You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! When these people left, Aiping grabbed the East Helicopter Bay landing authorization on the table.

Aiping looked and looked, looked sideways, looked vertically, looking straight, looking backwards.

Aiping said to Li Tianyu, "Boss, is this really a waste?"

Li Tianyu frowned.


Aiping immediately tore off the landfill authorization.

All four beautiful women looked stunned.

How much did Aiping listen to Li Tianyu?

Originally, these girls were all the same as Liu Shaowen. I thought that Li Tianyu was the most important customer representative of Iowa Real Estate Group. Iping only invited her a little.

But everything that just happened shocked the girls. I didn't think Aiping wasn't talking to Li Tianyu. It was really unusual.

Aiping also shouted “boss" to Li Tianyu, and he did seem to obey Li Tianyu.

Although I don't know what this Li Tianyu really is, his status may be higher than that of Aiping.

This can be seen from Li Tianyu's attitude towards Jia Yusheng and Lu Tiechuan.

Li Tianyu was also a little annoyed.

Aiping was so hard to put back his blood, he invited him to a high-end wild dolphin meal, but he was interrupted for a while by several unexpected visitors.

Besides, these people are still famous in the South China Sea. Jia Yusheng and Lu Tie Huan are the elders. Jia Yusheng is a little bigger and Lu Tie Huan is only a little smaller.

Two underground snakes climbed together to strip small dragons like Aiping alive.

Of course, the results are good.

Ground snakes are properly packed.

As Alpine initially thought, just because Li Tianyu is here, there seems to be no unsolvable problem.

Alpine was already very impressed with Li Tianyu, and now he is even more impressed.

Aiping: "Boss, eat harder, eat more. ”

Li Tianyu Le: "You're quite generous today, don't say you don't have any money at the end of the checkout!"

Aiping waved his hand: "How is that possible? It's not like I spent money. ”

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Who paid for it? Can't I spend it?"

Aiping: "The company spends money. ”

Li Tianyu smiled: "That's your old Ai family's money, it's your father's money. ”

Li Tianyu could not be entirely right.

Iowa Real Estate Group is indeed in charge of Iowa Real Estate, but there are also a number of large shareholders and investors behind it.

The money spent was all of them.

Four beautiful women have finally returned to normal and the atmosphere has become very harmonious.

Originally, several of their female college students said at the beginning that they would not drink alcohol, but now they do not know what kind of psychological changes have occurred. They actually drank a drink at the instigation of Aiping.

After drinking the first cup, there is a second cup, a third cup, a fourth cup...

Among them, Xiaojing drank the most, after all, this little girl is the most lively.

Unexpectedly, the first two high-end dolphin meals have been wiped out by six people.

Li Tianyu patted the table and made a “snap” sound: "Ai XiaoEr. ”

Aihei: "Yes!"

Li Tianyu: "That's not enough. One more, no, two more!"

Alpine is now very obedient, and the waiter is invited to light it up.

Zhou Xiaojing and Liu Shaowen glanced at each other.

Even if they met some rich people once in a while, they were rarely as generous as this.

You know, the level of consumption in Nanhai is ranked high in the whole country, even higher than the level of consumption in first-tier cities like Didu and Magic Dou.

And now it's a premium dolphin package, one for tens of thousands of soft sister coins.

That's two more, and this meal together could get close to 50,000 soft coins.

Such an expense is incredible to the average person.

But then again, what kind of person is Aiping? The top rich second generation in China, tens of thousands of soft sister coins for dinner, it is nothing to him, it is not exaggerated.

Only Li Tianyu knows that Aiping is not the same as the average rich second generation and is extremely poor.

Now that Aiping is in charge of the Nanhai branch, he is very good.

Although the “first half" experience of this meal is not very good, the “second half" feeling is very good.

Li Tianyu also enjoyed this feeling quite a bit, with a variety of scents in his nose.

Looking at Aiping's side, it's quite dishonest from time to time.

Two men and four women have been eating and drinking until late.

When everyone was about to leave, Li Tianyu realized that it was already 11: 30 and it was almost the next morning.

Crane hasn't drunk yet, said silently: "We should go back! Otherwise, the school entrance will not go in!"

Aiping waved his hand: "What's the hurry? Today I invite you to stay at the liquor store!"

The four beautiful women were stunned.

