Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 595: This Boss Is So Mysterious

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! The next day, Li Tianyu said goodbye to Aiping and was ready to fly to Empire.

Aiping was certainly quite surprised and kept asking why.

Li Tianyu had to say that he was going to talk business, so he managed to get out.

Before leaving, Li Tianyu also saw Qi Ming Na who had accompanied him before.

Qi Minna was also very surprised at Li Tianyu's sudden return to the Emperor, plus curiosity, but didn't ask much.

Li Tianyu: "How long will you stay in the South China Sea?"

Zimina: "We're on a longer business trip, about half a month. ”

Li Tianyu Le: "That line, wait till I come back for a drink. ”

Qi Mingna was stunned: "Are you coming back?"

Li Tianyu: "The weather in the South China Sea is so warm, of course it's time to come back. ”

Zimina was right to think about it.

It's already autumn with the Emperor and the weather is very cold.

In a few days, the whole city will be heated, and snow will be possible.

Many northerners come to the South China Sea for winter when the weather cools down.

Especially a well-paid master like Li Tianyu, who doesn't have to work every day, is naturally more likely to come on vacation.

Ziminna is a high-EQ woman, smiling and responding: "Well, let's have a few drinks then. ”

Therefore, Li Tianyu, under the personal escort of Aiping, arrived at Nanhai International Airport and flew back to Didu by flight for more than four hours.

Of course, Li Tianyu is also in first class.

Nevertheless, Li Tianyu felt a little tired.

Although Li Tianyu did not become a farmer, let alone do any farm work underground, this fatigue should be more severe.

Fortunately, the system is not raw. It teaches Li Tianyu's physical quality to be very powerful and can hold on.

Li Tianyu went out earlier, so he arrived earlier in the Imperial Capital, and got off the plane just before 10 o'clock.

Li Tianyu had already informed Lu Hui in advance and asked him to find a car to pick him up.

What made Li Tianyu unexpected was that Lu Hui actually sent two people to pick him up, and neither of them knew Li Tianyu.

They are a man and a woman, both quite young.

The man's name is Takae Castle.

The woman's name is Yuan Xinya.

It is worth mentioning that Yuan Xinya is also pretty good-looking.

This is also normal. Yuan Xinya was recruited by Lu Huixin to do assistant work. Of course, she must look good.

Male leader, if you work with ugly women all day, that would be unbearable.

As for Gaojiang City, also a recent graduate, is a new recruit to the General Manager's office.

Because Takae City drives well and is a good driver for the time being.

In short, whether it's Optical Blue Electronics or Jiaxin Technology, there are many employees on board every day, or just office workers. If you count manufacturing workers, you can't count them at all.

As soon as Li Tianyu got off the plane, he got a call from Yuan Xinya saying he was waiting for him at the airport.

Come on.

Gaojiang City also held a piece of paper with three large characters written on it - Li Tianyu.

Lu Hui did not tell the two newcomers Li Tianyu's true identity.

And Lu Hui told them that he must be respectful of them. He can't be rude. He is an important boss.

One is worried they can't hold on.

Second, Li Tianyu requires that his identity be kept as confidential as possible, and not widely disclosed.

Why should Li Tianyu keep secrets?

There are also two reasons. The first is to be afraid of trouble. He doesn't want to be pointed at immediately.

Secondly, that is convenient to install.

As if Emperor Jiangnan Weiwei had private visits in ancient times, every time there was a different harvest, why not do it?

At this time, Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City waited a little bored, and they talked together.

Takae Castle: "Xinya, who do you think this Mr. Li is?"

Yuan Xinya shook his head: "I don't know. Most of them are important customers. Otherwise, they wouldn't arrange for us to pick them up. ”

Gaojiang City: "No, if it's an important customer, then President Lu must pick it up personally. Let's pick it up. The explanation is not important enough. ”

Yuan Xinya: "Don't say that, isn't President Lu busy now? I don't see him on the floor now. ”

Gaojiang City: "That's right, I can't take it anymore. By the way, how old is Mr. Li?"

