Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 594: The Horse Does Not Stop Hooting, Can't Gasp

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! Li Tianyu was going to be angry. He picked up his phone and looked at it. His anger dissipated in half.

So Lu Hui called.

Lu Hui was not the one who called Li Tianyu when he was free.

When he called, he probably had something to discuss with Li Tianyu, and it should be very important.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer key.

Li Tianyu greeted him with a powerless “ahh”.

Lu Hui was shocked: "Boss, are you sick?"

Li Tianyu: "You're the one who's sick!" President Lu, what can I do for you? "

Lu Hui: "Boss, good news, the chip production line of the silicon wafer has been installed!"

You can hear Lu Hui's voice with a strong sense of excitement.

Li Tianyu was very pleased.

Lu Hui is indeed a man who can do important things.

Before, Li Tianyu said that Lu Hui was quite opposed to entering the chip production industry.

After all, the chip industry, especially high-end chip generation processing and manufacturing, has exceeded the expectations of ordinary people.

If only everyone in the technology circle knew that the chip industry is not just about burning money.

Do LCD panels burn money?

Of course I burned the money!

But compared to chip making, it's a little witch to see the big witch, don't be too cheap!

But Lu Hui didn't want to do it, it was a fake.

If there is any domestic industry that is not yet mature, it is the chip industry.

After all, the threshold is too high. Only the HUAWEI family in China is at the top, but it is still dedicated to R&D and cannot be produced.

There is, of course, a central-core international, which can rank internationally, but it is only 28 nanometers away from the most advanced seven nanometers or even five nanometers.

And due to technical constraints, China Core International

It can be said that in China, high-end chip manufacturing and vitality are simply blank, and there is no outstanding related enterprise in the world.

If Optical Blue Electronics or Jiaxin Technology can establish a relatively advanced chip production line, who can achieve the same level of chip production technology as China Core International can quickly make a name in the industry.

This is much better than simply acting as a substitute for low- and mid-range technology products.

Even optical blue electrons can make mid- and high-end screen panels, even the black technology of foldable flexible screens is mature, but compared to high-end chip manufacturing, it is also less ignitable.

After the chip production line is installed, Lu Hui should be the most excited.

Especially the machine models Li Tianyu gets, the scale of technology is the world's top, some are not even available at all.

Light engraving machines, for example, although producing brands and origins makes a group of people lose their minds, at least the technical standards on paper seem to be a bit higher than Asmaq lighting machines in windmill country Neeland, and the limit can reach a nanometer level.

Even if the actual results are greatly discounted, the performance is much worse than that of Asme's photoengraving machine, but with good luck, it may be able to handle 14 nanometers.

What is the concept of 14 nanometers?

Enterprise stacking and Samsung electrons are now manufactured on the two most advanced chips, and only seven nanometers of mass production of technology has been reached.

Taiwan Electricity is better, and now mass production of five nanometers has begun.

But the technology level of 14 nanometers is still not obsolete. If the quantity rate reaches a certain level, the order will fly like a snowflake.

Especially HUAWEI, 14 nm chip proxy is in very high demand!

Li Tianyu: "What is the current situation? Tell me specifically. ”

Lu Hui roughly told Li Tianyu about the current situation.

The production line was installed very quickly and smoothly.

The manufacturer also followed the technicians, sharing dozens, a hundred people.

Only a few technicians can ensure overall installation, operation training and simple machine commissioning, and the rest is out of the question.

Lu Hui: "The machine is installed and the production line is connected, but the commissioning of the overall production line has not been carried out, so it is unlikely that it will be put into operation. ”

Li Tianyu knew what Lu Hui meant and was simply lacking professional technicians.

On some level, chip talent is just as difficult as chip equipment.

There are too few people in this area and they are too eager.

Lu Hui: "Boss, our personnel recruitment is going to follow up. Look at the current trend in the industry. Chip manufacturing is a fan outlet, a big fan outlet. ”

Lu Hui is indeed studying the related matters of chip manufacturing during this period, the more excited the research becomes.