Kokuran: "A liquor store? Which liquor store?"

"Liu Xiaowen smiled. 'President Ai, isn't it the Iowa International Pub?"

Ladies and gentlemen, Iowa Real Estate Group has many pubs and resorts in Nanhai City, many of which are high-end pubs.

The nearest liquor store is Iowa International.

Aiping is now drinking beauty, little face... no, it's a big face, it's rude, it doesn't matter anything, big hands wave: "Yes, go to the Iowa International Wine Shop, that's my home! Pick any room!"

The beauty listened and her eyes were bright.

Iowa International is a luxury five-star liquor store. In a tourist city like Nanhai City, the usual room price will kill more than 5,000 soft sister coins.

In other words, staying one night for nothing is equivalent to making thousands of dollars.

And Aiping also said that if you choose a room, can you stay in a more upscale room?

Wang Xuebi is more honest: "President Ai, isn't this good? Otherwise we'd better go back. ”

Aiping waved his hand: "What's wrong with this? Besides, we still have projects to go back to the liquor store. Sing, swim and bowl!"

Now a few beautiful college students are in a playful age and their eyes are bright again.

I had no idea it was already early in the morning, how could I still play?

But since Aiping is so insistent, the beauties certainly won't give up anymore.

Anyway, Aiping is a fighter jet in the rich second generation, inviting people to dinner, staying in a liquor store, naturally not talking.

So many people have been drinking, how can we go back to the liquor store?

Aiping is also more proud, I don't know who called the taxi.

A few moments later, a medium-sized bus, Toyota Court, arrived.

Li Tianyu was stunned.

This is so exaggerated.

Estimate this is a welcome car for Iowa International.

Don't look at this Toyota coaster. It's flat from the outside. Everyone is shocked and screaming.

Turns out the interior and layout of this car are all custom-made and totally luxury grade design.

Instead of two rows of seats brushed together, there are large sofas and card holders that resemble private airplanes.

A large screen was also lowered in front to watch TV and other entertainment activities.

This is definitely presidential treatment anyway.

Four beautiful women, of course, are curious about riding in a car like this for the first time. Grave Theft Fiction Network

Where is Li Tianyu? He is also a man who has flown on a private plane. Naturally, he is much more calm.

Zhou Xiaojing drank a lot and had a slight feeling. Instead, he talked more. He kept pulling Li Tianyu to chat and asked about things.

As mentioned earlier, the hotel is not far from the Iowa International Wine Shop, about 20 minutes by car.

Even if this Toyota coaster is slower, it won't take more than 30 minutes to arrive.

Everyone got out of the car, and Aiping went to the front desk manager and arranged the girls' rooms directly.

It's worth mentioning, the rooms are all on the high floor, very close to Li Tianyu.

Close to Li Tianyu, that is close to Aiping, they all live in the highest presidential suite.

Everyone gathered in the bar of the pub to continue drinking, despite the enthusiasm.

It is worth mentioning that the bar is open 24 hours a day.

For Li Tianyu, drinking this kind of wine is more powerful than drinking boiled water. The boiled water is still in panic. I don't feel a bit like drinking wine.

Speaking of which, Li Tianyu still feels tired.

Today, the boat truck Lawton flew out for a few hours. Although it was first class, driving to the airport, passing the security check, boarding and getting off the plane was also quite labour-intensive.

Therefore, Li Tianyu told the others that he wanted to go back to bed.

Zhou Xiaojing was a nagging man, holding a liquor cup in one hand, and holding Li Tianyu's arm in the other hand, not letting him go.

Zhou Xiaojing: "It's not over yet, what are you sleeping in?!" I don't look very old. How can I look like an old man? "

Li Tianyu smiled haha: "Then what else do you want to talk about? Didn't I just say a lot?"

Zhou Xiaojing: "There are other things to talk about!"

Li Tianyu: "Why don't you go to my room and talk?"

Zhou Xiaojing “cut” said: "Isn't that the sheep entering the tiger mouth?"

Li Tianyu: "My place is the presidential suite. Don't you want to visit?"

Zhou Xiaojing's eyes were bright, and the presidential suite was indeed very unusual. To say that she was not curious, she was absolutely right and wrong.

Zhou Xiaojing: "In that case, I can barely go for a tour. ”

So Zhou Xiaojing followed Li Tianyu upstairs by elevator to visit Li Tianyu's presidential suite.

