Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 579 Presidential Suite, Beauty Drinks

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ai Heping quickly found Zhu Ling, who was his female assistant.

Ai Heping: "Arrange the best room in the hotel for my boss, the presidential suite."

Zhu Ling responded respectfully, and then took Li Tianyu out of Ai Heping's office.

Li Tianyu thought it over.

Next, we should also let Ai Heping experience the feeling of being overwhelmed and too busy.

Li Tianyu was also angry.

Originally, Li Tianyu was still playing leisurely in Yanyun's hometown, but Ai Heping was pulled over to wipe his butt, which was really unlucky.

It doesn't help or not.

Although Li Tianyu is only a named executive in Aihua Real Estate Group and has not been to the company several times, Li Tianyu himself has a very close relationship with Ai Baoquan and Ai Heping.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a grasshopper tied to a rope.

What's more, Li Tianyu's personal relationship with Ai's father and son is also quite good, and it can be said that he is his own.

If the Aihua Real Estate Group falls, then the Ai family has fallen, and the Ai family has fallen, which is a very, very big loss for Li Tianyu.

Although Li Tianyu, as the host of the bragging tax system, can live well even without Aijia, in many cases it will lose convenience, which is quite troublesome.

All in all, Li Tianyu drove for a few hours and stayed on the plane for more than four hours. In fact, he was a little tired. Let's go back to the room and rest.

Although Zhu Ling is a staff member of a real estate company, because she belongs to the same group, she is very familiar with the people of Aihua International Hotel. After all, it is Zhu Ling's job to arrange rooms with important guests.

Along the way, Li Tianyu and Zhu Ling also had a brief chat.

Chu Ling is not a local, but a southerner, but she has been working in Nanhai for five or six years, and she has long been used to life here.

Although Zhu Ling is not a particularly beautiful beauty, she is also beautiful and charming.

In addition, Zhu Ling was very efficient, so she quickly contacted the housekeeping manager to arrange the room.

Next, Zhu Ling sent Li Tianyu to the fortieth floor, which is the floor where the presidential suite arranged for Li Tianyu.

When we arrived at the door of the room, the housekeeping manager and two waiters had already been waiting outside.

This battle is quite big.

Of course, it is also because Li Tianyu's face is bigger.

Li Tianyu didn't say much, and went straight into the room.

It is worthy of being the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Nanhai City. The area is a big one.

Two rooms and one hall, at least two hundred square meters.

One wall is full of large floor-to-ceiling windows, and the blue bark is no worse than Ai Heping's office.

The room has a TV of more than 100 inches, a large double-door refrigerator, a high-end coffee machine, and a bar counter wine cabinet.

Of course, as a presidential suite, the office area will definitely be equipped.

Long tables for meetings and dining, projectors and the like, are well arranged.

There is also a large terrace with an area of ​​80 to 90 square meters. It has a semi-circular design. There is an awning on it, even if it is windy or rainy, you can have a drink and chat on it.

There is also a private bath with massage function.

The room manager asked respectfully: "Mr. Li, are you satisfied with this room? If you are not satisfied, we will arrange another room."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Very good, just this one."

The room manager breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, if you have any needs, please feel free to contact our dedicated service staff, we will try our best to meet your requirements."

Li Tianyu nodded.

In fact, Li Tianyu also runs a hotel, knowing that this kind of high-level suites has a dedicated department responsible for the service.

Especially the presidential suite, one room corresponds to one or two customer services, which is quite complete.

The room manager left with the waiter.

Zhu Ling took out a card and handed it over: "Mr. Li, if you are not satisfied with the environment here, you can also call me. This is my business card."

Li Tianyu took the business card and nodded, "Thank you."

After Zhu Ling left, Li Tianyu took a shower happily and lay on the sofa thinking about things.

Li Tianyu wondered how to help Ai Heping.

The easiest way now is to use the bragging tax system and get a Dongluowan reclamation approval.

But Li Tianyu is not sure that this will definitely work.

still have a question.

With the approval document obtained by Li Tianyu through the system, can he hand over the ownership to Aihua Real Estate Group as he pleases?

Anyway, try it first.

So Li Tianyu blew a bull.

This bull is very different from before, and he plays very skillfully.

The effect is that he, Li Tianyu, obtained the reclamation approval on behalf of Aihua Real Estate.

Li Tianyu finished talking, then opened the system panel and entered the order center.

The list is still refreshing.

Li Tianyu is still a bit worried that the system will ignore Li Tianyu's boasting.