Yuan Xinya glanced at Gaojiang Castle: "I don't know, I can't hear the voice, I think I'm in my 30s. ”

Gaojiang City: "I guess I'm in my 40s. I can make President Lu pay such attention. It can't be too young. ”

Yuan Xinya: "Nonsense, President Lu is quite young. ”

The two discussed it for half a day and didn't come up with a plan.

At this point, a young man appeared in front of Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City.

Of course, this young man is Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "Hello, I am Li Tianyu. ”

Li Tianyu reported to his family and directly shocked Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City.

They didn't expect to meet someone so young.

Takae Castle: "Are you really Li Tian... is that right, Mr. Li?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Come on, where's the car? ”

Although I don't know who Li Tianyu is, Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City are not afraid of any negligence.

One after the other, they took Li Tianyu to the temporary parking lot for picking up the airport.

In front of Gaojiang City, Yuan Xinya walked beside Li Tianyu.

Although they had a strong curiosity about Li Tianyu, they also endured not having much to say, just talking to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu playfully said: "Comrade Lu is quite capable of picking people, you beautiful little girls. ”

Yuan Xinya smiled and said nothing.

Gaojiang City looked back at Li Tianyu and felt that this person was both frivolous and rude.

This Mr. Li looked at Wen Zhibin, but he didn't expect the quality to be very good.

And he also called Lu Huilu “Comrade Xiaolu".

It's almost like Mr. Lu's leader. Bull wholesale!

I don't know what kind of adult Li Tianyu is. Why does Lu always take him so seriously?

Two more men were sent to pick him up. Interesting novels

Is he a relative of President Lu or something?

No matter how much you mutter, President Lu always has to finish the quality assurance.

Dedu Daxing Airport is not far from Dongzhou City Development Zone, and the journey is just over forty minutes.

Plus, Li Tianyu is really tired and has been nourishing his eyes, so he has nothing to say all the way, and it's just around the corner.

As soon as the car entered the optical blue electronic gate, Li Tianyu was stunned.

How long has it been since this happened? The plant area has all changed.

Previously, the feeling here was bald. Although Li Tianyu bought it and made it simple flat and decorated, it was also rougher due to the rush of time.

Now it's another sight.

There are many green plants and bonsai landscapes on both sides of the road, green grass, flowers, and the fight is amazing.

Right in front of the gate, the original large flower bed was also renovated, almost enlarged by two laps, the outermost layer is a circular pool, inside there is koi swimming, depending on the taste, should belong to the very high-end kind.

The pool is also fitted with a sprinkler head, which sprinkles intermittently in the middle, creating a feeling similar to that of a square sprinkler pool.

Not far away, Li Tianyu saw a small fitness square and installed a variety of fitness equipment.

And those fitness devices aren't the kind of rough things that can be seen everywhere on the street, they're all pretty exquisite and have a lot of power.

Li Tianyu got out of the car and looked around. There were several other places where some workers were working, and he didn't know what was being built.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "You're doing well in this park. ”

Gao Jiangcheng's expression was quite arrogant: "Of course, there is not only a factory area of optical blue electronics on our side, but Jiaxin Technology is also refurbishing it, it is better than this!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Gaojiang Castle. It seems that these young people have a high sense of belonging to Tianyu Group.

This is a good phenomenon, and only companies that are steaming up will have such a phenomenon.

It is worth mentioning that the Tianyu Group has been established, so whether it is Jiaxin Technology or Optical Blue Electronics, plus two bars and Tianyu Haoting Pub in Tibei Water Town, these industries belong to the Tianyu Group.

Of course, Tianyu Group has just been set up to use the office building of Jiaxin Technology as a temporary office space, and will still move to the high-end office building in Didu.

After all, the front is the most important thing.

At this point, a person walks by from a distance.

Li Tianyu Le, isn't that Lu Hui?

Lu Hui is now wearing a suit leather shoe, and he also specially made his hair, becoming a cool and bright big back.

When Lu Hui came closer, Li Tianyu laughed haha: "Yes, President Lu, you're about to become a street boss. You're really overbearing. ”

Lu Hui responded with embarrassment: "Boss, don't bury me. It was designed by the designer for me. I can't steal it myself. ”

Lu Hui belongs to the male science and engineering category and is certainly not good at dressing up.

