that this man did have some sorts, dressed and temperament like a successful person.

But to say that this person is the owner of a luxury hotel, Guan Hekai didn't believe anything.

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