After all, such things as reclamation approvals are still quite strange.

There is also the possibility that the system cannot recognize it.

There is also a risk. Even if the system is identifiable, it is still unknown whether Li Tianyu's current tax amount of one million is enough.

But I think it's just an approval, and it's not a real reclamation. It shouldn't be a problem.

After a while, the list was finally brushed out, and it turned out to be all approval documents related to reclamation.

[Project name]: Donggang Outer Harbor Reclamation Project

[Item type]: Approval (not filed)

[Item level]: C level

[Project Location]: Wurui City, Nanhai Province

[Project area]: 50 square kilometers

[Project investment]: 50 million soft sister coins

[Tax amount]: 150,000 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Fuyun Outer Island Reclamation Project

[Item type]: Approval (not filed)

[Item level]: C level

[Project Location]: Tajiang City, Nanhai Province

[Project area]: 80 square kilometers

[Project investment]: 80 million soft sister coins

[Tax amount]: 380000 yuan soft sister coin


[Project name]: Yuning Bay Reclamation Project

[Item type]: Approval (not filed)

[Item level]: Level B

[Project Location]: Wurui City, Nanhai Province

[Project area]: 120 square kilometers

[Project investment]: 230 million soft sister coins

[Tax amount]: 590000 yuan soft sister coin


[Project Name]: Dongluowan Reclamation Project

[Item type]: Approval (not filed)

[Item level]: A level

[Project Location]: Nanhai City, Nanhai Province

[Project area]: 240 square kilometers

[Project investment]: 1.36 billion soft sister coins

[Tax amount]: 780000 yuan soft sister coin 126 Chinese website


[Project name]: Gaotian Port Outer Harbor Reclamation Project

[Item type]: Approval (not filed)

[Item level]: A level

[Project Location]: Nanhai City, Nanhai Province

[Project area]: 270 square kilometers

[Project investment]: 2.8 billion soft sister coins

[Tax amount]: 950,000 yuan soft sister coin

Li Tianyu glanced around, but he didn't expect that there would be so many approvals about Nanhai.

However, Nanhai Province is actually the South China Sea, which is quite large. It is normal for more reclamation projects.

When Li Tianyu saw the Dongluowan reclamation project, his heart jumped, and he immediately looked at the tax amount, which made his mind set.

It turned out that the tax amount was only 780,000 soft sister coins, and Li Tianyu's grade was completely affordable.

Although hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins are a sky-high price for ordinary people, Li Tianyu doesn't care.

This little money is just drizzle.

Having said that, in addition to the Dongluowan reclamation project, there is also a "Gaotian Port Outer Harbor Reclamation Project", which is also an A-level reclamation approval, and the tax amount is much higher than that of Dongluowan.

According to Li Tianyu's experience, the higher the tax amount, the greater the value.

The reclamation area of ​​Dongluo Bay is 240 square kilometers, which is quite large.

The Gaotian Port Outer Harbor reclamation project is 270 square kilometers, which is even larger.

Li Tianyu made a careful comparison. The two reclamation projects are both in Nanhai City, Nanhai Province, which shows that the geographical locations are the best, so they are so expensive.

The tax payment for the Gaotian Port Outer Harbor Reclamation Project is 950,000 yuan, which Li Tianyu can also afford.

However, Li Tianyu did not want to be troublesome. Although the Gaotian Port Outer Harbor Reclamation Project was obviously better, Li Tianyu didn't need it, so he chose the "Dongluowan Reclamation Project".

[System prompt] Host, you will pay taxes of RMB 780000 soft sister coins and get the "Dongluowan Reclamation Project Approval", are you sure?

Li Tianyu did not hesitate and clicked OK.

Unexpectedly, another system prompt popped up, which shocked Li Tianyu.

Could it be that the system rejected the tax request?

After reading the prompt text carefully, Li Tianyu let go of his mind and showed:

[System prompt] Host, based on your bragging information, do you want to sign the ownership of the approval document as "Aihua Real Estate Group in Nanhai Branch"?

Of course, Li Tianyu directly clicked to confirm.

Then, the system interface displayed a series of messages, which was much more normal this time.

account information

780000 yuan-successful deduction

Ability Information

Dongluowan reclamation project approval-successful

Finally finished.

Li Tianyu closed the system interface, his mind was clear and he was relieved.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect. Every time Li Tianyu uses the system, he feels particularly tired, as if he has run three kilometers, the difference is that he doesn't sweat.

