Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 591: What the Boss Says is Truth

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! Lu Tiechuan was stunned and immediately smiled: "What is it that doesn't invalidate? You think it's so simple to invalidate the approval document?"

Li Tianyu shrugged his shoulders, saying that you didn't believe me, and I couldn't help it.

His Shilu Iron Circle is also correct.

The reclamation project in East Helicopter Bay is a big project at the national level. Once the reclamation approval comes, it indicates that the upper board is basically nailed, and rarely changes.

Who would have thought that Aiping would have lost such an important thing before it was filed?

Fortunately, Li Tianyu is the host of the bragging tax system, otherwise this time it really can't save Aiping.

At this point, the atmosphere in the private room is a little weird.

Jia Yusheng's father and Lu Tie Huan looked at each other, but Li Tianyu and Ai Ping were all irrelevant.

The four beautiful women were still tense and overwhelmed.

A moment later, a man pushed the door and walked in.

This is the so-called lawyer Zhao.

Lawyer Zhao's name is Zhao Zhuo, which can be said to be the more famous lawyer in the South China Sea. Especially, he is very familiar with the economic projects of the country.

In other words, Zhao Zhuzhuo can indeed distinguish between the authenticity and authenticity of the reclamation approval.

As for whether the authorization had been invalidated, it would only take a little time, and he could still find out.

Lu Tiehuan invited Zhao Zheqiao over, which was also convenient for him to make a "deal" with Jia Yusheng.

When Zhao Zhuo saw Aiping, he couldn't help but be stunned.

As a prominent lawyer active in the circle of millionaires in Nanhai City, Zhao Zhuo is no stranger to Aiping.

It is for this reason that Zhao Zhuo Zhuo saw something strange.

It makes sense that these people shouldn't be eating together at a dinner table.

However, Zhao Zhuo is quite professional, and he won't ask more about such things. After all, these people are all head-face people. Any one person who brings them out can kill Zhao Zhuo.

Before meeting with Zhao Zhuo Zhuo, Lu Tiehuan has roughly told Zhao Zhuo Zhuo about the situation, making him aware of it.

However, Zhao Zhuwei also found that the atmosphere on the wine table was not very good, and it seemed like something important was about to happen.

At this time, the door opened again. This time, the waiter brought up the good things of Eppie.

Aiping never meant to let Jia Sheng's father and son enjoy it with Lu Tiechuan and others. He directly greeted Li Tianyu and the four beautiful women. They should eat and drink.

Although the four beauties were a little uncomfortable, they also moved their chopsticks better than sitting still and ate them.

Li Tianyu is a bit more self-releasing, completely ignoring several uninvited guests, talking to Aiping and eating a big dolphin meal.

Li Tianyu: "Don't tell me, this puffer sashimi is really quite fresh. What is this called? By the way, the entrance is ready. ”

Aiping: "Boss, I'll tell you, you won't be disappointed. ”

Li Tianyu shouted "Hmm” and took a sip of beer.

This is a local raw beer from the South China Sea. It tastes delicate, sweet and icy, and delicious.

Li Tianyu: "This trip is not missing. ”

Ai Ping: "This trip is not over. ”

Li Tianyu also greeted Zhou Xiaojing and Liu Shaowen very kindly.

The highest-ranking dolphin dinner, which is not always available.

This meal is expensive, and if there are any suitable ingredients, it is worth mentioning.

The two beauties were really upset at the beginning, but the food was in their mouth, and they gradually let go.

However, the girls occasionally look at the elders, worried that they suddenly get angry, after all, the current situation is quite weird.

Six people ate, and four others watched.

Jia Yusheng and Lu Tie Wan were really embarrassed there.

This Aiping is too rude and rude.

It's the same thing if they don't eat, but they have to say a few words, right?

Aiping is simply not playing cards according to common sense.

If I didn't say anything else, even if I was here, I wouldn't just leave them cold.

After all, Jia Yusheng and Lu Tiechuan are not nobody's pawns, but adults.

They can't say anything.

They didn't invite themselves and didn't say hello in advance. Naturally, no one else is obliged to say hello to them.

Jia Niu was younger and lighter, his eyes were sparking, and he stared at Aiping with his life.

But Aiping didn't look at him at all.

Jia Niu: "Aiping, are you embarrassed?"