There's wine in the presidential suite, and it's all good.

Zhou Xiaojing had an amazingly good amount of alcohol and was even more excited to see good wine.

Li Tianyu also enjoyed drinking with Zhou Xiaojing.

So Zhou Xiaojing sipped it and visited Li Tianyu, a super luxurious presidential suite.

The house is big enough and very expensive.

Zhou Xiaojing especially likes the semi-open large terrace outside.

Of course, there is the King size bed, which is soft, hard and moderate, and extremely luxurious.

The visit lasted until the next morning.

This also disrupted Li Tianyu's rest plan.

However, Li Tianyu was very pregnant and didn't plan this with a beautiful woman. I'll get some sleep later anyway.

Unfortunately, Li Tianyu almost lay down and was woken up by another bang on the door.

Listening to the sound of the door smashing, it was Epine who was outside the door.

Li Tianyu has an impulse to kill Aiping.

Open the door. Before Li Tianyu got mad, Eppin rushed into the house.

Li Tianyu sighed. This man was really energetic. He played so late yesterday. He kicked and jumped so early today. It was a demon.

You know that Li Tianyu has been rebuilt by bragging about the tax system, and can still be tired like this. Although Aiping has not traveled a long way to Nanhai City through Emperor Dou, he has not been idle for a day!

I don't know if Ai Ping is too strong or Li Tianyu was too weak before.

Li Tianyu: "What are you doing here again?" Why don't you do something for yourself? "

Alpine took out a bottle of beverage from the head box and sat at the small bar: "What's the business?" I've invited you, boss, and that's what this is all about!

Li Tianyu pointed to Aiping's nose: "Thanks to you, my eyes are still red!"

Aiping smiled: "Boss, this can't hurt. Who let you converge yesterday?"

Li Tianyu “cut” and said: "Have you converged?"

Alpine touched Fatty's face: "I'm used to it. ”

Li Tianyu spoke Chinese.

It's really a dude, it's really a habit.

And Alpine did perfectly inherit his father's wonderful genes in that regard.

In three words, that's it, really strong!

At this point, even Li Tianyu had to go down the wind.

At least for the time being.

Li Tianyu: "I said, what are you doing here so early? Say it. ”

Aiping hey hey smile, took an envelope-like thing out of his pocket and handed it to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu looked down.

The envelope is black, cool.

But there's nothing written on the envelope, there's no pattern, it's so clean.

I don't know what kind of paper the envelope is made of and it feels very comfortable.

Li Tianyu touched it with his hand, and there was something like a card in it.

Li Tianyu: "What is this?"

Aiping mysteriously said: "Absolutely, it is a good thing, you can see it by tearing it open. ”

Li Tianyu didn't think much either, and just ripped the envelope open and took out the card-like stuff from inside.

The card is also all-black.

It is similar in size to a credit card, bank card, or a variety of government cards.

It's pretty vegan up there, nothing.

Li Tianyu: "What the hell do I know? What the hell is this? If you don't tell me, I'll throw it away!"

Aiping hurriedly stood up to stop Li Tianyu: "No, no, no, you know how hard it is to get such a picture? It's worth a fortune!"

Li Tianyu said "oh” and threw it out as a dart.

Aiping hastily said: "Oh, this is the ticket for the sea and heaven banquet!"

Li Tianyu: "Tickets? A feast in the sea?"

Aiping: "Yes, there is this thing to let you in. ”

Li Tianyu understood that this is really a good thing.

Li Tianyu: "But there's nothing up there. How did the ticket inspector know it was real or fake?"

Aiping: "Boss, you can brush your brain, you can't even brush your fake!"

Li Tianyu was angry and was about to go up and smoke Aiping.

Aiping flashed quite quickly, running, and said: "Only half a month left, you need to nourish the animals!"

Li Tianyu “cut” a sound, revealing the irrelevant color, but deep in his heart.

Aiping: "Boss, go, have breakfast!"

Li Tianyu: "Fuck your calf, I'm going to bed, you better get out of here!"

Ippin knew that it wasn't easy to stay here for long, so he opened the door and ran.

It's finally time to go to sleep.

Who knows, Li Tianyu just lay down and the phone bell rang again.

Who the fuck is that?

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