Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 596: Xia Qingqing is Here Again

You can find the latest chapters in Baidu by searching for "Shen Hao starts with bragging about taxes ("! After shaking hands, Lu Hui began introducing the four technicians to Li Tianyu.

Shi Lu Hui didn't know them either. He just remembered their names when we met.

“President Li, this is Jiao Dagong. ”

“This is Liu Xingshan. ”

“This is Hu Shaoming. ”

“This is the Wei dynasty. ”

Honestly, Li Tianyu is a little speechless.

Lu Hui was right, but it didn't have much use. It's not as clear as Li Tianyu knew.

Four people are from the same chip technology R&D team, but the team is subdivided into two groups, which is equivalent to the relationship between group A and group B.

The group leader of Group A is Jiao Dagong, and the group leader of Group B is Wei Dynasty.

Jiao Dagong is bigger than Wei Dynasty in terms of seniority and age.

In other words, Jiao Dagong is an old brand and Wei Dynasty belongs to the later show.

As for the technique of the two of them, it is difficult to say clearly, but there is no doubt that the Wei Dynasty is younger and has more potential.

Anyway, Jiao Dagong and Wei Dynasty are the backbone of this chip technology team.

Li Tianyu also weighed the two men and made a rough judgment about them in combination with the personal information he had obtained from shaking hands with them.

The technical abilities of the two are similar, but in terms of nature, Jiao Dagong needs to be slippery, to be clear, it is already an old oil bar in the industry.

The Wei Dynasty is different. It is still more honest, innocent, and the pursuit of new technologies and hunger are stronger.

Everyone who has worked as a technical code farmer knows that a programmer needs to constantly learn new technical knowledge while working on a daily basis. Otherwise, it will be easy to be replaced by others who are younger and better because of their technical backwardness.

This is cruel, but it is also the most direct reaction to superiority and inferiority.

This is also normal, as the saying goes, the waves after the Yangtze River push forward, and the waves die on the beach.

Although the R&D personnel of Xinsheng Technology and the programmer code farmers do not have the same job content, they are similar in nature and belong to the industry where technology changes quite rapidly.

Simply contrasting the two, the Wei Dynasty belongs to the kind of excellent technical house that will replace the companions, but not easily replaced by the young companions.

Wei Dynasty was able to sit on the team leader of Group B, and indeed by his true ability, he climbed up one footprint at a time.

As to why they accepted Xia Lei's invitation, checking together Li Tianyu's so-called chip production line was more complicated.

Everyone in the industry knows that when it comes to chips, whether it's technology research and development or manufacturing, it's a pure money burning project.

And it burns much faster than the rest of the tech industry.

For example, HUAWEI, which has the best chip research and development capabilities in China, has a year's chip technology research and development costs of more than a billion dollars, or even billions of merican dollars, which is definitely not possible.

This brings with it the problem that it is not easy to research and develop for several years, burn dozens, even tens of billions of dollars after the funds, if there is no “results”, whether it be a chip R&D and manufacturing enterprise or an investor, will become very anxious, the probability of the final foetus will be very high.

Of course, the exception is those big companies that aim to lead by technology and have vision. For example, such as HUAWEI, they make quite a profit every year, no matter how much money they burn, they have to get the chips.

Returning to the main topic, the company where Wei Dynasty and Jiao Dagong are located is also a unicorn enterprise with considerable cowhide hides in China, which is the kind of enterprise that easily finances several rounds, and can easily get billions and billions of dollars, the purpose is to make some achievements, and then put on the market.

These businesses focus on short-term benefits.

Within a short period of time, large sums of money are spent recruiting top technical talent and teams from all over the country and even around the world for chip development and production.

Now looking at the chip is a bottomless hole, throwing money into it is faster than throwing money into the fire, and you can't see any extraordinary achievements, so such projects are easy to be cut off by enterprises.

And this regiment faces the fate of being cut off.

Although there has been no company-wide announcement or downsizing, the project has actually been halted.

Anyone can see that, in less than a month, they will definitely have to sell the chip tech team or simply lay off staff.

After all, the personnel of the chip technology team are all extremely well-paid people in China, and ordinary technicians are required to earn at least 1 million soft coins per year.

Anyway, for businesses that want to make quick money, such a team is a huge burden and must “get rid of it and quickly"!

And Xia Lei, as an investor, of course, has contacted many such teams. This one led by Wei Dynasty and Jiao Dagong is the best and the rarest.

Speaking of which, Xia Lei is also a talented person and has always wanted to find a home for this chip technology team. However, there are fewer companies doing chip technology research and development in China. The establishment of large factory teams like HUAWEI and China Core International has long matured.

Xia Lei searched for a while, but she couldn't take over.