Aiping: "Why am I embarrassed?" I've already told you all about it. What the hell are you talking about? It won't be long before the food comes up. If you don't listen, are you hurt? "

Jia Niu shouted.

This Aiping looks stupid, his lips are quite straightforward, and Jia Niu can't get any better from him.

At this point, Jia Yusheng said to Lu Tiechuan: "Since Ei doesn't mind checking the approval for reclamation here, let's start soliciting. ”

Lu Tiehuan snorted coldly: "Yes, Counselor Zhao, this is the approval document for reclamation. Please take a look. ”

Lu Tiechuan handed the document bag to Zhao Zhuwei.

Zhao Zhuoxiang was stunned: "Yes, is it the approval for reclamation of East Helix Bay?"

Zhao Zhuo also glanced at Aiping.

But Aiping seemed to have not heard of it, still dealing with the puppet assassins in front of him, with the Japanese and national wasabi batch (mustard) hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Tiehuan: "Yes, look, this is not true. ”

Originally, Lu Tie Wan was quite straightforward and strong, but now his heart is a little shaken.

Mainly, Aiping behaved too confidently and said things as if they were from the heart.

However, according to normal logic, the reclamation approval obtained by Lu Tiehuan cannot be fake, let alone obsolete.

How can a reclamation permit be so easy to void?

The departments concerned may take a long time to discuss and deliberate before it is possible to change such a major engineering project.

Thinking about this, Lu Tie Wan is sort of re-calibrating his mind.

At this time, Lu Tiechuan couldn't help but glance at Li Tianyu and feel that this person could not see through.

What an evil door.

He's just a young man. Why does Lu Tiechuan think he's facing an insurmountable mountain?

After thinking about it for half a day, Lu Tiechuan still thought it might be during the day that he had a big loss at Li Tianyu's place, so he thought a little too much.

Jia Yusheng: "Counselor Zhao, it doesn't matter. If you have any questions, just let me know. President Ai won't mind. ”

Speaking of this, Jia Yusheng also glanced at Aiping and said profoundly: "As he said just now, there are no outsiders here. He doesn't mind letting anyone know about any problems.” Second Chinese Website

Zhao Zhuozheng has no real concern. He is taking people's money and eliminating disasters for people. He can do whatever he wants.

So Zhao Zhuwei opened the document bag and carefully took out the document inside.

He then found a tablecloth, wiped the table in front of him and laid the documents flat on the table.

This document is, of course, the approval for reclamation of the East Helicopter Bay.

The atmosphere at the scene subsided with a heavy sense of tension.

Almost everyone's gaze was on Zhao Zhuo's side, including the four beautiful women.

They are all students of Nanhai City's famous university. Of course, their intelligence is not low. Knowing that the so-called reclamation approval is definitely an important thing, at least judging from the literal sense, it is closely related to such major projects as reclamation.

It also seems to have something to do with Aiping and the Iowa Real Estate Group.

It is indeed a great event!

Now even Aiping, who was still quite depressed just now, dropped the chopsticks in his hand, ignored the wiping of his mouth and stared straight at the approval document for reclamation on the table.

Although Aiping believed in Li Tianyu and determined that Lu Tiechuan's approval for reclamation was false, he still had doubts.

After all, caring is chaotic.

What Li Tianyu did was simply impossible for ordinary people.

Except for Li Tianyu, whoever he is, he will not have a bottom in his heart.

At this table, I'm afraid only Li Tianyu is calm as usual. He still focuses most of his energy on dolphin sashimi, dolphin fries, and dolphin soup. He just occasionally observes the emotions and looks of the disliked people.

Zhao Zhuo looked very carefully and spent several minutes.

Then he picked up the reclamation document and lit the lamp, seemingly looking at the paper and the dark prints on it.

After a few minutes, Zhao Zhuo Zhuo put the reclamation approval on the table again.

Everyone realizes that Zhao Zhuzhuo is finally appraised.

Lu Tiehuan couldn't help but ask: "How is it?"

Zhao Zheqiang nodded and smiled: "President Lu, President Jia, there is no problem with this approval for reclamation. ”

Lu Tie Circle revealed a relieved look, finally relieved.

It is a lie to say that he is not tense, and he is afraid of what problems will arise in the middle.

Fortunately, the reclamation authorization for the East Helicopter Bay is true.

Jia Yusheng also nodded, and all the remaining doubts about Lu Tiehuan disappeared.

I just want this East Helicopter Bay reclamation authorization to be true. Everything is easy to say.