After all, Li Tianyu brought this whole set of equipment, not to mention ordinary manufacturers. Even the top domestic factories like Chungxi International can't handle it at all.

With such a condition, it would be double the effort.

Lu Hui once again reminded: "Boss, everything is ready now, we only owe Dongfeng!"

Listening to Lu Hui's tone, he was more anxious than Li Tianyu.

The line is, boss, I want people, I want people, hurry up!

Li Tianyu: "All right, I know. I'll talk to President Xia later. ”

Lu Hui: "Yes, I've thought of this too. Hasn't Xia made a bet with your boss? He must have lost!"

Li Tianyu smiled and couldn't help but be modest.

President Xia, of course, means Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said that if Li Tianyu installed the production line made by the chip, he could arrange a chip research and development team for Li Tianyu.

Of course, the chip production line must be more advanced.

President Xia Lei can't say that the chip production line in the Optical Blue Electronics factory is a village version, right?

Li Tianyu talked to Lu Hui about something else and wanted to stack the phone.

Then Lu Hui couldn't help but say, "Boss, can you ask me a question?"

Li Tianyu: "Ask. ”

Lu Hui: "How much did you spend on the production line of this silicon wafer chip?"

Li Tianyu was stunned.

What does that tell him?

You can't say it cost $1 or $2 million to get it, can you?

Then Lu Hui must have thought that Li Tianyu was crazy.

Anyone in the tech circle would know that these devices are not worth a billion soft coins.

So, Li Tianyu struck a haha: "What? Lu must share it with me?"

Lu Hui was frightened and said: "Boss, you can't buy a screw from the machine even if you sell me. ”

Li Tianyu smiled haha: "President Lu looked down on himself, at least he could buy a screw. ”

The two joked for a while, and Lu Hui went busy. When he hung up the phone, Lu Hui also "told” Tianyu Li: "Boss, stay tight. If we can really get the chip production line up and running, it's really a flying day!" novel 3800

Li Tianyu hung up and couldn't sleep.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and felt that Lu Hui had a point.

Now that the silicon wafer chip production line has been installed, it can't be put in too long.

As Lu Hui said, chip manufacturing now belongs to the oversized vent, and can attract a lot of investment at will.

Although Li Tianyu does not need to pull investment, it is okay to pull a large number of orders.

Chips are manufactured domestically in a blank area and there is little competition, so the order price is basically the daily price.

On the other hand, in terms of hardware, these expensive equipment can take too long and certainly have a lot of wear and tear.

Li Tianyu thought about going and picked up his phone again and dialed a person's phone number.

Of course, this mobile number belongs to Xia Lei.

However, Xia Lei hasn't answered the phone for more than ten seconds.

It is estimated that Xia Lei is busy now. After all, he is the big boss of the investment enterprise. The schedule must be full.

Li Tianyu did not fight again, but waited quietly.

A moment later, Li Tianyu's cell phone bell rang again.

Li Tianyu glanced at the call and said that it was Xia Lei who called.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer key and Xia Leixiang laughed.

Xia Lei: "Brother Li, I'm sorry, we were in a meeting just now, but I didn't hear the phone ring. ”

Li Tianyu smiled haha: "It doesn't matter, Summer is always a busy person, I understand that. ”

Xia Lei: "It's been a long time. I've been meaning to ask you out for dinner these days, but I never thought you'd call me first. ”

Li Tianyu said interestingly: "President Xia, it must be me who asked you out for dinner. If you asked me out, it would indicate that I was too irregular. ”

Xia Lei smiled again and looked in a good mood. She looked very close to Li Tianyu.

But merchants like this, investors, performers are quite talented, and they lose when they believe.

Having said that again, Xia Lei must still attach more importance to Li Tianyu. Otherwise, a big guy like him would never return a young man's call.

And based on the time estimate, Xia Lei was absolutely right to see the call returned at the first time when it didn't pick up.

From the partner's point of view, Xia Lei should be at least one who is more reliable and able to do business.