Later, just in time for Li Tianyu and Xia Lei to talk about wanting to enter the chip industry, Xia Lei made a small agreement with Li Tianyu with the attitude of trying.

Of course, Xia Lei is just casually saying that he knows how deep the water in the chip industry is, how much capital is needed and how difficult it is.

Although Li Tianyu was indeed a bit evil, he could not reach the opposite of heaven. He could really get the chip production line out.

Who knew that it was only a few days later, Li Tianyu and Xia Lei played cards. It really made him feel surprised.

Due to recent changes in the international environment, Xia Lei, who has always been keen on the investment market, concluded that chip manufacturing is a major vent industry in the future. Dazzling Literature Network

In other words, Xia Lei is interested in investing in chip technology enterprises.

Of course, if you want to invest, you have to invest the best. Such enterprises are not very few in China, they are very few.

Xia Lei has been in the business and investment world for many years. She knows that Li Tianyu is young, but he is a more reliable person. Otherwise, Ai Ping would not have liked him so much.

The key is that Li Tianyu has brought out the foldable flexible panel of the world's most cow batch.

This made Xia Lei even more impressed.

That's why Xia Lei brought in the chip technology team led by Wei Chao and Jiao Dagong.

On the one hand, we can determine whether the chip production line built by Li Tianyu is reliable or not. It is not a more advanced thing.

On the other hand, if Li Tianyu is more reliable, it would be perfect for the backbone of this team to chat with Li Tianyu. Of course, it would be best to have the opportunity to cooperate.

At this time, Li Tianyu could also guess Xia Lei's preparation, so he was still very kind and enthusiastic.

Having reached such a position as Li Tianyu, making money is already a matter of making money. The key is still the need for talent.

For Li Tianyu, talent is the most scarce resource.

At the same time, of course, the four technical houses are also looking at Li Tianyu.

Of course, their thinking is different. Take Wei Dynasty and Jiao Dagong as examples. Jiao Dagong has some disagreement with Li Tianyu.

Jiao Dagong was quite disappointed. He thought that the owner of Optical Blue Electronics was an entrepreneur of cattle batches, but he was a little kid with no hair.

There is only one possibility that such a large enterprise can be set up at such a young age. It is the rich second generation, who has nothing but money, and who invests in whatever he sees.

It is impossible for such a person to understand what chip technology and how advanced the production line can be?

Jiao Dagong estimated that Li Tianyu was a second-hand chip production line acquired from a broken industry.

Jiao Dagong revealed a contemptuous smile, such broken machinery and equipment, no matter how much effort it took to renovate, it would appear to be filled at a glance.

They can be experts, not in terms of how old or new the equipment is, but in terms of the machine itself.

Compared to Jiao Dagong, the Wei Dynasty was somewhat uncertain about Li Tianyu.

Although Li Tianyu is a little younger, his temperament is quite extraordinary, and his status is obviously very high.

And before the Wei Dynasty, he also carefully did “homework" and investigated the optical blue electronics business.

If you don't know about the investigation, it startles you.

Optical Blue Electronics is now a well-known industry in screen panel manufacturing circles, especially foldable flexible screens, which have reached the highest level in the world.

Optical Blue Electronics has even become HUAWEI's S-Class supplier due to its foldable screen technology for cattle batches.

At whatever level is S-Class, it is a parts supplier with cutting-edge technology.

Fighters in the cow batch.

To be the boss of such a cow batch of enterprises, that certainly can't be said to be luck, it is absolutely necessary to have strength.

However, the Wei Dynasty was also clear that compared to the screen panel, the technology development of the chip was much more difficult, and it was completely incomparable between the two industries.

Li Tianyu's ability to make superior screen panels does not mean that he can definitely fix the chip manufacturing line.

Anyway, the Wei Dynasty was only watching Li Tianyu carefully, so keep an opinion.

Li Tianyu talked to the four of them casually for a while, but of course he would not talk about any expertise.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's phone rang.

He pulled out his phone and found out that Xia Lei had called.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer key and said with a smile: "President Xia, are you not coming?"

Xia Lei: "How is that possible? I've already entered the park gate. ”

Li Tianyu quickly stood up and looked out the window.

It was a little far away, but Li Tianyu's current vision was also very good, and he saw a black Dajiang slowly enter the parking lot.

Li Tianyu and Lu Hui went out to pick him up.

Xia Lei had a little better comparison, but the line of travel was not big, just brought a driver.

Besides, I brought my daughter with me.

Yes, of course, Xia Lei's daughter is Xia Qingqing.

Li Tianyu couldn't help but be stunned to see Xia Qingqing. Why should he bring his family to talk about business?

Just to think about it, of course a beautiful woman is welcome to come.

Had it not been for the presence of Xia Qingqing's father, Li Tianyu would have given Xia Qingqing a warm welcome hug.

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