Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 590: I Don't Speak, I Watch Theatre

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! Aiping's eyebrows were chopped off and the subway answered: "I mind!"

When Jia Niu heard this, he laughed happily. He didn't put it in his mind at all and sat down.

I actually picked up the teapot and poured myself a cup of tea.

Aiping “Yi” stood up: "Are you deaf?! You get out of here! Do you hear me?"

Jia Niu glanced coldly at Aiping: "In Nanhai City, no one dared to talk to me like that. ”

Jia Niu is the son of the South pillar group and is a local bully. He is indeed qualified to say such a thing.

In fact, the four girls present were frightened.

Nan Dazhu, Jia Niu, these names are quite loud in Nanhai City.

Even if he hadn't met Jia Niu himself, he would be quite sensitive to the name.

Who could have imagined that even Jia Niu had arrived.

Looking at Jia Niu's aggressive appearance, it seemed that he was not here to talk about old times, but rather to find trouble.

And Aiping's relationship with Jia Niu was like an enemy, and when he met him, his eyes were red.

They did have a festival, and it was more than once.

The relationship between the rich and the rich is often two extremes.

Either it's extremely talkative, or it's very harmonious with each other, like brothers and brothers.

Either it is extreme to look at the other person's bad eye, and it is like meeting the fatal enemy, definitely have to have a meal with each other, even serious can still fight.

Aiping this Jia Niu, belongs to the second kind of relationship.

They just looked at each other badly, extremely badly, and looked at each other as if they saw a pile of poop.

Ai Ping has clashed with Jia Niu on various occasions.

Of course, the most important reason for the incompatibility between Aiping and Jia Niu is that Edward Real Estate and the South Pillar Group have been competitors in several projects in the past two or three years.

Although the Iowa Real Estate Group belongs to the super line in China and is a super powerful real estate developer, it is the so-called strong dragon that is difficult to suppress the underground snake.

The South Pillar Group, which has been operating in the South China Sea Province for many years, is deeply rooted on the ground.

We need talent, we need connections, we need money, we need money.

The South Pillar Group is quite large in South China Sea Province, at least there are two or three thousand employees, there is really no need to be afraid of foreign monks like Iowa Real Estate.

Eihua Real Estate and South Column have each other's wins and losses. Overall, Eihua Real Estate Group has taken the upper hand, obtaining more projects and higher quality.

The South pillar group, on the one hand, is not focused on real estate development enterprises, but there are other things to do. On the other hand, it is true that the real estate development qualifications are not as tough as Eva Real Estate, so it is normal to suffer losses.

Speaking of which, although South Column lost a few points, he was still breathless. For example, now in Jia Niu, he looked down on Ai Ping.

That's normal, too.

Although Jia Niu and Aiping are both rich two generations and dude, the characteristic of Aiping's illiteracy is even more obvious, it can even be said that it is arrogant and nobody is seen.

Where is Jia Niu? In fact, he is no better than Aiping. He has been eating and drinking all day long, and the rest of the time is playing with all kinds of things, but at least he still has a well-known job at the headquarters of the Southern pillar group.

Of course Jia Niu despises Aiping, who has nothing to do with business.

Aiping likewise despised Jia Niu. He thought that this kid would be approved. His true ability was equal to zero and he was a mediocre talent.

Aiping was quite happy today, especially because he brought Li Tianyu, the great Buddha, from Emperor.

Li Tianyu did Tianda a favor and solved such a difficult matter as the loss of the East Helicopter Bay reclamation approval.

Aiping is now getting good at it. Li Tianyu is his boss. With such a big batch of bosses, he can be even more disadvantaged later.

But now that Jia Niu appears, it will more or less ruin Aiping's good mood.

And lo! this is the case of Fir 'aun (Jacob). Lo! it is evil that cometh, and evil that cometh not.

Sure enough, Jia Niu drank a cup of tea and puffed: "Aiping, why don't you invite guests with this damn thing? This is too bad!"

Ippin slapped the table and made a “snap” noise: "Do you care?"