However, Lu Hui's identity is different now. The bosses of two medium-sized manufacturing enterprises not only frequently have to meet with big bosses from all over the country to talk about business, but occasionally they also have to interview various online and offline media. It's not enough to pay no attention to the image.

However, Li Tianyu and Lu Hui seemed to be having some fun, but Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City were stunned.

What, what!?

What did President Lu say!?

Boss, boss!

Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City were also afraid to make a sound and couldn't help but glance at each other.

Although Lu Hui will also call others "bosses" when he meets the boss, he will definitely hang his name on the front!

Boss Wang, Boss Zhao, Boss Peng and so on.

However, Lu Hui called the “boss", and the feeling was completely different.

In addition, Lu Huik is the boss of both companies, but the attitude he showed to Li Tianyu seems to be that of his subordinates and superiors, which makes people think of each other!

Li Tianyu: "Has President Xia arrived?"

Lu Hui: "President Xia hasn't arrived yet, but a few people arrived early. ”

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Arrived early? Who is it?"

Lu Hui: "It is also the person that President Xia invited, seems to be an expert in silicon wafer manufacturing. ”

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

Since it is a visit to the chip production line, then Xia Lei will definitely bring some people who really know how to do it, even people who are good at it, to serve as staff officers, to verify whether the chip production line can be played or not, or whether it can only be called a sample product.

After all, this aspect of professionalism is very strong. Just looking at the surface of production line machinery and equipment, lay people can't really see why.

Li Tianyu: "Where did you put them in that line?"

Lu Hui: "Just in the meeting room, would you like to go see him first?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Okay, let's go. ”

Therefore, Li Tianyu and Lu Hui walked towards the office building, leaving Yuan Xinya and Gaojiang City stupidly in place.

Takae Castle: "Xinya, Xinya, what was President Lu's name with Mr. Li just now?"

Yuan Xinya: "I called twice, both called the boss. ”

Takae Castle: "Could it be President Lu's mouth?"

Yuan Xinya: "No, I don't know, but it's what they just said, it's like... it's like Mr. Li is really the boss. ”

Yuan Xinya suddenly remembered something: "I remember that Brother Hao told me before that our group has a big boss, seems quite young. ”

Takae Castle: "I think I've heard of it, but this is the one who won't say it?"

Yuan Xinya, although not sure, felt that the eight achievements were.

Looking back, Li Tianyu's temperament and temperament are quite extraordinary. He really looks like the owner of a big enterprise.

It's just because Li Tianyu is too young, so it's incredible to hear.

However, Gaojiang City and Yuan Xinya did not discuss it here for too long. Since Lu Hui did not say not to let them go together, then follow them closely.

Just the right amount of insight.

Especially Li Tianyu. If he is the boss, it is too curious.

Is such a young man the rich second generation of some cattle batch?

Meanwhile, Li Tianyu and Lu Hui entered the office building and arrived at the door of the meeting room on the first floor.

Li Tianyu did not come to this meeting room once. The last time he met with the HUAWEI delegation, he also chose it here.

There are two advantages here, one is on the first floor, which is more convenient, the other is more spacious, and there is no problem for 30 or 40 people to sit.

Lu Hui pushed the door and walked in. Li Tianyu followed.

Li Tianyu witnessed it. There were five people sitting inside. They were all men, basically around the age of 30.

Of the four, three were wearing glasses, apparently belonging to intellectuals or technocrat males.

Lu Hui pointed to Li Tianyu and said: "Several people, this is our boss of Optical Blue Electronics, President Li Tianyu. ”

Four people listened and were apparently very shocked.

I didn't expect such a big business, the boss would be so young.

However, Li Tianyu shook the hands of the four of them in turn, expressing his welcome and friendship, while also touching the “bottom line” of the four.

As expected by Li Tianyu, these four people came from a team that specializes in chip development and manufacture.

They are all technologically advanced characters. Xia Lei invited them. Of course, they used their fire eyes, Jin Qing, to identify Li Tianyu's silicon wafer chip production line.

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