Although the importance Xia Lei attaches to Li Tianyu may come from the support of Ai Baoquan, Li Tianyu himself does have this kind of valued potential.

Li Tianyu: "Xia Lei, did you remember what you said to me at dinner last time?"

Xia Lei didn't react for a while: "What are you talking about?"

Li Tianyu exclaimed: "Have you forgotten our agreement?"

Referring to the “agreement", Xia Lei remembered this and said: "How can I forget? No. ”

Suddenly, Xia Lei thought of something: "Brother Li, is the chip production line really eye-catching?"

Li Tianyu: "President Xia, it's not eye-catching. I've already set up the silicon wafer chip production line. ”

Xia Lei was silent for a while.

This is normal. Li Tianyu's words are too shocking. Xia Lei must digest them.

Xia Lei: "Brother Li, are you kidding me? How long has it been?"

At least 50 percent of the machinery and equipment required for chip production lines, whether high or low grade, needs to be imported from the outside.

In just a few months, we can get the chip production line up. It does sound like it's a nightmare.

Li Tianyu smiled: "President Xia, I've been preparing this chip production line for a long time. When I met you, it was almost done. ”

What Li Tianyu said was indeed reasonable.

But what Xia Lei thought and what she felt was wrong.

When Li Tianyu first told him about Xia Lei, it seemed that that might not be what he said.

In fact, at first, Li Tianyu did only say that he intended to enter the chip industry, but he did not say that he had been ready for a long time.

After so many days, Xia Lei may not remember much.

This is not the key. The key is that Li Tianyu told Xia Lei that the chip production line has been completed.

This is a big deal in itself!

Xia Leik is the owner of a famous investment company in Didu.

So many, the technology companies that Xia Lei contacted cannot say that there are 1,000, and certainly there are 800.

Neither science and technology research and development enterprises nor technology manufacturing enterprises have the ability to build chip production lines.

In fact, they dare not even think about it.

Li Tianyu was fine. It was as simple as going to the vegetable market yesterday, picking up some leeks and onions, picking up at most another piece of high-priced pork, and returning with a meat-filled dumpling.

Xia Lei couldn't help but confirm: "Brother Li, don't joke with me, I'm serious. ”

Li Tianyu: "President Xia, don't worry, what kind of person are you, the big guy? Can I make such a joke with the big guy?"

Xia Lei believed Li Tianyu and immediately said, "Brother Li, when will we meet?"

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Look at your arrangement, I'm still south..."

Before Li Tianyu finished speaking, Xia Lei interrupted: "Brother Li, let's meet tomorrow, we'll meet tomorrow. ”

Li Tianyu was stunned and wanted to meet him. Do you need such urgency? I'm not going to fuck with you.

But Xia Lei said very resolutely: "Brother Li, my schedule is really full lately. The day after tomorrow, I will be traveling abroad. I won't be able to return to China until half a month later. Tomorrow, we'd better arrange it. ”

Xia Lei said so. Li Tianyu couldn't help but respond.

Li Tianyu: "Well, that line, President Xia, I'll fly back tomorrow and meet you first. ”

Li Tianyu couldn't help but sigh in his heart and regretted calling Xia Lei in such a hurry.

What happened to this period of time? I don't even have the credit for breathing.

Li Tianyu has flown to the South China Sea. He still has to fly back immediately to talk to people about his work.

But this matter has to be solved.

Anyway, it will take some time for the yacht to open. Li Tianyu's stay in the South China Sea is not realistic.

At this point, Xia Lei said again: "By the way, Brother Li, can you stop by tomorrow to visit your chip production line?"

This requirement makes sense.

The sight is true and the ear is false.

Xia Lei knew that Li Tianyu couldn't fool him, but he still had to look at it before he could be completely relieved.

This is an investor's most basic caution.

Li Tianyu: "President Xia, of course there is no problem. Why don't we meet tomorrow at the Optical Blue Electronics factory area. ”

Xia Leihe smiled: "Of course this is the best way to do it. Then I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow. ”

Li Tianyu: "President Xia, it's easy to say. ”

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