This is the rhythm to fight when the four girls see it.

And this is not two little gangsters, it is two rich and two generations, if this is really a fight, things are much smaller.

So the four girls looked at each other, all revealing a disturbing look.

They are neither leaving nor staying. I don't know what to do now.

"Jia Niu looked at Li Tianyu and asked him," Who are you? "

Li Tianyu smiled slightly and said nothing.

To be honest, for such a person, Li Tianyu doesn't really want to make sense.

Li Tianyu is now at a different border, Jia Niu in the South China Sea again cattle, he can't see.

Li Tianyu's attitude, which he did not care about, would certainly annoy Jia Niu.

"Jia Niu was about to have a seizure, and Aiping interrupted him before he could. 'This is my boss, Jia Niu,' he said. 'Be polite to me!

"Jia Niu also patted the table: 'Don't be so special, have you eaten shit today?"

Aiping: "I'm so special, I ate you today! What the hell are you doing!?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Aiping and coughed lightly.

Shame! Shame on you!

Aiping's qualities are really too low. Li Tianyu is really ashamed to be with him now.

"Jia Niu pointed at Aiping's nose and shouted," Don't think I dare to kill you!

"Come on, I'll kill you! Come and try it!"

Jia Niu was about to stand up, and another person came in from the outside.

"'Stop fooling around here, cow!" said the man to Jia Niu.

A cow?

As soon as Aiping heard the "pounding”, he smiled and couldn't stop.

Even Li Tiandi could not help but smile.

The name is really earthy and powerful enough.

Jia Niu's face was blue and white, but it was not easy to seize. Besides, he dared not seize.

Why is that?

Because the man who just came in, it's not someone else, it's Jia Niu, his father Jia Yusheng.

Jia Yusheng is also the president and chairman of the South Column Group, which is a high weight.

Jia Yusheng was probably in his 50s. He kept a very decent inch. He was well maintained and looked quite spirited.

Especially that glance, quite sharp, silently gauging everyone present.

Jia Yusheng was indeed a character, at least much stronger than his son.

This is Li Tianyu's first impression of this person.

Jia Yusheng appeared, but Aiping didn't know what to do.

Ai Ping is indeed a wild character, but despite his age, there will be some convergence.

Especially Jia Yusheng can be considered a local “Xiaoxiong", definitely a person with a face, which is completely different from his son Jia Niu.

Aiping can't go out there and curse Jia Yusheng, let him get out of here, right?

That's arrogant. I don't know what to expect.

Jia Yusheng: "President Ai, don't mind if we talk together. ”

Ai Ping was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

Jia Yusheng smiled. "I wonder if you want others to hear what we're talking about. ”

Jia Yusheng glanced at Li Tianyu.

In fact, both Li Tianyu and Ai Ping vaguely guessed what Jia Yusheng wanted to say. They couldn't help but glance at each other with different expressions.

"- [sic]" Aiping, my father's listening to you. Did you hear that? "

Ai Ping was not angry this time. He waved his hand and said: "There's nothing you can't say, President Jia, just say. None of the outsiders are here. ”

Jia Yusheng was stunned.

This Ippin is really a disgrace.

He Jia Yusheng is also for his sake and good intentions. He actually has the face to install the batch!

The key was not only Li Tianyu, but also four girls.

There are words, indeed, that are not enough for the outside world.

Since Aiping was proud of himself and said he didn't mind, Jia Yusheng didn't want to remind him anymore.

Jia Yusheng did not speak immediately, but sat down.

It is worth mentioning that this room belongs to the big bag in the hotel, the round table can seat more than a dozen people, so now even if it seats eight people, it is not crowded at all.

Li Tianyu gestured to Aiping.

Alpine and Li Tianyu have already had a great deal of understanding. "President Jia, if you have anything to say, please hurry up. After something comes up, we won't be able to talk anymore. ”

"Jia Yusheng was stunned. 'Don't mind talking,' he asked.

Ai Ping: "Yes, my boss and I came to dinner. Now that we're hungry, you can't delay us from eating, right?"