Li Tianyu cursed a few secretly, of course it was Ai Heping.

Ai Heping is a second batch of guys. If you say you want to pick up a girl, just pick up a girl. This is also normal, what a dude is.

But you can't get the girl into the office either.

And the Dongluowan's reclamation approval, since it is so important, why not lock it up?

You Ai Heping can make trouble, but make such a big trouble.

If this were not for Li Tianyu's use of the power of the system to turn the tide, it is estimated that Aihua Real Estate Group will be greatly injured.

The Dongluowan reclamation project is a super large project of more than one billion yuan, and it is impossible for Aihua Real Estate to invest in it. Once the approval is lost, it will involve too much.

Ai Heping really almost cheated this time.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while. In order to make Ai Heping a bit more memorable, he didn't tell him in advance if the problem had been solved, and asked him to rush for a few days.

Moreover, although the Dongluowan reclamation approval document has indeed been paid for tax payment, it has not yet been obtained. It is estimated that it will take a day or two for such an important thing.

Li Tianyu felt a little thirsty, so he went to the wine cabinet and searched for a while and saw a bottle of Niwa whisky.

Li Tianyu found it fresh and took it out of the wine cabinet.

The bottle is big and so heavy.

This is the so-called "Riwei", the text on it is crooked, Li Tianyu studied for a long time, but didn't see that it was a brand.

In short, Nissan's whiskeys are generally not produced in large quantities and are of great value. A bottle of it will cost tens of thousands of soft sister coins.

Even five-star hotels are usually reluctant to buy a few bottles.

Li Tianyu originally wanted to ask a hotel staff to help him mix the wine, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. Let's do it yourself.

Li Tianyu found the wine opener from the drawer of the wine cabinet, and finally opened the large bottle of Riwei with great effort, and the wine was full of fragrance for a while.

It is worthy of being Riwei, but it is of good quality and strong enough.

Li Tianyu poured half a cup, the color was quite good, but it seemed that the degree was not low.

At this time, the doorbell rang at the door.

Li Tianyu was stunned. He didn't call customer service. Could it be Ai Heping who asked him to complain again?

Li Tianyu opened the door, and he was stunned by a big beauty.

This big beauty is no one else, but Qi Mingna who has just separated.

Qi Mingna: "Is there time? I want to talk to you a few words."

Li Tianyu is having fun, of course it is a good thing to have a beautiful woman over to chat with him.

Li Tianyu: "Come in, I'm just so bored."

Qi Mingna walked in and couldn't help looking around.

Looking at the expression, it seemed to be shocked by this large and luxuriously decorated presidential suite.

It's no wonder, who doesn't want to live in such a huge room.

The outside is full of ocean.

There is a saying, facing the sea, spring is blooming.

Li Tianyu pointed to the sofa: "Sit down, just opened a bottle of wine here. Let's have two drinks."

Qi Mingna was about to wave her hand to refuse, but Li Tianyu turned around and poured her wine, so she had to sit down first.

Drinking with a man in a hotel room is not a good thing.

But the strange thing is that Qi Mingna didn't seem to resist in her heart, but thought it was good to drink with Li Tianyu.

Especially in front of this huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the sea and drinking, it is not ordinary comfortable.

Li Tianyu took out another glass from the wine cabinet and poured half a glass of wine.

Seems to be shortcomings.

Li Tianyu looked around, and finally found a large box of ice cubes in the refrigerator. He added two ice cubes to the cup and made a "sizzling" sound. It was very refreshing.

Li Tianyu sat next to Qi Mingna and handed a cup to her.

Li Tianyu: "Beauty Qi, why do you suddenly want to chat with me?"

Qi Mingna only remembered the purpose: "That's it. We were not polite to you when we were on the plane, so I apologize first."

With that, Qi Mingna toasted and took a big sip first.

Qi Mingna frowned slightly, as if she was shocked by Jiujin.

Li Tianyu also took a sip, hehe smiled and said, "What? It's all trivial. Besides, Beauty Qi is not rude to me."

Qi Mingna: "Brother Niu..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Okay, don't mention him, I know what's going on, I forgot."

Qi Mingna let go of her heart when she heard it.

I can't help but be grateful and admire Li Tianyu.

The prime minister really can hold a boat in his belly.

At the same time, Qi Mingna was also a little confused, Li Tianyu really was completely different from before, as if he was a different person.

Qi Mingna even doubted whether this Li Tianyu had anything to do with Li Tianyu.

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