After Shi Lu Tie Huan told Jia Yusheng about this matter, Jia Yusheng's heart had a rough plan.

At this point, Jia Yusheng looked at Ai Ping: "President Ai, Counselor Zhao is very senior. He knows all kinds of government approvals very well. You can't say that he is opening a river in the mouth, right?"

Ai Ping's a momentary slogan.

Jia Niuhaha laughed: "Aiping, how is your mouth blocked? Isn't that nice?" I swear to God, this is a fake. Let me see what you're saying!

Aiping looked at Li Tianyu, Li Tianyu said nothing.

Failure to do so means that Ai Ping is free to play.

After listening to Zhao's excellent appraisal conclusions, Aiping's heart was suddenly stunned, and HOLD could hardly resist.

Fortunately, in the presence of Li Tianyu, Aiping still has some backbone.

Therefore, Aiping said: "Didn't the boss just say that your share is fake? ”

Lu Tiechuan was stunned and looked at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu just threw a piece of puppet sashimi into his mouth and whispered: "It's so thin, how could this master cut it so thin?"

Lu Tiehuan was angry: "You're just saying that I have this one in my hand."

Aiping: "Yes. ”

Lu Tiehuan massively patted the table and made a loud noise, scaring the four beautiful women present.

Lu Tie Wan is a strong man. With the exception of his eyes, he is all muscles. He is not playing with fire.

Then, Jia Yusheng and Jia Niu's father stared coldly at the attitude of waiting for a good show.

Jia Yusheng had long noticed that Li Tianyu was not really an ordinary person. He didn't say what his actual abilities were. He looked surprised. It was very rare for such a young man.

No wonder Lu Tiechuan pays special attention to this person.

But then again, the kid is bluffing, the ape is acting, so it's just calm.

At this point, Jia Yusheng said to Ai Ping: "President Ai, you must have a basis for saying this. If you say that the approval in President Lu's hand is false, then you can barely say it, but it is certainly impossible to say it is invalid. ”

Jia Yusheng spoke calmly and gently.

Those who do not know must think that Jia Yusheng is a good man.

And if any man knows Jia Yusheng, knowing this is a complete illusion.

Jia Yusheng is a werewolf, more than 10,000 times more wolf than Lu Tie Circle, causing him, like causing Sha Xing.

Unless he is more powerful and wealthy than Tajia Yusheng, he will certainly have trouble eating and sleeping.

Ai Ping, no, Ai Ping's father Ai Baoquan belongs to the kind of people who are richer and more powerful than Jia Yusheng, so Ai Ping is certainly not afraid of Jia Yusheng, let alone the South pillar group.

Aiping: "How is that impossible? Anything is possible with my boss. ”

Jia Yusheng smiled: "Your boss? Is that him?"

Jia Yusheng looked at Li Tianyu.

Aiping: "Yes. ”

"Jia Yusheng:" Then I don't understand. Could it be that your boss told you about the invalidation of Mr Lu's approval? "

Aiping eyebrows: "Yes, what's the problem?"

Jia Yusheng: "The problem is no, I just think that your boss is not very reliable. ”

Ai Ping was angry and was about to pat the table, but he glanced at Li Tianyu's gesture to “calm down” him.

Alpine is now more familiar with current affairs and knows that it is really not a good time to go mad.

Li Tianyu took over and finally said: "President Jia, the East Helicopter Bay reclamation approval in General Manager Lu's hand has indeed been revoked. ”

Lu Tiehuan snorted coldly: "Bullshit again!"

"Jia Niu:" I'm telling you, this mouth of yours is amazing. This batch of texts, if you say no, is it really no longer valid? "

Li Tianyu: "No, I said that scrapping is scrapping, it is indeed scrapping. The approval I got from Iowa Real Estate before was lost because of some illegal activities, so I had to apply to the relevant department for a new one, and the previous one was naturally scrapped. ”

When they heard it, they looked at each other.

Li Tianyu's divine tone is not impatient, calm and relaxed, and the clouds are light. It's like a celebrity doing a talk show.

If you don't listen to the content, you will surely feel that Li Tianyu is right and trustworthy.

However, what Li Tianyu said was truly incredible to these skilled people.

Lu Tiehuan filmed the approval for reclamation on the table: "What do you think this is? If you want to scrap it, you can scrap it. If you want to change it, you can change it."

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