Jia Yusheng realized that he had come. This Aiping is a fool. Read the book

Jia Yusheng did not care. Anyway, there was a time when Aiping cried.

Then Jia Yusheng shouted to the back: "Old Lu, come in. ”

Aiping was stunned: "Old Lu? Which old Lui?"

"Jia Niu smiled." Don't worry, Aiping. You won't know until he comes in!

You don't have to come in. Aiping knows who it is.

As expected, Lu Tiechuan, the boss of Iron Man Security, came in.

As soon as this strong man entered the scene, the air pressure at the scene suddenly dropped several degrees, scaring the four beautiful women enough, don't move, even dare not speak out of the atmosphere.

Why is it so coincidental?

Why is Lutie Circle here?

In fact, this is not Jia Yusheng, or Lu Tie Huan deliberately saved up the game.

Indeed, it was a coincidence that Lu Tiechuan had asked Jia Yusheng to eat, just to approve the reclamation of the sea in East Helix Bay.

Lu Tiehuan not only told Jia Yusheng the matter, but even showed Jia Yusheng the original of the approval document for reclamation.

Lu Tiehuan is certainly not afraid of Jia Shengsheng's robbery.

Jia Yusheng is really one of the leaders of Nankai Province's big enterprise Nanjiao Group, the chairman and president of the board of directors. What kind of trouble would he do?

So Jia Weisheng looked at it, and silently filled the priceless East Helicopter Bay approval document, and gave it to Lu Tiehuan.

Before his victory, Shinja had already received information from other sources. Aiping lost his approval to reclaim the sea, but he did not expect to be taken by Lu Tie Wan.

Of course, Lu Tie Huan will not say that he found someone to use beauty to get it. Just like Aiping said in the beginning, the beautiful woman named Lisabel sold him Lu Tie Huan.

Does Ja have a winning letter?

Of course not.

But Jia Yusheng would certainly not dig into the bottom or say breakthrough.

After all, after all, there are things that need not be stated, and it is enough to understand each other's hearts.

Lu Tiehuan also figured it out. Since he couldn't change what he wanted from Aiping, he just had to play cards directly with Jia Sheng. The profit might be even greater.

Lu Tie Huan and Jia Yusheng just ordered the dishes and opened their mouths. As they were about to drink, they heard a familiar voice coming from the bulkhead.

Needless to say, Aiping must have sent it.

Since Aiping was present, Naja Yusheng and Lu Tiechuan negotiated with him to join forces.

After all, Iowa Real Estate is a “rival" to both of their businesses.

No, this is where Jia Niu appeared first, and Jia had a scene of victory and repression.

Jia Yusheng smiled. "President Ai, what a coincidence. I just heard President Lu mention you. ”

Aiping glanced at Lu Tie Huan, the latter smiled contemptuously and obviously had no good intentions.

Aiping: "What did you mention about me?" Don't go around the gate, you farts! If you have something to say, let it go!


Li Tianyu was still drinking tea. As soon as he heard Aiping's cold joke, he almost sprayed it on the table.

Li Tianyu: "You have no culture, you have to talk quickly, you have to fart quickly. ”

Aiping: "Boss, don't expose me, it's all the same!"

At this point, Lu Tiehuan and Jia Yusheng whispered.

They also looked at Li Tianyu from time to time.

Obviously, Lu Tiechuan is introducing Li Tianyu to Jia Yusheng, what an evil man.

Jia Yusheng did not care after listening.

This man named Li Tianyu is also a young man.

As the saying goes, Ginger is still old and spicy.

Jia Yusheng scolded Fengyun for decades. He had seen many such self-righteous, complacent young people, all strong and dry, tender.

This Li Tianyu looks calm, and Lu Tiechuan has suffered losses on him, but Jia Yusheng still doesn't care.

Tie must be Lu Tie Wan too careless.

Of course, Jia Yusheng's attitude is also more modest, but he is more confident.

After all, there is still a big gap between Iron Man Security and the South Pillar Group.

