Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 578 Arrange a Presidential Suite for Me

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping shook his head quickly, and replied sadly, "I don't know either."

Li Tianyu was completely taken aback: "Don't you know? Is there no surveillance in your office?"

Ai Heping rubbed his fat face and replied embarrassedly, "Hi, boss, don't mention it, I turned off the monitoring."

With that said, Ai Heping also pointed to the corner of the ceiling.

It is equipped with a monitor with night vision function, which is quite professional.

As you can see, the monitor did not work at all, and it is estimated that people have been choked off even the electricity.

Needless to say, this is definitely a good thing Ai Heping did.

Li Tianyu was angry, slapped the table and stared: "Xiao Er, are you idle? It's okay to pinch the monitor for what you are doing!?"

Ai Heping: "...No, I don't want to be watched for everything I do."

Li Tianyu was startled.

He understood it.

Ai Heping is really used to doing bad things, so he really wants to do it in the office.

Yes, Ai Heping is a typical digging hole to bury himself.

Li Tianyu rubbed his forehead: "What the hell did you lose? Is it that important?"

Ai Heping hesitated and said in a low voice, "Yes, it's the approval."

Li Tianyu didn't react for a while: "Huh? What?"

Ai Heping responded with a normal voice: "It's the approval."

Li Tianyu: "What approval?"

Ai Heping: "It's Dongluowan's approval for sea reclamation, and it hasn't been filed yet..."

Li Tianyu's hair stood up.

Approvals that have not been filed?

It is equivalent to the only paper voucher, there is no record at all.

Normally, after you get the approval, you need to go to the relevant state department for filing, so that even if the approval is effective, even if the approval is lost, it can be made up.

However, the letter of approval that Ai Ping lost has not been put on record. If the letter of approval is lost, if it can't be found, there will be no solution and it will be invalid.

If it is an ordinary approval, the loss is still relatively small, but according to Ai Heping, this is a reclamation approval!

Although Li Tianyu didn't know much about the so-called Dongluowan, the incident of river reclamation was no small matter.

Even for a large real estate group company like Aihua Real Estate, it should be a super large project.

I am afraid that the total investment amount of several billions is not fixed.

It is estimated that Aihua Real Estate, that is, Ai Baoquan, in order to obtain this Dongluowan river reclamation approval, even if it did not exhaust its efforts, it should have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources.

Otherwise, Ai Heping wouldn't be so anxious, and he would fix all the "big Buddhas" like Li Tianyu.

In fact, the reason why Ai Heping approached Li Tianyu was really no way.

He finished all the plays that should be sung and the scriptures that should be read. He even used the revelation of missing people on the Internet and on TV.

It's useless!

It can be said that Li Tianyu is Ai Heping's only hope.

Now even Li Tianyu is a little anxious, this matter is not trivial.

You know, even if Aihua Real Estate Group is a "big empire", it can't afford to lose everything.

If the basket that Ai Heping stabbed cannot be resolved, Aihua Real Estate is likely to be broken.

This is also the last thing Li Tianyu wants to see.

Li Tianyu: "Then you quickly find someone, what is that, what is called Libe..." Little Bookstore

Ai Heping immediately corrected: "Boss, it's Lisa Bell."

Li Tianyu: "I don't care if he is Bell or Messi, do you find someone to arrest her!"

Ai Heping replied bitterly: "Boss, if I can catch her, it will be fine. For several days, Lisa Bell has never appeared in that club at all."

Li Tianyu: "The world has evaporated?"

Ai Heping nodded: "The world has evaporated, and there is no fur left."

Li Tianyu slapped him and called out, "What time is it? You are still kidding!"

Ai Heping said, clutching his head, "Boss, I am also having fun in hardship. Give me an idea, what should I do..."

Li Tianyu: "Buy a knife."

Ai Heping was startled, "Kill it? But I can't find anyone."

Li Tianyu: "It's an abdomen to commit suicide, fool!"

Ai Heping: "Boss, stop making trouble."

Li Tianyu: "What am I making! If you let your father know, your father's coffin board will not be able to cover!"

Ai Heping was dumbfounded: "I, my father haven't died yet."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "I know, this is not you angry!"

Li Tianyu pondered it for a while. It was actually obvious that Ai Heping had been tricked.

In fact, Lisa Bell is obviously not the protagonist of the deceitful people, there must be a master behind her.

Li Tianyu: "In addition to your Aihua Real Estate, are there other competing companies for this Dongluowan reclamation project?"

Ai Heping raised his eyebrows: "Boss, yes, of course there are, not a lot, at least..."

Ai Heping thought for a long time, but didn’t say why, so he touched his head and said, “I don’t know how many companies there are. In fact, I took over the project later. It's about the public."

Li Tianyu slapped and exclaimed, "It's a matter of great importance!"

Ai Heping held his head and nodded fiercely: "...Yes, it's a big deal!"

Ai Heping immediately looked up again: "Boss! What do you say? Can I still save it?... If you let my father know, you know, you can't spare me."

Li Tianyu glanced at Ai Heping: "Ai Xiaoer, Ai Xiaoer, this matter is probably not as simple as you can't spare you."

Ai Heping is a smart man, he knows what Li Tianyu means.

If it's just a meal with his father Ai Baoquan, no, just a few beats.

It's not the case now, it's probably related to the prosperity of their Aihua Real Estate Group.

Ai Heping also regretted it at this time and shouldn't be so careless.

Ai Heping looked at Li Tianyu pitifully now, hoping that Boss Li could give him some strength and help him solve the matter.

Anyway, Ai Heping didn't say that he would be Li Tianyu in his next life.

Li Tianyu sighed.

To be honest, Li Tianyu wanted to help Ai Heping very much, but he has no idea whatsoever.

However, it is not without hope.

If Li Tianyu is an ordinary person, that's fine, he is now the host of the bragging tax system.

You can use abilities that violate common sense and logic to solve problems.

Li Tianyu: "Little two."

Ai Heping cheered up and suddenly felt hope came: "Yes, boss, you said."

Li Tianyu: "You do this first. At the beginning, you had to investigate the biggest competitor of the Dongluowan reclamation project with your Aihua Real Estate Group."

Ai Heping nodded: "This is no problem, is there any more?"

Li Tianyu: "There is also an imperial suite for me, no, it's a presidential suite."

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