"At this point Jia Yusheng said," President Ai, have you obtained the approval for reclamation of the East Helicopter Bay? "

Aiping eyebrows: "Yes, what's wrong? Are you all right?"

Lu Tiehuan was stunned and then smiled again: "President Ai is joking. I'm all here. Can you hide the loss of the landfill approval?"

Aiping spread his arms: "What did I hide? I already have the approval for reclamation!"

"Jia Niu stood up and shouted loudly:" Aiping, you still have a hard mouth! "

Aiping “cut”, revealed a lazy explanation.

Jia Yusheng froze.

Although Iowa Real Estate does have a huge fortune, it is Aiping's attitude that is still unpleasant.

If it were to be the right to Ipoh, it could be said.

At this time, Lu Tiechuan smiled and said: "President Ai, since you said that you have the approval for reclamation, what is this one?"

Lu Tiehuan put a document bag on the table.

As you can see, that is the document bag with the East Helicopter Bay reclamation authorization.

Lu Tiehuan, this is going to show off cards, play Aiping's face on the scene.

Aiping smiled: "Lu Tiehuan, I told you that your approval for reclamation has been invalidated. I have the valid approval for reclamation in my hand. ”

Lu Tiehuan was stunned and couldn't help but shout: "What, what!? What are you talking about?"

Aiping: "I'm telling the truth, believe it or not. ”

Lu Tie Wan is speechless.

He was sure that Aiping was bluffing and full of nonsense.

But what's the point of doing this?

No more fakes, no more fakes.

If Lu Tiechuan gives Jia Yusheng the approval for reclamation of the eastern helicopter bay, then Aiping, no, Ihua Real Estate Group will suffer a huge loss.

Three words to describe, it's a big loss!

Even big businesses like Edward Real Estate are enough to hurt the bones.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Jia wins enough to benefit Lu Tie Huan.

Although Jia Yusheng obtained the approval for reclamation of the sea, it was impossible to use him for the record of the Southern pillar group, but he could go to the relevant departments to make articles.

After all, it would be quite a mistake to lose such an important national approval for reclamation, or even a foolish mistake to say the least.

Relevant departments will inevitably reissue the approval for reclamation.

This time, the South Pillar Group is likely to win the bid.

Again, Aiping's state of mind and expression did not seem to be fake.

Son of a bitch, it's a pretty good show!

Lu Tiehuan smiled coldly and his expression was quite frightening.

Lu Tiechuan speculated that it was probably the idea given to him by the guy named Li Tianyu, to let him die without admitting it, he could drag it.

Lu Tiechuan decided to give Li Tianyu and Ai Ping a good lesson, so that they both know what the heavens and the earth are.

Lu Tiehuan said lightly: "President Jia, I just invited Counselor Zhao today. I think the time has come. I'll call him directly. ”

Jia Yusheng nodded his head knowing what Lu Tiechuan was going to do.

Lu Tiehuan did not care whether Aiping agreed or disagreed. He directly picked up the phone and dialed a number.

It is also the mobile number of the so-called “Zhao Lawyer”.

It's logical that Zhao should be driving at this time, but Lu Tiechuan can't pay attention to all these things.

“Hey, Counselor Zhao, are you almost there?"

“It's downstairs. Oh, that's quick. Go straight to the world room on the second floor. President Jia and I are both here. ”

“Okay, we'll wait for you. ”

Lu Tiehuan hung up the phone and looked at Aiping with a smile. He looked at Li Tianyu again.

That expression is quite arrogant, like saying, you're about to finish playing!

Li Tianyu hasn't spoken since the beginning, it's like watching a play.

Lu Tiehuan: "This reclamation approval should only be checked by Zhao Lawyer to know whether it is true or false. ”

Aiping “oh” out, no words.

Li Tianyu suddenly said: "President Lu, I want to remind you. ”

Lu Tie Circle eyebrows: "What?"

Li Tianyu: "President Ai didn't just say that your approval to reclaim the sea is fake, it's just saying that it is invalid. ”

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